Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- {{{
# vim: set fenc=utf-8 ft=python sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 et:
# Copyright 2017, Battelle Memorial Institute.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# This material was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of
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# under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830
# }}}

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import

import os
import re
import zmq
import logging
from ..keystore import KeyStore
from zmq.utils import jsonapi
from import Address
from zmq.utils.monitor import recv_monitor_message
import random
from import ENOTSOCK


# Optimizing by pre-creating frames
    errnum: (zmq.Frame(str(errnum).encode('ascii')),
    for errnum in [zmq.EHOSTUNREACH, zmq.EAGAIN]

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RoutingService(object): """ This class maintains connection with external platforms. """ def __init__(self, socket, context, socket_class, poller, my_addr, instance_name, *args, **kwargs): self._routing_table = dict() self._poller = poller self._instances = dict() self._context = context self._socket = socket self._socket_class = socket_class self._my_addr = my_addr self._my_instance_name = instance_name self._onconnect_pubsub_handler = None self._ondisconnect_pubsub_handler = None self._vip_sockets = set() self._monitor_sockets = set() self._socket_identities = dict() self._web_addresses = []
[docs] def handle_subsystem(self, frames): """ Handler for incoming routing table frames. It calls appropriate action handler based on operation request. :param frames list of frames :type frames list :returns: response frame to be sent back to the sender :rtype: list :Return Values: response frame to be sent back to the sender """ response = [] result = False try: sender, recipient, proto, usr_id, msg_id, subsystem, op = frames[:7] except IndexError: return False subsystem = bytes(subsystem) op = bytes(op) # for f in frames: # _log.debug("ROUTINGSERVICE handle subsystem {}".format(bytes(f))) if subsystem == b'routing_table': #If Setup mode of operation, setup authorization if op == b'setupmode_platform_connection': instance_config = bytes(frames[7]) instance_config = jsonapi.loads(instance_config) self._setup_authorization(instance_config) # If Normal mode of operation, build authorized connection elif op == b'normalmode_platform_connection': instance_config = bytes(frames[7]) instance_config = jsonapi.loads(instance_config) self._build_connection(instance_config) return False #Respond to Hello/Welcome messages from other instances elif op == b'hello': handshake_request = bytes(frames[7]) try: #Respond to 'hello' request with 'welcome' if handshake_request == b'hello': name = bytes(frames[8]) frames.pop(0) _log.debug("HELLO Recieved hello, sending welcome to {}".format(name)) frames[6] = 'welcome' frames[7] = self._my_instance_name try: _log.debug("Sending welcome message to sender {}".format(name)) self.send_external(name, frames) except ZMQError as exc: _log.error("ZMQ error: ") #Respond to 'welcome' response by sending Pubsub subscription list elif handshake_request == b'welcome': name = bytes(frames[8]) _log.debug("HELLO Received welcome. Connection established with: {}".format(name)) try: self._instances[name]['status'] = STATUS_CONNECTED self._onconnect_pubsub_handler(name) except KeyError as exc: _log.error("Welcome message received from unknown platform: {}".format(name)) except IndexError as exc: _log.error("Insufficient frames in hello message {}".format(exc)) elif op == b"web-addresses": self._web_addresses = bytes(frames[7]) self._web_addresses = jsonapi.loads(self._web_addresses) #Update routing table entry elif op == b'update': result = self._update_entry(frames) elif op == b'request_response': pass else: _log.error("Unknown operation: {}".format(op)) if result: #Form response frame response = [sender, recipient, proto, usr_id, msg_id, subsystem] response.append(zmq.Frame(b'request_response')) response.append(zmq.Frame(bytes(result))) else: response = False return response
def _setup_authorization(self, instance_info): """ Setup authorized connection with remote instance :param instance_name: dicovery information(server key, name, vip-address) of remote instance :return: """ try: instance_name = instance_info['instance-name'] serverkey = instance_info['serverkey'] address = instance_info['vip-address'] web_address = instance_info['web-address'] except KeyError as exc: _log.error("Missing parameter in instance info message {}".format(exc)) return sock = zmq.Socket(zmq.Context(), zmq.DEALER) num = random.random() sock.identity = 'platform-' + '-' + instance_name + '-' + str(num) sock.zap_domain = 'vip' self._poller.register(sock, zmq.POLLIN) keystore = KeyStore() vip_address = "{0}?serverkey={1}&publickey={2}&secretkey={3}".format( address, str(serverkey), str(keystore.public), str(keystore.secret) ) ext_platform_address = Address(vip_address) ext_platform_address.identity = sock.identity try: ext_platform_address.connect(sock) except zmq.error.ZMQError as ex: _log.error("ZMQ error on external connection {}".format(ex)) self._web_addresses.remove(web_address) if not self._web_addresses: _log.debug("MULTI_PLATFORM SETUP MODE COMPLETED") def _build_connection(self, instance_info): """ Build connection with remote instance and send initial "hello" message. :param instance_name: name of remote instance :param serverkey: serverkey for establishing connection with remote instance :return: """ _log.debug("instance_info {}".format(instance_info)) try: instance_name = instance_info['instance-name'] serverkey = instance_info['serverkey'] address = instance_info['vip-address'] except KeyError as exc: _log.error("Missing parameter in instance info message {}".format(exc)) return #Return immediately if vip_address of external instance is same as self address if address in self._my_addr: _log.debug("Same instance: {}".format(address)) return sock = zmq.Socket(zmq.Context(), zmq.DEALER) sock.sndtimeo = 0 sock.tcp_keepalive = True sock.tcp_keepalive_idle = 180 sock.tcp_keepalive_intvl = 20 sock.tcp_keepalive_cnt = 6 num = random.random() sock.identity = 'instance.'+ instance_name + '.' + str(num) sock.zap_domain = 'vip' mon_sock = sock.get_monitor_socket( zmq.EVENT_CONNECTED | zmq.EVENT_DISCONNECTED | zmq.EVENT_CONNECT_DELAYED) self._poller.register(mon_sock, zmq.POLLIN) self._monitor_sockets.add(mon_sock) self._instances[instance_name] = dict(platform_identity=sock.identity, status=STATUS_CONNECTING, socket=sock, monitor_socket=mon_sock ) self._socket_identities[sock.identity] = instance_name self._vip_sockets.add(sock) self._poller.register(sock, zmq.POLLIN) self._routing_table[instance_name] = [instance_name] keystore = KeyStore() sock = self._instances[instance_name]['socket'] vip_address = "{0}?serverkey={1}&publickey={2}&secretkey={3}".format( address, str(serverkey), str(keystore.public), str(keystore.secret) ) ext_platform_address = Address(vip_address) ext_platform_address.identity = sock.identity try: ext_platform_address.connect(sock) # Form VIP message to send to remote instance frames = [b'', 'VIP1', b'', b'', b'routing_table', b'hello', b'hello', self._my_instance_name] _log.debug("HELLO Sending hello to: {}".format(instance_name)) self.send_external(instance_name, frames) except zmq.error.ZMQError as ex: _log.error("ZMQ error on external connection {}".format(ex))
[docs] def handle_monitor_event(self, monitor_sock): """ Monitor external platform socket connections :param monitor_sock: socket to monitor :return: """ try: message = recv_monitor_message(monitor_sock) event = message['event'] instance_name = [name for name, instance_info in self._instances.items() if instance_info['monitor_socket'] == monitor_sock] if event & zmq.EVENT_CONNECTED: _log.debug( "CONNECTED to external platform: {}!! Sending MY subscriptions !!".format(instance_name[0])) self._instances[instance_name[0]]['status'] = STATUS_CONNECTED self._onconnect_pubsub_handler(instance_name[0]) elif event & zmq.EVENT_CONNECT_DELAYED: # _log.debug("ROUTINGSERVICE socket DELAYED...Lets wait") self._instances[instance_name[0]]['status'] = STATUS_CONNECTION_DELAY elif event & zmq.EVENT_DISCONNECTED: _log.debug("DISCONNECTED from external platform: {}. " "Subscriptions will be resent on reconnect".format(instance_name[0])) self._instances[instance_name[0]]['status'] = STATUS_DISCONNECTED except ZMQError as exc: if exc.errno == ENOTSOCK: _log.error("Trying to use a non socket {}".format(exc)) except KeyError as exc: _log.error("Unknown external instance: {}".format(instance_name))
[docs] def register(self, type, handler): """ Used by PubSubService to register for onconnect and ondisconnect handlers. :param type: on_connect/on_disconnect :param handler: handler function :return: """ if type == 'on_connect': self._onconnect_pubsub_handler = handler else: self._ondisconnect_pubsub_handler = handler
[docs] def my_instance_name(self): """ Name of my instance/platform. :return: """ return self._my_instance_name
[docs] def disconnect_external_instances(self, instance_name): """ Close socket connections to remote platform :param instance_name: :return: """ try: self._ondisconnect_pubsub_handler(instance_name) instance_info = self._instances[instance_name] sock = instance_info['socket'] mon_sock = instance_info['monitor_socket'] mon_sock.close() except KeyError as exc: _log.error("Unknown external instance name: {}".format(instance_name))
[docs] def get_connected_platforms(self): """ Get list of connected instances :return: """ names = [] for name in self._instances: if self._instances[name]['status'] == STATUS_CONNECTED: names.append(name) return names
[docs] def get_name_for_identity(self, identity): """ Get instance name :param identity: platform identity :return: """ if self._socket_identities[identity]: return self._socket_identities[identity] else: return None
[docs] def send_external(self, instance_name, frames): """ Send frames to external instance :param instance_name: name of remote instance :param frames: frames to send :return: """ success = False instance_info = dict() try: instance_info = self._instances[instance_name] try: #Send using external socket success = self._send(instance_info['socket'], frames) except ZMQError as exc: _log.error("Could not send to {} using new socket".format(instance_name)) success = False # if not success: # #Try sending through router socket # if bytes(frames[0]) == b'' and instance_info['status'] == STATUS_CONNECTING: # frames[:0] = [self._my_instance_name] # # try: # _log.debug("Trying to send with router socket") # #success = self._send(self._socket, frames) # except ZMQError as exc: # _log.debug("Dropping or setting to disconnected {}".format(instance_name)) # # Let's just update status as 'DISCONNECTED' for now # self._instances[instance_name]['status'] = STATUS_DISCONNECTED # raise except KeyError: frames[:0] = [self._my_instance_name] #_log.debug("Key error for platform {0}".format(instance_name)) #success = self._send(self._socket, frames) return success
def _send(self, sock, frames): """ Socket send function :param sock: socket :param frames: frames to send :return: """ success = True try: # Try sending the message to its recipient sock.send_multipart(frames, flags=NOBLOCK, copy=False) except ZMQError as exc: try: errnum, errmsg = error = _ROUTE_ERRORS[exc.errno] except KeyError: success = False error = None if exc.errno == EHOSTUNREACH or exc.errno == EAGAIN: success = False raise return success def _update_entry(self, frames): """ NOT USED - FOR FUTURE Update routing table entries. :param frames: :return: """ if len(frames) > 6: sender = bytes(frames[0]) routing_table = bytes(frames[7]) routing_table = jsonapi.loads(routing_table) _log.debug("ROUTING SERVICE Ext routing TABLE: {0}, MY {1} ".format(routing_table, self._routing_table)) for vip_id in routing_table: if vip_id in self._routing_table.keys(): if vip_id != self._my_vip_id: my_route_list = self._routing_table[vip_id] if len(routing_table[vip_id]) > 0 and len(routing_table[vip_id]) < len(my_route_list): my_route_list = [sender] self._routing_table[vip_id] = my_route_list.extend(routing_table[vip_id]) else: route_list = [sender] self._routing_table[vip_id] = route_list.extend(routing_table[vip_id]) _log.debug("ROUTING SERVICE my routing TABLE: {} ".format(self._routing_table)) return True else: return False
[docs] def close_external_connections(self): """ Close external platform socket connections :return: """ for name in self._instances: self.disconnect_external_instances(name)