
This is a simple agent that plays back data either from the config store or a CSV to the configured topic. It can also provide basic emulation of the actuator agent for testing agents that expect to be able to set points on a device in response to device publishes.

Installation notes

In order to simulate the actuator you must install the agent with the VIP identity of platform.actuator.


    # basetopic can be devices, analysis, or custom base topic
    "basepath": "devices/PNNL/ISB1",

    # use_timestamp uses the included in the input_data if present.
    # Currently the column must be named `Timestamp`.
    "use_timestamp": true,

    # Only publish data at most once every max_data_frequency seconds.
    # Extra data is skipped.
    # The time windows are normalized from midnight.
    # ie 900 will publish one value for every 15 minute window starting from
    # midnight of when the agent was started.
    # Only used if timestamp in input file is used.
    "max_data_frequency": 900,

    # The meta data published with the device data is generated
    # by matching point names to the unittype_map.
    "unittype_map": {
        ".*Temperature": "Farenheit",
        ".*SetPoint": "Farenheit",
        "OutdoorDamperSignal": "On/Off",
        "SupplyFanStatus": "On/Off",
        "CoolingCall": "On/Off",
        "SupplyFanSpeed": "RPM",
        "Damper*.": "On/Off",
        "Heating*.": "On/Off",
        "DuctStatic*.": "On/Off"
    # Path to input CSV file.
    # May also be a list of records or reference to a CSV file in the config store.
    # Large CSV files should be referenced by file name and not
    # stored in the config store.
    "input_data": "econ_test2.csv",
    # Publish interval in seconds
    "publish_interval": 1,

    # Tell the playback to maintain the location a the file in the config store.
    # Playback will be resumed from this point
    # at agent startup even if this setting is changed to false before restarting.
    # Saves the current line in line_marker in the DataPublishers's config store
    # as plain text.
    # default false
    "remember_playback": true,

    # Start playback from 0 even if the line_marker configuration is set a non 0 value.
    # default false
    "reset_playback": false,

    # Repeat data from the start if this flag is true.
    # Useful for data that does not include a timestamp and is played back in real time.
    "replay_data": false

CSV File Format

The CSV file must have a single header line. The column names are appended to the basepath setting in the configuration file and the resulting topic is normalized to remove extra / characters. The values are all treated as floating point values and converted accordingly.

The corresponding device for each point is determined and the values are combined together to create an all topic publish for each device.

If a Timestamp column is in the input it may be used to set the timestamp in the header of the published data.

Publisher Data
Timestamp centrifugal_chiller/OutsideAirTemperature centrifugal_chiller/DischargeAirTemperatureSetPoint fuel_cell/DischargeAirTemperature fuel_cell/CompressorStatus absorption_chiller/SupplyFanSpeed absorption_chiller/SupplyFanStatus boiler/DuctStaticPressureSetPoint boiler/DuctStaticPressure
2012/05/19 05:07:00 0 56 0 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:08:00 0 56 0 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:09:00 0 56 0 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:10:00 0 56 0 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:11:00 0 56 0 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:12:00 0 56 0 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:13:00 0 56 0 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:14:00 0 56 0 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:15:00 0 56 0 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:16:00 0 56 0 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:17:00 0 56 0 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:18:00 0 56 0 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:19:00 0 56 0 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:20:00 0 56 0 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:21:00 0 56 0 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:22:00 0 56 0 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:23:00 0 56 0 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:24:00 0 56 58.77 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:25:00 48.78 56 58.87 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:26:00 48.88 56 58.95 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:27:00 48.93 56 58.91 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:28:00 48.95 56 58.81 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:29:00 48.92 56 58.73 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:30:00 48.88 56 58.69 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:31:00 48.88 56 58.81 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:32:00 48.99 56 58.91 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:33:00 49.09 56 58.85 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:34:00 49.11 56 58.79 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:35:00 49.07 56 58.71 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:36:00 49.05 56 58.77 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:37:00 49.09 56 58.87 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:38:00 49.13 56 58.85 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:39:00 49.09 56 58.81 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:40:00 49.01 56 58.75 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:41:00 48.92 56 58.71 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:42:00 48.86 56 58.77 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:43:00 48.92 56 58.87 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:44:00 48.95 56 58.79 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:45:00 48.92 56 58.69 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:46:00 48.86 56 58.5 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:47:00 48.78 56 58.34 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:48:00 48.69 56 58.36 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:49:00 48.65 56 58.46 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:50:00 48.65 56 58.56 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:51:00 48.65 56 58.48 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:52:00 48.61 56 58.36 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:53:00 48.59 56 58.21 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:54:00 48.55 56 58.25 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:55:00 48.63 56 58.42 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:56:00 48.76 56 58.56 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:57:00 48.95 56 58.71 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:58:00 49.24 56 58.83 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 05:59:00 49.54 56 58.93 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 06:00:00 49.71 56 58.95 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 06:01:00 49.79 56 59.07 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 06:02:00 49.94 56 59.17 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 06:03:00 50.13 56 59.25 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 06:04:00 50.18 56 59.15 0 75 1 1.4 1.38
2012/05/19 06:05:00 50.15 56 59.04 0 75 1 1.4 1.38