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# under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830
# }}}

import errno
import logging
import os

from volttron.platform import is_rabbitmq_available, jsonapi
from volttron.platform.agent.utils import get_fq_identity
from import BaseConnection
from import Unreachable
from import Message
from volttron.utils.frame_serialization import deserialize_frames

if is_rabbitmq_available():
    import pika

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# reduce pika log level

[docs]class RMQConnection(BaseConnection): """ Connection class for RabbitMQ message bus. 1. It maintains connection with RabbitMQ broker using Pika library APIs 2. Translates from VIP message format to RabbitMQ message format and visa-versa 3. Sends and receives messages using Pika library APIs """ def __init__(self, url, identity, instance_name, reconnect_delay=30, vc_url=None): """ The `RMQConnection` class provides a connection to the rabbitmq message bus for both local and remote VOLTTRON instances. The idenity parameter must be non qualified from the reference of the VOLTTRON instance this class is connecting to. In other words if this is a local connection the non qualified identity should be used. But in the case of a remote connection the identity should be prefixed with the <localinstancename.>. An example is as follows: With the following: - local agent identity: platform.agent - local instance name: v1 - remote instance name: v2 For the local connection to v1, platform.agent should be passed as the identy parameter to this class. For a remote connection to v2, v1.platform.agent should be passed to the identity parameter. :param url: :param identity: :param instance_name: :param reconnect_delay: :param vc_url: """ super(RMQConnection, self).__init__(url, identity, instance_name) self._connection = None = None self._closing = False self._consumer_tag = None self._error_tag = None if vc_url: self._url = url self._connection_param = url self.routing_key = self._vip_queue_name = self._rmq_userid = get_fq_identity(identity, instance_name) = 'volttron' self._connect_callback = None self._connect_error_callback = None self._queue_properties = dict() self._explicitly_closed = False self._reconnect_delay = reconnect_delay self._vip_handler = None self._error_handler = None self._instance_name = instance_name self._identity = identity # _log.debug("identity KEY: {}".format(self.routing_key))
[docs] def open_connection(self): """ Open a gevent adapter connection. :return: """ self._connection = pika.GeventConnection(self._connection_param, on_open_callback=self.on_connection_open, on_open_error_callback=self.on_open_error, on_close_callback=self.on_connection_closed )
[docs] def on_connection_open(self, unused_connection): """ This method is invoked by pika when connection has been opened. :param unused_connection: new connection object :return: """ if self._connection is None: self._connection = unused_connection # Open a channel
[docs] def on_open_error(self, _connection_unused, error_message=None): """ Call the registered error handler :param _connection_unused: :param error_message: connection error message :return: """ _log.error("Connection open error. Check if RabbitMQ broker is running.") if self._connect_error_callback: self._connect_error_callback()
[docs] def on_connection_closed(self, connection, reply_code, reply_text): """ Try to reconnect to the broker after few seconds :param connection: connection object :param reply_code: Connection Code :param reply_text: Connection reply message :return: """ if self._explicitly_closed: self._connection.ioloop.stop() return _log.error("Connection closed unexpectedly, reopening in {timeout} seconds. {identity}" .format(timeout=self._reconnect_delay, identity=self._identity)) self._connection.add_timeout(self._reconnect_delay, self._reconnect)
[docs] def add_on_channel_close_callback(self): """ This method tells pika to call the on_channel_closed method if RabbitMQ unexpectedly closes the channel. """
[docs] def on_channel_closed(self, channel, reply_code, reply_text): """ Invoked by pika when RabbitMQ unexpectedly closes the channel. Channels are usually closed if you attempt to do something that violates the protocol, such as re-declare an exchange or queue with different parameters. In this case, we'll close the connection to shutdown the object. :param The closed channel :param int reply_code: The numeric reason the channel was closed :param str reply_text: The text reason the channel was closed """ #_log.error("Channel Closed Unexpectedly. {0}, {1}".format(reply_code, reply_text)) if reply_code == RMQ_RESOURCE_LOCKED: _log.error("Channel Closed Unexpectedly. Attempting to run Agent/platform again".format(self._identity)) self._connection.close() self._explicitly_closed = True
def _reconnect(self): """ Will be invoked by the IOLoop timer if the connection is closed """ # First, close the old connection IOLoop instance self._connection.ioloop.stop() if not self._explicitly_closed: # Next, create a new connection self.open_connection() # There is now a new connection, needs a new ioloop to run self._connection.ioloop.start()
[docs] def on_channel_open(self, channel): """ This method is invoked by pika when channel has been opened. Declare VIP queue to handle messages :param new_channel: new channel object :return: """ = channel self.add_on_channel_close_callback() # Check if VIP queue exists, if so delete the stale queue first, durable=self._queue_properties['durable'], exclusive=self._queue_properties['exclusive'], auto_delete=self._queue_properties['auto_delete'], callback=self.on_queue_declare_ok )
[docs] def set_properties(self, flags): """ Set queue properties :param flags: :return: """ self._queue_properties['durable'] = flags.get('durable', True) self._queue_properties['exclusive'] = flags.get('exclusive', True) self._queue_properties['auto_delete'] = flags.get('auto_delete', True)
[docs] def on_queue_declare_ok(self, method_frame): """ Callback method invoked after VIP queue has been declared. Next, we bind the queue to the exchange with VIP routing key. :param method_frame: The Queue.DeclareOk frame :return: """ _log.debug('Binding {0} to {1} with {2}'.format(, self._vip_queue_name, self.routing_key)),, queue=self._vip_queue_name, routing_key=self.routing_key)
[docs] def on_bind_ok(self, unused_frame): """ Callback method invoked by Pika when VIP queue bind has completed. At this point we will start consuming messages by calling start_consuming. :param unused_frame: The Queue.BindOk response frame :return: """ self._consumer_tag =, queue=self._vip_queue_name) if self._connect_callback: self._connect_callback()
[docs] def connect(self, connection_callback=None, connection_error_callback=None): """ Connect to RabbitMQ broker. Save the callback method to be invoked after connection steps are completed. :param connection_callback: :param connection_error_callback: :return: """ self._connect_callback = connection_callback self._connect_error_callback = connection_error_callback self.open_connection()
[docs] def register(self, vip_handler, error_handler=None): """ Register VIP handler to be invoked to handle incoming messages :param handler: VIP handler callback method :return: """ self._vip_handler = vip_handler self._error_handler = error_handler
[docs] def rmq_message_handler(self, channel, method, props, body): """ Message handler for incoming messages. Reformats the incoming messages to VIP message object and hands it over to VIP message handler. :param channel: channel object :param method: method frame - contains routing key :param props: message properties containing VIP details such as [SENDER, RECIPIENT, PROTO, USER_ID, MSG_ID, SUBSYS,] :param body: message body :return: """ # _log.debug("*************rmq_message_handler {}*****************************". # format(self._identity)) # _log.debug("Channel {0}, Props {1}, body {2}".format(channel, props, body)) app_id = str(props.app_id) platform, peer = app_id.split(".", 1) msg = Message() msg.peer = peer msg.user = props.headers.get('user', '') msg.platform = platform = props.message_id msg.subsystem = props.type msg.args = jsonapi.loads(body) if self._vip_handler: self._vip_handler(msg)
[docs] def send_vip_object(self, message, flags=0, copy=True, track=False): """ Send the VIP message over RabbitMQ message bus. :param message: VIP message object :return: """ platform = getattr(message, 'platform', self._instance_name) if message.peer == '': message.peer = 'router' if platform == '': platform = self._instance_name destination_routing_key = "{0}.{1}".format(platform, message.peer) user = getattr(message, 'user', self._rmq_userid) msg_id = getattr(message, 'id', '') self._send_via_rmq(destination_routing_key, message.subsystem, message.args, msg_id, user)
[docs] def send_vip(self, peer, subsystem, args=None, msg_id='', user='', via=None, flags=0, copy=True, track=False, platform=None): """ Send VIP message over RabbitMQ message bus. :param peer: peer :param subsystem: subsytem type :param args: actual message :param msg_id: message id :param user: user :param via: :param flags: unused :param copy: unused :param track: unused :param platform: instance name :return: """ if not platform or platform == '': platform = self._instance_name if peer == '': peer = 'router' if user == '': user = self._rmq_userid destination_routing_key = "{0}.{1}".format(platform, peer) self._send_via_rmq(destination_routing_key, subsystem, args, msg_id, user)
def _send_via_rmq(self, destination_routing_key, subsystem, args, msg_id, user): """ Reformat the VIP message object into Pika message object and publish it using Pika library :param destination_routing_key: :param subsystem: :param args: :param msg_id: :param user: :return: """ # Fit VIP frames in the PIKA properties dict # VIP format - [SENDER, RECIPIENT, PROTO, USER_ID, MSG_ID, SUBSYS, ARGS...] dct = { 'user_id': self._rmq_userid, 'app_id': self.routing_key, # Routing key of SENDER 'headers': dict( recipient=destination_routing_key, # RECEIVER proto='VIP', # PROTO user=user, # USER_ID ), 'message_id': msg_id, # MSG_ID 'type': subsystem, # SUBSYS 'content_type': 'application/json' } properties = pika.BasicProperties(**dct) msg = args # ARGS # _log.debug("PUBLISHING TO CHANNEL {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}".format(destination_routing_key, # msg, # properties, # self.routing_key)) try:, destination_routing_key, jsonapi.dumps(msg, ensure_ascii=False), properties) except (pika.exceptions.AMQPConnectionError, pika.exceptions.AMQPChannelError) as exc: raise Unreachable(errno.EHOSTUNREACH, "Connection to RabbitMQ is lost", 'rabbitmq broker', 'rmq_connection')
[docs] def send_via_proxy(self, peer, subsystem, args=None, msg_id='', user='', via=None, flags=0, copy=False, track=False): rkey = self._instance_name + '.proxy.router.zmq.outbound.subsystem' # Reformat the message into ZMQ VIP message frames # VIP format - [TO, FROM, PROTO, USER_ID, MSG_ID, SUBSYS, ARGS...] frames = [peer, self._identity, 'VIP1', user, msg_id, subsystem] for arg in args: frames.append(arg) try: # Publish to proxy router agent, routing_key=rkey, body=jsonapi.dumps(frames)) except (pika.exceptions.AMQPConnectionError, pika.exceptions.AMQPChannelError) as exc: raise Unreachable(errno.EHOSTUNREACH, "Connection to RabbitMQ is lost", 'rabbitmq broker', 'rmq_connection')
[docs] def send_vip_object_via_proxy(self, vip_object): """ Send the VIP object to proxy router agent :param vip_object: VIP message :return: """ rkey = self._instance_name + '.proxy.router.zmq.outbound.subsystem' msg_id = getattr(vip_object, 'id', '') user = getattr(vip_object, 'user', '') # Reformat the message into ZMQ VIP message frames # VIP format - [TO, FROM, PROTO, USER_ID, MSG_ID, SUBSYS, ARGS...] frames = [vip_object.peer, self._identity, 'VIP1', user, msg_id, vip_object.subsystem] for arg in vip_object.args: frames.append(arg) try: # Publish to proxy router agent, routing_key=rkey, body=jsonapi.dumps(frames)) except (pika.exceptions.AMQPConnectionError, pika.exceptions.AMQPChannelError) as exc: raise Unreachable(errno.EHOSTUNREACH, "Connection to RabbitMQ is lost", 'rabbitmq broker', 'rmq_connection')
[docs] def disconnect(self): """ Disconnect from channel i.e, stop consuming from the channel :return: """ try: if and, self._consumer_tag) except (pika.exceptions.ConnectionClosed, pika.exceptions.ChannelClosed) as exc: _log.error("Connection to RabbitMQ broker or Channel is already closed.") self._connection.ioloop.stop()
[docs] def on_cancel_ok(self): """ Callback method invoked by Pika when RabbitMQ acknowledges the cancellation of a consumer. Next step is to close the channel. :return: """ self._connection.close()
[docs] def close_connection(self, linger=None): """ This method closes the connection to RabbitMQ. :return: """ if and _log.debug("********************************************************************") _log.debug("Closing connection to RMQ: {}".format(self._identity)) _log.debug("********************************************************************") self._connection.close() self._explicitly_closed = True
[docs]class RMQRouterConnection(RMQConnection): """ RabbitMQ message bus connection class for Router module """ def __init__(self, url, identity, instance_name, reconnect_delay=30, vc_url=None): super(RMQRouterConnection, self).__init__(url, identity, instance_name, reconnect_delay=reconnect_delay) _log.debug("ROUTER URL: {}".format(url)) self._alternate_exchange = 'undeliverable' self._alternate_queue = "{instance}.{identity}.unroutable".format(instance=instance_name, identity=identity)
[docs] def open_connection(self): """ Open asynchronous connection for router/platform :return: """ self._connection = pika.SelectConnection(self._connection_param, on_open_callback=self.on_connection_open, on_close_callback=self.on_connection_closed, on_open_error_callback=self.on_open_error, stop_ioloop_on_close=False )
[docs] def on_channel_open(self, channel): """ This method is invoked by pika when channel has been opened. Declare VIP queue to handle messages :param new_channel: new channel object :return: """ = channel self.add_on_channel_close_callback(), durable=self._queue_properties['durable'], exclusive=self._queue_properties['exclusive'], auto_delete=self._queue_properties['auto_delete'], callback=self.on_queue_declare_ok, ), durable=False, exclusive=True, auto_delete= True, callback=self.on_alternate_queue_declare_ok)
[docs] def on_alternate_queue_declare_ok(self, method_frame): """ Callback method invoked after alternate queue has been declared. Next, we bind the queue to the alternate exchange to receive unroutable messages. :param method_frame: The Queue.DeclareOk frame :return: """, exchange=self._alternate_exchange, queue=self._alternate_queue, routing_key=self._instance_name)
[docs] def on_alternate_queue_bind_ok(self, unused_frame): """ Callback method invoked by Pika when alternate queue bind has completed. At this point we will start consuming messages by calling start_consuming. :param unused_frame: The Queue.BindOk response frame :return: """ self._error_tag =, queue=self._alternate_queue)
[docs] def on_open_error(self, _connection_unused, error_message=None): """ Stop the infinite loop and call the registered error handler :param _connection_unused: :param error_message: connection error message :return: """ _log.error("Connection open error. Check if RabbitMQ broker is running.") self._connection.ioloop.stop() if self._connect_error_callback: self._connect_error_callback()
def _handle_error(self, channel, method, props, body): """ Handle unroutable messages. Send error message back to sender. Ignore if subsystem is pubsub. :param channel: channel object :param method: method frame - contains routing key :param props: message properties containing VIP info such as [SENDER, RECIPIENT, PROTO, USER_ID, MSG_ID, SUBSYS,] :param body: message body :return: """ # Ignore if message type is 'pubsub' if props.type == 'pubsub': return sender = props.app_id subsystem = props.type props.app_id = self.routing_key props.type = 'error' props.user_id = self._rmq_userid errnum = errno.EHOSTUNREACH errmsg = os.strerror(errnum).encode('ascii') # Handle if the recipient header is not specified (improper vip) but should # not bring down the platform. recipient = props.headers.get('recipient', '') if props.headers else '' message = [errnum, errmsg, recipient, subsystem] _log.error("Host Unreachable Error Message is: {0}, {1}, {2}, {3}".format( message, method.routing_key, sender, props)) real_message = jsonapi.dumps(deserialize_frames(message), ensure_ascii=False) # The below try/except protects the platform from someone who is not communicating # via vip protocol. If sender is not a string then the channel publish will throw # an AssertionError and it will kill the platform. try:, sender, real_message, props) except AssertionError: pass
[docs] def loop(self): """ Connect to RabbiMQ broker and run infinite loop to listen to incoming messages :return: """ try: self.connect() self._connection.ioloop.start() except (pika.exceptions.AMQPConnectionError, pika.exceptions.AMQPChannelError) as exc: _log.error("RabbitMQ Connection Error. {}".format(exc))