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from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import functools
from types import MethodType

import gevent

__all__ = ['annotate', 'annotations', 'dualmethod', 'spawn']

[docs]def annotate(obj, kind, name, value): # pylint: disable=protected-access try: annotations = obj._annotations except AttributeError: obj._annotations = annotations = {} try: items = annotations[name] except KeyError: annotations[name] = items = kind() assert isinstance(items, kind) try: add = items.add except AttributeError: try: add = items.append except AttributeError: try: add = items.update except AttributeError: items += value return add(value)
[docs]def annotations(obj, kind, name): # pylint: disable=protected-access try: annotations = obj._annotations except AttributeError: annotations = {} try: items = annotations[name] except KeyError: items = kind() assert isinstance(items, kind) return items
[docs]def spawn(method): '''Run a decorated method in its own greenlet, which is returned.''' @functools.wraps(method) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return gevent.spawn(method, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]class dualmethod(object): '''Descriptor to allow class and instance methods of the same name. This class implements a descriptor that works similar to the classmethod() built-ins and can be used as a decorator, like the property() built-in. Instead of a method being only a class or instance method, two methods can share the same name and be accessed as an instance method or a class method based on the context. Example: >>> class Foo(object): ... @dualmethod ... def bar(self): ... print 'instance method for', self ... @bar.classmethod ... def bar(cls): ... print 'class method for', cls ... >>> class method for <class '__main__.Foo'> >>> Foo().bar() instance method for <__main__.Foo object at 0x7fcd744f6610> >>> ''' def __init__(self, finstance=None, fclass=None, doc=None): '''Instantiate the descriptor with the given parameters. If finstance is set, it must be a method implementing instance access. If fclass is set, it must be a method implementing class access similar to a classmethod. If doc is set, it will be used for the __doc__ attribute. Otherwise, the __doc__ attribute from the instance or class method will be used, in that order. ''' self.finstance = finstance self.fclass = fclass if doc is not None: self.__doc__ = doc elif finstance is not None: self.__doc__ = finstance.__doc__ elif fclass is not None: self.__doc__ = fclass.__doc__ def __get__(self, instance, owner): '''Descriptor getter method. See Python descriptor documentation.''' if instance is None: if self.fclass is None: if self.finstance is None: raise AttributeError('no instance or class method is set') return MethodType(self.finstance, instance, owner) return MethodType(self.fclass, owner, owner) if self.finstance is None: if self.fclass is None: raise AttributeError('no instance or class method is set') return MethodType(self.fclass, owner, owner) return MethodType(self.finstance, instance, owner)
[docs] def instancemethod(self, finstance): '''Descriptor to set the instance method.''' self.finstance = finstance return self
[docs] def classmethod(self, fclass): '''Descriptor to set the class method.''' self.fclass = fclass return self