Source code for

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'''VIP - VOLTTRON™ Interconnect Protocol implementation

for protocol specification.

This file contains an abstract _Socket class which should be extended to
provide missing features for different threading models. The standard
Socket class is defined in A gevent-friendly version is
defined in

import base64
import binascii
from contextlib import contextmanager
import logging
import re
import sys
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import urllib.parse
import uuid

                 curve_keypair, Frame, ZMQError)
from zmq.error import Again
from zmq.utils import z85

from volttron.utils.frame_serialization import deserialize_frames, serialize_frames

__all__ = ['Address', 'ProtocolError', 'Message', 'nonblocking']


_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@contextmanager def nonblocking(sock): local = sock._Socket__local flags = getattr(local, 'flags', 0) local.flags = NOBLOCK yield sock local.flags = flags
def encode_key(key): '''Base64-encode and return a key in a URL-safe manner.''' # There is no easy way to test if key is already base64 encoded and ASCII decoded. This seems the best way. if len(key) % 4 != 0: return key key = key if isinstance(key, bytes) else key.encode("utf-8") try: assert len(key) in (32, 40) except AssertionError: raise AssertionError("Assertion error while encoding key:{}, len:{}".format(key, len(key))) if len(key) == 40: key = z85.decode(key) return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(key)[:-1].decode("ASCII") def decode_key(key): '''Parse and return a Z85 encoded key from other encodings.''' if isinstance(key, str): key = key.encode("ASCII") length = len(key) if length == 40: return key elif length == 43: return z85.encode(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(key + '='.encode("ASCII"))) elif length == 44: return z85.encode(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(key)) elif length == 54: return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(key + '=='.encode("ASCII")) elif length == 56: return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(key) elif length == 64: return z85.encode(binascii.unhexlify(key)) elif length == 80: return binascii.unhexlify(key) raise ValueError('unknown key encoding')
[docs]class Address(object): """Parse and hold a URL-style address. The URL given by address may contain optional query string parameters and a URL fragment which, if given, will be interpreted as the socket identity for the given address. Valid parameters: server: Server authentication method; must be one of NULL, PLAIN, or CURVE. domain: ZAP domain for server authentication. serverkey: Encoded CURVE server public key. secretkey: Encoded CURVE secret key. publickey: Encoded CURVE public key. ipv6: Boolean value indicating use of IPv6. username: Username to use with PLAIN authentication. password: Password to use with PLAIN authentication. """ _KEYS = ('domain', 'server', 'secretkey', 'publickey', 'serverkey', 'ipv6', 'username', 'password') _MASK_KEYS = ('secretkey', 'password') def __init__(self, address, **defaults): for name in self._KEYS: setattr(self, name, None) for name, value in defaults.items(): setattr(self, name, value) url = urllib.parse.urlparse(address, 'tcp') # Old versions of python don't correctly parse queries for unknown # schemes. This can cause ipc failures on outdated installations. if not url.query and '?' in url.path: path, query = url.path.split('?') url = url._replace(path=path) url = url._replace(query=query) self.publickey = None self.secretkey = None self.base = '%s://%s%s' % url[:3] if url.fragment: self.identity = url.fragment elif address.endswith('#'): self.identity = '' else: self.identity = defaults.get('identity') if url.scheme not in ['tcp', 'ipc', 'inproc']: raise ValueError('unknown address scheme: %s' % url.scheme) for name, value in urllib.parse.parse_qsl(url.query, True): name = name.lower() if name in self._KEYS: if value and name.endswith('key'): value = decode_key(value) elif name == 'server': value = value.upper().strip() if value not in ['NULL', 'PLAIN', 'CURVE']: raise ValueError( 'bad value for server parameter: %r' % value) elif name == 'ipv6': value = bool(re.sub( r'\s*(0|false|no|off)\s*', r'', value, flags=re.I)) setattr(self, name, value) @property def qs(self): params = ((name, getattr(self, name)) for name in self._KEYS) return urllib.parse.urlencode( {name: ('XXXXX' if name in self._MASK_KEYS and value else value) for name, value in params if value is not None}) def __str__(self): parts = [self.base] qs = self.qs if qs: parts.extend(['?', qs]) if self.identity is not None: parts.extend(['#', urllib.parse.quote(self.identity)]) return ''.join(parts) def __repr__(self): return '%s.%s(%r)' % ( self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, str(self)) def _set_sock_identity(self, sock): if self.identity: if isinstance(self.identity, str): sock.identity = self.identity.encode('utf-8') else: sock.identity = self.identity elif not sock.identity: self.identity = str(uuid.uuid4()) sock.identity = self.identity.encode('utf-8')
[docs] def bind(self, sock, bind_fn=None): """Extended zmq.Socket.bind() to include options in the address.""" if not self.domain: raise ValueError('Address domain must be set') sock.zap_domain = self.domain.encode("utf-8") or b'' self._set_sock_identity(sock) sock.ipv6 = self.ipv6 or False if self.server == 'CURVE': if not self.secretkey: raise ValueError('CURVE server used without secretkey') sock.curve_server = True sock.curve_secretkey = self.secretkey elif self.server == 'PLAIN': sock.plain_server = True else: sock.curve_server = False sock.plain_server = False if self.serverkey: sock.curve_serverkey = self.serverkey if not (self.publickey and self.secretkey): self.publickey, self.secretkey = curve_keypair() sock.curve_secretkey = self.secretkey sock.curve_publickey = self.publickey elif self.username: sock.plain_username = self.username sock.plain_password = self.password or b'' try: (bind_fn or sock.bind)(self.base) self.base = sock.last_endpoint.decode("utf-8") except ZMQError: message = 'Attempted to bind Volttron to already bound address {}, stopping' message = message.format(self.base) _log.error(message) print("\n" + message + "\n") sys.exit(1)
[docs] def connect(self, sock, connect_fn=None): """Extended zmq.Socket.connect() to include options in the address.""" self._set_sock_identity(sock) sock.ipv6 = self.ipv6 or False if self.serverkey: sock.curve_serverkey = self.serverkey if not (self.publickey and self.secretkey): self.publickey, self.secretkey = curve_keypair() sock.curve_secretkey = self.secretkey sock.curve_publickey = self.publickey elif self.username and self.password is not None: sock.plain_username = self.username sock.plain_password = self.password (connect_fn or sock.connect)(self.base)
[docs] def reset(self, sock): sock.zap_domain = b'' sock.ipv6 = False sock.curve_server = False sock.plain_server = False
[docs]class ProtocolError(Exception): """Error raised for invalid use of Socket object.""" pass
[docs]class Message(object): """Message object returned form Socket.recv_vip_object().""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.__dict__ = kwargs def __repr__(self): attrs = ', '.join('%r: %r' % ( name, [x for x in value] if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) else value) for name, value in self.__dict__.items()) return '%s(**{%s})' % (self.__class__.__name__, attrs)
class _Socket(object): """Subclass of zmq.Socket to implement VIP protocol. Sockets are of type DEALER by default. If a ROUTER socket is used, an intermediary address must be used either as the first element or using the via argument, depending on what the method supports. A state machine is implemented by the send() and recv() methods to ensure the proper number, type, and ordering of frames. Protocol violations will raise ProtocolError exceptions. """ def __new__(cls, context=None, socket_type=DEALER, shadow=None): """Create and return a new Socket object. If context is None, use global instance from zmq.Context.instance(). socket_type defaults to DEALER, but ROUTER may also be used. """ # pylint: disable=arguments-differ if socket_type not in [DEALER, ROUTER]: raise ValueError('socket_type must be DEALER or ROUTER') if context is None: context = cls._context_class.instance() # There are multiple backends which handle shadow differently. # It is best to send it as a positional to avoid problems. base = super(_Socket, cls) if shadow is None: return base.__new__(cls, context, socket_type) return base.__new__(cls, context, socket_type, shadow) def __init__(self, context=None, socket_type=DEALER, shadow=None): """Initialize the object and the send and receive state.""" if context is None: context = self._context_class.instance() # There are multiple backends which handle shadow differently. # It is best to send it as a positional to avoid problems. base = super(_Socket, self) if shadow is None: base.__init__(context, socket_type) else: base.__init__(context, socket_type, shadow) # Initialize send and receive states, which are mapped as: # state: -1 0 [ 1 ] 2 3 4 5 # frame: VIA PEER [PROTO] USER_ID MSG_ID SUBSYS ... state = -1 if self.type == ROUTER else 0 object.__setattr__(self, '_send_state', state) object.__setattr__(self, '_recv_state', state) object.__setattr__(self, '_Socket__local', self._local_class()) self.immediate = True # Enable TCP keepalive with idle time of 3 minutes and 6 # retries spaced 20 seconds apart, for a total of ~5 minutes. self.tcp_keepalive = True self.tcp_keepalive_idle = 180 self.tcp_keepalive_intvl = 20 self.tcp_keepalive_cnt = 6 def reset_send(self): """Clear send buffer and reset send state machine. This method should rarely need to be called and only if ProtocolError has been raised during a send operation. Any frames in the send buffer will be sent. """ state = -1 if self.type == ROUTER else 0 if self._send_state != state: self._send_state = state super(_Socket, self).send('') @contextmanager def _sending(self, flags): flags |= getattr(self._Socket__local, 'flags', 0) yield flags def send(self, frame, flags=0, copy=True, track=False): """ Send a single frame while enforcing VIP protocol. Expects frames to be sent in the following order: PEER USER_ID MESSAGE_ID SUBSYSTEM [ARG]... If the socket is a ROUTER, an INTERMEDIARY must be sent before PEER. The VIP protocol signature, PROTO, is automatically sent between PEER and USER_ID. Zero or more ARG frames may be sent after SUBSYSTEM, which may not be empty. All frames up to SUBSYSTEM must be sent with the SNDMORE flag. :param frame: :param flags: :param copy: :param track: :return: """ with self._sending(flags) as flags: state = self._send_state if state == 4: # Verify that subsystem has some non-space content subsystem = bytes(frame) if not subsystem.strip(): raise ProtocolError('invalid subsystem: %s' % subsystem) if not flags & SNDMORE: # Must have SNDMORE flag until sending SUBSYSTEM frame. if state < 4: raise ProtocolError( 'expecting at least %d more frames' % (4 - state - 1)) # Reset the send state when the last frame is sent self._send_state = -1 if self.type == ROUTER else 0 elif state < 5: if state == 1: # Automatically send PROTO frame super(_Socket, self).send(b'VIP1', flags=flags|SNDMORE) state += 1 self._send_state = state + 1 try: super(_Socket, self).send( frame, flags=flags, copy=copy, track=track) except Exception: self._send_state = state raise def send_multipart(self, msg_parts, flags=0, copy=True, track=False): parts = serialize_frames(msg_parts) # _log.debug("Sending parts on multiparts: {}".format(parts)) with self._sending(flags) as flags: super(_Socket, self).send_multipart( parts, flags=flags, copy=copy, track=track) def send_vip(self, peer, subsystem, args=None, msg_id='', user='', via=None, flags=0, copy=True, track=False): """Send an entire VIP multipartmessage by individual parts. This method will raise a ProtocolError exception if the previous send was made with the SNDMORE flag or if other protocol constraints are violated. If SNDMORE flag is used, additional arguments may be sent. via is required for ROUTER sockets. :param peer: The peer to send to, can be either a string or a byte object. :param subsystem: The subsystem to send the request to :param args: Any arguments to the subsystem :param msg_id: A message id to allow tracking this is usually an entry in the ResultsDictionary.ident :param user: :param via: :param flags: :param copy: Should a copy be made of the message be made for each send :param track: """ peer = peer msg_id = msg_id # _log.debug("SEND VIP: peer={}, subsystem={}, args={}, msg_id={}, user={}, type(msg_id)={}".format( # peer, subsystem, args, msg_id, user, type(msg_id) # )) with self._sending(flags) as flags: state = self._send_state if state > 0: raise ProtocolError('previous send operation is not complete') elif state == -1: if via is None: raise ValueError("missing 'via' argument " "required by ROUTER sockets") self.send(via, flags=flags | SNDMORE, copy=copy, track=track) if user is None: user = '' more = SNDMORE if args else 0 self.send_multipart([peer, user, msg_id, subsystem], flags=flags|more, copy=copy, track=track) if args: send = (self.send if isinstance(args, (bytes, str)) else self.send_multipart) send(args, flags=flags, copy=copy, track=track) def send_vip_dict(self, dct, flags=0, copy=True, track=False): """Send VIP message from a dictionary.""" msg_id = dct.pop('id', '') self.send_vip(flags=flags, copy=copy, track=track, msg_id=msg_id, **dct) def send_vip_object(self, msg, flags=0, copy=True, track=False): """Send VIP message from an object.""" dct = { 'via': getattr(msg, 'via', None), 'peer': msg.peer, 'subsystem': msg.subsystem, 'user': getattr(msg, 'user', ''), 'msg_id': getattr(msg, 'id', ''), 'args': getattr(msg, 'args', None), } self.send_vip(flags=flags, copy=copy, track=track, **dct) def recv(self, flags=0, copy=True, track=False): """ Receive and return a single frame while enforcing VIP protocol. Expects frames to be received in the following order: PEER USER_ID MESSAGE_ID SUBSYSTEM [ARG]... If the socket is a ROUTER, an INTERMEDIARY must be received before PEER. The VIP protocol signature, PROTO, is automatically received and validated between PEER and USER_ID. It is not returned as part of the result. Zero or more ARG frames may be received after SUBSYSTEM, which may not be empty. Until the last ARG frame is received, the RCVMORE option will be set. :param flags: :param copy: :param track: :return: """ state = self._recv_state if state == 1: # Automatically receive and check PROTO frame proto = super(_Socket, self).recv(flags=flags) state += 1 self._recv_state = state if proto != b'VIP1': raise ProtocolError('invalid protocol: {!r}{}'.format( proto[:30], '...' if len(proto) > 30 else '')) result = super(_Socket, self).recv(flags=flags, copy=copy, track=track) if not self.getsockopt(RCVMORE): # Ensure SUBSYSTEM is received if state < 4: raise ProtocolError( 'expected at least {} more frames'.format(4 - state - 1)) self._recv_state = -1 if self.type == ROUTER else 0 elif state < 5: self._recv_state = state + 1 return result def reset_recv(self): """Clear recv buffer and reset recv state machine. This method should rarely need to be called and only if ProtocolError has been raised during a receive operation. Any frames in the recv buffer will be discarded. """ self._recv_state = -1 if self.type == ROUTER else 0 while self.getsockopt(RCVMORE): super(_Socket, self).recv() def recv_vip(self, flags=0, copy=True, track=False): """ Receive a complete VIP message and return as a list. The list includes frames in the following order: PEER USER_ID MESSAGE_ID SUBSYSTEM [ARGS] If socket is a ROUTER, INTERMEDIARY will be inserted before PEER in the returned list. ARGS is always a possibly empty list. :param flags: :param copy: :param track: :return: A VIP message """ state = self._recv_state if state > 0: raise ProtocolError('previous recv operation is not complete') message = self.recv_multipart(flags=flags, copy=copy, track=track) idx = 4 - state result = message[:idx] result.append(message[idx:]) return result def recv_vip_dict(self, flags=0, copy=True, track=False): """Receive a complete VIP message and return in a dict.""" state = self._recv_state frames = self.recv_vip(flags=flags, copy=copy, track=track) via = frames.pop(0) if state == -1 else None # from volttron.utils.frame_serialization import decode_frames # decoded = decode_frames(frames) myframes = deserialize_frames(frames) dct = dict(zip(('peer', 'user', 'id', 'subsystem', 'args'), myframes)) if via is not None: dct['via'] = via return dct def recv_vip_object(self, flags=0, copy=True, track=False): """Recieve a complete VIP message and return as an object.""" msg = Message() msg.__dict__ = self.recv_vip_dict(flags=flags, copy=copy, track=track) return msg def bind(self, addr): """Extended zmq.Socket.bind() to include options in addr.""" if not isinstance(addr, Address): addr = Address(addr) addr.bind(self, super(_Socket, self).bind) def connect(self, addr): """Extended zmq.Socket.connect() to include options in addr.""" if not isinstance(addr, Address): addr = Address(addr) addr.connect(self, super(_Socket, self).connect)