Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- {{{
# vim: set fenc=utf-8 ft=python sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 et:
# Copyright 2017, Battelle Memorial Institute.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This material was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of
# the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the
# United States Department of Energy, nor Battelle, nor any of their
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# under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830
# }}}

from __future__ import absolute_import

from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
import inspect
import logging
import random
import re
import weakref

import gevent
from zmq import green as zmq
from zmq import SNDMORE
from volttron.platform.agent import json as jsonapi

from .base import SubsystemBase
from ..decorators import annotate, annotations, dualmethod, spawn
from ..errors import Unreachable, VIPError, UnknownSubsystem
from .... import jsonrpc
from volttron.platform.agent import utils
from ..results import ResultsDictionary
from gevent.queue import Queue, Empty
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import timedelta

__all__ = ['PubSub']
min_compatible_version = '3.0'
max_compatible_version = ''

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def encode_peer(peer):
    if peer.startswith('\x00'):
        return peer[:1] + b64encode(peer[1:])
    return peer

def decode_peer(peer):
    if peer.startswith('\x00'):
        return peer[:1] + b64decode(peer[1:])
    return peer

[docs]class PubSub(SubsystemBase): def __init__(self, core, rpc_subsys, peerlist_subsys, owner): self.core = weakref.ref(core) self.rpc = weakref.ref(rpc_subsys) self.peerlist = weakref.ref(peerlist_subsys) self._owner = owner self._pubsubwithrpc = PubSubWithRPC(self.core, self.rpc) self._send_via_rpc = False self._parameters_needed = True def platform_subscriptions(): return defaultdict(subscriptions) def subscriptions(): return defaultdict(set) self._my_subscriptions = defaultdict(platform_subscriptions) self.protected_topics = ProtectedPubSubTopics() core.register('pubsub', self._handle_subsystem, self._handle_error) self.rpc().export(self._peer_push, 'pubsub.push') self.vip_socket = None self._results = ResultsDictionary() self._event_queue = Queue() self._retry_period = 300.0 self._processgreenlet = None def setup(sender, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument self._processgreenlet = gevent.spawn(self._process_loop) core.onconnected.connect(self._connected) self.vip_socket = self.core().socket def subscribe(member): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name for peer, bus, prefix, all_platforms in annotations( member, set, 'pubsub.subscriptions'): # XXX: needs updated in light of onconnected signal self._add_subscription(prefix, member, bus, all_platforms) #_log.debug("SYNC: all_platforms {}".format(self._my_subscriptions['internal'][bus][prefix])) inspect.getmembers(owner, subscribe) core.onsetup.connect(setup, self) def _connected(self, sender, **kwargs): """ Synchronize local subscriptions with PubSubService upon receiving connected signal. param sender: identity of sender type sender: str param kwargs: optional arguments type kwargs: pointer to arguments """ self.synchronize() def _process_callback(self, sender, bus, topic, headers, message): """Handle incoming subscription pushes from PubSubService. It iterates over all subscriptions to find the subscription matching the topic and bus. It then calls the corresponding callback on finding a match. param sender: identity of the publisher type sender: str param bus: bus type bus: str param topic: publishing topic type topic: str param headers: header information for the incoming message type headers: dict param message: actual message type message: dict """ peer = 'pubsub' handled = 0 for platform in self._my_subscriptions: #_log.debug("SYNC: process callback subscriptions: {}".format(self._my_subscriptions[platform][bus])) buses = self._my_subscriptions[platform] if bus in buses: subscriptions = buses[bus] for prefix, callbacks in subscriptions.iteritems(): if topic.startswith(prefix): handled += 1 for callback in callbacks: callback(peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message) if not handled: # No callbacks for topic; synchronize with sender self.synchronize() def _viperror(self, sender, error, **kwargs): if isinstance(error, Unreachable): self._peer_drop(self, error.peer) def _peer_add(self, sender, peer, **kwargs): # Delay sync by some random amount to prevent reply storm. delay = random.random() self.core().spawn_later(delay, self.synchronize, peer) def _peer_drop(self, sender, peer, **kwargs): self._sync(peer, {}) def _sync(self, peer, items): items = {(bus, prefix) for bus, topics in items.iteritems() for prefix in topics} remove = [] for bus, subscriptions in self._peer_subscriptions.iteritems(): for prefix, subscribers in subscriptions.iteritems(): item = bus, prefix try: items.remove(item) except KeyError: subscribers.discard(peer) if not subscribers: remove.append(item) else: subscribers.add(peer) for bus, prefix in remove: subscriptions = self._peer_subscriptions[bus] assert not subscriptions.pop(prefix) for bus, prefix in items: self._add_peer_subscription(peer, bus, prefix) def _peer_sync(self, items): peer = bytes(self.rpc().context.vip_message.peer) assert isinstance(items, dict) self._sync(peer, items) def _add_peer_subscription(self, peer, bus, prefix): try: subscriptions = self._peer_subscriptions[bus] except KeyError: self._peer_subscriptions[bus] = subscriptions = dict() try: subscribers = subscriptions[prefix] except KeyError: subscriptions[prefix] = subscribers = set() subscribers.add(peer) def _peer_subscribe(self, prefix, bus=''): peer = bytes(self.rpc().context.vip_message.peer) for prefix in prefix if isinstance(prefix, list) else [prefix]: self._add_peer_subscription(peer, bus, prefix) def _peer_unsubscribe(self, prefix, bus=''): peer = bytes(self.rpc().context.vip_message.peer) try: subscriptions = self._peer_subscriptions[bus] except KeyError: return if prefix is None: remove = [] for topic, subscribers in subscriptions.iteritems(): subscribers.discard(peer) if not subscribers: remove.append(topic) for topic in remove: del subscriptions[topic] else: for prefix in prefix if isinstance(prefix, list) else [prefix]: subscribers = subscriptions[prefix] subscribers.discard(peer) if not subscribers: del subscriptions[prefix] def _peer_list(self, prefix='', bus='', subscribed=True, reverse=False): peer = bytes(self.rpc().context.vip_message.peer) if bus is None: buses = self._peer_subscriptions.iteritems() else: buses = [(bus, self._peer_subscriptions[bus])] if reverse: test = prefix.startswith else: test = lambda t: t.startswith(prefix) results = [] for bus, subscriptions in buses: for topic, subscribers in subscriptions.iteritems(): if test(topic): member = peer in subscribers if not subscribed or member: results.append((bus, topic, member)) return results def _peer_publish(self, topic, headers, message=None, bus=''): peer = bytes(self.rpc().context.vip_message.peer) self._distribute(peer, topic, headers, message, bus) def _distribute(self, peer, topic, headers, message=None, bus=''): self._check_if_protected_topic(topic) try: subscriptions = self._peer_subscriptions[bus] except KeyError: subscriptions = dict() subscribers = set() for prefix, subscription in subscriptions.iteritems(): if subscription and topic.startswith(prefix): subscribers |= subscription if subscribers: sender = encode_peer(peer) json_msg = jsonapi.dumps(jsonrpc.json_method( None, 'pubsub.push', [sender, bus, topic, headers, message], None)) frames = [zmq.Frame(b''), zmq.Frame(b''), zmq.Frame(b'RPC'), zmq.Frame(json_msg)] socket = self.core().socket for subscriber in subscribers: socket.send(subscriber, flags=SNDMORE) socket.send_multipart(frames, copy=False) return len(subscribers) def _peer_push(self, sender, bus, topic, headers, message): '''Handle incoming subscription pushes from peers.''' peer = bytes(self.rpc().context.vip_message.peer) handled = 0 sender = decode_peer(sender) self._process_callback(sender, bus, topic, headers, message)
[docs] def synchronize(self): """Synchronize local subscriptions with the PubSubService. """ result = next(self._results) items = [{platform: {bus: subscriptions.keys()} for platform, bus_subscriptions in self._my_subscriptions.items() for bus, subscriptions in bus_subscriptions.items()}] for subscriptions in items: sync_msg = jsonapi.dumps( dict(subscriptions=subscriptions) ) frames = [b'synchronize', b'connected', sync_msg] # For backward compatibility with old pubsub if self._send_via_rpc: delay = random.random() self.core().spawn_later(delay, self.rpc().notify, 'pubsub', 'pubsub.sync', subscriptions) else: # Parameters are stored initially, in case remote agent/platform is using old pubsub if self._parameters_needed: kwargs = dict(op='synchronize', subscriptions=subscriptions) self._save_parameters(result.ident, **kwargs) self.vip_socket.send_vip(b'', 'pubsub', frames, result.ident, copy=False)
[docs] def list(self, peer, prefix='', bus='', subscribed=True, reverse=False, all_platforms=False): """Gets list of subscriptions matching the prefix and bus for the specified peer. param peer: peer type peer: str param prefix: prefix of a topic type prefix: str param bus: bus type bus: bus param subscribed: subscribed or not type subscribed: boolean param reverse: reverse type reverse: :returns: List of subscriptions, i.e, list of tuples of bus, topic and flag to indicate if peer is a subscriber or not :rtype: list of tuples :Return Values: List of tuples [(topic, bus, flag to indicate if peer is a subscriber or not)] """ # For backward compatibility with old pubsub if self._send_via_rpc: return self.rpc().call(peer, 'pubsub.list', prefix, bus, subscribed, reverse) else: result = next(self._results) # Parameters are stored initially, in case remote agent/platform is using old pubsub if self._parameters_needed: kwargs = dict(op='list', prefix=prefix, subscribed=subscribed, reverse=reverse, bus=bus) self._save_parameters(result.ident, **kwargs) list_msg = jsonapi.dumps(dict(prefix=prefix, all_platforms=all_platforms, subscribed=subscribed, reverse=reverse, bus=bus)) frames = [b'list', list_msg] self.vip_socket.send_vip(b'', 'pubsub', frames, result.ident, copy=False) return result
def _add_subscription(self, prefix, callback, bus='', all_platforms=False): if not callable(callback): raise ValueError('callback %r is not callable' % (callback,)) try: if not all_platforms: self._my_subscriptions['internal'][bus][prefix].add(callback) else: self._my_subscriptions['all'][bus][prefix].add(callback) #_log.debug("SYNC: add subscriptions: {}".format(self._my_subscriptions['internal'][bus][prefix])) except KeyError: _log.error("PUBSUB something went wrong in add subscriptions") @dualmethod @spawn def subscribe(self, peer, prefix, callback, bus='', all_platforms=False): """Subscribe to topic and register callback. Subscribes to topics beginning with prefix. If callback is supplied, it should be a function taking four arguments, callback(peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message), where peer is the ZMQ identity of the bus owner sender is identity of the publishing peer, topic is the full message topic, headers is a case-insensitive dictionary (mapping) of message headers, and message is a possibly empty list of message parts. :param peer :type peer :param prefix prefix to the topic :type prefix str :param callback callback method :type callback method :param bus bus :type bus str :param platforms :type platforms :returns: Subscribe is successful or not :rtype: boolean :Return Values: Success or Failure """ # For backward compatibility with old pubsub if self._send_via_rpc == True: self._add_subscription(prefix, callback, bus) return self.rpc().call(peer, 'pubsub.subscribe', prefix, bus=bus) else: result = # Parameters are stored initially, in case remote agent/platform is using old pubsub if self._parameters_needed: kwargs = dict(op='subscribe', prefix=prefix, bus=bus) self._save_parameters(result.ident, **kwargs) self._add_subscription(prefix, callback, bus, all_platforms) sub_msg = jsonapi.dumps( dict(prefix=prefix, bus=bus, all_platforms=all_platforms) ) frames = [b'subscribe', sub_msg] self.vip_socket.send_vip(b'', 'pubsub', frames, result.ident, copy=False) return result
[docs] @subscribe.classmethod def subscribe(cls, peer, prefix, bus='', all_platforms=False): def decorate(method): annotate(method, set, 'pubsub.subscriptions', (peer, bus, prefix, all_platforms)) return method return decorate
def _peer_push(self, sender, bus, topic, headers, message): """ Added for backward compatibility with old pubsub param sender: publisher type sender: str param bus: bus type callback: str param topic: topic for the message type topic: str param headers: header for the message type headers: dict param message: actual message type message: dict """ peer = bytes(self.rpc().context.vip_message.peer) handled = 0 sender = decode_peer(sender) self._process_callback(sender, bus, topic, headers, message) def _drop_subscription(self, prefix, callback, bus='', platform='internal'): """ Drop the subscription for the specified prefix, callback and bus. param prefix: prefix to be removed type prefix: str param callback: callback method type callback: method param bus: bus type bus: bus return: list of topics/prefixes :rtype: list :Return Values: List of prefixes """ topics = [] bus_subscriptions = dict() subscriptions = dict() if prefix is None: if callback is None: if platform in self._my_subscriptions: bus_subscriptions = self._my_subscriptions[platform] if bus in bus_subscriptions: subscriptions = bus_subscriptions.pop(bus) topics = subscriptions.keys() else: if platform in self._my_subscriptions: bus_subscriptions = self._my_subscriptions[platform] if bus in bus_subscriptions: subscriptions = bus_subscriptions[bus] remove = [] for topic, callbacks in subscriptions.iteritems(): try: callbacks.remove(callback) except KeyError: pass else: topics.append(topic) if not callbacks: remove.append(topic) for topic in remove: del subscriptions[topic] if not subscriptions: del bus_subscriptions[bus] if not bus_subscriptions: del self._my_subscriptions[platform] else: _log.debug("PUSUB unsubscribe my subscriptions: {0} {1}".format(prefix, self._my_subscriptions)) if platform in self._my_subscriptions: bus_subscriptions = self._my_subscriptions[platform] if bus in bus_subscriptions: subscriptions = bus_subscriptions[bus] if callback is None: try: del subscriptions[prefix] except KeyError: return [] else: try: callbacks = subscriptions[prefix] except KeyError: return [] try: callbacks.remove(callback) except KeyError: pass if not callbacks: try: del subscriptions[prefix] except KeyError: return [] topics = [prefix] if not subscriptions: del bus_subscriptions[bus] if not bus_subscriptions: del self._my_subscriptions[platform] return topics
[docs] def unsubscribe(self, peer, prefix, callback, bus='', all_platforms=False): """Unsubscribe and remove callback(s). Remove all handlers matching the given info - peer, callback and bus, which was used earlier to subscribe as well. If all handlers for a topic prefix are removed, the topic is also unsubscribed. param peer: peer type peer: str param prefix: prefix that needs to be unsubscribed type prefix: str param callback: callback method type callback: method param bus: bus type bus: bus return: success or not :rtype: boolean :Return Values: success or not """ # For backward compatibility with old pubsub if self._send_via_rpc == True: topics = self._drop_subscription(prefix, callback, bus) return self.rpc().call(peer, 'pubsub.unsubscribe', topics, bus=bus) else: subscriptions = dict() result = next(self._results) if not all_platforms: platform = 'internal' topics = self._drop_subscription(prefix, callback, bus, platform) subscriptions[platform] = dict(prefix=topics, bus=bus) else: platform = 'all' topics = self._drop_subscription(prefix, callback, bus, platform) subscriptions[platform] = dict(prefix=topics, bus=bus) # Parameters are stored initially, in case remote agent/platform is using old pubsub if self._parameters_needed: kwargs = dict(op='unsubscribe', prefix=topics, bus=bus) self._save_parameters(result.ident, **kwargs) unsub_msg = jsonapi.dumps(subscriptions) topics = self._drop_subscription(prefix, callback, bus) frames = [b'unsubscribe', unsub_msg] self.vip_socket.send_vip(b'', 'pubsub', frames, result.ident, copy=False) return result
[docs] def publish(self, peer, topic, headers=None, message=None, bus=''): """Publish a message to a given topic via a peer. Publish headers and message to all subscribers of topic on bus. If peer is None, use self. Adds volttron platform version compatibility information to header as variables min_compatible_version and max_compatible version param peer: peer type peer: str param topic: topic for the publish message type topic: str param headers: header info for the message type headers: None or dict param message: actual message type message: None or any param bus: bus type bus: str return: Number of subscribers the message was sent to. :rtype: int :Return Values: Number of subscribers """ if headers is None: headers = {} headers['min_compatible_version'] = min_compatible_version headers['max_compatible_version'] = max_compatible_version if peer is None: peer = 'pubsub' # For backward compatibility with old pubsub if self._send_via_rpc: return self.rpc().call( peer, 'pubsub.publish', topic=topic, headers=headers, message=message, bus=bus) else: result = next(self._results) # Parameters are stored initially, in case remote agent/platform is using old pubsub if self._parameters_needed: kwargs = dict(op='publish', peer=peer, topic=topic, bus=bus, headers=headers, message=message) self._save_parameters(result.ident, **kwargs) json_msg = jsonapi.dumps(dict(bus=bus, headers=headers, message=message)) frames = [zmq.Frame(b'publish'), zmq.Frame(str(topic)), zmq.Frame(str(json_msg))] #<recipient, subsystem, args, msg_id, flags> self.vip_socket.send_vip(b'', 'pubsub', frames, result.ident, copy=False) return result
def _check_if_protected_topic(self, topic): required_caps = self.protected_topics.get(topic) if required_caps: user = str(self.rpc().context.vip_message.user) caps = if not set(required_caps) <= set(caps): msg = ('to publish to topic "{}" requires capabilities {},' ' but capability list {} was' ' provided').format(topic, required_caps, caps) raise jsonrpc.exception_from_json(jsonrpc.UNAUTHORIZED, msg) def _handle_subsystem(self, message): """Handler for incoming messages param message: VIP message from PubSubService type message: dict """ self._event_queue.put(message) @spawn def _process_incoming_message(self, message): """Process incoming messages param message: VIP message from PubSubService type message: dict """ op = message.args[0].bytes if op == 'request_response': result = None try: result = self._results.pop(bytes( except KeyError: pass if self._parameters_needed: self._send_via_rpc = False self._parameters_needed = False self._pubsubwithrpc.clear_parameters() del self._pubsubwithrpc response = message.args[1].bytes #_log.debug("Message result: {}".format(response)) if result: result.set(response) elif op == 'publish': try: topic = topic = message.args[1].bytes data = message.args[2].bytes except IndexError: return try: msg = jsonapi.loads(data) headers = msg['headers'] message = msg['message'] sender = msg['sender'] bus = msg['bus'] self._process_callback(sender, bus, topic, headers, message) except KeyError as exc: _log.error("Missing keys in pubsub message: {}".format(exc)) else: _log.error("Unknown operation ({})".format(op)) def _process_loop(self): """Incoming message processing loop""" for msg in self._event_queue: self._process_incoming_message(msg) def _handle_error(self, sender, message, error, **kwargs): """Error handler. If UnknownSubsystem error is received, it implies that agent is connected to platform that has OLD pubsub implementation. So messages are resent using RPC method. param message: Error message type message: dict param error: indicates error type type error: error class param **kwargs: variable arguments type **kwargs: dict """ if isinstance(error, UnknownSubsystem): #Must be connected to OLD pubsub. Try sending using RPC self._send_via_rpc = True self._pubsubwithrpc.send(self._results, message) else: try: result = self._results.pop(bytes( except KeyError: return result.set_exception(error) def _save_parameters(self, result_id, **kwargs): """Save the parameters for later use. param result_id: asyn result id type result_id: float param **kwargs: parameters to be stored type **kwargs: dict """ end_time = utils.get_aware_utc_now() + timedelta(seconds=60) event = self.core().schedule(end_time, self._cancel_event, result_id) if kwargs is not None: kwargs['event'] = event self._pubsubwithrpc.parameters[result_id] = kwargs def _cancel_event(self, ident): """Cancel event param ident: event id param ident: float """ try: parameters = self._pubsubwithrpc.parameters.pop(id) event = parameters['event'] event.cancel() except KeyError: return try: result = self._results.parameters.pop(id) result.set_exception(gevent.Timeout) except KeyError: return
class PubSubWithRPC(object): """For backward compatibility with old PubSub. The input parameters for each pubsub call is stored for short period till we establish that the agent is connected to platform with old pubsub or not. Once this is established, the parameters are no longer stored and this class is longer used.""" def __init__(self, core, rpc): self.parameters = dict() self._rpc = rpc self._core = core def send(self, results, message): """Check the message id to determine the type of call: subscribe or publish or list or unsubscribe. Retrieve the corresponding input parameters and make the correct RPC call. param results: Async results dictionary type results: Weak dictionary param message: Error message type: """ id = bytes( try: parameters = self.parameters.pop(id) except KeyError: _log.error("Missing key {}".format(id)) return try: if parameters['op'] == 'synchronize': self._core().spawn(self._synchronize, id, results, parameters) elif parameters['op'] == 'subscribe': self._core().spawn(self._subscribe, id, results, parameters) elif parameters['op'] == 'publish': self._core().spawn(self._publish, id, results, parameters) elif parameters['op'] == 'list': self._core().spawn(self._list, id, results, parameters) elif parameters['op'] == 'unsubscribe': self._core().spawn(self._unsubscribe, id, results, parameters) else: _log.error("Error: Unknown operation {}".format(parameters['op'])) except KeyError as exc: _log.error("Error: Missing KEY in message {}".format(exc)) def _synchronize(self, results_id, results, parameters): """Unsubscribe call using RPC param results_id: Asynchronous result ID required to the set response for the caller type results_id: float (hash value) param results: Async results dictionary type results: Weak dictionary param parameters: Input parameters for the unsubscribe call """ try: subscriptions = parameters['subscriptions'] event = parameters['event'] event.cancel() except KeyError: return self._rpc().notify('pubsub', 'pubsub.sync', subscriptions) def _subscribe(self, results_id, results, parameters): """Subscribe call using RPC param results_id: Asynchronous result ID required to the set response for the caller type results_id: float (hash value) param results: Async results dictionary type results: Weak dictionary param parameters: Input parameters for the subscribe call """ try: result = results.pop(bytes(results_id)) except KeyError: result = None try: prefix = parameters['prefix'] bus = parameters['bus'] event = parameters['event'] event.cancel() except KeyError: return try: response = self._rpc().call('pubsub', 'pubsub.subscribe', prefix, bus=bus).get(timeout=5) if result is not None: result.set(response) except gevent.Timeout as exc: if result is not None: result.set_exception(exc) def _list(self, results_id, results, parameters): """List call using RPC param results_id: Asynchronous result ID required to the set response for the caller type results_id: float (hash value) param results: Async results dictionary type results: Weak dictionary param parameters: Input parameters for the list call """ try: result = results.pop(bytes(results_id)) except KeyError: result = None try: prefix = parameters['prefix'] subscribed = parameters['subscribed'] reverse = parameters['reverse'] bus = parameters['bus'] event = parameters['event'] event.cancel() except KeyError: return try: response = self._rpc().call('pubsub', 'pubsub.list', prefix, bus, subscribed, reverse).get(timeout=5) if result is not None: result.set(response) except gevent.Timeout as exc: if result is not None: result.set_exception(exc) def _publish(self, results_id, results, parameters): """Publish call using RPC param results_id: Asynchronous result ID required to the set response for the caller type results_id: float (hash value) param results: Async results dictionary type results: Weak dictionary param parameters: Input parameters for the publish call """ try: result = results.pop(bytes(results_id)) except KeyError: result = None try: topic = parameters['topic'] headers = parameters['headers'] message = parameters['message'] bus = parameters['bus'] event = parameters['event'] event.cancel() except KeyError: return try: response = self._rpc().call( 'pubsub', 'pubsub.publish', topic=topic, headers=headers, message=message, bus=bus).get(timeout=5) if result is not None: result.set(response) except gevent.Timeout as exc: if result is not None: result.set_exception(exc) def _unsubscribe(self, results_id, results, parameters): """Unsubscribe call using RPC param results_id: Asynchronous result ID required to the set response for the caller type results_id: float (hash value) param results: Async results dictionary type results: Weak dictionary param parameters: Input parameters for the unsubscribe call """ try: result = results.pop(bytes(results_id)) except KeyError: result = None try: topics = parameters['prefix'] bus = parameters['bus'] event = parameters['event'] event.cancel() except KeyError: return try: response = self._rpc().call('pubsub', 'pubsub.unsubscribe', topics, bus=bus).get(timeout=5) if result is not None: result.set(response) except gevent.Timeout as exc: if result is not None: result.set_exception(exc) def clear_parameters(self): """Clear all the saved parameters. """ try: for ident, param in self.parameters.iteritems(): param['event'].cancel() self.parameters.clear() except KeyError: return class ProtectedPubSubTopics(object): """Simple class to contain protected pubsub topics""" def __init__(self): self._dict = {} self._re_list = [] def add(self, topic, capabilities): if isinstance(capabilities, basestring): capabilities = [capabilities] if len(topic) > 1 and topic[0] == topic[-1] == '/': regex = re.compile('^' + topic[1:-1] + '$') self._re_list.append((regex, capabilities)) else: self._dict[topic] = capabilities def get(self, topic): if topic in self._dict: return self._dict[topic] for regex, capabilities in self._re_list: if regex.match(topic): return capabilities return None