Source code for volttron.platform.agent.base_market_agent.market_registration

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# under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830
# }}}

import logging

from volttron.platform.agent import utils
from volttron.platform.agent.base_market_agent.error_codes import NOT_FORMED

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MarketRegistration(object): def __init__(self, market_name, buyer_seller, reservation_callback, offer_callback, aggregate_callback, price_callback, error_callback, verbose_logging = True): self.market_name = market_name self.buyer_seller = buyer_seller self.reservation_callback = reservation_callback self.offer_callback = offer_callback self.aggregate_callback = aggregate_callback self.price_callback = price_callback self.error_callback = error_callback self.always_wants_reservation = self.reservation_callback == None self.has_reservation = False self.failed_to_form_error = False self.verbose_logging = verbose_logging self._validate_callbacks()
[docs] def request_reservations(self, timestamp, rpc_proxy): self.has_reservation = False self.failed_to_form_error = False if self.reservation_callback is not None: wants_reservation_this_time = self.reservation_callback(timestamp, self.market_name, self.buyer_seller) else: wants_reservation_this_time = self.always_wants_reservation if wants_reservation_this_time: has_reservation = rpc_proxy.make_reservation(self.market_name, self.buyer_seller) if has_reservation: self.has_reservation = has_reservation if self.verbose_logging: _log.debug("Market: {} {} has obtained a reservation.".format(self.market_name, self.buyer_seller)) else: if self.verbose_logging: _log.debug("Market: {} {} has failed to obtained a reservation.".format(self.market_name, self.buyer_seller))
[docs] def make_offer(self, buyer_seller, curve, rpc_proxy): result = False is_ok, error_message = self._ok_to_make_offer() if is_ok: result, error_message = rpc_proxy.make_offer(self.market_name, buyer_seller, curve) if result and error_message is None: error_message = "Market: {} {} offer was made and accepted.".format(self.market_name, self.buyer_seller) _log.debug(error_message) return result, error_message
[docs] def request_offers(self, timestamp): is_ok, error_message = self._ok_to_make_offer_via_callback() if is_ok: self.offer_callback(timestamp, self.market_name, self.buyer_seller) _log.debug("Market: {} {} offer callback was called.".format(self.market_name, self.buyer_seller)) else: _log.debug(error_message)
[docs] def report_clear_price(self, timestamp, price, quantity): if self.has_reservation and self.price_callback is not None: self.price_callback(timestamp, self.market_name, self.buyer_seller, price, quantity) if self.verbose_logging: _log.debug("Market: {} {} Price: {} Quantity: {}".format(self.market_name, self.buyer_seller, price, quantity)) self.has_reservation = False
[docs] def report_aggregate(self, timestamp, buyer_seller, aggregate_curve): if self.has_reservation and self.aggregate_callback is not None: self.aggregate_callback(timestamp, self.market_name, buyer_seller, aggregate_curve) if self.verbose_logging: _log.debug("Market: {} {} Curve: {}".format(self.market_name, self.buyer_seller, aggregate_curve.points))
[docs] def report_error(self, timestamp, error_code, error_message, aux): if error_code == NOT_FORMED: self.failed_to_form_error = True if self.error_callback is not None: self.error_callback(timestamp, self.market_name, self.buyer_seller, error_code, error_message, aux) if self.verbose_logging: _log.debug("Market: {} {} Error: {} {}".format(self.market_name, self.buyer_seller, error_code, error_message))
def _validate_callbacks(self): if self.offer_callback is None and self.aggregate_callback is None and self.price_callback is None: raise TypeError("You must provide either an offer, aggregate, or price callback.") def _ok_to_make_offer_via_callback(self): is_ok, error_message = self._ok_to_make_offer() if self.offer_callback is None: is_ok = False error_message = "Market: {} {} offer failed because the agent has no offer callback.".format(self.market_name, self.buyer_seller) return is_ok, error_message def _ok_to_make_offer(self): is_ok = True error_message = '' if not self.has_reservation: is_ok = False error_message = "Market: {} {} offer failed because the market has no reservation.".format(self.market_name, self.buyer_seller) if self.failed_to_form_error: is_ok = False error_message = "Market: {} {} offer failed because the market has not formed.".format(self.market_name, self.buyer_seller) return is_ok, error_message