Forward Historian Deployment

This guide describes a simple setup where one Volttron instance collects data from a fake devices and sends to another instance . Lets consider the following example.

We are going to create two VOLTTRON instances and send data from one VOLTTRON instance running a fake driver(subscribing values from a fake device)and sending the values to the second VOLTTRON instance.

VOLTTRON instance 1 forwards data to VOLTTRON instance 2

VOLTTRON instance 1

For this documentation, the topics from the driver agent will be send to the instance 2

  • We use the existing agent called the Forward Historian for this purpose which is available in service/core in the VOLTTRON directory.

  • In the config file under the ForwardHistorian directory , we modify the following field : - Destination-vip : the IP of the volttron instance to which we have to forward the data to along with the port number .

    Example : “tcp://130.20.*.*:22916

    • Destination-serverkye: The server key of the VOLTTRON instance to which we need to forward the data to.

    This can be obtained at the VOLTTRON instance by typing vctl auth serverkey

  • Serveice_topic_list: specify the topics you want to forward specifically instead of all the values.

  • Once the above values are set, your forwarder is all set .

  • You can create a script file for the same and execute the agent.

VOLTTRON instance 2

Listener Agent

  • Run the listener agent on this instance to see the values being forwarded from instance 1.

Once the above setup is done, you should be able to see the values from instance 1 on the listener agent of instance 2.