Source code for volttron.platform.dbutils.crateutils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- {{{
# vim: set fenc=utf-8 ft=python sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 et:
# Copyright 2017, Battelle Memorial Institute.
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# under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830
# }}}

import logging
from multiprocessing import cpu_count # used to default number of shards.
from pkg_resources import parse_version

[docs]def select_all_topics_query(schema): return "SELECT topic FROM {schema}.topic".format(schema=schema)
[docs]def insert_topic_query(schema): return "INSERT INTO {schema}.topic (topic) VALUES(?)".format(schema=schema)
[docs]def insert_data_query(schema): query = """INSERT INTO {schema}.data (ts, topic, source, string_value, meta) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?) on duplicate key update source = source, string_value = string_value, meta = meta """.format(schema=schema) return query.replace("\n", " ")
[docs]def drop_schema(connection, truncate=False, schema=None): _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) if not schema: _log.error("Invalid schema passed to drop schema function") return tables = ["data", "topic"] cursor = connection.cursor() for t in tables: if truncate: query = "DELETE FROM {schema}.{table}".format(schema=schema, table=t) else: query = "DROP TABLE {schema}.{table}".format(schema=schema, table=t) cursor.execute(query)
[docs]def create_schema(connection, schema="historian", num_replicas='0-1', num_shards=6, use_v2=True): _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) _log.debug("Creating crate tables if necessary.") # crate can take a string parameter such as 0-1 rather than just a plain # integer for writing data. try: num_replicas = int(num_replicas) except ValueError: num_replicas = "'{}'".format(num_replicas) create_queries = [] data_table_v1 = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {schema}.data( source string, topic string primary key, ts timestamp NOT NULL primary key, string_value string, meta object, -- Dynamically generated column that will either be a double -- or a NULL based on the value in the string_value column. double_value as try_cast(string_value as double), -- Full texted search index on the topic string INDEX topic_ft using fulltext (topic), -- must be part of primary key because of partitioning on monthly -- table and the column is set on the table. month as date_trunc('month', ts) primary key) partitioned by (month) CLUSTERED INTO {num_shards} SHARDS with ("number_of_replicas" = {num_replicas}) """ tokenizer = """ CREATE ANALYZER "tree" ( TOKENIZER tree WITH ( type = 'path_hierarchy', delimiter = '/' ) )""" data_table_v2 = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "{schema}"."data"( source string, topic string primary key, ts timestamp NOT NULL primary key, string_value string, meta object, -- Dynamically generated column that will either be a double -- or a NULL based on the value in the string_value column. double_value as try_cast(string_value as double), INDEX "taxonomy" USING FULLTEXT (topic) WITH (analyzer='tree'), -- Full texted search index on the topic string INDEX topic_ft using fulltext (topic), week_generated TIMESTAMP GENERATED ALWAYS AS date_trunc('week', ts) primary key) -- , -- must be part of primary key because of partitioning on monthly -- table and the column is set on the table. -- month as date_trunc('month', ts) primary key) CLUSTERED BY (topic) INTO {num_shards} SHARDS PARTITIONED BY (week_generated) with ("number_of_replicas" = {num_replicas}) """ topic_table = """ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {schema}.topic( topic string PRIMARY KEY ) CLUSTERED INTO 3 SHARDS """ if use_v2: create_queries.append(tokenizer) create_queries.append(data_table_v2) else: create_queries.append(data_table_v1) create_queries.append(topic_table) try: cursor = connection.cursor() for t in create_queries: cursor.execute(t.format(schema=schema, num_replicas=num_replicas, num_shards=num_shards)) except Exception as ex: _log.error("Exception creating tables.") _log.error(ex.args) finally: cursor.close()