
The SchedulerExampleAgent demonstrates how to use the scheduling feature of the [[ActuatorAgent]] as well as how to send a command. This agent publishes a request for a reservation on a (fake) device then takes an action when it’s scheduled time appears. The ActuatorAgent must be running to exercise this example.

Note: Since there is no actual device, an error is produced when the agent attempts to take its action.

def publish_schedule(self):
    '''Periodically publish a schedule request'''
    headers = {
        'AgentID': agent_id,
        'type': 'NEW_SCHEDULE',
        'requesterID': agent_id, #The name of the requesting agent.
        'taskID': agent_id + "-ExampleTask", #The desired task ID for this task. It must be unique among all other scheduled tasks.
        'priority': 'LOW', #The desired task priority, must be 'HIGH', 'LOW', or 'LOW_PREEMPT'

    start = str(
    end = str( + datetime.timedelta(minutes=1))

    msg = [
    'pubsub', topics.ACTUATOR_SCHEDULE_REQUEST, headers, msg)

The agent listens to schedule announcements from the actuator and then issues a command

@PubSub.subscribe('pubsub', topics.ACTUATOR_SCHEDULE_ANNOUNCE(campus='campus',
def actuate(self, peer, sender, bus,  topic, headers, message):
    print ("response:",topic,headers,message)
    if headers[headers_mod.REQUESTER_ID] != agent_id:
    '''Match the announce for our fake device with our ID
    Then take an action. Note, this command will fail since there is no
    actual device'''
    headers = {
                'requesterID': agent_id,
    'pubsub', topics.ACTUATOR_SET(campus='campus',
                                     headers, 0.0)