Platform Driver Agent
The Platform Driver Agent manages all device communication. To communicate with devices you must setup and deploy the Platform Driver Agent. For more information on the Platform Driver Agent’s operations, read about the Platform Driver in the driver framework docs.
Configuring the Platform Driver
The Platform Driver requires a configuration file (described in brief below) to set global settings for all drivers. Once the user has copied the example or created their own config, the Platform Driver Agent is deployed with this command:
python scripts/ -s services/core/PlatformDriverAgent -c <platform driver config file>
VOLTTRON drivers operated by the platform driver may have additional requirements for installation. Required libraries:
BACnet driver - bacpypes
Modbus driver - pymodbus
Modbus_TK driver - modbus-tk
DNP3 and IEEE 2030.5 drivers - pydnp3
The easiest way to install the requirements for drivers included in the VOLTTRON repository is to use
(see platform installation for more detail)
python --drivers
Platform Driver Agent Configuration
The Platform Driver Agent configuration consists of general settings for all devices. Below is an example config from the repository:
"driver_scrape_interval": 0.05,
"publish_breadth_first_all": false,
"publish_depth_first": false,
"publish_breadth_first": false
The example platform driver configuration file above can be found in the VOLTTRON repository in services/core/PlatformDriverAgent/platform-driver.agent.
For information on configuring the Platform Driver with devices, including creating driver configs and using the config store, please read the configuration section in the Driver Framework docs.