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from collections import defaultdict
import logging
import weakref

from volttron.platform.agent.known_identities import MASTER_WEB
from import SubsystemBase

__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class WebSubSystem(SubsystemBase): """ The web subsystem handles the agent side of routing web data from the :class:`volttron.platform.web.MasterWebService`. """ def __init__(self, owner, core, rpc): self._owner = weakref.ref(owner) self._rpc = weakref.ref(rpc) self._core = weakref.ref(core) self._endpoints = {} self._ws_endpoint = {} rpc.export(self._opened, 'client.opened') rpc.export(self._closed, 'client.closed') rpc.export(self._message, 'client.message') rpc.export(self._route_callback, 'route.callback') def onstop(sender, **kwargs):, 'unregister_all_agent_routes') core.onstop.connect(onstop, self)
[docs] def unregister_all_routes(self): self._rpc().call(MASTER_WEB, 'unregister_all_agent_routes')
[docs] def register_endpoint(self, endpoint, callback, res_type="jsonrpc"): """ The :meth:`register_endpoint` method registers an endpoint with the :class:`volttron.platform.web.MasterWebService` on the VOLTTRON instance. Each endpoint can map to at most one callback function. The callback function must support the following interface .. code-block:: python def callback(self, env, data): print('The environmental variables {}'.format(env)) print('The data sent {}'.format(data)) .. versionadded:: VOLTTRON 4.0.1 :param endpoint: Http endpoint matching the PATH_INFO environmental variable :param callback: Agent method to be called with the env and data. :type endpoint: str :type callback: function """'Registering route endpoint: {}'.format(endpoint)) self._endpoints[endpoint] = callback self._rpc().call(MASTER_WEB, 'register_endpoint', endpoint, res_type)
[docs] def register_path(self, prefix, static_path): """ The :meth:`register_path` method registers a prefix that can be used for routing static files. .. versionadded:: VOLTTRON 4.0.1 :param prefix: :param static_path: An existing path available to the :class:`volttron.platform.web.MasterWebService` :type prefix: str :type static_path: str """'Registering path prefix: {}, path: {}'.format( prefix, static_path )) self._rpc().call(MASTER_WEB, 'register_path_route', prefix, static_path)
[docs] def register_websocket(self, endpoint, opened=None, closed=None, received=None): """ The :meth:`register_websocket` method registers a websocket endpoint that can be connected to through the :class:`volttron.platform.web.MasterWebService`. The parameters opened and closed can be specified as callback events with the following signature: .. code-block:: python def ws_opened(self, endpoint): print('ws_opened endpoint {}'.format(endpoint)) def ws_closed(self, endpoint): print('ws_closed endpoint {}'.format(endpoint)) The received event is triggered when the websocket is writtent to fro the client. The received event must have a signature such as the following interface: .. code-block:: python def ws_received(self, endpoint, message): print('ws_received endpoint {} message: {}'.format(endpoint, message)) .. versionadded:: VOLTTRON 4.0.1 :param endpoint: The endpoint of the websocket event occurred on. :param opened: An event triggered when a client is connected to the endpoint. :param closed: An event triggered when a client is closed or disconnected from the endpoint. :param received: An event triggered when data comes in on the endpoint's websocket. :type endpoint: str :type opened: function :type closed: function :type received: function """ self._ws_endpoint[endpoint] = (opened, closed, received) self._rpc().call(MASTER_WEB, 'register_websocket', endpoint).get( timeout=5)
[docs] def unregister_websocket(self, endpoint): self._rpc().call(MASTER_WEB, 'unregister_websocket', endpoint).get( timeout=5 )
[docs] def send(self, endpoint, message=''): """ The :meth:`send` method publishes data to the registered websocket clients that are subscribed to the passed endpoint. .. versionadded:: VOLTTRON 4.0.1 :param endpoint: The endpoint to be used to send the message. :param message: The message to be sent through to the client. This parameter must be serializable. :type endpoint: str :type message: str """ _log.debug('SENDING DATA TO CALLBACK {} {}'.format(endpoint, message)) self._rpc().call(MASTER_WEB, 'websocket_send', endpoint, message).get( timeout=5)
def _route_callback(self, env, data): _log.debug('Routing callback env: {} data: {}'.format(env, data)) fn = self._endpoints.get(env['PATH_INFO']) if fn: _log.debug("Calling function: {}".format(fn.__name__)) return fn(env, data) return None def _opened(self, fromip, endpoint): _log.debug('Client opened callback ip: {} endpoint: {}'.format( fromip, endpoint)) callbacks = self._ws_endpoint.get(endpoint) if callbacks is None: _log.error('Websocket endpoint {} is not available'.format( endpoint)) else: if callbacks[0]: return callbacks[0](fromip, endpoint) return False def _closed(self, endpoint): _log.debug('Client closed callback endpoint: {}'.format(endpoint)) callbacks = self._ws_endpoint.get(endpoint) if callbacks is None: _log.error('Websocket endpoint {} is not available'.format( endpoint)) else: if callbacks[1]: callbacks[1](endpoint) def _message(self, endpoint, message): print('Client received message callback') callbacks = self._ws_endpoint.get(endpoint) if callbacks is None: _log.error('Websocket endpoint {} is not available'.format( endpoint)) else: if callbacks[2]: callbacks[2](endpoint, message)