Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- {{{
# vim: set fenc=utf-8 ft=python sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 et:
# Copyright 2017, Battelle Memorial Institute.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This material was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of
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# under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830
# }}}

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import

import logging
import requests
import random
import os
import grequests
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from zmq import ZMQError
from zmq.utils import jsonapi
from gevent.lock import Semaphore

from volttron.platform.agent import utils
from .agent import Agent, Core, RPC
from requests.packages.urllib3.connection import (ConnectionError,
from urlparse import urlparse, urljoin
from gevent.fileobject import FileObject
from volttron.utils.persistance import PersistentDict

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__version__ = '0.1'

[docs]class DiscoveryError(StandardError): """ Raised when a different volttron central tries to register. """ pass
[docs]class KeyDiscoveryAgent(Agent): """ Class to get server key, instance name and vip address of external/remote platforms """ def __init__(self, address, serverkey, identity, external_address_config, setup_mode, bind_web_address, *args, **kwargs): super(KeyDiscoveryAgent, self).__init__(identity, address, **kwargs) self._external_address_file = external_address_config self._ext_addresses = dict() self._grnlets = dict() self._vip_socket = None self._my_web_address = bind_web_address self.r = random.random() self._setup_mode = setup_mode if self._setup_mode: _log.debug("RUNNING IN MULTI-PLATFORM SETUP MODE") self._store_path = os.path.join(os.environ['VOLTTRON_HOME'], 'external_platform_discovery.json') self._ext_addresses_store = dict() self._ext_addresses_store_lock = Semaphore()
[docs] @Core.receiver('onstart') def startup(self, sender, **kwargs): """ Try to get platform discovery info of all the remote platforms. If unsuccessful, setup events to try again later :param sender: caller :param kwargs: optional arguments :return: """ self._vip_socket = self.core.socket #If in setup mode, read the external_addresses.json to get web addresses to set up authorized connection with # external platforms. if self._setup_mode: if self._my_web_address is None: _log.error("Web bind address is needed in multiplatform setup mode") return with self._ext_addresses_store_lock: try: self._ext_addresses_store = PersistentDict(filename=self._store_path, flag='c', format='json') except ValueError as exc: _log.error("Error in json format: {0}".format(exc)) #Delete the existing store. if self._ext_addresses_store: self._ext_addresses_store.clear() self._ext_addresses_store.async_sync() web_addresses = dict() #Read External web addresses file try: web_addresses = self._read_platform_address_file() try: web_addresses.remove(self._my_web_address) except ValueError: _log.debug("My web address is not in the external bind web adress list") op = b'web-addresses' self._send_to_router(op, web_addresses) except IOError as exc: _log.error("Error in reading file: {}".format(exc)) return sec = random.random() * self.r + 10 delay = utils.get_aware_utc_now() + timedelta(seconds=sec) grnlt = self.core.schedule(delay, self._key_collection, web_addresses) else: #Use the existing store for platform discovery information with self._ext_addresses_store_lock: try: self._ext_addresses_store = PersistentDict(filename=self._store_path, flag='c', format='json') except ValueError as exc: _log.error("Error in json file format: {0}".format(exc)) for name, discovery_info in self._ext_addresses_store.items(): op = b'normalmode_platform_connection' self._send_to_router(op, discovery_info)
def _key_collection(self, web_addresses): """ Collect platform discovery information (server key, instance name, vip-address) for all platforms. :param web_addresses: List of web addresses to get discovery info :return: """ for web_address in web_addresses: if web_address not in self._my_web_address: self._collect_key(web_address) def _collect_key(self, web_address): """ Try to get (server key, instance name, vip-address) of remote instance and send it to RoutingService to connect to the remote instance. If unsuccessful, try again later. :param name: instance name :param web_address: web address of remote instance :return: """ platform_info = dict() try: platform_info = self._get_platform_discovery(web_address) with self._ext_addresses_store_lock: _log.debug("Platform discovery info: {}".format(platform_info)) name = platform_info['instance-name'] self._ext_addresses_store[name] = platform_info self._ext_addresses_store.async_sync() except KeyError as exc: _log.error("Discovery info does not contain instance name {}".format(exc)) except DiscoveryError: # If discovery error, try again later sec = random.random() * self.r + 30 delay = utils.get_aware_utc_now() + timedelta(seconds=sec) grnlet = self.core.schedule(delay, self._collect_key, web_address) except ConnectionError as e: _log.error("HTTP connection error {}".format(e)) #If platform discovery is successful, send the info to RoutingService #to establish connection with remote platform. if platform_info: op = b'setupmode_platform_connection' connection_settings = dict(platform_info) connection_settings['web-address'] = web_address self._send_to_router(op, connection_settings) def _send_to_router(self, op, platform_info): """ Send the platform discovery stats to the router to establish new connection :param platform_info: platform discovery stats :return: """ address = jsonapi.dumps(platform_info) frames = [op, address] try: self._vip_socket.send_vip(b'', 'routing_table', frames, copy=False) except ZMQError as ex: # Try sending later _log.error("ZMQ error while sending external platform info to router: {}".format(ex)) def _read_platform_address_file(self): """ Read the external addresses file :return: """ try: with open(self._external_address_file) as fil: # Use gevent FileObject to avoid blocking the thread data = FileObject(fil, close=False).read() web_addresses = jsonapi.loads(data) if data else {} return web_addresses except IOError as e: _log.error("Error opening file {}".format(self._external_address_file)) raise except Exception: _log.exception('error loading %s', self._external_address_file) raise def _get_platform_discovery(self, web_address): """ Use http discovery call to get serverkey, instance name and vip-address of remote instance :param web_address: web address of remote instance :return: """ r = {} try: parsed = urlparse(web_address) assert parsed.scheme assert not parsed.path real_url = urljoin(web_address, "/discovery/") req = grequests.get(real_url) responses =[req]) responses[0].raise_for_status() r = responses[0].json() return r except requests.exceptions.HTTPError: raise DiscoveryError( "Invalid discovery response from {}".format(real_url) ) except requests.exceptions.Timeout: raise DiscoveryError( "Timeout error from {}".format(real_url) ) except AttributeError as e: raise DiscoveryError( "Invalid web_address passed {}" .format(web_address) ) except (ConnectionError, NewConnectionError) as e: raise DiscoveryError( "Connection to {} not available".format(real_url) ) except Exception as e: raise DiscoveryError( "Unknown Exception".format(e.message) )