Source code for volttron.platform.messaging.socket

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'''VOLTTRON platform™ messaging classes.'''

from __future__ import absolute_import

import collections

import zmq
from zmq.utils import jsonapi

from .headers import Headers

__all__ = ['Headers', 'Socket']

__author__ = 'Brandon Carpenter <>'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2016, Battelle Memorial Institute'
__license__ = 'FreeBSD'

[docs]class Socket(zmq.Socket): '''ØMQ socket with additional agent messaging methods.''' def __new__(cls, socket_type, context=None): if not context: context = zmq.Context.instance() return zmq.Socket.__new__(cls, context, socket_type) def __init__(self, socket_type, context=None): super(Socket, self).__init__(self.context, socket_type) # Override send_string to ensure copy defaults to True. #
[docs] def send_string(self, u, flags=0, copy=True, encoding='utf-8'): super(Socket, self).send_string( u, flags=flags, copy=copy, encoding=encoding)
send_string.__doc__ = zmq.Socket.send_string.__doc__
[docs] def recv_message(self, flags=0): '''Recieve a message as (topic, headers, message) tuple.''' topic = self.recv_string(flags) headers = self.recv_string(flags) if self.rcvmore else '' headers = jsonapi.loads(headers) if headers else {} message = self.recv_multipart(flags) if self.rcvmore else [] return topic, Headers(headers), message
[docs] def recv_message_ex(self, flags=0): '''Receive a message as (content type, message) tuples. Like recv_message(), returns a three tuple. However, the final message component contains a list of 2-tuples instead of a list of messages. These 2-tuples contain the content- type and the data. ''' topic, headers, message = self.recv_message(flags) message = zip(headers['Content-Type'], message) return topic, headers, message
[docs] def send_message(self, topic, headers, *msg_parts, **kwargs): '''Send a multipart message with topic and headers. Send a multipart message on the socket with topic being a UTF-8 string, headers can be a dictionary or a Headers object, and msg_parts is the optional parts of the message. The media or content type of each message component should be included in the 'Content-Type' header which should be a list of MIME types or a string if there is only one message part. ''' flags = kwargs.pop('flags', 0) if kwargs: raise TypeError('send_message() got unexpected keyword ' 'arugment(s): ' + ', '.join(kwargs)) if not isinstance(headers, Headers): headers = Headers(headers) if headers else Headers() self.send_string(topic, flags | zmq.SNDMORE) self.send_json(headers.dict, flags | (zmq.SNDMORE if msg_parts else 0)) if msg_parts: self.send_multipart(msg_parts, flags)
[docs] def send_message_ex(self, topic, headers, *msg_tuples, **kwargs): '''Send messages given as (content-type, message) tuples. Similar to the send_message method except that messages are given as 2-tuples with the MIME type as the first element and the message data as the second element. ''' headers = Headers(headers) if headers else Headers() headers['Content-Type'], msg_parts = zip(*msg_tuples) self.send_message(topic, headers.dict, *msg_parts, **kwargs)