Source code for volttron.platform.instance_setup

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- {{{
# vim: set fenc=utf-8 ft=python sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 et:
# Copyright 2017, Battelle Memorial Institute.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This material was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of
# the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor the
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# under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830
# }}}
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser
import argparse
import getpass
import hashlib
import os
import sys
import urlparse
import tempfile

from gevent import subprocess
from gevent.subprocess import Popen
from volttron.platform.agent import json as jsonapi
from zmq import green as zmq

from volttron.platform.agent.known_identities import PLATFORM_DRIVER
from volttron.utils.prompt import prompt_response, y, n, y_or_n

from . import get_home, get_services_core

# Global configuration options.  Must be key=value strings.  No cascading
# structure so that we can easily create/load from the volttron config file
# if it exists.
config_opts = {}

# Dictionary of tags to config functions.
# Populated by the `installs` decorator.
available_agents = {}

def _load_config():
    """Loads the config file if the path exists."""
    path = os.path.join(get_home(), 'config')
    if os.path.exists(path):
        parser = ConfigParser()
        options = parser.options('volttron')
        for option in options:
            config_opts[option] = parser.get('volttron', option)

def _install_config_file():
    home = get_home()

    if not os.path.exists(home):
        os.makedirs(home, 0o755)

    path = os.path.join(home, 'config')

    config = ConfigParser()

    for k, v in config_opts.items():
        config.set('volttron', k, v)

    with open(path, 'w') as configfile:

def _cmd(cmdargs):
    """Executes the passed command.

    :param cmdargs: A list of arguments that should be passed to Popen.
    :type cmdargs: [str]
    if verbose:
    process = Popen(cmdargs, env=os.environ, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,

def _is_bound_already(address):
    context = zmq.Context()
    dealer_sock = context.socket(zmq.DEALER)
    already_bound = False
    except zmq.ZMQError:
        already_bound = True
    return already_bound

[docs]def fail_if_instance_running(): home = get_home() ipc_address = 'ipc://@{}/run/vip.socket'.format(home) if os.path.exists(home) and\ _is_bound_already(ipc_address): print(""" The current instance is running. In order to configure an instance it cannot be running. Please execute: volttron-ctl shutdown --platform to stop the instance. """) sys.exit()
[docs]def fail_if_not_in_src_root(): in_src_root = os.path.exists("./volttron") and os.path.exists("./.git") if not in_src_root: print """ volttron-cfg needs to be run from the volttron top level source directory. """ sys.exit()
def _start_platform(): cmd = ['volttron', '-vv', '-l', os.path.join(get_home(), 'volttron.cfg.log')] if verbose: print('Starting platform...') pid = Popen(cmd, env=os.environ.copy(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) def _shutdown_platform(): if verbose: print('Shutting down platform...') _cmd(['volttron-ctl', 'shutdown', '--platform']) def _install_agent(agent_dir, config, tag): if not isinstance(config, dict): config_file = config else: cfg = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() with open(, 'w') as fout: fout.write(jsonapi.dumps(config)) config_file = _cmd(['volttron-ctl', 'remove', '--tag', tag, '--force']) _cmd(['scripts/core/', agent_dir, config_file, tag]) # Decorator to handle installing agents # Decorated functions need to return a config # file for the target agent.
[docs]def installs(agent_dir, tag, identity=None, post_install_func=None): def wrap(config_func): global available_agents def func(*args, **kwargs): if identity is not None: os.environ['AGENT_VIP_IDENTITY'] = identity print 'Configuring {}'.format(agent_dir) config = config_func(*args, **kwargs) _install_config_file() _start_platform() _install_agent(agent_dir, config, tag) if post_install_func: post_install_func() autostart = prompt_response('Should agent autostart?', valid_answers=y_or_n, default='N') if autostart in y: _cmd(['volttron-ctl', 'enable', '--tag', tag]) _shutdown_platform() if identity is not None: os.environ.pop('AGENT_VIP_IDENTITY') available_agents[tag] = func return func return wrap
[docs]def is_valid_url(url, accepted_schemes): if url is None: return False parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url) if parsed.scheme not in accepted_schemes: return False if not parsed.hostname: return False return True
[docs]def is_valid_port(port): try: port = int(port) except ValueError: return False return 0 < port < 65535
[docs]def do_vip(): global config_opts parsed = urlparse.urlparse(config_opts.get('vip-address', 'tcp://')) vip_address = None if parsed.hostname is not None and parsed.scheme is not None: vip_address = parsed.scheme + '://' + parsed.hostname vip_port = parsed.port else: vip_address = 'tcp://' vip_port = 22916 available = False while not available: valid_address = False while not valid_address: prompt = 'What is the external instance ipv4 address?' new_vip_address = prompt_response(prompt, default=vip_address) valid_address = is_valid_url(new_vip_address, ['tcp']) if valid_address: vip_address = new_vip_address else: print("Address is not valid") valid_port = False while not valid_port: prompt = 'What is the instance port for the vip address?' new_vip_port = prompt_response(prompt, default=vip_port) valid_port = is_valid_port(new_vip_port) if valid_port: vip_port = new_vip_port else: print("Port is not valid") while vip_address.endswith('/'): vip_address = vip_address[:-1] attempted_address = '{}:{}'.format(vip_address, vip_port) if not _is_bound_already(attempted_address): available = True else: print('\nERROR: That address has already been bound to.') config_opts['vip-address'] = '{}:{}'.format(vip_address, vip_port)
[docs]@installs(get_services_core("VolttronCentral"), 'vc') def do_vc(): global config_opts # Full implies that it will have a port on it as well. Though if it's # not in the address that means that we haven't set it up before. full_bind_web_address = config_opts.get('bind-web-address', '') parsed = urlparse.urlparse(full_bind_web_address) address_only = full_bind_web_address port_only = None if parsed.port is not None: address_only = parsed.scheme + '://' + parsed.hostname port_only = parsed.port else: port_only = 8080 print(""" In order for external clients to connect to volttron central or the instance itself, the instance must bind to a tcp address. If testing this can be an internal address such as """) valid_address = False external_ip = None while not valid_address: prompt = 'Please enter the external ipv4 address for this instance? ' new_external_ip = prompt_response(prompt, default=address_only) valid_address = is_valid_url(new_external_ip, ['http', 'https']) if valid_address: external_ip = new_external_ip valid_port = False vc_port = None while not valid_port: prompt = 'What is the port for volttron central?' new_vc_port = prompt_response(prompt, default=port_only) valid_port = is_valid_port(new_vc_port) if valid_port: vc_port = new_vc_port while external_ip.endswith("/"): external_ip = external_ip[:-1] config_opts['bind-web-address'] = '{}:{}'.format(external_ip, vc_port) resp = vc_config() print('Installing volttron central') return resp
[docs]def vc_config(): username = '' while not username: username = prompt_response('Enter volttron central admin user name:') if not username: print('ERROR Invalid username') password = '' password2 = '' while not password: password = prompt_response('Enter volttron central admin password:', echo=False) if not password: print('ERROR: Invalid password') continue password2 = prompt_response('Retype password:', echo=False) if password2 != password: print("ERROR: Passwords don't match") password = '' config = { 'users': { username: { 'password': hashlib.sha512(password).hexdigest(), 'groups': ['admin'] } } } return config
[docs]@installs(get_services_core("VolttronCentralPlatform"), 'vcp') def do_vcp(): global config_opts # Default instance name to the vip address. instance_name = config_opts.get('instance-name', config_opts.get('vip-address')) instance_name = instance_name.strip('"') valid_name = False while not valid_name: prompt = 'Enter the name of this instance.' new_instance_name = prompt_response(prompt, default=instance_name) if new_instance_name: valid_name = True instance_name = new_instance_name config_opts['instance-name'] = '"{}"'.format(instance_name) vc_address = config_opts.get('volttron-central-address', config_opts.get('bind-web-address', '')) parsed = urlparse.urlparse(vc_address) address_only = vc_address port_only = None if parsed.port is not None: address_only = parsed.scheme + '://' + parsed.hostname port_only = parsed.port else: port_only = 8080 valid_vc = False while not valid_vc: prompt = "Enter volttron central's web address" new_vc_address = prompt_response(prompt, default=address_only) valid_vc = is_valid_url(new_vc_address, ['http', 'https']) if valid_vc: vc_address = new_vc_address vc_port = None while True: prompt = 'What is the port for volttron central?' new_vc_port = prompt_response(prompt, default=port_only) if is_valid_port(new_vc_port): vc_port = new_vc_port break new_address = '{}:{}'.format(vc_address, vc_port) config_opts['volttron-central-address'] = new_address return {}
[docs]@installs(get_services_core("SQLHistorian"), 'platform_historian', identity='platform.historian') def do_platform_historian(): datafile = os.path.join(get_home(), 'data', 'platform.historian.sqlite') config = { 'agentid': 'sqlhistorian-sqlite', 'connection': { 'type': 'sqlite', 'params': { 'database': datafile } } } return config
[docs]def add_fake_device_to_configstore(): prompt = 'Install a fake device on the master driver?' response = prompt_response(prompt, valid_answers=y_or_n, default='N') if response in y: _cmd(['volttron-ctl', 'config', 'store', PLATFORM_DRIVER, 'fake.csv', 'examples/configurations/drivers/fake.csv', '--csv']) _cmd(['volttron-ctl', 'config', 'store', PLATFORM_DRIVER, 'devices/fake-campus/fake-building/fake-device', 'examples/configurations/drivers/fake.config'])
[docs]@installs(get_services_core("MasterDriverAgent"), 'master_driver', post_install_func=add_fake_device_to_configstore) def do_master_driver(): return {}
[docs]@installs('examples/ListenerAgent', 'listener') def do_listener(): return {}
[docs]def wizard(): """Routine for configuring an insalled volttron instance. The function interactively sets up the instance for working with volttron central and the discovery service. """ # Start true configuration here. volttron_home = get_home() print('\nYour VOLTTRON_HOME currently set to: {}'.format(volttron_home)) prompt = '\nIs this the volttron you are attempting to setup? ' if not prompt_response(prompt, valid_answers=y_or_n, default='Y') in y: print( '\nPlease execute with VOLTRON_HOME=/your/path volttron-cfg to ' 'modify VOLTTRON_HOME.\n') return _load_config() do_vip() _install_config_file() prompt = 'Is this instance a volttron central?' response = prompt_response(prompt, valid_answers=y_or_n, default='N') if response in y: do_vc() prompt = 'Will this instance be controlled by volttron central?' response = prompt_response(prompt, valid_answers=y_or_n, default='Y') if response in y: do_vcp() prompt = 'Would you like to install a platform historian?' response = prompt_response(prompt, valid_answers=y_or_n, default='N') if response in y: do_platform_historian() prompt = 'Would you like to install a master driver?' response = prompt_response(prompt, valid_answers=y_or_n, default='N') if response in y: do_master_driver() prompt = 'Would you like to install a listener agent?' response = prompt_response(prompt, valid_answers=y_or_n, default='N') if response in y: do_listener() print('Finished configuration\n') print('You can now start the volttron instance.\n') print('If you need to change the instance configuration you can edit') print('the config file at {}/config\n'.format(volttron_home))
[docs]def main(): global verbose parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true') group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() agent_list = '\n\t' + '\n\t'.join(sorted(available_agents.keys())) group.add_argument('--list-agents', action='store_true', dest='list_agents', help='list configurable agents{}'.format(agent_list)) group.add_argument('--agent', nargs='+', help='configure listed agents') args = parser.parse_args() verbose = args.verbose fail_if_instance_running() fail_if_not_in_src_root() _load_config() if args.list_agents: print "Agents available to configure:{}".format(agent_list) elif not args.agent: wizard() else: # Warn about unknown agents for agent in args.agent: if agent not in available_agents: print '"{}" not configurable with this tool'.format(agent) # Configure agents for agent in args.agent: try: available_agents[agent]() except KeyError: pass