Source code for volttron.platform.resmon

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'''Resource Monitor

The resource monitor manages resources assigned to the platform, assigns
resources to agent execution environments, and monitors those resources
for abuse.

There will typically be only a single resource monitor that is
instantiated and then set using set_resource_monitor().  Other modules
may then just import the module and call the module-level functions
without worrying about where to find the monitor instance.

#import ctypes
#from ctypes import c_int, c_ulong
from ast import literal_eval
import os
import re
import subprocess

__all__ = ['ResourceError', 'ExecutionEnvironment', 'ResourceMonitor']

__author__ = 'Brandon Carpenter <>'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2016, Battelle Memorial Institute'
__license__ = 'FreeBSD'
__version__ = '0.1'

#_libc = ctypes.CDLL(None, use_errno=True)
#set_pdeathsig = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, c_ulong, use_errno=True)(
#        ('prctl', _libc), ((5, None, 1), (1,)))
#get_pdeathsig = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, c_ulong*1, use_errno=True)(
#        ('prctl', _libc), ((5, None, 2), (2,)))
#def _errcheck(result, func, args):
#    if result:
#        errnum = ctypes.get_errno()
#        raise OSError(errnum, os.strerror(errnum))
#    if func is get_pdeathsig:
#        return int(args[1][0])
#set_pdeathsig.errcheck = _errcheck
#get_pdeathsig.errcheck = _errcheck

_var_re = re.compile(

def _iter_shell_vars(file):
    for key, value in (match.groups() for match in
            (_var_re.match(line) for line in file) if match):
        if value[:1] == "'" == value[-1:]:
            yield key, value[1:-1]
        elif value[:1] == '"' == value[-1:]:
            yield key, literal_eval(value)
            yield key, value

def lsb_release(path='/etc/lsb-release'):
        file = open(path)
    except EnvironmentError:
        lsb = {}
        with file:
            lsb = dict(_iter_shell_vars(file))
    return [
        ('LSB Version', lsb.get('LSB_VERSION', 'n/a')),
        ('Distributor ID', lsb.get('DISTRIB_ID', 'n/a')),
        ('Description', lsb.get('DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION', '(none)')),
        ('Release', lsb.get('DISTRIB_RELEASE', 'n/a')),
        ('Codename', lsb.get('DISTRIB_CODENAME', 'n/a')),

[docs]class ResourceError(Exception): '''Exception raised for errors relating to this module.''' pass
[docs]class ExecutionEnvironment(object): '''Environment reserved for agent execution. Deleting ExecutionEnvironment objects should cause the process to end and all resources to be returned to the system. ''' def __init__(self): self.process = None
[docs] def execute(self, *args, **kwargs): try: self.process = subprocess.Popen(*args, **kwargs) except OSError as e: if e.filename: raise raise OSError(*(e.args + (args[0],)))
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.execute(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class ResourceMonitor(object): def __init__(self, env, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def get_static_resources(self, query_items=None): '''Return a dictionary of hard capabilities and static resources. query_items is a list of resources the requester is interested in; only items in the list will appear in the returned dictionary. If query_items is not passed or is None, all items should be returned. The returned dictionary contains the requested items that are available and their associated values and/or limits. Examples of static resources: architecture kernel version distribution (lsb_release) installed software ''' kernel, _, release, version, arch = os.uname() resources = { '': kernel, 'kernel.release': release, 'kernel.version': version, 'architecture': arch, 'os': 'GNU/Linux', } resources.update( [('distribution.' + name.replace(' ', '_').lower(), value) for name, value in lsb_release()]) if query_items: for name in set(resources.keys()).difference(query_items): del resources[name] return resources
[docs] def check_hard_resources(self, contract): '''Test contract against hard resources and return failed terms. contract should be a dictionary of terms and conditions that are being requested. If all terms can be met, None is returned. Otherwise, a dictionary is returned with the terms that failed along with hints on values that would cause the terms to succeed, if any. The contract is tested against the platform's hard capabilities and static resources. ''' resources = self.get_static_resources() failed = {} for name, value in contract.iteritems(): local_value = resources.get(name) if local_value != value: failed[name] = local_value return failed or None
[docs] def reserve_soft_resources(self, contract): '''Test contract against soft resources and reserve resources. contract should be a dictionary of terms and conditions to test against the platform's soft capabilities and dynamic resources. A 2-tuple is returned: (reservation, failed_terms). If reservation is None, no resources were reserved and failed_terms is a dictionary that can be consulted for the terms that must be modified for a reservation to succeed. Otherwise, reservation will be a ExecutionEnvironment object that can later be used to execute an agent and failed_terms will be None. ''' execenv = ExecutionEnvironment() return execenv, None