Source code for volttron.platform.agent.driven

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'''VOLTTRON platform™ abstract agent for to drive VOLTTRON Nation apps.'''

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime
import logging
import re

from . import utils

__all__ = ['AbstractDrivenAgent', 'ConversionMapper', 'Results']

__author__ = 'Craig Allwardt <>'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2014, Battelle Memorial Institute'
__license__ = 'FreeBSD'

[docs]class AbstractDrivenAgent(object): __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, out=None, **kwargs): """ When applications extend this base class, they need to make use of any kwargs that were setup in config_param """ super(AbstractDrivenAgent, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.out = out = {}
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def output_format(cls, input_object): """ The output object takes the resulting input object as a argument so that it may give correct topics to it's outputs if needed. output schema description {TableName1: {name1:OutputDescriptor1, name2:OutputDescriptor2,...},....} eg: {'OAT': {'Timestamp':OutputDescriptor('timestamp', 'foo/bar/timestamp'),'OAT':OutputDescriptor('OutdoorAirTemperature', 'foo/bar/oat')}, 'Sensor': {'SomeValue':OutputDescriptor('integer', 'some_output/value'), 'SomeOtherValue':OutputDescriptor('boolean', 'some_output/value), 'SomeString':OutputDescriptor('string', 'some_output/string)}} Should always call the parent class output_format and update the dictionary returned from the parent. result = super().output_format(input_object) my_output = {...} result.update(my_output) return result """ return {}
[docs] @abstractmethod def run(self, time, inputs): '''Do work for each batch of timestamped inputs time- current time inputs - dict of point name -> value Must return a results object.''' pass
[docs] def shutdown(self): '''Override this to add shutdown routines.''' return Results()
[docs]class Results(object): def __init__(self, terminate=False): self.commands = OrderedDict() self.devices = OrderedDict() self.log_messages = [] self._terminate = terminate self.table_output = defaultdict(list)
[docs] def command(self, point, value, device=None): if device is None: self.commands[point] = value else: if device not in self.devices.keys(): self.devices[device] = OrderedDict() self.devices[device][point] = value if self.devices is None: self.commands[point]=value else: if device not in self.devices.keys(): self.devices[device] = OrderedDict() self.devices[device][point]=value
[docs] def log(self, message, level=logging.DEBUG): self.log_messages.append((level, message))
[docs] def terminate(self, terminate): self._terminate = bool(terminate)
[docs] def insert_table_row(self, table, row): self.table_output[table].append(row)
[docs]class ConversionMapper(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.initialized = False utils.setup_logging() self._log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.conversion_map = {}
[docs] def setup_conversion_map(self, conversion_map_config, field_names): #time_format = conversion_map_config.pop(TIME_STAMP_COLUMN) re_exp_list = conversion_map_config.keys() re_exp_list.sort(cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(len(x), len(y))) re_exp_list.reverse() re_list = [re.compile(x) for x in re_exp_list] def default_handler(): return lambda x:x self.conversion_map = defaultdict(default_handler) def handle_time(item): return datetime.strptime(item, time_format) #self.conversion_map[TIME_STAMP_COLUMN] = handle_time def handle_bool(item): item_lower = item.lower() if (item_lower == 'true' or item_lower == 't' or item_lower == '1'): return True return False type_map = {'int':int, 'float':float, 'bool':handle_bool} for name in field_names: for field_re in re_list: if field_re.match(name): pattern = field_re.pattern self._log.debug('Pattern {pattern} used to process {name}.' .format(pattern=pattern, name=name)) type_string = conversion_map_config[pattern] self.conversion_map[name] = type_map[type_string] break #else: # if name != TIME_STAMP_COLUMN: # self.log_message(logging.ERROR, 'FILE CONTROLLER', 'No matching map for column {name}. Will return raw string.'.format(name=name)) self.initialized = True
[docs] def process_row(self, row_dict): null_values = {'NAN', 'NA', '#NA', 'NULL', 'NONE', 'nan', 'na', '#na', 'null', 'none', '', None} return dict((c,self.conversion_map[c](v)) if v not in null_values else (c,None) for c,v in row_dict.iteritems())