Source code for volttron.platform.dbutils.mongoutils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- {{{
# vim: set fenc=utf-8 ft=python sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 et:
# Copyright 2017, Battelle Memorial Institute.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This material was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of
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# under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830
# }}}

import _sre
import re
import socket
# reload to get the socket that is not patched by gevent.
# pika requires socket patched and thread not patched
# pymongo requires either both patched (to support gevent) or both unpatched to use threads

import pymongo
import logging

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__version__ = '0.2'

[docs]def get_mongo_client(connection_params, **kwargs): database_name = connection_params['database'] hosts = connection_params['host'] ports = connection_params['port'] user = connection_params['user'] passwd = connection_params['passwd'] if isinstance(hosts, list): if not ports: hosts = ','.join(hosts) else: if len(ports) != len(hosts): raise StandardError( 'port an hosts must have the same number of items' ) hostports = zip(hosts, ports) hostports = [str(e[0]) + ':' + str(e[1]) for e in hostports] hosts = ','.join(hostports) else: if isinstance(ports, list): raise StandardError( 'port cannot be a list if hosts is not also a list.' ) hosts = '{}:{}'.format(hosts, ports) params = {'hostsandports': hosts, 'user': user, 'passwd': passwd, 'database': database_name} mongo_uri = "mongodb://{user}:{passwd}@{hostsandports}/{database}" if connection_params.get('authSource'): mongo_uri = mongo_uri + '?authSource={authSource}' params['authSource'] = connection_params['authSource'] mongo_uri = mongo_uri.format(**params) mongoclient = pymongo.MongoClient(mongo_uri, **kwargs) return mongoclient
[docs]def get_topic_map(client, topics_collection): _log.debug("In get topic map") db = client.get_default_database() cursor = db[topics_collection].find() topic_id_map = dict() topic_name_map = dict() for document in cursor: topic_id_map[document['topic_name'].lower()] = document['_id'] topic_name_map[document['topic_name'].lower()] = \ document['topic_name'] _log.debug("Returning map from get_topic_map") return topic_id_map, topic_name_map
[docs]def get_agg_topic_map(client, agg_topics_collection): _log.debug('loading agg topic map') topic_id_map = dict() db = client.get_default_database() cursor = db[agg_topics_collection].find() for document in cursor: topic_id_map[ (document['agg_topic_name'].lower(), document['agg_type'], document['agg_time_period'])] = document['_id'] _log.debug('returning agg topics map') return topic_id_map
[docs]def get_agg_topics(client, agg_topics_collection, agg_meta_collection): _log.debug('loading agg topics for rpc call') db = client.get_default_database() cursor = db[agg_meta_collection].find() meta_map = dict() for document in cursor: meta_map[document['agg_topic_id']] = document['meta'] cursor = db[agg_topics_collection].find() agg_topics = [] for document in cursor: _log.debug("meta_map[document['_id'] is {}". format(meta_map[document['_id']])) agg_topics.append( (document['agg_topic_name'].lower(), document['agg_type'], document['agg_time_period'], meta_map[document['_id']]['configured_topics'])) _log.debug('returning agg topics for rpc call') return agg_topics
[docs]def get_tagging_queries_from_ast(tup, tag_refs, sub_queries): mongo_operators = {'and': "$and", "or": "$or"} #_log.debug("In get mongo query condition. tup: {}".format(tup)) condition = dict() if tup is None: return tup if not isinstance(tup[1], tuple): left = tup[1] else: left = get_tagging_queries_from_ast(tup[1], tag_refs, sub_queries) if not isinstance(tup[2], tuple): right = tup[2] else: right = get_tagging_queries_from_ast(tup[2], tag_refs, sub_queries) assert isinstance(tup[0], str) # Verify first for parent tag if isinstance(left, str): tags = left.split(".") if len(tags) == 2: # Process parent tag first # Convert campusRef.geoPostalCode="20500" to # sub query - campus=True AND geoPostalCode="20500", results of # this would get place in campusRef in [<result>] new_tup = ('AND', ('=', tag_refs[tags[0]], True), (tup[0], tags[1], right)) sub_queries.append(get_tagging_queries_from_ast(new_tup, tag_refs, None)) return {tags[0]:{"$in":"##VOLTTRON_Q"+str(len(sub_queries))}} lower_tup0 = tup[0].lower() # Check for negation. negation needs to be handled as special case if lower_tup0 == 'not': return _negate_condition(right) elif mongo_operators.has_key(lower_tup0): # if or/and rhs should be array return {mongo_operators.get(lower_tup0): [left, right]} elif lower_tup0 == 'like': # LIKE is a special case. To negate {operator:{$regex:value}} # {operator:{$not:{$regex:value}}} since $not doesn't support # regex string. To negate use{operator:{$not:/value/}} # To keep it consistent, we compile the pattern in python for both # LIKE and NOT (LIKE operation) return {left: re.compile(right)} else: condition[left] = _get_mongo_comp_expr(tup[0], right) return condition
def _get_mongo_comp_expr(operator, operand): """ Return the mongo syntax for given comparison operator. :param operator: comparison operator. >,<.>= etc. :param operand: rhs of the operation :return: mongo syntax for rhs of expression. """ if operator == ">=": return {'$gte': operand} elif operator == "<=": return {'$lte': operand} elif operator == ">": return {'$gt': operand} elif operator == "<": return {'$lt': operand} elif operator == "=": return operand elif operator == "!=": return {'$ne': operand} def _negate_condition(condition): """ change not:{left:right} to left:{not:right} if right is a expression change and operator to or and vice versa. # Should be an instance of dic always :param condition: :return: """ if isinstance(condition, dict): key, value = condition.popitem() process_values = False # check for NOT(key=value) if not isinstance(value, dict) and not isinstance(value, list) and \ not isinstance(value, type(re.compile("test"))): return {key: {'$ne': value}} # any other case (>, <, like etc) will be a dict if key == '$and': key = '$or' process_values = True # value would be a list elif key == '$or': key = '$and' process_values = True # value would be a list new_value = [] if process_values and isinstance(value, list): for v in value: if isinstance(v, dict): # nested expression with and/or new_value.append(_negate_condition(v)) else: new_value.append(v) return {key: new_value} else: return {key: {'$not': value}}