Source code for volttron.platform.agent.base

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'''VOLTTRON platform™ base agent and helper classes/functions.'''

from __future__ import absolute_import

import random
import string
import time as time_mod

import zmq
from zmq import POLLIN, POLLOUT

import monotonic as clock

from . import sched
from .matching import iter_match_tests
from .. import messaging
from ..messaging import topics
from volttron.platform.agent import json as jsonapi

__all__ = ['periodic', 'BaseAgent', 'PublishMixin']

__author__ = 'Brandon Carpenter <>'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2016, Battelle Memorial Institute'
__license__ = 'FreeBSD'
min_compatible_version = '1'
max_compatible_version = '2'

_COOKIE_CHARS = string.ascii_letters + string.digits

def random_cookie(length=40, choices=_COOKIE_CHARS):
    return ''.join(random.choice(choices) for i in xrange(length))

def remove_matching(test, items):
    '''Remove all elements in items for which test returns true.

    test must be a function accepting a single argument and must return
    True if the item should be deleted or False if it should remain.
    items must be a list or an object supporting index-based deletion.
    remove = [i for i, item in enumerate(items) if test(item)]
    for i in remove:
        del items[i]

[docs]def periodic(period, *args, **kwargs): '''Decorator to set a method up as a periodic callback. The decorated method will be called with the given arguments every period seconds while the agent is executing its run loop. ''' def decorator(func): try: periodics = func._periodics except AttributeError: func._periodics = periodics = [] periodics.append((period, args, kwargs)) return func return decorator
def iter_periodics(obj): '''Iterate the periodic decorated methods of an object.''' for name in dir(obj): try: method = getattr(obj, name) periodics = method._periodics except AttributeError: continue for period, args, kwargs in periodics: yield period, method, args, kwargs class Reactor(object): '''Implements the reactor pattern around a Poller instance.''' def __init__(self): self._poller = zmq.Poller() self._callbacks = {} def modify(self, sock, incoming=None, outgoing=None): '''Update callbacks for a registered socket.''' self.register(sock, incoming, outgoing) def register(self, sock, incoming=None, outgoing=None): '''Register callbacks for socket events. incoming is a callback for POLLIN events on sock and outgoing for POLLOUT events. If both are None, the socket is completely unregistered. ''' try: fd = sock.fileno() except AttributeError: fd = sock flags = ((POLLIN if incoming else 0) | (POLLOUT if outgoing else 0)) self._poller.register(fd, flags) if flags: self._callbacks[fd] = (sock, incoming, outgoing) else: self._callbacks.pop(fd, None) def unregister(self, sock): '''Unregister all callbacks for sock.''' self.register(sock) def _poll(self, timeout=None): for fd, event in self._poller.poll(timeout * 1000): try: sock, incoming, outgoing = self._callbacks.get(fd) except KeyError: continue if event & POLLIN and incoming: yield (sock, POLLIN, incoming) if event & POLLOUT and outgoing: yield (sock, POLLOUT, outgoing) def poll(self, timeout=None): '''Wait for sockets to become ready. Wait for up to timeout seconds for registered sockets to be ready and return a list of 3-tuples (socket, event, callback) or an empty list if no sockets are ready within the timeout period. ''' return list(self._poll(timeout)) class AgentBase(object): '''Base agent to consume standard arguments.''' def __init__(self, subscribe_address=None, publish_address=None, config_path=None, **kwargs): super(AgentBase, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class BaseAgent(AgentBase): '''Base class for creating VOLTTRON platform™ agents. This class can be used as is, but it won't do much. It will sit and do nothing but listen for messages and exit when the platform shutdown message is received. That is it. ''' LOOP_INTERVAL = 60 def __init__(self, subscribe_address, **kwargs): __import__('warnings').warn( 'volttron.platform.agent.BaseAgent is deprecated in favor of ' ' and will be removed in a ' 'future version. Please update agents to the new version.', DeprecationWarning, 2) super(BaseAgent, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._subscriptions = {} self._mono = sched.Queue() self._wall = sched.Queue() self._sub = messaging.Socket(zmq.SUB) self.connect = lambda: self._sub.connect(subscribe_address) self.disconnect = lambda: (self._sub.closed or self._sub.disconnect(subscribe_address)) self.reactor = Reactor() self.reactor.register(self._sub, lambda sock: self.handle_sub_message()) for prefix, callback, test in iter_match_tests(self): self.subscribe(prefix, callback, test) self._sub.subscribe = topics.PLATFORM_SHUTDOWN.encode('utf-8') @property def closed(self): '''Return whether the subscription channel is closed.''' return self._sub.closed
[docs] def run(self): '''Entry point for running agent. Subclasses should not override this method. Instead, the setup, step, and finish methods should be overridden to customize behavior. ''' self.setup() try: self.loop() finally: self.finish()
def _setup_periodics(self): for period, method, args, kwargs in iter_periodics(self): self.periodic_timer(period, method, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def setup(self): '''Setup for the agent execution loop. Extend this method with code that must run once before the main loop. Be sure to call the base class implementation from the overridden method. ''' self._setup_periodics() self.connect()
[docs] def finish(self): '''Finish for the agent execution loop. Extend this method with code that must run once after the main loop. Be sure to call the base class implementation from the overridden method. ''' self.disconnect()
[docs] def loop(self): '''Main agent execution loop. This method should rarely need to be overridden. Instead, override the step method to customize execution behavior. The default implementation loops until self.closed() returns True calling self.step() each iteration. ''' while not self.closed: self.step()
[docs] def step(self, timeout=None): '''Performs a single step in the main agent loop. Override this method to customize agent behavior. The default method blocks indefinitely until at least one socket in the reactor is ready and then run each associated callback. The method can be called from the overridden method in a subclass with the behavior customized by passing in different timeout. timeout is the maximum number of seconds (can be fractional) to wait or None to wait indefinitely. Returns the number of events fired or zero if a timeout occured. ''' events = self.poll(timeout) for sock, event, callback in events: callback(sock) return len(events)
[docs] def poll(self, timeout=None): '''Polls for events while handling timers. poll() will wait up to timeout seconds for sockets or files registered with self.reactor to become ready. A timeout of None will cause poll to wait an infinite amount of time. While waiting for poll events, scheduled events will be handled, potentially causing the wait time to slip a bit. ''' elapsed = 0.0 mono_time = clock.monotonic() while True: wall_time = time_mod.time() self._mono.execute(mono_time) self._wall.execute(wall_time) delays = [self.LOOP_INTERVAL if timeout is None else min(timeout - elapsed, self.LOOP_INTERVAL), self._mono.delay(mono_time), self._wall.delay(wall_time)] delay = min(d for d in delays if d is not None) events = self.reactor.poll(delay) if events: return events last_time, mono_time = mono_time, clock.monotonic() elapsed += mono_time - last_time if timeout is not None and elapsed >= timeout: return []
[docs] def handle_sub_message(self, block=False): '''Handle incoming messages on the subscription socket. Receives a multipart message containing a topic, headers, and zero or more message parts. For each prefix (key) in subscriptions map matching the beginning of the topic, the associated callback will be called if either no test is associated with the callback or the test function returns a value evaluating to True. See the class documentation for more information on the signature for test and callback functions. ''' try: topic, headers, message = self._sub.recv_message( 0 if block else zmq.NOBLOCK) except zmq.error.Again: return try: # Iterate over items() rather than iteritems() so that # handlers may subscribe and unsubscribe, which changes # the size of the _subscriptions dictionary. for prefix, handlers in self._subscriptions.items(): if topic.startswith(prefix): for callback, test in handlers: if not callback: continue if test: matched = test(topic, prefix) if not matched: continue else: matched = None callback(topic, headers, message, matched) finally: if topic == topics.PLATFORM_SHUTDOWN: self._sub.close()
[docs] def subscribe(self, prefix, callback=None, test=None): '''Subscribe to topic and register callback. Subscribes to topics beginning with prefix. If callback is supplied, it should be a function taking four arguments, callback(topic, headers, message, match), where topic is the full message topic, headers is a case-insensitive dictionary (mapping) of message headers, message is a possibly empty list of message parts, and match is the return value of the test function or None if test is None. If test is given, it should be a function taking two arguments, test(topic, prefix), where topic is the complete topic of the incoming message and prefix is the string which caused the subscription match. The test function should return a true value if the callback should be called or a false value otherwise. The result of the test will be passed into the callback function where the results can be used. Returns and ID number which can be used later to unsubscribe. ''' self._sub.subscribe = prefix.encode('utf-8') try: handlers = self._subscriptions[prefix] except KeyError: self._subscriptions[prefix] = handlers = set() handler = (callback, test) handlers.add(handler) return id(handler)
[docs] def unsubscribe(self, handler_id, prefix=None): '''Remove subscription handler by its ID. Remove all handlers matching the given handler ID, which is the ID returned by the subscribe method. If all handlers for a topic prefix are removed, the topic is also unsubscribed. ''' def remove_handler(key, handlers): remove_matching(lambda item: id(item) == handler_id, handlers) if not handlers: del self._subscriptions[key] self._sub.unsubscribe = key.encode('utf-8') if prefix: handlers = self._subscriptions.get(prefix) if handlers: remove_handler(prefix, handlers) else: for prefix, handlers in self._subscriptions.items(): remove_handler(prefix, handlers)
[docs] def unsubscribe_all(self, prefix): '''Remove all handlers for the given prefix and unsubscribe. If prefix is None, unsubscribe from all topics and remove all handlers. Otherwise, unsubscribe from the given topic and remove all handlers for that topic prefix. ''' if prefix is None: for key in self._subscriptions: self._sub.unsubscribe = key.encode('utf-8') self._subscriptions.clear() else: self._sub.unsubscribe = prefix.encode('utf-8') del self._subscriptions[prefix]
[docs] def schedule(self, time, event): '''Schedule an event to run at the given wall time. time must be a datetime object or a Unix time value as returned by time.time(). event must be a callable accepting a single argument, the time the event was scheduled to run, and must return a time to be scheduled next or None to not reschedule. sched.Event and sched.RecurringEvent are examples of this interface and may be used here. Generators send functions are also be good candidates for event functions. ''' if hasattr(time, 'timetuple'): time = time_mod.mktime(time.timetuple()) self._wall.schedule(time, event)
[docs] def timer(self, interval, function, *args, **kwargs): '''Create a timer to call function after interval seconds. interval is specified in seconds and can include fractional part. function is a function that takes the optional args and kwargs. Returns a timer object that can be used to modify the callback parameters or to cancel using the cancel() method. ''' timer = sched.Event(function, args, kwargs) self._mono.schedule(clock.monotonic() + interval, timer) return timer
[docs] def periodic_timer(self, period, function, *args, **kwargs): '''Create a periodic timer to call function every period seconds. Like the timer method except that the timer is automatically rearmed after the function completes. ''' timer = sched.RecurringEvent(period, function, args, kwargs) self._mono.schedule(clock.monotonic() + period, timer) return timer
[docs]class PublishMixin(AgentBase): '''Agent mix-in for publishing to the VOLTTRON publish socket. Connects the agent to the publish channel and provides several publish methods. Include before BaseAgent class in subclass list. ''' def __init__(self, publish_address, **kwargs): '''Add a publishing socket to the agent. Expects a publish_address keyword argument containing the ØMQ publish address. ''' super(PublishMixin, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._setup(publish_address) def _setup(self, publish_address): self._pub = messaging.Socket(zmq.PUSH) self._pub.delay_attach_on_connect = 1 self._pub.connect(publish_address)
[docs] def ping_back(self, callback, timeout=None, period=1): if timeout is not None: start = clock.monotonic() ping = topics.AGENT_PING(cookie=random_cookie()) state = {} def finish(success): state['timer'].cancel() self.unsubscribe(state['subscription']) callback(success) def send_ping(): if timeout is not None: if (clock.monotonic() - start) >= timeout: finish(False) self.publish(ping, {}) def on_ping(topic, headers, msg, match): finish(True) state['subscription'] = self.subscribe(ping, on_ping, None) state['timer'] = self.periodic_timer(period, send_ping) send_ping()
[docs] def publish(self, topic, headers, *msg_parts, **kwargs): '''Publish a message to the publish channel. Adds volttron platform version compatibility information to header as variables min_compatible_version and max_compatible version''' if headers is None: headers = {} headers['min_compatible_version'] = min_compatible_version headers['max_compatible_version'] = max_compatible_version self._pub.send_message(topic, headers, *msg_parts, **kwargs)
[docs] def publish_json(self, topic, headers, *msg_parts, **kwargs): '''Publish JSON encoded message. Adds volttron platform version compatibility information to header as variables min_compatible_version and max_compatible version''' if headers is None: headers = {} headers['min_compatible_version'] = min_compatible_version headers['max_compatible_version'] = max_compatible_version msg = [('application/json', jsonapi.dumps(msg)) for msg in msg_parts] self._pub.send_message_ex(topic, headers, *msg, **kwargs)
[docs] def publish_ex(self, topic, headers, *msg_tuples, **kwargs): '''Publish messages given as (content-type, message) tuples. Adds volttron platform version compatibility information to header as variables min_compatible_version and max_compatible version''' if headers is None: headers = {} headers['min_compatible_version'] = min_compatible_version headers['max_compatible_version'] = max_compatible_version self._pub.send_message_ex(topic, headers, *msg_tuples, **kwargs)