Source code for volttron.platform.main

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- {{{
# vim: set fenc=utf-8 ft=python sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 et:
# Copyright 2017, Battelle Memorial Institute.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This material was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of
# the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the
# United States Department of Energy, nor Battelle, nor any of their
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# United States Government or any agency thereof.
# under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830
# }}}

from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import

import argparse
import errno
import logging
from logging import handlers
import logging.config
from urlparse import urlparse

import os
import resource
import stat
import struct
import sys
import threading
import uuid
import signal

import gevent
from gevent.fileobject import FileObject
import zmq
from zmq import green, ZMQError

# Create a context common to the green and non-green zmq modules.
green.Context._instance = green.Context.shadow(zmq.Context.instance().underlying)
from volttron.platform.agent import json as jsonapi

from . import aip
from . import __version__
from . import config
from . import vip
from .vip.agent import Agent, Core
from .vip.agent.compat import CompatPubSub
from .vip.router import *
from .vip.socket import decode_key, encode_key, Address
from .vip.tracking import Tracker
from .auth import AuthService, AuthFile, AuthEntry
from .control import ControlService
from .web import MasterWebService
from .store import ConfigStoreService
from .agent import utils
from .agent.known_identities import MASTER_WEB, CONFIGURATION_STORE, AUTH
from .vip.agent.subsystems.pubsub import ProtectedPubSubTopics
from .keystore import KeyStore, KnownHostsStore
from .vip.pubsubservice import PubSubService
from .vip.routingservice import RoutingService
from .vip.externalrpcservice import ExternalRPCService
from .vip.keydiscovery import KeyDiscoveryAgent
from .vip.pubsubwrapper import PubSubWrapper
from ..utils.persistance import load_create_store

    import volttron.restricted
except ImportError:
    from volttron.restricted import resmon


_log = logging.getLogger(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
                         if __name__ == '__main__' else __name__)

[docs]def log_to_file(file_, level=logging.WARNING, handler_class=logging.StreamHandler): '''Direct log output to a file (or something like one).''' handler = handler_class(file_) handler.setLevel(level) handler.setFormatter(utils.AgentFormatter()) root = logging.getLogger() if root.level < level: root.setLevel(level) root.addHandler(handler)
[docs]def configure_logging(conf_path): '''Load logging configuration from a file. Several formats are possible: ini, JSON, Python, and YAML. The ini format uses the standard Windows ini file format and is read in using logging.config.fileConfig(). The remaining formats will be read in according to the serialization format and the resulting dictionary will be passed to logging.config.dictConfig(). See the logging.config module for specifics on the two file and dict formats. Returns None on success, (path, exception) on error. The default format is ini. Other formats will be selected based on the file extension. Each format can be forced, regardless of file extension, by prepending the path with the format name followed by a colon: Examples: config.json is loaded as JSON config.conf is loaded as ini json:config.conf is loaded as JSON YAML formatted configuration files require the PyYAML package. ''' conf_format = 'ini' if conf_path.startswith('ini:'): conf_format, conf_path = 'ini', conf_path[4:] elif conf_path.startswith('json:'): conf_format, conf_path = 'json', conf_path[5:] elif conf_path.startswith('py:'): conf_format, conf_path = 'py', conf_path[3:] elif conf_path.startswith('yaml:'): conf_format, conf_path = 'yaml', conf_path[5:] elif conf_path.endswith('.json'): conf_format = 'json' elif conf_path.endswith('.py'): conf_format = 'py' elif conf_path.endswith('.yaml'): conf_format = 'yaml' if conf_format == 'ini': try: logging.config.fileConfig(conf_path) except (ValueError, TypeError, AttributeError, ImportError) as exc: return conf_path, exc return with open(conf_path) as conf_file: if conf_format == 'json': import json try: conf_dict = json.load(conf_file) except ValueError as exc: return conf_path, exc elif conf_format == 'py': import ast try: conf_dict = ast.literal_eval( except ValueError as exc: return conf_path, exc else: try: import yaml except ImportError: return (conf_path, 'PyYAML must be installed before ' 'loading logging configuration from a YAML file.') try: conf_dict = yaml.load(conf_file) except yaml.YAMLError as exc: return conf_path, exc try: logging.config.dictConfig(conf_dict) except (ValueError, TypeError, AttributeError, ImportError) as exc: return conf_path, exc
[docs]class LogLevelAction(argparse.Action): '''Action to set the log level of individual modules.''' def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): for pair in values.split(','): if not pair.strip(): continue try: logger_name, level_name = pair.rsplit(':', 1) except (ValueError, TypeError): raise argparse.ArgumentError( self, 'invalid log level pair: {}'.format(values)) try: level = int(level_name) except (ValueError, TypeError): try: level = getattr(logging, level_name) except AttributeError: raise argparse.ArgumentError( self, 'invalid log level {!r}'.format(level_name)) logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) logger.setLevel(level)
[docs]class Monitor(threading.Thread): '''Monitor thread to log connections.''' def __init__(self, sock): super(Monitor, self).__init__() self.daemon = True self.sock = sock
[docs] def run(self): events = {value: name[6:] for name, value in vars(zmq).iteritems() if name.startswith('EVENT_') and name != 'EVENT_ALL'} log = logging.getLogger('vip.monitor') if log.level == logging.NOTSET: log.setLevel(logging.INFO) sock = self.sock while True: event, endpoint = sock.recv_multipart() event_id, event_value = struct.unpack('=HI', event) event_name = events[event_id]'%s %s %s', event_name, event_value, endpoint)
[docs]class FramesFormatter(object): def __init__(self, frames): self.frames = frames def __repr__(self): return str([bytes(f) for f in self.frames]) __str__ = __repr__
[docs]class Router(BaseRouter): '''Concrete VIP router.''' def __init__(self, local_address, addresses=(), context=None, secretkey=None, publickey=None, default_user_id=None, monitor=False, tracker=None, volttron_central_address=None, instance_name=None, bind_web_address=None, volttron_central_serverkey=None, protected_topics={}, external_address_file='', msgdebug=None): super(Router, self).__init__( context=context, default_user_id=default_user_id) self.local_address = Address(local_address) self._addr = addresses self.addresses = addresses = [Address(addr) for addr in set(addresses)] self._secretkey = secretkey self._publickey = publickey self.logger = logging.getLogger('vip.router') if self.logger.level == logging.NOTSET: self.logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) self._monitor = monitor self._tracker = tracker self._volttron_central_address = volttron_central_address if self._volttron_central_address: parsed = urlparse(self._volttron_central_address) assert parsed.scheme in ('http', 'https', 'tcp'), \ "volttron central address must begin with http(s) or tcp found" if parsed.scheme == 'tcp': assert volttron_central_serverkey, \ "volttron central serverkey must be set if address is tcp." self._volttron_central_serverkey = volttron_central_serverkey self._instance_name = instance_name self._bind_web_address = bind_web_address self._protected_topics = protected_topics self._external_address_file = external_address_file self._pubsub = None self._ext_rpc = None self._msgdebug = msgdebug self._message_debugger_socket = None self._instance_name = instance_name
[docs] def setup(self): sock = self.socket sock.identity = identity = str(uuid.uuid4()) _log.debug("ROUTER SOCK identity: {}".format(sock.identity)) if self._monitor: Monitor(sock.get_monitor_socket()).start() sock.bind('inproc://vip') _log.debug('In-process VIP router bound to inproc://vip') sock.zap_domain = 'vip' addr = self.local_address if not addr.identity: addr.identity = identity if not addr.domain: addr.domain = 'vip' addr.server = 'CURVE' addr.secretkey = self._secretkey addr.bind(sock) _log.debug('Local VIP router bound to %s' % addr) for address in self.addresses: if not address.identity: address.identity = identity if (address.secretkey is None and address.server not in ['NULL', 'PLAIN'] and self._secretkey): address.server = 'CURVE' address.secretkey = self._secretkey if not address.domain: address.domain = 'vip' address.bind(sock) _log.debug('Additional VIP router bound to %s' % address) self._ext_routing = None self._ext_routing = RoutingService(self.socket, self.context, self._socket_class, self._poller, self._addr, self._instance_name) self._pubsub = PubSubService(self.socket, self._protected_topics, self._ext_routing) self._ext_rpc = ExternalRPCService(self.socket, self._ext_routing) self._poller.register(sock, zmq.POLLIN) _log.debug("ZMQ version: {}".format(zmq.zmq_version()))
[docs] def issue(self, topic, frames, extra=None): log = self.logger.debug formatter = FramesFormatter(frames) if topic == ERROR: errnum, errmsg = extra log('%s (%s): %s', errmsg, errnum, formatter) elif topic == UNROUTABLE: log('unroutable: %s: %s', extra, formatter) else: log('%s: %s', ('incoming' if topic == INCOMING else 'outgoing'), formatter) if self._tracker: self._tracker.hit(topic, frames, extra) if self._msgdebug: if not self._message_debugger_socket: # Initialize a ZMQ IPC socket on which to publish all messages to MessageDebuggerAgent. socket_path = os.path.expandvars('$VOLTTRON_HOME/run/messagedebug') socket_path = os.path.expanduser(socket_path) socket_path = 'ipc://{}'.format('@' if sys.platform.startswith('linux') else '') + socket_path self._message_debugger_socket = zmq.Context().socket(zmq.PUB) self._message_debugger_socket.connect(socket_path) # Publish the routed message, including the "topic" (status/direction), for use by MessageDebuggerAgent. frame_bytes = [topic] frame_bytes.extend([frame if type(frame) is str else frame.bytes for frame in frames]) self._message_debugger_socket.send_pyobj(frame_bytes)
[docs] def handle_subsystem(self, frames, user_id): subsystem = bytes(frames[5]) if subsystem == b'quit': sender = bytes(frames[0]) if sender == b'control' or b'platform.auth' and user_id == self.default_user_id: if self._ext_routing: self._ext_routing.close_external_connections() self.stop() raise KeyboardInterrupt() elif subsystem == b'agentstop': try: drop = frames[6].bytes self._drop_peer(drop) self._drop_pubsub_peers(drop) _log.debug("ROUTER received agent stop message. dropping peer: {}".format(drop)) except IndexError: pass return False elif subsystem == b'query': try: name = bytes(frames[6]) except IndexError: value = None else: if name == b'addresses': if self.addresses: value = [addr.base for addr in self.addresses] else: value = [self.local_address.base] elif name == b'local_address': value = self.local_address.base # Allow the agents to know the serverkey. elif name == b'serverkey': keystore = KeyStore() value = keystore.public elif name == b'volttron-central-address': value = self._volttron_central_address elif name == b'volttron-central-serverkey': value = self._volttron_central_serverkey elif name == b'instance-name': value = self._instance_name elif name == b'bind-web-address': value = self._bind_web_address elif name == b'platform-version': value = __version__ else: value = None frames[6:] = [b'', jsonapi.dumps(value)] frames[3] = b'' return frames elif subsystem == b'pubsub': result = self._pubsub.handle_subsystem(frames, user_id) return result elif subsystem == b'routing_table': result = self._ext_routing.handle_subsystem(frames) return result elif subsystem == b'external_rpc': result = self._ext_rpc.handle_subsystem(frames) return result
def _drop_pubsub_peers(self, peer): self._pubsub.peer_drop(peer) def _add_pubsub_peers(self, peer): self._pubsub.peer_add(peer)
[docs] def poll_sockets(self): """ Poll for incoming messages through router socket or other external socket connections """ try: sockets = dict(self._poller.poll()) except ZMQError as ex: _log.error("ZMQ Error while polling: {}".format(ex)) for sock in sockets: if sock == self.socket: if sockets[sock] == zmq.POLLIN: self.route() elif sock in self._ext_routing._vip_sockets: if sockets[sock] == zmq.POLLIN: # _log.debug("From Ext Socket: ") self.ext_route(sock) elif sock in self._ext_routing._monitor_sockets: self._ext_routing.handle_monitor_event(sock) else: # _log.debug("External ") frames = sock.recv_multipart(copy=False)
[docs] def ext_route(self, socket): """ Handler function for message received through external socket connection :param socket: socket :return: """ # Expecting incoming frames to follow this VIP format: # [SENDER, PROTO, USER_ID, MSG_ID, SUBSYS, ...] frames = socket.recv_multipart(copy=False) # for f in frames: # _log.debug("PUBSUBSERVICE Frames: {}".format(bytes(f))) if len(frames) < 6: return sender, proto, user_id, msg_id, subsystem = frames[:5] if proto.bytes != b'VIP1': return # Handle 'EXT_RPC' subsystem messages name = subsystem.bytes if name == 'external_rpc': # Reframe the frames sender, proto, usr_id, msg_id, subsystem, msg = frames[:6] msg_data = jsonapi.loads(msg.bytes) peer = msg_data['to_peer'] # Send to destionation agent/peer # Form new frame for local frames[:9] = [peer, sender, proto, usr_id, msg_id, 'external_rpc', msg] try: self.socket.send_multipart(frames, flags=NOBLOCK, copy=False) except ZMQError as ex: _log.debug("ZMQ error: {}".format(ex)) pass # Handle 'pubsub' subsystem messages elif name == 'pubsub': if bytes(frames[1]) == b'VIP1': recipient = b'' frames[:1] = [zmq.Frame(b''), zmq.Frame(b'')] # for f in frames: # _log.debug("frames: {}".format(bytes(f))) result = self._pubsub.handle_subsystem(frames, user_id) return result # Handle 'routing_table' subsystem messages elif name == 'routing_table': # for f in frames: # _log.debug("frames: {}".format(bytes(f))) if bytes(frames[1]) == b'VIP1': frames[:1] = [zmq.Frame(b''), zmq.Frame(b'')] result = self._ext_routing.handle_subsystem(frames) return result
[docs]def start_volttron_process(opts): '''Start the main volttron process. Typically this function is used from and just uses the argparser's Options arguments as inputs. It also can be called with a dictionary. In that case the dictionaries keys are mapped into a value that acts like the args options. ''' if isinstance(opts, dict): opts = type('Options', (), opts)() # vip_address is meant to be a list so make it so. if not isinstance(opts.vip_address, list): opts.vip_address = [opts.vip_address] if opts.log: opts.log = config.expandall(opts.log) if opts.log_config: opts.log_config = config.expandall(opts.log_config) # Configure logging level = max(1, opts.verboseness) if opts.monitor and level > logging.INFO: level = logging.INFO if opts.log is None: log_to_file(sys.stderr, level) elif opts.log == '-': log_to_file(sys.stdout, level) elif opts.log: log_to_file(opts.log, level, handler_class=handlers.WatchedFileHandler) else: log_to_file(None, 100, handler_class=lambda x: logging.NullHandler()) if opts.log_config: with open(opts.log_config, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): error = configure_logging(opts.log_config) if error: _log.error('{}: {}'.format(*error)) sys.exit(1) opts.publish_address = config.expandall(opts.publish_address) opts.subscribe_address = config.expandall(opts.subscribe_address) opts.vip_address = [config.expandall(addr) for addr in opts.vip_address] opts.vip_local_address = config.expandall(opts.vip_local_address) if opts.instance_name is None: if len(opts.vip_address) > 0: opts.instance_name = opts.vip_address[0] import urlparse if opts.bind_web_address: parsed = urlparse.urlparse(opts.bind_web_address) if parsed.scheme not in ('http', 'https'): raise StandardError( 'bind-web-address must begin with http or https.') opts.bind_web_address = config.expandall(opts.bind_web_address) if opts.volttron_central_address: parsed = urlparse.urlparse(opts.volttron_central_address) if parsed.scheme not in ('http', 'https', 'tcp'): raise StandardError( 'volttron-central-address must begin with tcp, http or https.') opts.volttron_central_address = config.expandall( opts.volttron_central_address) opts.volttron_central_serverkey = opts.volttron_central_serverkey # Log configuration options if getattr(opts, 'show_config', False):'volttron version: {}'.format(__version__)) for name, value in sorted(vars(opts).iteritems()):"%s: %s" % (name, str(repr(value)))) # Increase open files resource limit to max or 8192 if unlimited try: soft, hard = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE) except OSError: _log.exception('error getting open file limits') else: if soft != hard and soft != resource.RLIM_INFINITY: try: limit = 8192 if hard == resource.RLIM_INFINITY else hard resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (limit, hard)) except OSError: _log.exception('error setting open file limits') else: _log.debug('open file resource limit increased from %d to %d', soft, limit) _log.debug('open file resource limit %d to %d', soft, hard) # Set configuration if HAVE_RESTRICTED: if opts.verify_agents:'Agent integrity verification enabled') if opts.resource_monitor:'Resource monitor enabled') opts.resmon = resmon.ResourceMonitor() opts.aip = aip.AIPplatform(opts) opts.aip.setup() # Check for secure mode/permissions on VOLTTRON_HOME directory mode = os.stat(opts.volttron_home).st_mode if mode & (stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IWOTH): _log.warning('insecure mode on directory: %s', opts.volttron_home) # Get or generate encryption key keystore = KeyStore() _log.debug('using key-store file %s', keystore.filename) if not keystore.isvalid(): _log.warning('key store is invalid; connections may fail') st = os.stat(keystore.filename) if st.st_mode & (stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO): _log.warning('insecure mode on key file') publickey = decode_key(keystore.public) if publickey:'public key: %s', encode_key(publickey)) # Authorize the platform key: entry = AuthEntry(credentials=encode_key(publickey), user_id='platform', comments='Automatically added by platform on start') AuthFile().add(entry, overwrite=True) # Add platform key to known-hosts file: known_hosts = KnownHostsStore() known_hosts.add(opts.vip_local_address, encode_key(publickey)) for addr in opts.vip_address: known_hosts.add(addr, encode_key(publickey)) secretkey = decode_key(keystore.secret) # The following line doesn't appear to do anything, but it creates # a context common to the green and non-green zmq modules. zmq.Context.instance() # DO NOT REMOVE LINE!! # zmq.Context.instance().set(zmq.MAX_SOCKETS, 2046) tracker = Tracker() protected_topics_file = os.path.join(opts.volttron_home, 'protected_topics.json') _log.debug('protected topics file %s', protected_topics_file) external_address_file = os.path.join(opts.volttron_home, 'external_address.json') _log.debug('external_address_file file %s', external_address_file) protected_topics = {} # Main loops def router(stop): try: Router(opts.vip_local_address, opts.vip_address, secretkey=secretkey, publickey=publickey, default_user_id=b'vip.service', monitor=opts.monitor, tracker=tracker, volttron_central_address=opts.volttron_central_address, volttron_central_serverkey=opts.volttron_central_serverkey, instance_name=opts.instance_name, bind_web_address=opts.bind_web_address, protected_topics=protected_topics, external_address_file=external_address_file, msgdebug=opts.msgdebug).run() except Exception: _log.exception('Unhandled exception in router loop') raise except KeyboardInterrupt: pass finally: stop() address = 'inproc://vip' try: def on_sigint_handler(signo, *_): ''' Event handler to set onstop event when the platform wants to shutdown :param signo: signal interrupt number :param _: :return: ''' if signo == signal.SIGINT:'SIGINT received; shutting down platform') auth.core.socket.send_vip(b'', b'quit') oninterrupt = None prev_int_signal = gevent.signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT) # To override default handler if prev_int_signal in [None, signal.SIG_IGN, signal.SIG_DFL, signal.default_int_handler]: oninterrupt = gevent.signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, on_sigint_handler) # Start the config store before auth so we may one day have auth use it. config_store = ConfigStoreService(address=address, identity=CONFIGURATION_STORE) event = gevent.event.Event() config_store_task = gevent.spawn(, event) event.wait() del event # Ensure auth service is running before router auth_file = os.path.join(opts.volttron_home, 'auth.json') auth = AuthService( auth_file, protected_topics_file, opts.setup_mode, opts.aip, address=address, identity=AUTH, enable_store=False) event = gevent.event.Event() auth_task = gevent.spawn(, event) event.wait() del event protected_topics = auth.get_protected_topics() _log.debug("MAIN: protected topics content {}".format(protected_topics)) # Start router in separate thread to remain responsive thread = threading.Thread(target=router, args=(auth.core.stop,)) thread.daemon = True thread.start() gevent.sleep(0.1) if not thread.isAlive(): sys.exit() # The instance file is where we are going to record the instance and # its details according to instance_file = os.path.expanduser('~/.volttron_instances') try: instances = load_create_store(instance_file) except ValueError: os.remove(instance_file) instances = load_create_store(instance_file) this_instance = instances.get(opts.volttron_home, {}) this_instance['pid'] = os.getpid() this_instance['version'] = __version__ # note vip_address is a list this_instance['vip-address'] = opts.vip_address this_instance['volttron-home'] = opts.volttron_home this_instance['volttron-root'] = os.path.abspath('../..') this_instance['start-args'] = sys.argv[1:] instances[opts.volttron_home] = this_instance instances.async_sync() protected_topics_file = os.path.join(opts.volttron_home, 'protected_topics.json') _log.debug('protected topics file %s', protected_topics_file) external_address_file = os.path.join(opts.volttron_home, 'external_address.json') _log.debug('external_address_file file %s', external_address_file) # Launch additional services and wait for them to start before # auto-starting agents services = [ ControlService(opts.aip, address=address, identity='control', tracker=tracker, heartbeat_autostart=True, enable_store=False, enable_channel=True), CompatPubSub(address=address, identity='pubsub.compat', publish_address=opts.publish_address, subscribe_address=opts.subscribe_address), MasterWebService( serverkey=publickey, identity=MASTER_WEB, address=address, bind_web_address=opts.bind_web_address, volttron_central_address=opts.volttron_central_address, aip=opts.aip, enable_store=False), KeyDiscoveryAgent(address=address, serverkey=publickey, identity='keydiscovery', external_address_config=external_address_file, setup_mode=opts.setup_mode, bind_web_address=opts.bind_web_address), PubSubWrapper(address=address, identity='pubsub', heartbeat_autostart=True, enable_store=False) ] events = [gevent.event.Event() for service in services] tasks = [gevent.spawn(, event) for service, event in zip(services, events)] tasks.append(config_store_task) tasks.append(auth_task) gevent.wait(events) del events # Auto-start agents now that all services are up if opts.autostart: for name, error in opts.aip.autostart(): _log.error('error starting {!r}: {}\n'.format(name, error)) # Wait for any service to stop, signaling exit try: gevent.wait(tasks, count=1) except KeyboardInterrupt: _log.debug('SIGINT received; shutting down') finally: sys.stderr.write('Shutting down.\n') for task in tasks: task.kill(block=False) gevent.wait(tasks) del tasks finally: opts.aip.finish()
[docs]def main(argv=sys.argv): # Refuse to run as root if not getattr(os, 'getuid', lambda: -1)(): sys.stderr.write('%s: error: refusing to run as root to prevent ' 'potential damage.\n' % os.path.basename(argv[0])) sys.exit(77) volttron_home = os.path.normpath(config.expandall( os.environ.get('VOLTTRON_HOME', '~/.volttron'))) os.environ['VOLTTRON_HOME'] = volttron_home # Setup option parser parser = config.ArgumentParser( prog=os.path.basename(argv[0]), add_help=False, description='VOLTTRON platform service', usage='%(prog)s [OPTION]...', argument_default=argparse.SUPPRESS, epilog='Boolean options, which take no argument, may be inversed by ' 'prefixing the option with no- (e.g. --autostart may be ' 'inversed using --no-autostart).' ) parser.add_argument( '-c', '--config', metavar='FILE', action='parse_config', ignore_unknown=False, sections=[None, 'volttron'], help='read configuration from FILE') parser.add_argument( '-l', '--log', metavar='FILE', default=None, help='send log output to FILE instead of stderr') parser.add_argument( '-L', '--log-config', metavar='FILE', help='read logging configuration from FILE') parser.add_argument( '--log-level', metavar='LOGGER:LEVEL', action=LogLevelAction, help='override default logger logging level') parser.add_argument( '--monitor', action='store_true', help='monitor and log connections (implies -v)') parser.add_argument( '-q', '--quiet', action='add_const', const=10, dest='verboseness', help='decrease logger verboseness; may be used multiple times') parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', action='add_const', const=-10, dest='verboseness', help='increase logger verboseness; may be used multiple times') parser.add_argument( '--verboseness', type=int, metavar='LEVEL', default=logging.WARNING, help='set logger verboseness') # parser.add_argument( # '--volttron-home', env_var='VOLTTRON_HOME', metavar='PATH', # help='VOLTTRON configuration directory') parser.add_argument( '--show-config', action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) parser.add_help_argument() parser.add_version_argument(version='%(prog)s ' + __version__) agents = parser.add_argument_group('agent options') agents.add_argument( '--autostart', action='store_true', inverse='--no-autostart', help='automatically start enabled agents and services') agents.add_argument( '--no-autostart', action='store_false', dest='autostart', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) agents.add_argument( '--publish-address', metavar='ZMQADDR', help='ZeroMQ URL used for pre-3.x agent publishing (deprecated)') agents.add_argument( '--subscribe-address', metavar='ZMQADDR', help='ZeroMQ URL used for pre-3.x agent subscriptions (deprecated)') agents.add_argument( '--vip-address', metavar='ZMQADDR', action='append', default=[], help='ZeroMQ URL to bind for VIP connections') agents.add_argument( '--vip-local-address', metavar='ZMQADDR', help='ZeroMQ URL to bind for local agent VIP connections') agents.add_argument( '--bind-web-address', metavar='BINDWEBADDR', default=None, help='Bind a web server to the specified ip:port passed') agents.add_argument( '--volttron-central-address', default=None, help='The web address of a volttron central install instance.') agents.add_argument( '--volttron-central-serverkey', default=None, help='The serverkey of volttron central.') agents.add_argument( '--instance-name', default=None, help='The name of the instance that will be reported to ' 'VOLTTRON central.') agents.add_argument( '--msgdebug', action='store_true', help='Route all messages to an agent while debugging.') agents.add_argument( '--setup-mode', action='store_true', help='Setup mode flag for setting up authorization of external platforms.') # XXX: re-implement control options # on # control.add_argument( # '--allow-root', action='store_true', inverse='--no-allow-root', # help='allow root to connect to control socket') # control.add_argument( # '--no-allow-root', action='store_false', dest='allow_root', # help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # control.add_argument( # '--allow-users', action='store_list', metavar='LIST', # help='users allowed to connect to control socket') # control.add_argument( # '--allow-groups', action='store_list', metavar='LIST', # help='user groups allowed to connect to control socket') if HAVE_RESTRICTED: class RestrictedAction(argparse.Action): def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, const=True, help=None, **kwargs): super(RestrictedAction, self).__init__( option_strings, dest=argparse.SUPPRESS, nargs=0, const=const, help=help) def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): namespace.verify_agents = self.const namespace.resource_monitor = self.const # namespace.mobility = self.const restrict = parser.add_argument_group('restricted options') restrict.add_argument( '--restricted', action=RestrictedAction, inverse='--no-restricted', help='shortcut to enable all restricted features') restrict.add_argument( '--no-restricted', action=RestrictedAction, const=False, help=argparse.SUPPRESS) restrict.add_argument( '--verify', action='store_true', inverse='--no-verify', help='verify agent integrity before execution') restrict.add_argument( '--no-verify', action='store_false', dest='verify_agents', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) restrict.add_argument( '--resource-monitor', action='store_true', inverse='--no-resource-monitor', help='enable agent resource management') restrict.add_argument( '--no-resource-monitor', action='store_false', dest='resource_monitor', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) # restrict.add_argument( # '--mobility', action='store_true', inverse='--no-mobility', # help='enable agent mobility') # restrict.add_argument( # '--no-mobility', action='store_false', dest='mobility', # help=argparse.SUPPRESS) ipc = 'ipc://%s$VOLTTRON_HOME/run/' % ( '@' if sys.platform.startswith('linux') else '') parser.set_defaults( log=None, log_config=None, monitor=False, verboseness=logging.WARNING, volttron_home=volttron_home, autostart=True, publish_address=ipc + 'publish', subscribe_address=ipc + 'subscribe', vip_address=[], vip_local_address=ipc + 'vip.socket', # This is used to start the web server from the web module. bind_web_address=None, # Used to contact volttron central when registering volttron central # platform agent. volttron_central_address=None, volttron_central_serverkey=None, instance_name=None, # allow_root=False, # allow_users=None, # allow_groups=None, verify_agents=True, resource_monitor=True, # mobility=True, msgdebug=None, setup_mode=False ) # Parse and expand options args = argv[1:] conf = os.path.join(volttron_home, 'config') if os.path.exists(conf) and 'SKIP_VOLTTRON_CONFIG' not in os.environ: args = ['--config', conf] + args logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.NOTSET) opts = parser.parse_args(args) start_volttron_process(opts)
def _main(): """ Entry point for scripts.""" try: sys.exit(main()) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass if __name__ == '__main__': _main()