Source code for volttron.platform.agent.matching

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VOLTTRON platform™ topic matching for agent callbacks.

Declaratively attach topic prefix and additional tests for topic
matching to agent methods allowing for automated callback registration
and topic subscription.


.. code-block:: python

    class MyAgent(BaseAgent):
        def on_subtopic(topic, headers, message, match):
            # This is only executed if topic matches regex

        def on_leafnode(topic, headers, message, match):
            # This is only executed if topic matches glob

        def on_multimatch(topic, headers, message, match):
            # Multiple matchers can be attached to a method


import re

__author__ = 'Brandon Carpenter <>'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2016, Battelle Memorial Institute'
__license__ = 'FreeBSD'

[docs]def iter_match_tests(obj): '''Iterate match tests attached to the methods of an object. Each iterated item is the 3-tuple (prefix, method, test) where prefix and test are the same as in match_test() and method is the method to which the test was attached (and is the expected callback). ''' for name in dir(obj): try: method = getattr(obj, name) tests = method._match_topics except AttributeError: continue for prefix, test in tests: yield prefix, method, test
[docs]def match_test(prefix, test=None): '''Decorate a callback method with subscription and test information. Returns a decorator to attach (prefix, test) 2-tuples to methods which can be inspected to automatically subscribe to a topic prefix and provide a test for triggering a call back to the method. prefix must match the start of a desired topic and test is either None or a function of the form test(topic, matched) where topic is the full topic to test against and matched should be the same as prefix. The test function must return a value that evaluates to True if the topic is a match or a value that evaluates to False otherwise. The test function is only called if `topic.startswith(prefix)` is True. If test is None, it is the same as if `test = lambda topic, matched: True`. ''' def decorate(func): '''Add (prefix, test) tuple to func's match_topics list.''' try: tests = func._match_topics except AttributeError: func._match_topics = tests = set() tests.add((prefix, test)) return func return decorate
def _regex_split(pattern): '''Split a regular expression into static prefix and dynamic suffix. Find the first variable part of a regular expression and return a 2-tuple containing the static prefix and the remaining pattern. ''' escape = False prefix = [] i = 0 for i, token in enumerate(pattern): if token == '\\': escape = not escape if escape: continue elif token in '.^$*+?|{}[]()': if not escape: break escape = False elif escape: break prefix.append(token) return ''.join(prefix), pattern[i:] def _test_regex(pattern): '''Return match_test()-compatible regular expression test function.''' regex = re.compile(pattern) return lambda topic, matched: regex.match(topic[len(matched):])
[docs]def test_regex(pattern): '''Return the static prefix and a regex test function for pattern.''' prefix, pattern = _regex_split(pattern) return prefix, _test_regex(pattern)
[docs]def match_regex(pattern): '''Return a match decorator for the given regular expression.''' return match_test(*test_regex(pattern))
def _translate(pattern): '''Return a regular expression for the given glob pattern.''' escape = False result = [] range_start = None i = 0 for i, tok in enumerate(pattern): if escape: escape = False elif tok == '\\': escape = True elif range_start is not None: if tok == ']': range_start = None tok += ')' elif tok == '!' and i == range_start + 1: tok = '^' elif tok == '*': if result and result[-1] == '([^/]*)': result.pop() tok = '(.*)' tok = '([^/]*)' elif tok == '?': tok = '(.)' elif tok == '[': range_start = i result.append('(') else: tok = re.escape(tok) result.append(tok) return ''.join(result) def _split_glob(pattern): '''Split a glob pattern into its static prefix and dynamic suffix.''' escape = False prefix = [] i = 0 for i, tok in enumerate(pattern): if tok == '\\': escape = not escape if escape: continue elif escape: escape = False elif tok in '*?[': break prefix.append(tok) return ''.join(prefix), _translate(pattern[i:])
[docs]def test_glob(pattern): """ Return static prefix and regex test for glob pattern. The pattern may include the following special wildcard patterns:: * Matches zero or more characters. ** Matches zero or more characters, including forward slashes (/). ? Matches any single character [...] Matches any single characters between the brackets. A range of adjacent characters may be matched using a hyphen (-) between the start and end character. To include the hyphen as a search character, include it at the end of the pattern. The range may be negated by immediately following the opening [ with a ^ or !. """ prefix, pattern = _split_glob(pattern) return prefix, _test_regex(pattern)
[docs]def match_glob(pattern): '''Return a match decorator for the given glob pattern.''' return match_test(*test_glob(pattern))
[docs]def test_exact(topic, matched): '''Test if topic and match are exactly equal.''' return topic == matched
[docs]def match_exact(topic): '''Return a match decorator to match a topic exactly.''' return match_test(topic, test_exact)
[docs]def match_start(prefix): '''Return a match decorator to match the start of a topic.''' return match_test(prefix)
[docs]def test_end(suffix): '''Return a test function to match the end of a topic.''' return lambda topic, matched: topic.endswith(suffix)
[docs]def match_end(suffix, prefix=''): '''Return a match decorator to match the end of a topic.''' return match_test(prefix, test_end(suffix))
[docs]def test_contains(substring): '''Return a test function to match a topic containing substring.''' return lambda topic, matched: substring in topic
[docs]def match_contains(substring, prefix=''): '''Return a match decorator to match a component of a topic.''' return match_test(prefix, test_contains(substring))
[docs]def test_subtopic(subtopic, max_levels=None): '''Return a test function to match a topic component after the prefix.''' return (lambda topic, matched: subtopic in topic.split('/')[len(matched.split('/')):][:max_levels])
[docs]def match_subtopic(prefix, subtopic, max_levels=None): '''Return a match decorator to match a subtopic.''' return match_test(prefix, test_subtopic(subtopic, max_levels))
[docs]def match_all(func): '''Wildcard matcher to register callback for every message.''' return match_test('')(func)
[docs]def match_headers(required_headers): '''Only call function if required headers match. match_headers takes a single argument, required_headers, that is a dictionary containing the required headers and values that must match for the wrapped handler function to be called. This decorator is not very useful on its own, because it doesn't trigger any subscriptions, but can be useful to filter out messages that don't contain the required headers and values. ''' def decorator(func): def wrapper(self, topic, headers, message, match): for key, required_value in required_headers.iteritems(): try: value = headers[key] except KeyError: return if value != required_value: return return func(self, topic, headers, message, match) wrapper.__name__ = func.__name__ wrapper.__doc__ = func.__doc__ wrapper.__dict__.update(func.__dict__) return wrapper return decorator