Source code for volttron.platform.packages

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# Copyright 2017, Battelle Memorial Institute.
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# under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830
# }}}

import base64
from contextlib import closing
import csv
import hashlib
import logging
import os
import posixpath
import re
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import zipfile

    import simplejson as jsonapi
except ImportError:
    import json as jsonapi

from wheel.install import WheelFile
from wheel.util import native, open_for_csv

__all__ = ('BasePackageVerifier', 'VolttronPackageWheelFileNoSign',
           'ZipPackageVerifier', 'UnpackedPackage')

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#TODO: Make this this base class and have auth extend it
[docs]class VolttronPackageWheelFileNoSign(WheelFile): AGENT_DATA_ZIP = '' def __init__(self, filename,**kwargs): super(VolttronPackageWheelFileNoSign, self).__init__(filename, **kwargs)
[docs] def contains(self, path): '''Does the wheel contain the specified path?''' for x in self.zipfile.filelist: if x.filename == path: return True return False
[docs] def add_files(self, files_to_add=None, basedir='.'): if files_to_add == None or len(files_to_add) == 0: return records = ZipPackageVerifier(self.filename).get_records() if (len(records) < 1): raise ValueError('Invalid wheel file no records found') last_record_name = records[0] # new_record_name = "RECORD.{}".format(len(records)) # tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: record_path = '/'.join((self.distinfo_name, last_record_name)) tmp_new_record_file = '/'.join((tmp_dir, self.distinfo_name, last_record_name)) self.zipfile.extract('/'.join((self.distinfo_name, last_record_name)), path = tmp_dir) self.remove_files('/'.join((self.distinfo_name, 'config'))) with closing(open_for_csv(tmp_new_record_file,"a+")) as record_file: writer = csv.writer(record_file) if files_to_add: if 'config_file' in files_to_add.keys(): try: data = open(files_to_add['config_file']).read() except OSError as e: _log.error("couldn't access {}" % files_to_add['config_file']) raise self.zipfile.writestr("%s/%s" % (self.distinfo_name, 'config'), data) (hash_data, size, digest) = self._record_digest(data) record_path = '/'.join((self.distinfo_name, 'config')) writer.writerow((record_path, hash_data, size)) if 'identity_file' in files_to_add.keys(): try: data = open(files_to_add['identity_file']).read() except OSError as e: _log.error("couldn't access {}" % files_to_add['identity_file']) raise self.zipfile.writestr("%s/%s" % (self.distinfo_name, 'IDENTITY_TEMPLATE'), data) (hash_data, size, digest) = self._record_digest(data) record_path = '/'.join((self.distinfo_name, 'IDENTITY_TEMPLATE')) writer.writerow((record_path, hash_data, size)) if 'contract' in files_to_add.keys() and files_to_add['contract'] is not None: try: data = open(files_to_add['contract']).read() except OSError as e: _log.error("couldn't access {}" % files_to_add['contract']) raise if files_to_add['contract'] != 'execreqs.json': msg = 'WARNING: renaming passed contract file: {}'.format( files_to_add['contract']) msg += ' to execreqs.json' sys.stderr.write(msg) _log.warn(msg) self.zipfile.writestr("%s/%s" % (self.distinfo_name, 'execreqs.json'), data) (hash_data, size, digest) = self._record_digest(data) record_path = '/'.join((self.distinfo_name, 'execreqs.json')) writer.writerow((record_path, hash_data, size)) self.__setupzipfile__() self.pop_records_file() new_record_content = open(tmp_new_record_file, 'r').read() self.zipfile.writestr(self.distinfo_name+"/"+last_record_name, new_record_content) self.zipfile.close() self.__setupzipfile__() finally: shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir, True)
[docs] def pop_records_file(self): '''Pop off the last records file that was added''' records = ZipPackageVerifier(self.filename).get_records() topop = (os.path.join(self.distinfo_name, records[0]),) self.remove_files(topop)
[docs] def pop_record_and_files(self): '''Pop off the last record file and files listed in it. Only removes files that are not listed in remaining records. ''' records = ZipPackageVerifier(self.filename).get_records() record = records.pop(0) zf = self.zipfile keep = set(row[0] for name in records for row in csv.reader(, name)))) drop = set(row[0] for row in csv.reader(, record)))) # These two should already be listed, but add them just in case drop.add(posixpath.join(self.distinfo_name, record)) self.remove_files(drop - keep)
[docs] def remove_files(self, files): '''Relative to files in the package, ie: ./dist-info/config.''' if isinstance(files, basestring): files = [files] tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() try: newzip = zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(tmpdir, ''), 'w') with newzip: for f in self.zipfile.infolist(): if f.filename not in files: buf = newzip.writestr(f.filename, buf) self.zipfile.close() self.fp = None os.remove(self.filename) shutil.move(newzip.filename, self.filename) self.__setupzipfile__() finally: shutil.rmtree(tmpdir, True)
[docs] def unpack(self, dest='.'): namever ='namever') destination = os.path.join(dest, namever) sys.stderr.write("Unpacking to: %s\n" % (destination)) self.zipfile.extractall(destination) self.zipfile.close()
def _record_digest(self, data): '''Returns a three tuple of hash, size and digest.''' from wheel.util import urlsafe_b64encode digest = hashlib.sha256(data).digest() hash_text = 'sha256=' + native(urlsafe_b64encode(digest)) size = len(data) return (hash_text, size, digest) def __setupzipfile__(self): self.zipfile.close() self.fp = None mode = 'r' if self.append: mode = 'a' self.zipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(self.filename, mode=mode, )
_record_re = re.compile(r'^RECORD(?:\.\d+)?$') _all_record_re = re.compile(r'^(?:.*/)?RECORD(?:\.\d+)?(?:\.p7s)?$') # # Signature verification in the class below has the limitation that only # a single certificate may be used for verification. Ideally, the # certificate should be extracted from the signature file and verified # against a certificate authority (CA) in the CA store. See # for an alternate solution # using M2Crypto. #
[docs]class BasePackageVerifier(object): '''Base class for implementing wheel package verification. Verifies wheel packages as defined in PEP-427. May be inherited with minimal modifications to support different storage mechanisms, such as a filesystem, Zip file, or tarball. All paths are expected to be POSIX-style with forward-slashes. Subclasses should implement listdir and open and may override __init__, if needed. As an extension of the original specification, multiple levels of RECORD files and signatures are supported by appending incrementing integers to the RECORD files. Verification happens in reverse order and later RECORD files should contain hashes of the previous RECORD and associated signature file(s). ''' def __init__(self, dist_info, **kwargs): '''Initialize the instance with the dist-info directory name. dist_info should contain the name of a single directory, not a multi-component path. ''' self.dist_info = dist_info
[docs] def listdir(self, path): '''Return a possibly empty list of files from a directory. This could return the contents of a directory in an archive or whatever makes sense for the storage mechanism. Paths will typically be relative to the package, however, for installed packages, absolute paths are possible. ''' raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def open(self, path, mode='r'): '''Return a file-like object for the given file. mode is interpreted the same as for the built-in open and will be either 'r' or 'rb'. Only the __iter__(), read(), and close() methods are used. ''' raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def iter_hashes(self, name='RECORD'): '''Iterate over the files and hashes of a RECORD file. The RECORD file with the given name will be iterated over yielding a three tuple with each iteration: filename (relative to the package), computed hash (just calculated), and expected hash (from RECORD file). ''' hashless = [posixpath.join(self.dist_info, name + ext) for ext in ['', '.jws', '.p7s']] path = posixpath.join(self.dist_info, name) with closing( as record_file: for row in csv.reader(record_file): filename, hashspec = row[:2] if not hashspec: if filename not in hashless: yield filename, None, None continue algo, expected_hash = hashspec.split('=', 1) hash = with closing(, 'rb')) as file: while True: data = if not data: break hash.update(data) hash = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(hash.digest()).rstrip('=') yield filename, hash, expected_hash
[docs] def get_records(self): '''Return a reverse sorted list of RECORD names from the package. Returns all RECORD files in the dist_info directory. ''' records = [name for name in self.listdir(self.dist_info) if _record_re.match(name)] records.sort(key=lambda x: int((x.split('.', 1) + [-1])[1]), reverse=True) if not records: raise ValueError('missing RECORD file(s) in .dist-info directory') return records
[docs]class ZipPackageVerifier(BasePackageVerifier): '''Verify files of a Zip file.''' def __init__(self, zip_path, mode='r', **kwargs): self._zipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path) self._namelist = self._zipfile.namelist() names = [name for name in self._namelist if name.endswith('.dist-info/RECORD') and name.count('/') == 1] if len(names) != 1: raise ValueError('unable to determine dist-info directory') dist_info = names[0].split('/', 1)[0] super(ZipPackageVerifier, self).__init__(dist_info, **kwargs)
[docs] def listdir(self, path): if path[-1:] != '/': path += '/' n = len(path) return [name[n:].split('/', 1)[0] for name in self._namelist if name.startswith(path)]
[docs] def open(self, path, mode='r'): return, 'r')
[docs]class UnpackedPackage(object): '''Represents an package unpacked into a directory. Allows one access to the package metadata and methods to repack. ''' def __init__(self, base_directory): = base_directory self.distinfo = self._get_dist_info() def _get_dist_info(self): '''Find the package.dist-info directory.''' basename = os.path.basename( path = os.path.join(, basename + '.dist-info') if os.path.exists(path): return path for name in os.listdir( if not name.endswith('.dist-info'): continue return os.path.join(, name) raise ValueError('directory does not contain a valid ' 'agent package: {}'.format( @property def metadata(self): '''Parse package.dist-info/metadata.json and return a dictionary.''' try: return self._metadata except AttributeError: with open(os.path.join(self.distinfo, 'metadata.json')) as file: self._metadata = jsonapi.load(file) return self._metadata @property def wheelmeta(self): '''Parse package.dist-info/WHEEL and return a dictionary.''' try: return self._wheelmeta except AttributeError: with open(os.path.join(self.distinfo, 'WHEEL')) as file: self._wheelmeta = { key.strip().lower(): value.strip() for key, value in (parts for line in file if line for parts in [line.split(':', 1)] if len(parts) == 2) } return self._wheelmeta @property def package_name(self): metadata = self.metadata name = metadata['name'] version = metadata['version'] return '-'.join([name, version]) @property def version(self): metadata = self.metadata return metadata['version'] @property def wheel_name(self): metadata = self.metadata name = metadata['name'] version = metadata['version'] tag = self.wheelmeta['tag'] return '-'.join([name, version, tag]) + '.whl'
[docs] def repack(self, dest=None, exclude=None): '''Recreate the package from the RECORD files. Put the package in the directory given by dest or in the current directory if dest is None. If exclude is given, do not add files for RECORD files in exclude. Returns the path to the new package. ''' # Get a list of the record files and sort them ascending records = [name for name in os.listdir(self.distinfo) if _record_re.match(name)] records.sort() wheelname = self.wheel_name if dest is not None: dest = os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(dest)) wheelname = os.path.join(dest, wheelname) # Recreate the package with zipfile.ZipFile(wheelname, 'w') as wheelfile: for record in records: # Exclude and record files in exclude if exclude and record in exclude: continue with open(os.path.join(self.distinfo, record)) as file: csvfile = csv.reader(file) for row in csvfile: name = row[0] # Skip already added RECORD files or signatures if (_all_record_re.match(name) and name in wheelfile.namelist()): continue wheelfile.write(os.path.join(, name), name) return wheelfile.filename