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import logging
import os
import grequests

from urllib.parse import urlparse
import weakref

from .base import SubsystemBase

from volttron.platform import jsonapi
from volttron.platform.agent.known_identities import AUTH
from volttron.platform.keystore import KnownHostsStore
from volttron.platform.agent.utils import get_platform_instance_name, get_fq_identity, get_messagebus
from volttron.platform.certs import Certs
from volttron.platform.jsonrpc import RemoteError
from volttron.utils.rmq_config_params import RMQConfig
from volttron.platform.keystore import KeyStore
from import BAD_STATUS, Status
from volttron.platform import get_home

The auth subsystem allows an agent to quickly query authorization state
(e.g., which capabilities each user has been granted).

__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
__version__ = '1.1'

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Auth(SubsystemBase): def __init__(self, owner, core, rpc): self._owner = owner self._core = weakref.ref(core) self._rpc = weakref.ref(rpc) self._user_to_capabilities = {} self._dirty = True self._csr_certs = dict() self.remote_certs_dir = None def onsetup(sender, **kwargs): rpc.export(self._update_capabilities, 'auth.update') core.onsetup.connect(onsetup, self)
[docs] def connect_remote_platform(self, address, serverkey=None, agent_class=None): """ Agent atempts to connect to a remote platform to exchange data. address must start with http, https, tcp, ampq, or ampqs or a ValueError will be raised If this function is successful it will return an instance of the `agent_class` parameter if not then this function will return None. If the address parameter begins with http or https TODO: use the known host functionality here the agent will attempt to use Discovery to find the values associated with it. Discovery should return either an rmq-address or a vip-address or both. In that situation the connection will be made using zmq. In the event that fails then rmq will be tried. If both fail then None is returned from this function. """ from import build_agent from import Agent if agent_class is None: agent_class = Agent parsed_address = urlparse(address) _log.debug("Begining auth.connect_remote_platform: {}".format(address)) value = None if parsed_address.scheme == 'tcp': # ZMQ connection hosts = KnownHostsStore() temp_serverkey = hosts.serverkey(address) if not temp_serverkey:"Destination serverkey not found in known hosts file, using config") destination_serverkey = serverkey elif not serverkey: destination_serverkey = temp_serverkey else: if temp_serverkey != serverkey: raise ValueError("server_key passed and known hosts serverkey do not match!") destination_serverkey = serverkey publickey, secretkey = self._core().publickey, self._core().secretkey _log.debug("Connecting using: {}".format(get_fq_identity(self._core().identity))) value = build_agent(agent_class=agent_class, identity=get_fq_identity(self._core().identity), serverkey=destination_serverkey, publickey=publickey, secretkey=secretkey, message_bus='zmq', address=address) elif parsed_address.scheme in ('https', 'http'): from volttron.platform.web import DiscoveryInfo from volttron.platform.web import DiscoveryError try: # TODO: Use known host instead of looking up for discovery info if possible. # We need to discover which type of bus is at the other end. info = DiscoveryInfo.request_discovery_info(address) remote_identity = "{}.{}.{}".format(info.instance_name, get_platform_instance_name(), self._core().identity) # if the current message bus is zmq then we need # to connect a zmq on the remote, whether that be the # rmq router or proxy. Also note that we are using the fully qualified # version of the identity because there will be conflicts if # volttron central has more than one platform.agent connecting if get_messagebus() == 'zmq': if not info.vip_address or not info.serverkey: err = "Discovery from {} did not return serverkey and/or vip_address".format(address) raise ValueError(err) _log.debug("Connecting using: {}".format(get_fq_identity(self._core().identity))) # use fully qualified identity value = build_agent(identity=get_fq_identity(self._core().identity), address=info.vip_address, serverkey=info.serverkey, secretkey=self._core().secretkey, publickey=self._core().publickey, agent_class=agent_class) else: # we are on rmq messagebus # This is if both remote and local are rmq message buses. if info.messagebus_type == 'rmq': _log.debug("Both remote and local are rmq messagebus.") fqid_local = get_fq_identity(self._core().identity) #Check if we already have the cert, if so use it instead of requesting cert again remote_certs_dir = self.get_remote_certs_dir() remote_cert_name = "{}.{}".format(info.instance_name, fqid_local) certfile = os.path.join(remote_certs_dir, remote_cert_name + ".crt") if os.path.exists(certfile): response = certfile else: response = self.request_cert(address, fqid_local, info) if response is None: _log.error("there was no response from the server") value = None elif isinstance(response, tuple): if response[0] == 'PENDING':"Waiting for administrator to accept a CSR request.") value = None # elif isinstance(response, dict): # response elif os.path.exists(response): # info = DiscoveryInfo.request_discovery_info(address) # From the remote platforms perspective the remote user name is # remoteinstance.localinstance.identity, this is what we must # pass to the build_remote_connection_params for a successful remote_rmq_user = get_fq_identity(fqid_local, info.instance_name) _log.debug("REMOTE RMQ USER IS: {}".format(remote_rmq_user)) remote_rmq_address = self._core().rmq_mgmt.build_remote_connection_param( remote_rmq_user, info.rmq_address, ssl_auth=True, cert_dir=self.get_remote_certs_dir()) value = build_agent(identity=fqid_local, address=remote_rmq_address, instance_name=info.instance_name, publickey=self._core().publickey, secretkey=self._core().secretkey, message_bus='rmq', enable_store=False, agent_class=agent_class) else: raise ValueError("Unknown path through discovery process!") else: # TODO: cache the connection so we don't always have to ping # the server to connect. # This branch happens when the message bus is not the same note # this writes to the agent-data directory of this agent if the agent # is installed. if get_messagebus() == 'rmq': if not os.path.exists("keystore.json"): with open("keystore.json", 'w') as fp: fp.write(jsonapi.dumps(KeyStore.generate_keypair_dict())) with open("keystore.json") as fp: keypair = jsonapi.loads( value = build_agent(agent_class=agent_class, identity=remote_identity, serverkey=info.serverkey, publickey=keypair.get('publickey'), secretkey=keypair.get('secretekey'), message_bus='zmq', address=info.vip_address) except DiscoveryError: _log.error("Couldn't connect to {} or incorrect response returned response was {}".format(address, value)) else: raise ValueError("Invalid configuration found the address: {} has an invalid scheme".format(address)) return value
[docs] def request_cert(self, csr_server, fully_qualified_local_identity, discovery_info): """ Get a signed csr from the csr_server endpoint This method will create a csr request that is going to be sent to the signing server. :param csr_server: the http(s) location of the server to connect to. :return: """ if get_messagebus() != 'rmq': raise ValueError("Only can create csr for rabbitmq based platform in ssl mode.") # from volttron.platform.web import DiscoveryInfo config = RMQConfig() if not config.is_ssl: raise ValueError("Only can create csr for rabbitmq based platform in ssl mode.") # info = discovery_info # if info is None: # info = DiscoveryInfo.request_discovery_info(csr_server) certs = Certs() csr_request = certs.create_csr(fully_qualified_local_identity, discovery_info.instance_name) # The csr request requires the fully qualified identity that is # going to be connected to the external instance. # # The remote instance id is the instance name of the remote platform # concatenated with the identity of the local fully quallified identity. remote_cert_name = "{}.{}".format(discovery_info.instance_name, fully_qualified_local_identity) remote_ca_name = discovery_info.instance_name + "_ca" # if certs.cert_exists(remote_cert_name, True): # return certs.cert(remote_cert_name, True) json_request = dict( csr=csr_request.decode("utf-8"), identity=remote_cert_name, # get_platform_instance_name()+"."+self._core().identity, hostname=config.hostname ) request = + "/csr/request_new", json=jsonapi.dumps(json_request), verify=False) response =[request]) if response and isinstance(response, list): response[0].raise_for_status() response = response[0] # response = + "/csr/request_new", # json=jsonapi.dumps(json_request), # verify=False) _log.debug("The response: {}".format(response)) j = response.json() status = j.get('status') cert = j.get('cert') message = j.get('message', '') remote_certs_dir = self.get_remote_certs_dir() if status == 'SUCCESSFUL' or status == 'APPROVED': certs.save_agent_remote_info(remote_certs_dir, fully_qualified_local_identity, remote_cert_name, cert.encode("utf-8"), remote_ca_name, discovery_info.rmq_ca_cert.encode("utf-8")) os.environ['REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE'] = os.path.join(remote_certs_dir, "requests_ca_bundle") _log.debug("Set os.environ requests ca bundle to {}".format(os.environ['REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE'])) elif status == 'PENDING': _log.debug("Pending CSR request for {}".format(remote_cert_name)) elif status == 'DENIED': _log.error("Denied from remote machine. Shutting down agent.") status =, context="Administrator denied remote connection. Shutting down"), status.context)"_DENIED", status) self._core().stop() return None elif status == 'ERROR': err = "Error retrieving certificate from {}\n".format( config.hostname) err += "{}".format(message) raise ValueError(err) else: # No resposne return None certfile = os.path.join(remote_certs_dir, remote_cert_name + ".crt") if os.path.exists(certfile): return certfile else: return status, message
[docs] def get_remote_certs_dir(self): if not self.remote_certs_dir: install_dir = os.path.join(get_home(), "agents", self._core().agent_uuid) files = os.listdir(install_dir) for f in files: agent_dir = os.path.join(install_dir, f) if os.path.isdir(agent_dir): break # found sub_dirs = os.listdir(agent_dir) for d in sub_dirs: d_path = os.path.join(agent_dir, d) if os.path.isdir(d_path) and d.endswith("agent-data"): self.remote_certs_dir = d_path return self.remote_certs_dir
def _fetch_capabilities(self): while self._dirty: self._dirty = False try: self._user_to_capabilities = self._rpc().call(AUTH, 'get_user_to_capabilities').get(timeout=10) _log.debug("self. user to cap {}".format(self._user_to_capabilities)) except RemoteError: self._dirty = True
[docs] def get_capabilities(self, user_id): """Gets capabilities for a given user. :param user_id: user id field from VOLTTRON Interconnect Protocol :type user_id: str :returns: list of capabilities :rtype: list """ self._fetch_capabilities() return self._user_to_capabilities.get(user_id, [])
def _update_capabilities(self, user_to_capabilities): identity = self._rpc().context.vip_message.peer if identity == AUTH: self._user_to_capabilities = user_to_capabilities self._dirty = True