Source code for volttron.platform.jsonrpc

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'''Implementation of JSON-RPC 2.0 with support for bi-directional calls.

See for the complete specification.

import sys
from contextlib import contextmanager

from volttron.platform.agent import json as jsonapi

__all__ = ['Error', 'MethodNotFound', 'RemoteError', 'Dispatcher']

PARSE_ERROR = -32700

# implementation-defined server-errors:

def json_validate_request(jsonrequest):
    assert jsonrequest.get('id', None)
    assert jsonrequest.get('jsonrpc', None) == '2.0'
    assert jsonrequest.get('method', None)

def json_validate_response(jsonresponse):
    assert jsonresponse.get('id', None)
    assert jsonresponse.get('jsonrpc', None) == '2.0'
    result = jsonresponse.get('result', None)
    # if result is null then there is no result so we check to see if we have
    # an error.  If error is also None then this is an invalid response.
    if result is None:
        assert jsonresponse.get('error', None)

def json_method(ident, method, args, kwargs):
    '''Builds a JSON-RPC request object (dictionary).'''
    request = {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': str(method)}
    if args and kwargs:
        request['params'] = {'*args': args, '**kwargs': kwargs}
    elif args:
        request['params'] = args
    elif kwargs:
        request['params'] = kwargs
    if ident is not None:
        request['id'] = ident
    return request

def json_result(ident, result):
    '''Builds a JSON-RPC response object (dictionary).'''
    return {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': ident, 'result': result}

def json_error(ident, code, message, **data):
    '''Builds a JSON-RPC error object (dictionary).'''
    error = {'code': code, 'message': message}
    if data:
        error['data'] = data
    return {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'id': ident, 'error': error}

class ParseError(StandardError):

class JsonRpcData(object):
    ''' A `JsonRpcData` reprepresents the data associated with an rpc request.
    def __init__(self, id, version, method, params, authorization): = id
        self.version = version
        self.method = method
        self.params = params
        self.authorization = authorization

    def parse(jsonstr):
        data = jsonapi.loads(jsonstr)
        id = data.get('id', None)
        version = data.get('jsonrpc', None)
        method = data.get('method', None)
        params = data.get('params', None)
        authorization = data.get('authorization', None)

        if id == None:
            raise ParseError("Invalid id")
        if version != '2.0':
            print("VERSION IS: {}".format(version))
            raise ParseError('Invalid jsonrpc version')
        if method == None:
            raise ParseError('Method not specified.')

        return JsonRpcData(id, version, method, params, authorization)

[docs]class Error(Exception): '''Raised when a recoverable JSON-RPC protocol error occurs.''' def __init__(self, code, message, data=None): args = (code, message, data) if data is not None else (code, message) super(Error, self).__init__(*args) # pylint: disable=star-args self.code = code self.message = message = data def __str__(self): try: return str(['detail']) except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError): return str(self.message)
[docs]class MethodNotFound(Error): '''Raised when remote method is not implemented.''' pass
[docs]class RemoteError(Exception): """Report the details of an error which occurred remotely. Instances of this exception are usually created by exception_from_json(), which uses the 'detail' element of the JSON-RPC error for message, if it is set, otherwise the JSON-RPC error message. The exc_info argument is set from the '' element associated with an error code of -32000 (UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION). Typical keys in exc_info are exc_type, exc_args, and exc_tb (if tracebacks are allowed) which are stringified versions of the tuple returned from sys.exc_info(). """ def __init__(self, message, **exc_info): if exc_info: try: exc_type = exc_info['exc_type'] exc_args = exc_info['exc_args'] except KeyError: msg = message else: args = ', '.join(repr(arg) for arg in exc_args) msg = '%s(%s)' % (exc_type, args) super(RemoteError, self).__init__(msg) self.message = message self.exc_info = exc_info def __repr__(self): exc_type = self.exc_info.get('exc_type', '<unknown>') try: exc_args = ', '.join(repr(arg) for arg in self.exc_info['exc_args']) except KeyError: exc_args = '...' return '%s(%s)' % (exc_type, exc_args)
[docs] def print_tb(self, file=sys.stderr): '''Pretty print the traceback in the standard format.''' exc_type = self.exc_info.get('exc_type', '<unknown>') file.write('Remote Traceback (most recent call last):\n') try: exc_tb = self.exc_info['exc_tb'] except KeyError: file.write(' (traceback omitted)\n') else: file.write(''.join(exc_tb)) file.write('%s: %s\n' % (exc_type, self.message))
def exception_from_json(code, message, data=None): '''Return an exception suitable for raising in a caller.''' if code == UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION: return RemoteError(data.get('detail', message), **data.get('', {})) elif code == METHOD_NOT_FOUND: return MethodNotFound(code, message, data) return Error(code, message, data)
[docs]class Dispatcher(object): '''Parses and directs JSON-RPC 2.0 requests/responses. Parses a JSON-RPC message conatained in a dictionary (JavaScript object) or a batch of messages (list of dictionaries) and dispatches them appropriately. Subclasses must implement the serialize and deserialize methods with the JSON library of choice. The exception, result, error, method and batch handling methods should also be implemented. '''
[docs] def serialize(self, json_obj): '''Pack compatible Python objects into and return JSON string.''' raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def deserialize(self, json_string): '''Unpack a JSON string and return Python object(s).''' raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def batch_call(self, requests): '''Create and return a request for a batch of method calls. requests is an iterator of lists or tuples with 4 items each: ident, method, args, kwargs. These are the same 4 arguments required by the call() method. The first (ident) element may be None to indicate a notification. ''' return self.serialize([json_method(ident, method, args, kwargs) for ident, method, args, kwargs in requests])
[docs] def call(self, ident, method, args=None, kwargs=None): '''Create and return a request for a single method call.''' return self.serialize(json_method( ident, method, args or (), kwargs or {}))
[docs] def notify(self, method, args=None, kwargs=None): '''Create and return a request for a single notification.''' return self.serialize(json_method( None, method, args or (), kwargs or {}))
[docs] def exception(self, response, ident, message, context=None): '''Called for response errors. Typically called when a response, such as an error, does not contain all the necessary members and sending an error to the remote peer is not possible. Also called when serializing a response fails. ''' pass
[docs] def result(self, response, ident, result, context=None): '''Called when a result response is received.''' pass
[docs] def error(self, response, ident, code, message, data=None, context=None): '''Called when an error resposne is received.''' pass
[docs] def method(self, request, ident, name, args, kwargs, batch=None, context=None): '''Called to get make method call and return results. request is the original JSON request (as dict). name is the name of the method requested. Only one of args or kwargs will contain parameters. If method is being executed as part of a batch request, batch will be the value returned from the batch() context manager. This method should raise NotImplementedError() if the method is unimplemented. Otherwise, it should return the result of the method call or raise an exception. If the raised exception has a traceback attribute, which should be a string (if set), it will be sent back in the returned error. An exc_info attribute may also be set which must be a dictionary and will be used as the basis for the member of the returned error. ''' raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @contextmanager def batch(self, request, context=None): '''Context manager for batch requests. Entered before processing a batch request and exited afterward. ''' # pylint: disable=unused-argument yield
[docs] def dispatch(self, json_string, context=None): '''Dispatch a JSON-RPC message and return a response or None.''' try: message = self.deserialize(json_string) except ValueError as exc: return self.serialize(json_error( None, PARSE_ERROR, 'invalid JSON', detail=str(exc))) if isinstance(message, list): dispatch = self._dispatch_one with self.batch(message) as batch: responses = (dispatch(msg, batch, context) for msg in message) response = [response for response in responses if response] elif isinstance(message, dict): response = self._dispatch_one(message, None, context) else: response = json_error( None, INVALID_REQUEST, 'invalid object type', detail='expected a list or dictionary (object); ' 'got a {!r} instead'.format(type(message).__name__)) if response: try: return self.serialize(response) except ValueError as exc: self.exception(response, None, str(exc), context=context)
def _dispatch_one(self, msg, batch, context): '''Dispatch a single JSON-RPC message.''' try: ident = msg.get('id') except AttributeError: return json_error(None, INVALID_REQUEST, 'invalid object type', detail='expected a dictionary (object); ' 'got a {!r} instead'.format(type(msg).__name__)) try: version = msg['jsonrpc'] except KeyError: return json_error(ident, INVALID_REQUEST, 'missing required member', detail="missing required 'jsonrpc' member") if version != '2.0': return json_error(ident, INVALID_REQUEST, 'unsupported version', detail='version 2.0 supported, ' 'but recieved version {!r}'.format(version)) if 'error' in msg: error = msg['error'] try: code = error['code'] except TypeError: self.exception( msg, ident, "expected dict 'error' member; got " '{} instead'.format(type(error).__name__), context=context) return except KeyError: self.exception( msg, ident, "'error' member is missing 'code' member", context=context) return try: message = error['message'] except KeyError: self.exception( msg, ident, "'error' member is missing 'message' member", context=context) return self.error(msg, ident, code, message, error.get('data'), context=context) elif 'result' in msg: self.result(msg, ident, msg['result'], context=context) elif 'method' in msg: name = str(msg['method']) params = msg.get('params') if isinstance(params, list): args, kwargs = params, {} elif isinstance(params, dict): args, kwargs = (), params elif params is None: args, kwargs = (), {} else: return json_error( None, INVALID_PARAMS, 'invalid object type', detail='expected a list or dictionary (object); ' 'got a {!r} instead'.format(type(params).__name__)) try: result = self.method(msg, ident, name, args, kwargs, batch=batch, context=context) except NotImplementedError: if ident is None: return return json_error( ident, METHOD_NOT_FOUND, 'unimplemented method', detail='method {!r} is not implemented'.format(name)) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except if ident is None: return exc_info = getattr(exc, 'exc_info', {}) if 'exc_type' not in exc_info: exc_type = type(exc) if exc_type.__module__ == 'exceptions': exc_info['exc_type'] = exc_type.__name__ else: exc_info['exc_type'] = '.'.join( [exc_type.__module__, exc_type.__name__]) if 'exc_args' not in exc_info: try: exc_info['exc_args'] = exc.args except AttributeError: pass error = {'detail': str(exc), '': exc_info} return json_error(ident, UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION, # pylint: disable=star-args 'unhandled exception', **error) if ident is not None: return json_result(ident, result)