Source code for platform_driver.interfaces.IEEE2030_5

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- {{{
# vim: set fenc=utf-8 ft=python sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 et:
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# under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830
# }}}

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import logging

from platform_driver.interfaces import BaseInterface, BaseRegister, BasicRevert

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
type_mapping = {"string": str,
                "int": int,
                "integer": int,
                "float": float,
                "bool": bool,
                "boolean": bool}

DEFAULT_IEEE2030_5_AGENT_ID = 'IEEE2030_5agent'

[docs]class IEEE2030_5Register(BaseRegister): """Register for all IEEE 2030.5 interface attributes.""" def __init__(self, read_only, point_name, IEEE2030_5_resource_name, IEEE2030_5_field_name, units, data_type, default_value=None, description=''): """ Create a register for a point. :param read_only: True = Read-only, False = Read/Write. :param point_name: Volttron-given name of point. :param IEEE2030_5_resource_name: The IEEE 2030.5 resource mapped to the point. :param IEEE2030_5_field_name: The IEEE 2030.5 field mapped to the point. :param units: Required by parent class. Not used by IEEE 2030.5. :param data_type: Python data type of register. Used to cast API call results. :param default_value: Default value of register. :param description: Basic description of register. """ super(IEEE2030_5Register, self).__init__("byte", read_only, point_name, units, description=description) self.point_name = point_name self.IEEE2030_5_resource_name = IEEE2030_5_resource_name self.IEEE2030_5_field_name = IEEE2030_5_field_name self.data_type = data_type self._value = 'value not set' self._timestamp = # Cast the initial value to the correct data type if default_value is None: self.set_value(self.data_type(0)) else: try: self.set_value(self.data_type(default_value)) except ValueError: self.set_value(self.data_type()) @property def value(self): return self._value
[docs] def set_value(self, x): """Cast the point value to the correct data type, set the register value, update the cache timestamp.""" try: self._value = self.data_type(x) except ValueError: _log.critical("{} value of {} cannot be cast to {}".format(self.point_name, x, self.data_type)) self._value = x self._timestamp = return self._value
[docs] def is_stale(self): return > self._timestamp + timedelta(seconds=DEFAULT_CACHE_EXPIRATION_SECS)
[docs]class Interface(BasicRevert, BaseInterface): """ IEEE 2030.5 device driver interface. This driver gets, and sends, device data by issuing RPC calls to IEEE 2030.5Agent, (see its source code in services/core/IEEE2030_5Agent), which communicates with IEEE 2030.5 devices via a web interface. For further information about this subsystem, please see the VOLTTRON IEEE 2030.5 DER Support specification, which is located in VOLTTRON readthedocs under specifications/IEEE2030_5_agent.html. Test drivers for the IEEE 2030.5 interface can be configured as follows: cd $VOLTTRON_ROOT export DRIVER_ROOT=$VOLTTRON_ROOT/services/core/PlatformDriverAgent/platform_driver volttron-ctl config store platform.driver IEEE2030_5.csv $DRIVER_ROOT/IEEE2030_5.csv --csv volttron-ctl config store platform.driver devices/IEEE2030_5_1 $DRIVER_ROOT/test_IEEE2030_5_1.config volttron-ctl config store platform.driver devices/IEEE2030_5_2 $DRIVER_ROOT/test_IEEE2030_5_2.config echo IEEE2030_5 drivers configured for PlatformDriver: volttron-ctl config list platform.driver """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Interface, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.sfdi = '' self.IEEE2030_5_agent_id = DEFAULT_IEEE2030_5_AGENT_ID self.cache_expiration_secs = DEFAULT_CACHE_EXPIRATION_SECS self.points_configured = False
[docs] def configure(self, config_dict, registry_config): for label, config_val in config_dict.items(): _log.debug('from config: {} = {}'.format(label, config_val)) setattr(self, label, config_val) if registry_config: # Create a IEEE2030_5Register for each point in the registry's CSV definitions. for regDef in registry_config: default_value = regDef.get('Starting Value', None) register = IEEE2030_5Register(regDef['Writable'].lower() != 'true', regDef['Volttron Point Name'], regDef['IEEE2030_5 Resource Name'], regDef['IEEE2030_5 Field Name'], regDef.get('Units', ''), type_mapping.get(regDef.get("Type", 'string'), str), default_value=default_value if default_value != '' else None, description=regDef.get('Notes', '')) self.insert_register(register) # Send the EndDevice's point definitions to the IEEE2030_5Agent. self.call_agent_config_points()
[docs] def get_point_map(self): """Return a dictionary of all register definitions, indexed by Volttron Point Name.""" point_map = {} read_registers = self.get_registers_by_type("byte", True) write_registers = self.get_registers_by_type("byte", False) for register in read_registers + write_registers: point_map[register.point_name] = {'IEEE2030_5 Resource Name': register.IEEE2030_5_resource_name, 'IEEE2030_5 Field Name': register.IEEE2030_5_field_name} return point_map
[docs] def get_point(self, point_name, **kwargs): """Get the point value, fetching it from IEEE2030_5Agent if not already cached.""" register = self.get_register_by_name(point_name) if register.is_stale(): # Refresh the cached value from IEEE2030_5Agent point_value = register.set_value(self.call_agent_rpc('get_point', point_name=point_name)) else: point_value = register.value _log.debug('Getting {} point value = {}'.format(point_name, point_value)) return point_value
[docs] def get_register_value(self, point_name): return self.get_register_by_name(point_name).value
def _set_point(self, point_name, point_value): """Set the register value of a point, and send the value to IEEE2030_5Agent.""" register = self.get_register_by_name(point_name) if register.read_only: raise IOError('Trying to write to a point configured read only: {}'.format(point_name)) _log.debug('Setting {} point value = {}'.format(point_name, point_value)) register.set_value(point_value) # Before responding, send the new register value to IEEE2030_5Agent. self.call_agent_rpc('set_point', point_name=point_name, value=point_value) return point_value def _scrape_all(self): """Scrape the values of all registers, fetching them from IEEE2030_5Agent.""" for point_name, point_value in self.call_agent_rpc('get_points').items(): if point_name in self.point_map.keys(): self.get_register_by_name(point_name).set_value(point_value) read_registers = self.get_registers_by_type('byte', True) write_registers = self.get_registers_by_type('byte', False) return {r.point_name: r.value for r in read_registers + write_registers}
[docs] def call_agent_rpc(self, rpc_name, point_name=None, value=None): """Issue a IEEE2030_5Agent RPC call (get_point, get_points, or set_point), and return the result.""" if not self.points_configured: # This EndDevice's points haven't been successfully configured. Try to do so. self.call_agent_config_points() if self.points_configured: debug_line = 'EndDevice {}: Sent {}{}{}'.format(self.sfdi, rpc_name, ' for ' + point_name if point_name else '', ' with ' + str(value) if value else '') try: if point_name: if value: response =, rpc_name, self.sfdi, point_name, value) else: response =, rpc_name, self.sfdi, point_name) else: response =, rpc_name, self.sfdi) result = response.get(timeout=10) _log.debug('{0}, received {1}'.format(debug_line, str(result))) except Exception as err: self.points_configured = False # Force a fresh config_points() call on the next iteration result = {} _log.error('{0}, received error: {1}'.format(debug_line, str(err))) else: result = {} return result
[docs] def call_agent_config_points(self): """Issue a IEEE2030_5Agent RPC call to initialize the point configuration.""" point_map = self.get_point_map() try: response =, 'config_points', self.sfdi, point_map) response.get(timeout=10) _log.debug('EndDevice {0}: Sent config_points'.format(self.sfdi)) self.points_configured = True except Exception as err: _log.error('EndDevice {0}: Failed to config_points: {1}'.format(self.sfdi, str(err))) self.points_configured = False # Force a fresh config_points() call on the next iteration