Single Machine
The purpose of this demonstration is to show the process of setting up a simple VOLTTRON instance for use on a single machine.
The simple deployment example below considers only the ZeroMQ deployment scenario. For RabbitMQ deployments, read and perform the RabbitMQ installation steps from the platform installation instructions and configuration steps from VOLTTRON Config.
Install and Build VOLTTRON
First, install VOLTTRON:
For a quick reference for Ubuntu machines:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential libffi-dev python3-dev python3-venv openssl libssl-dev libevent-dev git
git clone
cd volttron
python3 --drivers --databases
For additional detail and more information on installing in other environments, please see the platform install section. See the bootstrap process docs for more information on its operation and available options.
Activate the Environment
After the build is complete, activate the VOLTTRON environment.
source env/bin/activate
The volttron-cfg or vcfg commands can be used to configure platform communication. For an example single machine deployment, most values can be left at their default values. The following is a simple case example of running vcfg:
(volttron) user@volttron-pc:~/volttron$ vcfg
Your VOLTTRON_HOME currently set to: /home/james/.volttron
Is this the volttron you are attempting to setup? [Y]:
What type of message bus (rmq/zmq)? [zmq]:
What is the vip address? [tcp://]:
What is the port for the vip address? [22916]:
Is this instance web enabled? [N]:
Will this instance be controlled by volttron central? [Y]: N
Would you like to install a platform historian? [N]:
Would you like to install a platform driver? [N]:
Would you like to install a listener agent? [N]:
Finished configuration!
You can now start the volttron instance.
If you need to change the instance configuration you can edit
the config file is at /home/james/.volttron/config
To learn more, read the volttron-config section of the Platform Features docs.
Steps below highlight manually installing some example agents. To skip manual install, supply y or Y for the
platform historian
, platform driver
and listener agent
installation options.
The most convenient way to start the platform is with the .start-volttron command (from the volttron root directory).
The output following the platform starting successfully will appear like this:
2020-10-27 11:34:33,593 () volttron.platform.agent.utils DEBUG: value from env None
2020-10-27 11:34:33,593 () volttron.platform.agent.utils DEBUG: value from config False
2020-10-27 11:34:35,656 () root DEBUG: Creating ZMQ Core
2020-10-27 11:34:35,672 () INFO: Initializing configuration store service.
2020-10-27 11:34:35,717 () root DEBUG: Creating ZMQ Core platform.auth
2020-10-27 11:34:35,728 () volttron.platform.auth INFO: loading auth file /home/james/.volttron/auth.json
2020-10-27 11:34:35,731 () volttron.platform.auth INFO: auth file /home/james/.volttron/auth.json loaded
2020-10-27 11:34:35,732 () volttron.platform.agent.utils INFO: Adding file watch for /home/james/.volttron/auth.json dirname=/home/james/.volttron, filename=auth.json
2020-10-27 11:34:35,734 () volttron.platform.agent.utils INFO: Added file watch for /home/james/.volttron/auth.json
2020-10-27 11:34:35,734 () volttron.platform.agent.utils INFO: Adding file watch for /home/james/.volttron/protected_topics.json dirname=/home/james/.volttron, filename=protected_topics.json
2020-10-27 11:34:35,736 () volttron.platform.agent.utils INFO: Added file watch for /home/james/.volttron/protected_topics.json
2020-10-27 11:34:35,737 () INFO: protected-topics loaded
2020-10-27 11:34:35,739 () INFO: Connected to platform: router: fc054c9f-aa37-4842-a618-6e70d53530f0 version: 1.0 identity:
2020-10-27 11:34:35,743 () INFO: Connected to platform: router: fc054c9f-aa37-4842-a618-6e70d53530f0 version: 1.0 identity: platform.auth
2020-10-27 11:34:35,746 () INFO: protected-topics loaded
2020-10-27 11:34:35,750 () DEBUG: Processing callbacks for affected files: {}
2020-10-27 11:34:35,879 () root DEBUG: Creating ZMQ Core control
2020-10-27 11:34:35,908 () root DEBUG: Creating ZMQ Core keydiscovery
2020-10-27 11:34:35,913 () root DEBUG: Creating ZMQ Core pubsub
2020-10-27 11:34:35,924 () volttron.platform.auth INFO: loading auth file /home/james/.volttron/auth.json
2020-10-27 11:34:38,010 () INFO: Connected to platform: router: fc054c9f-aa37-4842-a618-6e70d53530f0 version: 1.0 identity: control
2020-10-27 11:34:38,066 () INFO: Connected to platform: router: fc054c9f-aa37-4842-a618-6e70d53530f0 version: 1.0 identity: pubsub
2020-10-27 11:34:38,069 () INFO: Connected to platform: router: fc054c9f-aa37-4842-a618-6e70d53530f0 version: 1.0 identity: keydiscovery
2020-10-27 11:34:38,429 () volttron.platform.auth WARNING: Attempt 1 to get peerlist failed with exception 0.5 seconds
2020-10-27 11:34:38,430 () volttron.platform.auth WARNING: Get list of peers from subsystem directly
2020-10-27 11:34:38,433 () volttron.platform.auth INFO: auth file /home/james/.volttron/auth.json loaded
2020-10-27 11:34:38,434 () volttron.platform.auth INFO: loading auth file /home/james/.volttron/auth.json
2020-10-27 11:34:40,961 () volttron.platform.auth WARNING: Attempt 1 to get peerlist failed with exception 0.5 seconds
2020-10-27 11:34:40,961 () volttron.platform.auth WARNING: Get list of peers from subsystem directly
2020-10-27 11:34:40,969 () volttron.platform.auth INFO: auth file /home/james/.volttron/auth.json loaded
While running the platform with verbose logging enabled, the volttron.log file is useful for confirming successful platform operations or debugging. It is commonly recommended to open a new terminal window and run the following command to view the VOLTTRON logs as they are created:
tail -f volttron.log
Install Agents and Historian
Out of the box, VOLTTRON includes a number of agents which may be useful for single machine deployments:
historians - Historians automatically record a data from a number of topics published to the bus. For more information on the historian framework or one of the included concrete implementations, view the Historian Framework
Listener - This example agent can be useful for debugging drivers or other agents publishing to the bus. For more details please read Listener Agent
Platform Driver - The Platform Driver is responsible for managing device communication on a platform instance.
weather agents - weather agents can be used to collect weather data from sources like
The services/core, services/ops, and examples directories in the repository contain additional agents to use to fit individual use cases.
For a simple setup example, a Platform Driver, SQLite Historian, and Listener are installed using the following steps:
Create a configuration file for the Platform Driver and SQLite Historian (it is advised to create a configs directory in volttron root to keep configs for a deployment). For information on how to create configurations for these agents, view their docs:
For a simple example, the configurations can be copied as-is to the configs directory:
mkdir configs
cp services/core/PlatformDriverAgent/platform-driver.agent configs/
cp services/core/SQLHistorian/config.sqlite configs/
cp examples/ListenerAgent/config configs/listener.config
Use the script to install the agent on the platform:
python scripts/ -s services/core/SQLHistorian -c configs/config.sqlite --tag platform_historian
python scripts/ -s services/core/PlatformDriverAgent -c configs/platform-driver.agent --tag platform_driver
python scripts/ -s examples/ListenerAgent -c configs/listener.config --tag listener
The volttron.log file will contain logging indicating that the agent has installed successfully.
2020-10-27 11:42:08,882 () volttron.platform.auth INFO: AUTH: After authenticate user id: control.connection, b'c61dff8e-f362-4906-964f-63c32b99b6d5'
2020-10-27 11:42:08,882 () volttron.platform.auth INFO: authentication success: userid=b'c61dff8e-f362-4906-964f-63c32b99b6d5' domain='vip', address='localhost:1000:1000:3249', mechanism='CURVE', credentials=['ZrDvPG4JNLE26GoPUrTP22rV0PV8uGCnrXThrNFk_Ec'], user='control.connection'
2020-10-27 11:42:08,898 () volttron.platform.aip DEBUG: Using name template "listeneragent-3.3_{n}" to generate VIP ID
2020-10-27 11:42:08,899 () volttron.platform.aip INFO: Agent b3e7053c-28e8-414f-b685-8522eb230c7a setup to use VIP ID listeneragent-3.3_1
2020-10-27 11:42:08,899 () volttron.platform.agent.utils DEBUG: missing file /home/james/.volttron/agents/b3e7053c-28e8-414f-b685-8522eb230c7a/listeneragent-3.3/listeneragent-3.3.dist-info/keystore.json
2020-10-27 11:42:08,899 () volttron.platform.agent.utils INFO: creating file /home/james/.volttron/agents/b3e7053c-28e8-414f-b685-8522eb230c7a/listeneragent-3.3/listeneragent-3.3.dist-info/keystore.json
2020-10-27 11:42:08,899 () volttron.platform.keystore DEBUG: calling generate from keystore
2020-10-27 11:42:08,909 () volttron.platform.auth INFO: loading auth file /home/james/.volttron/auth.json
2020-10-27 11:42:11,415 () volttron.platform.auth WARNING: Attempt 1 to get peerlist failed with exception 0.5 seconds
2020-10-27 11:42:11,415 () volttron.platform.auth WARNING: Get list of peers from subsystem directly
2020-10-27 11:42:11,419 () volttron.platform.auth INFO: auth file /home/james/.volttron/auth.json loaded
Use the vctl status command to ensure that the agents have been successfully installed:
vctl status
(volttron)user@volttron-pc:~/volttron$ vctl status
8 listeneragent-3.2 listeneragent-3.2_1 listener
0 platform_driveragent-3.2 platform.driver platform_driver
3 sqlhistorianagent-3.7.0 platform.historian platform_historian
After installation, the STATUS and HEALTH columns of the vctl status command will be vacant, indicating that the agent is not running. The –start option can be added to the script arguments to automatically start agents after they have been installed.
Install a Fake Driver
The following are the simplest steps for installing a fake driver for example use. For more information on installing concrete drivers such as the BACnet or Modbus drivers, view their respective documentation in the Driver framework section.
This section will assume the user is currently in the volttron root directory and has created a configs directory, activated the Python virtual environment, and started the platform as noted above.
cp examples/configurations/drivers/fake.config configs/
cp examples/configurations/drivers/fake.csv configs/
vctl config store platform.driver devices/campus/building/fake configs/fake.config
vctl config store platform.driver fake.csv configs/fake.csv --csv
For more information on the fake driver, or the configurations used in the above example, view the docs
Testing the Deployment
To test that the configuration was successful, start an instance of VOLTTRON in the background:
This command must be run from the root VOLTTRON directory.
Having following the examples above, the platform should be ready for demonstrating the example deployment. Start the Listener, SQLite historian and Platform Driver.
vctl start --tag listener platform_historian platform_driver
The output should look similar to this:
(volttron)user@volttron-pc:~/volttron$ vctl status
8 listeneragent-3.2 listeneragent-3.2_1 listener running [2810] GOOD
0 platform_driveragent-3.2 platform.driver platform_driver running [2813] GOOD
3 sqlhistorianagent-3.7.0 platform.historian platform_historian running [2811] GOOD
The STATUS column indicates whether the agent is running. The HEALTH column indicates whether the current state of the agent is within intended parameters (if the Platform Driver is publishing, the platform historian has not been backlogged, etc.)
You can further verify that the agents are functioning correctly with tail -f volttron.log
2020-10-27 11:43:33,997 (listeneragent-3.3 3294) __main__ INFO: Peer: pubsub, Sender: listeneragent-3.3_1:, Bus: , Topic: heartbeat/listeneragent-3.3_1, Headers: {'TimeStamp': '2020-10-27T18:43:33.988561+00:00', 'min_compatible_version': '3.0', 'max_compatible_version': ''}, Message:
Platform Driver with Fake Driver:
2020-10-27 11:47:50,037 (listeneragent-3.3 3294) __main__ INFO: Peer: pubsub, Sender: platform.driver:, Bus: , Topic: devices/campus/building/fake/all, Headers: {'Date': '2020-10-27T18:47:50.005349+00:00', 'TimeStamp': '2020-10-27T18:47:50.005349+00:00', 'SynchronizedTimeStamp': '2020-10-27T18:47:50.000000+00:00', 'min_compatible_version': '3.0', 'max_compatible_version': ''}, Message:
[{'EKG': -0.8660254037844386,
'EKG_Cos': -0.8660254037844386,
'EKG_Sin': -0.8660254037844386,
'Heartbeat': True,
'OutsideAirTemperature1': 50.0,
'OutsideAirTemperature2': 50.0,
'OutsideAirTemperature3': 50.0,
'PowerState': 0,
'SampleBool1': True,
'SampleBool2': True,
'SampleBool3': True,
'SampleLong1': 50,
SQLite Historian:
2020-10-27 11:50:25,021 (platform_driveragent-4.0 3535) platform_driver.driver DEBUG: finish publishing: devices/campus/building/fake/all
2020-10-27 11:50:25,052 (sqlhistorianagent-3.7.0 3551) volttron.platform.dbutils.sqlitefuncts DEBUG: Managing store - timestamp limit: None GB size limit: None