Source code for volttron.platform.web

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- {{{
# vim: set fenc=utf-8 ft=python sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 et:
# Copyright 2017, Battelle Memorial Institute.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This material was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of
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# United States Government or any agency thereof.
# under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830
# }}}

from collections import defaultdict
import logging
import os
import re
import requests
import base64
from urlparse import urlparse, urljoin

import gevent
import gevent.pywsgi
from ws4py.websocket import WebSocket

from ws4py.server.geventserver import (WebSocketWSGIApplication,
import zlib

import mimetypes

from requests.packages.urllib3.connection import (ConnectionError,
from volttron.platform.agent import json as jsonapi

from .auth import AuthEntry, AuthFile, AuthFileEntryAlreadyExists
from .vip.agent import Agent, Core, RPC
from .vip.agent.subsystems import query
from .jsonrpc import (
    json_result, json_validate_request, UNAUTHORIZED)
from .vip.socket import encode_key

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CouldNotRegister(StandardError): pass
[docs]class DuplicateEndpointError(StandardError): pass
[docs]class DiscoveryError(StandardError): """ Raised when a different volttron central tries to register. """ pass
[docs]class DiscoveryInfo(object): """ A DiscoveryInfo class. The DiscoveryInfo class provides a wrapper around the return values from a call to the /discovery/ endpoint of the `volttron.platform.web. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.discovery_address = kwargs.pop('discovery_address') self.vip_address = kwargs.pop('vip-address') self.serverkey = kwargs.pop('serverkey') self.instance_name = kwargs.pop('instance-name') assert len(kwargs) == 0
[docs] @staticmethod def request_discovery_info(web_address): """ Construct a `DiscoveryInfo` object. Requests a response from discovery_address and constructs a `DiscoveryInfo` object with the returned json. :param web_address: An http(s) address with volttron running. :return: """ try: parsed = urlparse(web_address) assert parsed.scheme assert not parsed.path real_url = urljoin(web_address, "/discovery/")'Connecting to: {}'.format(real_url)) response = requests.get(real_url) if not response.ok: raise DiscoveryError( "Invalid discovery response from {}".format(real_url) ) except AttributeError as e: raise DiscoveryError( "Invalid web_address passed {}" .format(web_address) ) except (ConnectionError, NewConnectionError) as e: raise DiscoveryError( "Connection to {} not available".format(real_url) ) except Exception as e: raise DiscoveryError("Unhandled exception {}".format(e)) return DiscoveryInfo( discovery_address=web_address, **(response.json()))
def __str__(self): dk = { 'discovery_address': self.discovery_address, 'vip_address': self.vip_address, 'serverkey': self.serverkey, 'instance_name': self.instance_name } return jsonapi.dumps(dk)
[docs]def is_ip_private(vip_address): """ Determines if the passed vip_address is a private ip address or not. :param vip_address: A valid ip address. :return: True if an internal ip address. """ ip = vip_address.strip().lower().split("tcp://")[1] # priv_lo = re.compile("^127\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$") priv_24 = re.compile("^10\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$") priv_20 = re.compile("^192\.168\.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}$") priv_16 = re.compile("^172.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1]).[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}$") return priv_lo.match(ip) is not None or priv_24.match( ip) is not None or priv_20.match(ip) is not None or priv_16.match( ip) is not None
[docs]class WebResponse(object): """ The WebResponse object is a serializable representation of a response to an http(s) client request that can be transmitted through the RPC subsystem to the appropriate platform's MasterWebAgent """ def __init__(self, status, data, headers): self.status = status self.headers = self.process_headers(headers) = self.process_data(data)
[docs] def process_headers(self, headers): return [(key, value) for key, value in headers.items()]
[docs] def process_data(self, data): if type(data) == bytes: self.base64 = True data = base64.b64encode(data) elif type(data) == str: self.base64 = False else: raise TypeError("Response data is neither bytes nor string type") return data
[docs]class VolttronWebSocket(WebSocket): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(VolttronWebSocket, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) def _get_identity_and_endpoint(self): identity = self.environ['identity'] endpoint = self.environ['PATH_INFO'] return identity, endpoint
[docs] def opened(self):'Socket opened') app = self.environ[''] identity, endpoint = self._get_identity_and_endpoint() app.client_opened(self, endpoint, identity)
[docs] def received_message(self, m): # self.clients is set from within the server # and holds the list of all connected servers # we can dispatch to self._log.debug('Socket received message: {}'.format(m)) app = self.environ[''] identity, endpoint = self._get_identity_and_endpoint() ip = self.environ[''] app.client_received(endpoint, m)
[docs] def closed(self, code, reason="A client left the room without a proper explanation."):'Socket closed!') app = self.environ.pop('') identity, endpoint = self._get_identity_and_endpoint() app.client_closed(self, endpoint, identity, reason)
# if self in app.clients: # app.clients.remove(self) # for client in app.clients: # try: # client.send(reason) # except: # pass
[docs]class WebApplicationWrapper(object): """ A container class that will hold all of the applications registered with it. The class provides a contianer for managing the routing of websocket, static content, and rpc function calls. """ def __init__(self, masterweb, host, port): self.masterweb = masterweb self.port = port = host = WebSocketWSGIApplication(handler_cls=VolttronWebSocket) self.clients = [] self.endpoint_clients = {} self._wsregistry = {} self._log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def favicon(self, environ, start_response): """ Don't care about favicon, let's send nothing. """ status = '200 OK' headers = [('Content-type', 'text/plain')] start_response(status, headers) return ""
[docs] def client_opened(self, client, endpoint, identity): ip = client.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'] should_open =, 'client.opened', ip, endpoint) if not should_open: self._log.error("Authentication failure, closing websocket.") client.close(reason='Authentication failure!') return # In order to get into endpoint_clients create_ws must be called. if endpoint not in self.endpoint_clients: self._log.error('Unknown endpoint detected: {}'.format(endpoint)) client.close(reason="Unknown endpoint! {}".format(endpoint)) return if (identity, client) in self.endpoint_clients[endpoint]: self._log.debug("IDENTITY,CLIENT: {} already in endpoint set".format(identity)) else: self._log.debug("IDENTITY,CLIENT: {} added to endpoint set".format(identity)) self.endpoint_clients[endpoint].add((identity, client))
[docs] def client_received(self, endpoint, message): clients = self.endpoint_clients.get(endpoint, []) for identity, _ in clients:, 'client.message', str(endpoint), str(message))
[docs] def client_closed(self, client, endpoint, identity, reason="Client left without proper explaination"): client_set = self.endpoint_clients.get(endpoint, set()) try: key = (identity, client) client_set.remove(key) except KeyError: pass else:, 'client.closed', endpoint)
[docs] def create_ws_endpoint(self, endpoint, identity): #_log.debug()print(endpoint, identity) # if endpoint in self.endpoint_clients: # peers = # old_identity = self._wsregistry[endpoint] # if old_identity not in peers: # for client in self.endpoint_clients.values(): # client.close() # r if endpoint not in self.endpoint_clients: self.endpoint_clients[endpoint] = set() self._wsregistry[endpoint] = identity
[docs] def destroy_ws_endpoint(self, endpoint): clients = self.endpoint_clients.get(endpoint, []) for identity, client in clients: client.close(reason="Endpoint closed.") try: del self.endpoint_clients[endpoint] except KeyError: pass
[docs] def websocket_send(self, endpoint, message): self._log.debug('Sending message to clients!') clients = self.endpoint_clients.get(endpoint, []) if not clients: self._log.warn("There were no clients for endpoint {}".format( endpoint)) for c in clients: identity, client = c self._log.debug('Sending endpoint&&message {}&&{}'.format( endpoint, message)) client.send(message)
def __call__(self, environ, start_response): """ Good ol' WSGI application. This is a simple demo so I tried to stay away from dependencies. """ if environ['PATH_INFO'] == '/favicon.ico': return self.favicon(environ, start_response) path = environ['PATH_INFO'] if path in self._wsregistry: environ[''] = self environ['identity'] = self._wsregistry[environ['PATH_INFO']] return, start_response) return self.masterweb.app_routing(environ, start_response)
[docs]class MasterWebService(Agent): """The service that is responsible for managing and serving registered pages Agents can register either a directory of files to serve or an rpc method that will be called during the request process. """ def __init__(self, serverkey, identity, address, bind_web_address, aip, volttron_central_address=None, **kwargs): """Initialize the discovery service with the serverkey serverkey is the public key in order to access this volttron's bus. """ super(MasterWebService, self).__init__(identity, address, **kwargs) self.bind_web_address = bind_web_address self.serverkey = serverkey self.instance_name = None self.registeredroutes = [] self.peerroutes = defaultdict(list) self.pathroutes = defaultdict(list) # Maps from endpoint to peer. self.endpoints = {} self.aip = aip self.volttron_central_address = volttron_central_address # If vc is this instance then make the vc address the same as # the web address. if not self.volttron_central_address: self.volttron_central_address = bind_web_address if not mimetypes.inited: mimetypes.init() self.appContainer = None self._server_greenlet = None
[docs] def remove_unconnnected_routes(self): peers = for p in self.peerroutes: if p not in peers: del self.peerroutes[p]
[docs] @RPC.export def websocket_send(self, endpoint, message): _log.debug("Sending data to {} with message {}".format(endpoint, message)) self.appContainer.websocket_send(endpoint, message)
[docs] @RPC.export def get_bind_web_address(self): return self.bind_web_address
[docs] @RPC.export def get_serverkey(self): return self.serverkey
[docs] @RPC.export def get_volttron_central_address(self): """Return address of external Volttron Central Note: this only applies to Volltron Central agents that are running on a different platform. """ return self.volttron_central_address
[docs] @RPC.export def register_endpoint(self, endpoint, res_type): """ RPC method to register a dynamic route. :param endpoint: :return: """ _log.debug('Registering route with endpoint: {}'.format(endpoint)) # Get calling peer from the rpc context peer = bytes( _log.debug('Route is associated with peer: {}'.format(peer)) if endpoint in self.endpoints: _log.error("Attempting to register an already existing endpoint.") _log.error("Ignoring registration.") raise DuplicateEndpointError( "Endpoint {} is already an endpoint".format(endpoint)) self.endpoints[endpoint] = (peer, res_type)
[docs] @RPC.export def register_agent_route(self, regex, fn): """ Register an agent route to an exported function. When a http request is executed and matches the passed regular expression then the function on peer is executed. """ # Get calling peer from the rpc context peer = bytes( 'Registering agent route expression: {} peer: {} function: {}' .format(regex, peer, fn)) compiled = re.compile(regex) self.peerroutes[peer].append(compiled) self.registeredroutes.insert(0, (compiled, 'peer_route', (peer, fn)))
[docs] @RPC.export def unregister_all_agent_routes(self): # Get calling peer from the rpc context peer = bytes('Unregistering agent routes for: {}'.format(peer)) for regex in self.peerroutes[peer]: out = [cp for cp in self.registeredroutes if cp[0] != regex] self.registeredroutes = out del self.peerroutes[peer] for regex in self.pathroutes[peer]: out = [cp for cp in self.registeredroutes if cp[0] != regex] self.registeredroutes = out del self.pathroutes[peer] _log.debug(self.endpoints) endpoints = self.endpoints.copy() endpoints = {i:endpoints[i] for i in endpoints if endpoints[i][0] != peer} _log.debug(endpoints) self.endpoints = endpoints
[docs] @RPC.export def register_path_route(self, regex, root_dir):'Registering path route: {}'.format(root_dir)) # Get calling peer from the rpc context peer = bytes( compiled = re.compile(regex) self.pathroutes[peer].append(compiled) self.registeredroutes.append((compiled, 'path', root_dir))
[docs] @RPC.export def register_websocket(self, endpoint): identity = bytes( _log.debug('Caller identity: {}'.format(identity)) _log.debug('REGISTERING ENDPOINT: {}'.format(endpoint)) if self.appContainer: self.appContainer.create_ws_endpoint(endpoint, identity) else: _log.error('Attempting to register endpoint without web' 'subsystem initialized') raise AttributeError("self does not contain" " attribute appContainer")
[docs] @RPC.export def unregister_websocket(self, endpoint): identity = bytes( _log.debug('Caller identity: {}'.format(identity)) self.appContainer.destroy_ws_endpoint(endpoint)
def _redirect_index(self, env, start_response, data=None): """ Redirect to the index page. @param env: @param start_response: @param data: @return: """ start_response('302 Found', [('Location', '/index.html')]) return ['1'] def _allow(self, environ, start_response, data=None):'Allowing new vc instance to connect to server.') jsondata = jsonapi.loads(data) json_validate_request(jsondata) assert jsondata.get('method') == 'allowvc' assert jsondata.get('params') params = jsondata.get('params') if isinstance(params, list): vcpublickey = params[0] else: vcpublickey = params.get('vcpublickey') assert vcpublickey assert len(vcpublickey) == 43 authfile = AuthFile() authentry = AuthEntry(credentials=vcpublickey) try: authfile.add(authentry) except AuthFileEntryAlreadyExists: pass start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'application/json')]) return jsonapi.dumps( json_result(jsondata['id'], "Added") ) def _get_discovery(self, environ, start_response, data=None): q = query.Query(self.core) self.instance_name = q.query('instance-name').get(timeout=60) print("Discovery instance: {}".format(self.instance_name)) addreses = q.query('addresses').get(timeout=60) external_vip = None for x in addreses: if not is_ip_private(x): external_vip = x break peers = return_dict = {} if self.serverkey: return_dict['serverkey'] = encode_key(self.serverkey) else: sk = None if self.instance_name: return_dict['instance-name'] = self.instance_name return_dict['vip-address'] = external_vip start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'application/json')]) return jsonapi.dumps(return_dict)
[docs] def app_routing(self, env, start_response): """ The main routing function that maps the incoming request to a response. Depending on the registered routes map the request data onto an rpc function or a specific named file. """ path_info = env['PATH_INFO'] if path_info.startswith('/http://'): path_info = path_info[path_info.index('/', len('/http://')):] _log.debug('Path info is: {}'.format(path_info)) # only expose a partial list of the env variables to the registered # agents. envlist = ['HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'PATH_INFO', 'QUERY_STRING', 'REQUEST_METHOD', 'SERVER_PROTOCOL', 'REMOTE_ADDR', 'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'] data = env['wsgi.input'].read() passenv = dict( (envlist[i], env[envlist[i]]) for i in range(0, len(envlist)) if envlist[i] in env.keys()) _log.debug('PATH IS: {}'.format(path_info)) # Get the peer responsible for dealing with the endpoint. If there # isn't a peer then fall back on the other methods of routing. (peer, res_type) = self.endpoints.get(path_info, (None, None)) _log.debug('Peer we path_info is associated with: {}'.format(peer)) # if we have a peer then we expect to call that peer's web subsystem # callback to perform whatever is required of the method. if peer: _log.debug('Calling peer {} back with env={} data={}'.format( peer, passenv, data )) res =, 'route.callback', passenv, data).get(timeout=60) if res_type == "jsonrpc": return self.create_response(res, start_response) elif res_type == "raw": return self.create_raw_response(res, start_response) for k, t, v in self.registeredroutes: if k.match(path_info): _log.debug("MATCHED:\npattern: {}, path_info: {}\n v: {}" .format(k.pattern, path_info, v)) _log.debug('registered route t is: {}'.format(t)) if t == 'callable': # Generally for locally called items. return v(env, start_response, data) elif t == 'peer_route': # RPC calls from agents on the platform _log.debug('Matched peer_route with pattern {}'.format( k.pattern)) peer, fn = (v[0], v[1]) res =, fn, passenv, data).get( timeout=120) _log.debug(res) return self.create_response(res, start_response) elif t == 'path': # File service from agents on the platform. server_path = v + path_info # os.path.join(v, path_info) _log.debug('Serverpath: {}'.format(server_path)) return self._sendfile(env, start_response, server_path) start_response('404 Not Found', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')]) return [b'<h1>Not Found</h1>']
[docs] def create_raw_response(self, res, start_response): # If this is a tuple then we know we are going to have a response # and a headers portion of the data. if isinstance(res, tuple) or isinstance(res, list): if len(res) == 1: status, = res headers = () if len(res) == 2: headers = () status, response = res if len(res) == 3: status, response, headers = res start_response(status, headers) return base64.b64decode(response) else: start_response("500 Programming Error", [('Content-Type', 'text/html')]) _log.error("Invalid length of response tuple (must be 1-3)") return [b'Invalid response tuple (must contain 1-3 elements)']
[docs] def create_response(self, res, start_response): # Dictionaries are going to be treated as if they are meant to be json # serialized with Content-Type of application/json if isinstance(res, dict): # Note this is specific to volttron central agent and should # probably not be at this level of abstraction. _log.debug('res is a dictionary.') if 'error' in res.keys(): if res['error']['code'] == UNAUTHORIZED: start_response('401 Unauthorized', [ ('Content-Type', 'text/html')]) message = res['error']['message'] code = res['error']['code'] return [b'<h1>{}</h1>\n<h2>CODE:{}</h2>' .format(message, code)] start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'application/json')]) return jsonapi.dumps(res) # If this is a tuple then we know we are going to have a response # and a headers portion of the data. if isinstance(res, tuple) or isinstance(res, list): if len(res) != 2: start_response("500 Programming Error", [('Content-Type', 'text/html')]) _log.error("Invalid length of response tuple (must be 2)") return [b'Invalid response tuple (must contain 2 elements)'] response, headers = res header_dict = dict(headers) if header_dict.get('Content-Encoding', None) == 'gzip': gzip_compress = zlib.compressobj(9, zlib.DEFLATED, zlib.MAX_WBITS | 16) data = gzip_compress.compress(response) + gzip_compress.flush() start_response('200 OK', headers) return data else: return response else: start_response('200 OK', [('Content-Type', 'application/json')]) return jsonapi.dumps(res)
def _sendfile(self, env, start_response, filename): from wsgiref.util import FileWrapper status = '200 OK' _log.debug('SENDING FILE: {}'.format(filename)) guess = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0] _log.debug('MIME GUESS: {}'.format(guess)) if not os.path.exists(filename): start_response('404 Not Found', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')]) return [b'<h1>Not Found</h1>'] if not guess: guess = 'text/plain' response_headers = [ ('Content-type', guess), ] start_response(status, response_headers) return FileWrapper(open(filename, 'r'))
[docs] @Core.receiver('onstart') def startupagent(self, sender, **kwargs): if not self.bind_web_address:'Web server not started.') return import urlparse parsed = urlparse.urlparse(self.bind_web_address) hostname = parsed.hostname port = parsed.port'Starting web server binding to {}:{}.' \ .format(hostname, port)) self.registeredroutes.append((re.compile('^/discovery/$'), 'callable', self._get_discovery)) self.registeredroutes.append((re.compile('^/discovery/allow$'), 'callable', self._allow)) self.registeredroutes.append((re.compile('^/$'), 'callable', self._redirect_index)) port = int(port) vhome = os.environ.get('VOLTTRON_HOME') logdir = os.path.join(vhome, "log") if not os.path.exists(logdir): os.makedirs(logdir) self.appContainer = WebApplicationWrapper(self, hostname, port) svr = WSGIServer((hostname, port), self.appContainer) self._server_greenlet = gevent.spawn(svr.serve_forever)
# with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'web.access.log'), 'wb') as accesslog: # with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'web.error.log'), 'wb') as errlog: # server = pywsgi.WSGIServer((hostname, port), self.app_routing, # log=accesslog, error_log=errlog) # try: # server.serve_forever() # except Exception as e: # message = 'bind-web-address {} is not available, stopping' # message = message.format(self.bind_web_address) # _log.error(message) # print message # sys.exit(1) # svr = WSGIServer((host, port)) # with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'web.access.log'), 'wb') as accesslog: # with open(os.path.join(logdir, 'web.error.log'), 'wb') as errlog: # server = pywsgi.WSGIServer((hostname, port), self.app_routing, # log=accesslog, error_log=errlog) # server.serve_forever()
[docs]def build_vip_address_string(vip_root, serverkey, publickey, secretkey): """ Build a full vip address string based upon the passed arguments All arguments are required to be non-None in order for the string to be created successfully. :raises ValueError if one of the parameters is None. """ _log.debug("root: {}, serverkey: {}, publickey: {}, secretkey: {}".format( vip_root, serverkey, publickey, secretkey)) parsed = urlparse(vip_root) if parsed.scheme == 'tcp': if not (serverkey and publickey and secretkey and vip_root): raise ValueError("All parameters must be entered.") root = "{}?serverkey={}&publickey={}&secretkey={}".format( vip_root, serverkey, publickey, secretkey) elif parsed.scheme == 'ipc': root = vip_root else: raise ValueError('Invalid vip root specified!') return root