Source code for volttron.platform.async

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'''Run gevent Greenlets in their own threads.

Supports killing threads and executing callbacks from other threads.

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import functools
import sys
import threading

import gevent
from gevent import GreenletExit

__all__ = ['AsyncCall', 'Threadlet', 'GreenletExit']

__author__ = 'Brandon Carpenter <>'

[docs]class Threadlet(threading.Thread): '''A subclass of threading.Thread supporting gevent Greenlets. The run method is executed in the thread's main greenlet and the thread will exit when that method returns. Other threads may run callbacks within this thread using the send() method. Unlike the base class, threading.Thread, *daemon* is set by default. ''' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): '''This subclass adds three additional keyword arguents: *daemon* sets the *daemon* property on the object to the given value. It defaults to True. *ignore_exit* is a flag indicating whether uncaught GreenletExit exceptions will be silently ignored. It defaults to True. *send_errors* is a flag indicating whether uncaught exceptions occuring in callbacks run via send() should be sent to and raised in the main greenlet. If False (the default), uncaught exceptions will still cause tracebacks to be printed to sys.stderr. ''' daemon = kwargs.pop('daemon', True) ignore = kwargs.pop('ignore_exit', True) fatal = kwargs.pop('send_errors', False) super(Threadlet, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.daemon = daemon self.ignore_exit = ignore self.send_errors = fatal self.__async = None self.__callbacks = [] if threading.Thread.__init__.__doc__: __init__.__doc__ = threading.Thread.__init__.__doc__ + __init__.__doc__
[docs] def kill(self, exception=GreenletExit): '''Raise GreenletExit or other exception in the main greenlet.''' assert self.is_alive(), 'thread is not running' self.send(gevent.kill, self.__greenlet, exception)
[docs] def send(self, callback, *args, **kwargs): '''Execute callback in this thread's hub.''' assert self.is_alive(), 'thread is not running' self.__callbacks.append((callback, args, kwargs)) self.__async.send()
def __run_callbacks(self): '''Execute pending callbacks.''' hub = self.__hub while self.__callbacks: callback, args, kwargs = self.__callbacks.pop() try: callback(*args, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=star-args except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except context = None if self.send_errors else callback hub.handle_error(context, *sys.exc_info()) # pylint: disable=no-member,invalid-name,missing-docstring # pylint: disable=assignment-from-none,attribute-defined-outside-init @functools.wraps(threading.Thread._Thread__bootstrap_inner) def _Thread__bootstrap_inner(self): run_func = def run(): = run_func try: run_func() except GreenletExit: # Only raise if self.ignore_exit is False if not getattr(self, 'ignore_exit', True): raise = functools.wraps(run_func)(run) # Override inner bootstrap to get thread-specific attributes self.__greenlet = gevent.getcurrent() self.__hub = gevent.get_hub() self.__async = self.__hub.loop.async() self.__async.start(self.__run_callbacks) try: threading.Thread._Thread__bootstrap_inner(self) finally: self.__async.stop()
[docs]class AsyncCall(object): '''Send functions to another thread's gevent hub for execution.''' def __init__(self, hub=None): '''Install this async handler in a hub. If hub is None, the current thread's hub is used. ''' if hub is None: hub = gevent.get_hub() self.calls = calls = [] self.async = hub.loop.async() self.async.start(functools.partial(self._run_calls, calls)) def __del__(self): '''Stop the async handler on deletion.''' print('deleted') self.async.stop()
[docs] def send(self, receiver, func, *args, **kwargs): '''Send a function to the hub to be called there. All the arguments to this method are placed in a queue and the hub is signaled that a function is ready. When the hub switches to this handler, the functions are iterated over, each being called with its results sent to the receiver. func is called with args and kwargs in the thread of the associated hub. If receiver is None, results are ignored and errors are printed when exceptions occur. Otherwise, receiver is called with the 2-tuple (exc_info, result). If an unhandled exception occurred, exc_info is the 3-tuple returned by sys.exc_info() and result is None. Otherwise exc_info is None and the result is func's return value. Note that receiver is called from the hub's thread and may need to be injected into the thread of the receiver. ''' self.calls.append((receiver, func, args, kwargs)) self.async.send()
@staticmethod def _run_call(receiver, func, args, kwargs): '''Run a pending call in its own greenlet.''' try: exc_info, result = None, func(*args, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=star-args except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except exc_info, result = sys.exc_info(), None if receiver is not None: receiver((exc_info, result)) elif exc_info: hub = gevent.get_hub() hub.handle_error(func, *exc_info) # pylint: disable=star-args # This method is static to prevent a reference loop so the object # can be garbage collected without stopping the async handler. @classmethod def _run_calls(cls, calls): '''Execute pending calls.''' while calls: args = calls.pop() gevent.spawn(cls._run_call, *args) # pylint: disable=star-args