BACnet Auto-Configuration

Included with the platform are two scripts for finding and configuring BACnet devices. These scripts are located in scripts/bacnet. will scan the network for devices. creates a CSV file for the BACnet driver that can be used as a starting point for creating your own register configuration.

Both scripts are configured with the file BACpypes.ini.

Configuring the Utilities

While running both scripts create a temporary virtual BACnet device using the bacpypes library. The virtual device must be configured properly in order to work. This configuration is stored in scripts/bacnet/BACpypes.ini and will be read automatically when the utility is run.


The only value that (usually) needs to be changed is the address field.


This is the address bound to the port on the machine you are running the script from, NOT A TARGET DEVICE

This value should be set to the IP address of the network interface used to communicate with the remote device. If there is more than one network interface you must use the address of the interface connected to the network that can reach the device.

In Linux you can usually get the addresses bound to all interfaces by running ifconfig from the command line.

If a different outgoing port other than the default 47808 must be used, it can be specified as part of the address in the form:


In some cases, the netmask of the network will be needed for proper configuration. This can be done following this format:


where <NETMASK> is the netmask length. The most common value is 24. See

In some cases, you may also need to specify a different device ID by changing the value of objectIdentifier so the virtual BACnet device does not conflict with any devices on the network. objectIdentifier defaults to 599.

Sample BACpypes.ini

objectName: Betelgeuse
objectIdentifier: 599
maxApduLengthAccepted: 1024
segmentationSupported: segmentedBoth
vendorIdentifier: 15

Scanning for BACnet Devices

If the addresses for BACnet devices are unknown they can be discovered using the utility.

To run the utility simply execute the following command:


and expect output similar to this:

Device Address        = <Address>
Device Id             = 699
maxAPDULengthAccepted = 1024
segmentationSupported = segmentedBoth
vendorID              = 15

Device Address        = <RemoteStation 1002:11>
Device Id             = 540011
maxAPDULengthAccepted = 480
segmentationSupported = segmentedBoth
vendorID              = 5

Reading Output

The address where the device can be reached is listed on the Device Address line. The BACnet device ID is listed on the Device Id line. The remaining lines are informational and not needed to configure the BACnet driver.

For the first example, the IP address can be used to reach the device. The second device is behind a BACnet router and can be reached at 1002:11. See BACnet router addressing.

BACNet Scan Options

  • --address ADDRESS: Send the WhoIs request only to a specific address. Useful as a way to ping devices on a network that blocks broadcast traffic.

  • --range LOW/HIGH: Specify the device ID range for the results. Useful for filtering.

  • --timeout SECONDS: Specify how long to wait for responses to the original broadcast. This defaults to 5 which should be sufficient for most networks.

  • --csv-out CSV_OUT: Write the discovered devices to a CSV file. This can be used as inout for See Scraping Multiple Devices.

Automatically Generating a BACnet Registry Configuration File

A CSV registry configuration file for the BACnet driver can be generated with the script.


This configuration will need to be edited before it can be used!

The utility is invoked with the command:

python <device id>

This will query the device with the matching device ID for configuration information and print the resulting CSV file to the console.

In order to save the configuration to a file use the --registry-out-file option to specify the output file name.

Optionally the --address option can be used to specify the address of the target. In some cases, this is needed to help establish a route to the device.

Output and Assumptions

  • Attempts at determining if a point is writable proved too unreliable. Therefore all points are considered to be read-only in the output.

  • The only property for which a point is setup for an object is presentValue.

  • By default, the Volttron Point Name is set to the value of the name property of the BACnet object on the device. In most cases this name is vague. No attempt is made at choosing a better name. A duplicate of Volttron Point Name column called Reference Point Name is created to so that once Volttron Point Name is changed a reference remains to the actual BACnet device object name.

  • Meta data from the objects on the device is used to attempt to put useful info in the Units, Unit Details, and Notes columns. Information such as the range of valid values, defaults, the resolution or sensor input, and enumeration or state names are scraped from the device.

With a few exceptions “Units” is pulled from the object’s “units” property and given the name used by the bacpypes library to describe it. If a value in the Units column takes the form


then the device is using a nonstandard value for the units on that object.

Scraping Multiple Devices

The script will use the CSV output of to automatically run on every device listed in the CSV file.

The output is put in two directories. devices/ contains basic driver configurations for the scrapped devices. registry_configs/ contains the registry file generated by makes no assumptions about device names or topics, however the output is appropriate for the script.

Grab Multiple Configs Options

  • --out-directory OUT_DIRECTORY Specify the output directory.

  • --use-proxy Use to gather configuration data.

  • --proxy-id When using -use-proxy, supply proxy-id with the VIP identity of a BACnet proxy agent. This is useful for deployments with multiple BACnet proxies, such as on segmented networks, or in deployments communicating with multiple BACnet networks.

BACnet Proxy Alternative Scripts

Both and have alternative versions called and respectively. These versions require that the VOLTTRON platform is running and BACnet Proxy agent is running. Both of these agents use the same command line arguments as their independent counterparts.


These versions of the BACnet scripts are intended as a proof of concept and have not been optimized for performance. takes about 10 times longer to grab a configuration than

Problems and Debugging

  • Both and creates a virtual device that open up a port for communication with devices. If the BACnet Proxy is running on the VOLTTRON platform it will cause both of these scripts to fail at startup. Stopping the BACnet Proxy will resolve the problem.

  • Typically the utility should run quickly and finish in 30 seconds or less. In our testing, we have never seen a successful scrape take more than 15 seconds on a very slow device with many points. Many devices will scrape in less than 3 seconds.

  • If the utility has not finished after about 60 seconds it is probably having trouble communicating with the device and should be stopped. Rerunning with debug output can help diagnose the problem.

To output debug messages to the console add the --debug switch to the end of the command line arguments.

python <device ID> --out-file test.csv --debug

On a successful run you will see output similar to this:

DEBUG:<u>main</u>:    - args: Namespace(address='', buggers=False, debug=[], ini=<class 'bacpypes.consolelogging.ini'>, max_range_report=1e+20, out_file=<open file 'out.csv', mode 'wb' at 0x901b0d0>)
DEBUG:<u>main</u>.SynchronousApplication:<u>init</u> (< object at 0x901de6c>, '')
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:starting build
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:pduSource = <Address>
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:iAmDeviceIdentifier = ('device', 500)
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:maxAPDULengthAccepted = 1024
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:segmentationSupported = segmentedBoth
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:vendorID = 5
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:device_name = MS-NCE2560-0
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:description =
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:objectCount = 32
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:object name = Building/FCB.Local Application.Room Real Temp 2
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:  object type = analogInput
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:  object index = 3000274
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:  object units = degreesFahrenheit
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:  object units details = -50.00 to 250.00
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:  object notes = Resolution: 0.1
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:object name = Building/FCB.Local Application.Room Real Temp 1
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:  object type = analogInput
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:  object index = 3000275
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:  object units = degreesFahrenheit
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:  object units details = -50.00 to 250.00
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:  object notes = Resolution: 0.1
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:object name = Building/FCB.Local Application.OSA
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:  object type = analogInput
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:  object index = 3000276
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:  object units = degreesFahrenheit
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:  object units details = -50.00 to 250.00
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:  object notes = Resolution: 0.1

and will finish something like this:

DEBUG:<u>main</u>:object name = Building/FCB.Local Application.MOTOR1-C
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:  object type = binaryOutput
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:  object index = 3000263
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:  object units = Enum
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:  object units details = 0-1 (default 0)
DEBUG:<u>main</u>:  object notes = BinaryPV: 0=inactive, 1=active

Typically if the BACnet device is unreachable for any reason (wrong IP, network down/unreachable, wrong interface specified, device failure, etc) the scraper will stall at this message:

DEBUG:<u>main</u>:starting build

If you have not specified a valid interface in BACpypes.ini you will see the following error with a stack trace:

ERROR:<u>main</u>:an error has occurred: [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address
<Python stack trace cut>