Source code for volttron.platform.lib.prctl

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'''Python interface to Linux process control mechanism.

Exports prctl system call.

See also prctl(2).

import ctypes
from ctypes import c_int, c_ulong, c_char, c_char_p, POINTER
import functools
import os

__all__ = ['prctl']

__author__ = 'Brandon Carpenter <>'
__version__ = '2.0'

def _prctl(option, *argtypes, **kwargs):
    use_result = kwargs.pop('use_result', False)
    assert not kwargs
    global _libc
    except NameError:
        _libc = ctypes.CDLL(None)

    typeargs = [c_ulong]
    paramflags = [(1, 'option')]
    for i, argtype in enumerate(argtypes, 2):
        assert 0 < len(argtype) <= 4
        if len(argtype) == 1:
            paramflags.append((1, 'arg%d' % i))
        elif len(argtype) == 2:
            paramflags.append((argtype[1], 'arg%d' % i))

    def errcheck(result, func, args):
        if result == -1:
            errnum = ctypes.get_errno()
            raise OSError(errnum, os.strerror(errnum))
        if use_result:
            return result
        elif use_result is None:
            return result, args
        result = tuple(value.value for i, value in enumerate(args)
                       if paramflags[i][0] & 2)
        if len(result) == 1:
            return result[0]
        return result or None

    func = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(c_int, *typeargs, use_errno=True)(
        ('prctl', _libc), tuple(paramflags))
    func.errcheck = errcheck
    return functools.partial(func, option)

[docs]def prctl(option, *args): '''Perform control operations on a process using prctl(2). Perform control operations on a process by passing in one of the PR_GET_* or PR_SET_* options and any additional arguments as specified by the prctl documentation. The result varies based on the option. An OSError exception is raised on error. See also prctl(2). ''' return _prototypes[option](*args)
_prototypes = {} def _prototype(name, number, *argtypes, **kwargs): globs = globals() option = 'PR_%s' % (name.upper(),) func = _prctl(number, *argtypes, **kwargs) func.__name__ = name globs[option] = number _prototypes[number] = globs[name] = func __all__.extend([name, option]) # ---- Comments and values below were taken from <sys/prctl.h> ---- # Values to pass as first argument to prctl() _prototype('set_pdeathsig', 1, (c_ulong,)) _prototype('get_pdeathsig', 2, (POINTER(c_int), 2)) # Get/set current->mm->dumpable _prototype('get_dumpable', 3, use_result=True) _prototype('set_dumpable', 4, (c_ulong,)) # Get/set unaligned access control bits (if meaningful) _prototype('get_unalign', 5, (POINTER(c_int), 2)) _prototype('set_unalign', 6, (c_ulong,)) PR_UNALIGN_NOPRINT = 1 # silently fix up unaligned user accesses PR_UNALIGN_SIGBUS = 2 # generate SIGBUS on unaligned user access # Get/set whether or not to drop capabilities on setuid() away from # uid 0 (as per security/commoncap.c) _prototype('get_keepcaps', 7, use_result=True) _prototype('set_keepcaps', 8, (c_ulong,)) # Get/set floating-point emulation control bits (if meaningful) _prototype('get_fpemu', 9, (POINTER(c_int), 2)) _prototype('set_fpemu', 10, (c_ulong,)) PR_FPEMU_NOPRINT = 1 # silently emulate fp operations accesses PR_FPEMU_SIGFPE = 2 # don't emulate fp operations, send SIGFPE instead # Get/set floating-point exception mode (if meaningful) _prototype('get_fpexc', 11, (POINTER(c_int), 2)) _prototype('set_fpexc', 12, (c_ulong,)) PR_FP_EXC_SW_ENABLE = 0x80 # Use FPEXC for FP exception enables PR_FP_EXC_DIV = 0x010000 # floating point divide by zero PR_FP_EXC_OVF = 0x020000 # floating point overflow PR_FP_EXC_UND = 0x040000 # floating point underflow PR_FP_EXC_RES = 0x080000 # floating point inexact result PR_FP_EXC_INV = 0x100000 # floating point invalid operation PR_FP_EXC_DISABLED = 0 # FP exceptions disabled PR_FP_EXC_NONRECOV = 1 # async non-recoverable exc. mode PR_FP_EXC_ASYNC = 2 # async recoverable exception mode PR_FP_EXC_PRECISE = 3 # precise exception mode # Get/set whether we use statistical process timing or accurate timestamp # based process timing _prototype('get_timing', 13, use_result=True) _prototype('set_timing', 14, (c_ulong,)) PR_TIMING_STATISTICAL = 0 # Normal, traditional, statistical process timing PR_TIMING_TIMESTAMP = 1 # Accurate timestamp based process timing # Get/set process name _prototype('set_name', 15, (c_char_p,)) _prototype('get_name', 16, (POINTER(c_char*16), 2)) # Get/set process endian _prototype('get_endian', 19, (POINTER(c_int), 2)) _prototype('set_endian', 20, (c_ulong,)) PR_ENDIAN_BIG = 0 PR_ENDIAN_LITTLE = 1 # True little endian mode PR_ENDIAN_PPC_LITTLE = 2 # "PowerPC" pseudo little endian # Get/set process seccomp mode _prototype('get_seccomp', 21, use_result=True) _prototype('set_seccomp', 22, (c_ulong,)) # Get/set the capability bounding set (as per security/commoncap.c) _prototype('capbset_read', 23, (c_ulong,), use_result=True) _prototype('capbset_drop', 24, (c_ulong,)) # Get/set the process' ability to use the timestamp counter instruction _prototype('get_tsc', 25, (POINTER(c_int), 2)) _prototype('set_tsc', 26, (c_ulong,)) PR_TSC_ENABLE = 1 # allow the use of the timestamp counter PR_TSC_SIGSEGV = 2 # throw a SIGSEGV instead of reading the TSC # Get/set securebits (as per security/commoncap.c) _prototype('get_securebits', 27, use_result=True) _prototype('set_securebits', 28, (c_ulong,)) # Get/set the timerslack as used by poll/select/nanosleep # A value of 0 means "use default" _prototype('set_timerslack', 29, (c_ulong,)) _prototype('get_timerslack', 30, use_result=True) _prototype('task_perf_events_disable', 31) _prototype('task_perf_events_enable', 32) # Set early/late kill mode for hwpoison memory corruption. # This influences when the process gets killed on a memory corruption. _prototype('mce_kill', 33, (c_ulong,), (c_ulong,)) PR_MCE_KILL_CLEAR = 0 PR_MCE_KILL_SET = 1 PR_MCE_KILL_LATE = 0 PR_MCE_KILL_EARLY = 1 PR_MCE_KILL_DEFAULT = 2 _prototype('mce_kill_get', 34, use_result=True) # Tune up process memory map specifics. _prototype('set_mm', 35, (c_ulong,), (c_ulong,), (c_ulong, 1, 'arg4', 0)) PR_SET_MM_START_CODE = 1 PR_SET_MM_END_CODE = 2 PR_SET_MM_START_DATA = 3 PR_SET_MM_END_DATA = 4 PR_SET_MM_START_STACK = 5 PR_SET_MM_START_BRK = 6 PR_SET_MM_BRK = 7 PR_SET_MM_ARG_START = 8 PR_SET_MM_ARG_END = 9 PR_SET_MM_ENV_START = 10 PR_SET_MM_ENV_END = 11 PR_SET_MM_AUXV = 12 PR_SET_MM_EXE_FILE = 13 PR_SET_MM_MAP = 14 PR_SET_MM_MAP_SIZE = 15 # Set specific pid that is allowed to ptrace the current task. # A value of 0 mean "no process". _prototype('set_ptracer', 0x59616d61, (c_ulong,)) PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY = -1 _prototype('set_child_subreaper', 36, (c_ulong,)) _prototype('get_child_subreaper', 37, (POINTER(c_int), 2)) # If no_new_privs is set, then operations that grant new privileges (i.e. # execve) will either fail or not grant them. This affects suid/sgid, # file capabilities, and LSMs. # # Operations that merely manipulate or drop existing privileges (setresuid, # capset, etc.) will still work. Drop those privileges if you want them gone. # # Changing LSM security domain is considered a new privilege. So, for example, # asking selinux for a specific new context (e.g. with runcon) will result # in execve returning -EPERM. # # See Documentation/prctl/no_new_privs.txt for more details. _prototype('set_no_new_privs', 38, (c_ulong,)) _prototype('get_no_new_privs', 39, use_result=True) _prototype('get_tid_address', 40, (POINTER(c_ulong), 2)) _prototype('set_thp_disable', 41, (c_ulong,)) _prototype('get_thp_disable', 42, use_result=True) # Tell the kernel to start/stop helping userspace manage bounds tables. _prototype('mpx_enable_management', 43) _prototype('mpx_disable_management', 44) _prototype('set_fp_mode', 45, (c_ulong,)) _prototype('get_fp_mode', 46, use_result=True) PR_FP_MODE_FR = (1 << 0) # 64b FP registers PR_FP_MODE_FRE = (1 << 1) # 32b compatibility