Source code for volttron.platform.agent.base_historian

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Historian Development

Support for storing and retrieving historical device and analysis data
published to the message bus is handled with Historian Agents. If a new type
of data store or a new way of storing data is desired a new type of Historian
Agent should created.

Historian Agents are implemented by subclassing :py:class:`BaseHistorian`.

Agents that need short term storage of device data should subscribe to device
data and use internal data structures for storage. Agents which need long
term Historical data that predates the startup of the Agent should interact
with a Historian Agent in order to obtain that data as needed.

While it is possible to create an Agent from scratch which handles gathering
and storing device data it will miss out on the benefits of creating a proper
Historian Agent that subclassing :py:class:`BaseHistorian`.
The :py:class:`BaseHistorian` class provides the following features:

- A separate thread for all communication with a data store removing the need
  to use or implement special libraries to work with gevent.
- Automatically subscribe to and process device publishes.
- Automatically backup data retrieved off the message bus to a disk cache.
  Cached data will only be removed once it is successfully published to a data
- Existing Agents that publish analytical data for storage or query for
  historical data will be able to use the new Historian without any code
- Data can be graphed in VOLTTRON Central.

Creating a New Historian

To create a new Historian create a new Agent that subclasses
:py:class:`BaseHistorian`. :py:class:`BaseHistorian` inherits from
:py:class:`` so including it in the class
parents is not needed.

The new Agent must implement the following methods:

- :py:meth:`BaseHistorianAgent.publish_to_historian`
- :py:meth:`BaseQueryHistorianAgent.query_topic_list`
- :py:meth:`BaseQueryHistorianAgent.query_historian`
- :py:meth:`BaseQueryHistorianAgent.query_topics_metadata`

If this historian has a corresponding  AggregateHistorian
(see :py:class:`AggregateHistorian`) implement the following method in addition
to the above ones:
- :py:meth:`BaseQueryHistorianAgent.record_table_definitions`
- :py:meth:`BaseQueryHistorianAgent.query_aggregate_topics`

While not required this method may be overridden as needed:
- :py:meth:`BaseHistorianAgent.historian_setup`

Optionally a Historian Agent can inherit from :py:class:`BaseHistorianAgent`
instead of :py:class:`BaseHistorian` if support for querying data is not
needed for the data store. If this route is taken then VOLTTRON Central
will not be able to graph data from the store. It is possible to run more than
one Historian agent at a time to store data in more than one place. If needed
one can be used to allow querying while another is used to put data in the
desired store that does not allow querying.

Historian Execution Flow

At startup the :py:class:`BaseHistorian` class starts a new thread to handle
all data caching and publishing (the publishing thread). The main thread then
subscribes to all Historian related topics on the message bus. Whenever
subscribed data comes in it is published to a Queue to be be processed by the
publishing thread as soon as possible.

At startup the publishing thread calls two methods:

- :py:meth:`BaseHistorianAgent.historian_setup` to give the implemented
Historian a chance to setup any connections in the thread.
- :py:meth:`BaseQueryHistorianAgent.record_table_definitions` to give the
implemented Historian a chance to record the table/collection names into a
meta table/collection with the named passed as parameter. The implemented
historian is responsible for creating the meta table if it does not exist.

The process thread then enters the following logic loop:

    Wait for data to appear in the Queue. Proceed if data appears or a
    `retry_period` time elapses.
    If new data appeared in Queue:
        Save new data to cache.
    While data is in cache:
        Publish data to store by calling
        If no data was published:
            Go back to start and check Queue for data.
        Remove published data from cache.
        If we have been publishing for `max_time_publishing`:
            Go back to start and check Queue for data.

The logic will also forgo waiting the `retry_period` for new data to appear
when checking for new data if publishing has been successful and there is
still data in the cache to be publish.

Storing Data

The :py:class:`BaseHistorian` will call
:py:meth:`BaseHistorianAgent.publish_to_historian` as the time series data
becomes available. Data is batched in a groups up to `submit_size_limit`.

After processing the list or individual items in the list
:py:meth:`BaseHistorianAgent.publish_to_historian` must call
:py:meth:`BaseHistorianAgent.report_handled` to report an individual point
of data was published or :py:meth:`BaseHistorianAgent.report_all_handled` to
report that everything from the batch was successfully published. This tells
the :py:class:`BaseHistorianAgent` class what to remove from the cache and if
any publishing was successful.

The `to_publish_list` argument of
:py:meth:`BaseHistorianAgent.publish_to_historian` is a list of records that
takes the following form:

.. code-block:: python

            '_id': 1,
            'timestamp': timestamp1.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC),
            'source': 'scrape',
            'topic': "pnnl/isb1/hvac1/thermostat",
            'value': 73.0,
            'meta': {"units": "F", "tz": "UTC", "type": "float"}
            '_id': 2,
            'timestamp': timestamp2.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC),
            'source': 'scrape',
            'topic': "pnnl/isb1/hvac1/temperature",
            'value': 74.1,
            'meta': {"units": "F", "tz": "UTC", "type": "float"}

As records are published to the data store
:py:meth:`BaseHistorianAgent.publish_to_historian` must call
:py:meth:`BaseHistorianAgent.report_handled` with the record or list of
records that was published or :py:meth:`BaseHistorianAgent.report_all_handled`
if everything was published.

Querying Data

- When an request is made to query data the
  :py:meth:`BaseQueryHistorianAgent.query_historian` method is called.
- When a request is made for the list of topics in the store
  :py:meth:`BaseQueryHistorianAgent.query_topic_list` will be called.
- When a request is made to get the metadata of a topic
  :py:meth:`BaseQueryHistorianAgent.query_topics_metadata` will be called.
- When a request is made for the list of aggregate topics available
  :py:meth:`BaseQueryHistorianAgent.query_aggregate_topics` will be called

Other Notes

Implemented Historians must be tolerant to receiving the same data for
submission twice.  While very rare, it is possible for a Historian to be
forcibly shutdown after data is published but before it is removed from the
cache. When restarted the :py:class:`BaseHistorian` will submit
the same date over again.


from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function

import logging
import sqlite3
import threading
import weakref
from Queue import Queue, Empty
from abc import abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from threading import Thread

import gevent
from gevent import get_hub
from functools import wraps

import pytz
import re
from dateutil.parser import parse
from volttron.platform.agent.base_aggregate_historian import AggregateHistorian
from volttron.platform.agent.utils import process_timestamp, \
    fix_sqlite3_datetime, get_aware_utc_now, parse_timestamp_string
from volttron.platform.messaging import topics, headers as headers_mod
from import *
from import compat
from import Query

from volttron.platform.async import AsyncCall

from import (STATUS_BAD,

    import ujson
    from zmq.utils.jsonapi import dumps as _dumps, loads as _loads

[docs] def dumps(data): try: return ujson.dumps(data, double_precision=15) except: return _dumps(data)
[docs] def loads(data_string): try: return ujson.loads(data_string, precise_float=True) except: return _loads(data_string)
except ImportError: from zmq.utils.jsonapi import dumps, loads from volttron.platform.agent import utils _log = logging.getLogger(__name__) ACTUATOR_TOPIC_PREFIX_PARTS = len(topics.ACTUATOR_VALUE.split('/')) ALL_REX = re.compile('.*/all$') # Register a better datetime parser in sqlite3. fix_sqlite3_datetime()
[docs]def add_timing_data_to_header(headers, agent_id, phase): if "timing_data" not in headers: headers["timing_data"] = timing_data = {} else: timing_data = headers["timing_data"] if agent_id not in timing_data: timing_data[agent_id] = agent_timing_data = {} else: agent_timing_data = timing_data[agent_id] agent_timing_data[phase] = utils.format_timestamp(utils.get_aware_utc_now()) values = agent_timing_data.values() if len(values) < 2: return 0.0 # Assume 2 phases and proper format. time1 = datetime.strptime(values[0][11:26], "%H:%M:%S.%f") time2 = datetime.strptime(values[1][11:26], "%H:%M:%S.%f") return abs((time1 - time2).total_seconds())
[docs]class BaseHistorianAgent(Agent): """ This is the base agent for historian Agents. It automatically subscribes to all device publish topics. Event processing occurs in its own thread as to not block the main thread. Both the historian_setup and publish_to_historian happen in the same thread. By default the base historian will listen to 4 separate root topics ( datalogger/*, record/*, analysis/*, and device/*. Messages published to datalogger will be assumed to be timepoint data that is composed of units and specific types with the assumption that they have the ability to be graphed easily. Messages published to devices are data that comes directly from drivers. Data sent to analysis/* topics is result of analysis done by applications. The format of data sent to analysis/* topics is similar to data sent to device/* topics. Messages that are published to record will be handled as string data and can be customized to the user specific situation. Refer to `Historian-Topic-Syntax </core_services/historians/Historian-Topic-Syntax.html>`_ for data syntax This base historian will cache all received messages to a local database before publishing it to the historian. This allows recovery for unexpected happenings before the successful writing of data to the historian. """ def __init__(self, retry_period=300.0, submit_size_limit=1000, max_time_publishing=30.0, backup_storage_limit_gb=None, backup_storage_report=0.9, topic_replace_list=[], gather_timing_data=False, readonly=False, process_loop_in_greenlet=False, capture_device_data=True, capture_log_data=True, capture_analysis_data=True, capture_record_data=True, message_publish_count=10000, history_limit_days=None, storage_limit_gb=None, **kwargs): super(BaseHistorianAgent, self).__init__(**kwargs) # This should resemble a dictionary that has key's from and to which # will be replaced within the topics before it's stored in the # cache database self._process_loop_in_greenlet = process_loop_in_greenlet self._topic_replace_list = topic_replace_list self._async_call = AsyncCall()'Topic string replace list: {}' .format(self._topic_replace_list)) self.gather_timing_data = bool(gather_timing_data) self.volttron_table_defs = 'volttron_table_definitions' self._backup_storage_limit_gb = backup_storage_limit_gb self._backup_storage_report = backup_storage_report self._retry_period = float(retry_period) self._submit_size_limit = int(submit_size_limit) self._max_time_publishing = float(max_time_publishing) self._history_limit_days = history_limit_days self._storage_limit_gb = storage_limit_gb self._successful_published = set() # Remove the need to reset subscriptions to eliminate possible data # loss at config change. self._current_subscriptions = set() self._topic_replace_map = {} self._event_queue = gevent.queue.Queue() if self._process_loop_in_greenlet else Queue() self._readonly = bool(readonly) self._stop_process_loop = False self._process_thread = None self._message_publish_count = int(message_publish_count) self.no_insert = False self.no_query = False self.instance_name = None self._current_status_context = { STATUS_KEY_CACHE_COUNT: 0, STATUS_KEY_BACKLOGGED: False, STATUS_KEY_PUBLISHING: True, STATUS_KEY_CACHE_FULL: False } self._default_config = { "retry_period":self._retry_period, "submit_size_limit": self._submit_size_limit, "max_time_publishing": self._max_time_publishing, "backup_storage_limit_gb": self._backup_storage_limit_gb, "backup_storage_report": self._backup_storage_report, "topic_replace_list": self._topic_replace_list, "gather_timing_data": self.gather_timing_data, "readonly": self._readonly, "capture_device_data": capture_device_data, "capture_log_data": capture_log_data, "capture_analysis_data": capture_analysis_data, "capture_record_data": capture_record_data, "message_publish_count": self._message_publish_count, "storage_limit_gb": storage_limit_gb, "history_limit_days": history_limit_days }"config", self._default_config), actions=["NEW", "UPDATE"], pattern="config")
[docs] def update_default_config(self, config): """ May be called by historians to add to the default configuration for its own use. """ self._default_config.update(config)"config", self._default_config)
[docs] def start_process_thread(self): if self._process_loop_in_greenlet: self._process_thread = self.core.spawn(self._process_loop) self._process_thread.start() _log.debug("Process greenlet started.") else: self._process_thread = Thread(target=self._process_loop) self._process_thread.daemon = True # Don't wait on thread to exit. self._process_thread.start() _log.debug("Process thread started.")
[docs] def manage_db_size(self, history_limit_timestamp, storage_limit_gb): """ Called in the process thread after data is published. This can be overridden in historian implementations to apply the storage_limit_gb and history_limit_days settings to the storage medium. :param history_limit_timestamp: remove all data older than this timestamp :param storage_limit_gb: remove oldest data until database is smaller than this value. """ pass
[docs] def stop_process_thread(self): _log.debug("Stopping the process loop.") if self._process_thread is None: return # Tell the loop it needs to die. self._stop_process_loop = True # Wake the loop. self._event_queue.put(None) # 9 seconds as configuration timeout is 10 seconds. self._process_thread.join(9.0) # Greenlets have slightly different API than threads in this case. if self._process_loop_in_greenlet: if not self._process_thread.ready(): _log.error("Failed to stop process greenlet during reconfiguration!") elif self._process_thread.is_alive(): _log.error("Failed to stop process thread during reconfiguration!") self._process_thread = None _log.debug("Process loop stopped.")
def _configure(self, config_name, action, contents):"Configuring historian.") config = self._default_config.copy() config.update(contents) try: topic_replace_list = list(config.get("topic_replace_list", [])) gather_timing_data = bool(config.get("gather_timing_data", False)) backup_storage_limit_gb = config.get("backup_storage_limit_gb") if backup_storage_limit_gb is not None: backup_storage_limit_gb = float(backup_storage_limit_gb) backup_storage_report = config.get("backup_storage_report", 0.9) if backup_storage_report: backup_storage_report = float(backup_storage_report) backup_storage_report = min(1.0, backup_storage_report) backup_storage_report = max(0.0001, backup_storage_report) else: backup_storage_report = 0.9 retry_period = float(config.get("retry_period", 300.0)) storage_limit_gb = config.get("storage_limit_gb") if storage_limit_gb: storage_limit_gb = float(storage_limit_gb) history_limit_days = config.get("history_limit_days") if history_limit_days: history_limit_days = float(history_limit_days) submit_size_limit = int(config.get("submit_size_limit", 1000)) max_time_publishing = float(config.get("max_time_publishing", 30.0)) readonly = bool(config.get("readonly", False)) message_publish_count = int(config.get("message_publish_count", 10000)) except ValueError as e: self._backup_storage_report = 0.9 _log.error("Failed to load base historian settings. Settings not applied!") return query = Query(self.core) self.instance_name = query.query(b'instance-name').get() # Reset replace map. self._topic_replace_map = {} self._topic_replace_list = topic_replace_list'Topic string replace list: {}' .format(self._topic_replace_list)) self.gather_timing_data = gather_timing_data self._backup_storage_limit_gb = backup_storage_limit_gb self._backup_storage_report = backup_storage_report self._retry_period = retry_period self._submit_size_limit = submit_size_limit self._max_time_publishing = timedelta(seconds=max_time_publishing) self._history_limit_days = timedelta(days=history_limit_days) if history_limit_days else None self._storage_limit_gb = storage_limit_gb self._readonly = readonly self._message_publish_count = message_publish_count self._update_subscriptions(bool(config.get("capture_device_data", True)), bool(config.get("capture_log_data", True)), bool(config.get("capture_analysis_data", True)), bool(config.get("capture_record_data", True))) self.stop_process_thread() try: self.configure(config) except Exception as e: _log.error("Failed to load historian settings.") self.start_process_thread() def _update_subscriptions(self, capture_device_data, capture_log_data, capture_analysis_data, capture_record_data): subscriptions = [ (capture_device_data, topics.DRIVER_TOPIC_BASE, self._capture_device_data), (capture_log_data, topics.LOGGER_BASE, self._capture_log_data), (capture_analysis_data, topics.ANALYSIS_TOPIC_BASE, self._capture_analysis_data), (capture_record_data, topics.RECORD_BASE, self._capture_record_data) ] for should_sub, prefix, cb in subscriptions: if should_sub and not self._readonly: if prefix not in self._current_subscriptions: _log.debug("subscribing to {}".format(prefix)) try:'pubsub', prefix=prefix, callback=cb).get(timeout=5.0) self._current_subscriptions.add(prefix) except (gevent.Timeout, Exception) as e: _log.error("Failed to subscribe to {}: {}".format(prefix, repr(e))) else: if prefix in self._current_subscriptions: _log.debug("unsubscribing from {}".format(prefix)) try:'pubsub', prefix=prefix, callback=cb).get(timeout=5.0) self._current_subscriptions.remove(prefix) except (gevent.Timeout, Exception) as e: _log.error("Failed to unsubscribe from {}: {}".format(prefix, repr(e)))
[docs] def configure(self, configuration): """Optional, may be implemented by a concrete implementation to add support for the configuration store. Values should be stored in this function only. The process thread is stopped before this is called if it is running. It is started afterwards. `historian_setup` is called after this is called. """ pass
[docs] @RPC.export def insert(self, records): """RPC method to allow remote inserts to the local cache :param records: List of items to be added to the local event queue :type records: list of dictionaries """ # This is for Forward Historians which do not support data mover inserts. if self.no_insert: raise RuntimeError("Insert not supported by this historian.") rpc_peer = bytes( _log.debug("insert called by {} with {} records".format(rpc_peer, len(records))) for r in records: topic = r['topic'] headers = r['headers'] message = r['message'] capture_func = None if topic.startswith(topics.DRIVER_TOPIC_BASE): capture_func = self._capture_device_data elif topic.startswith(topics.LOGGER_BASE): capture_func = self._capture_log_data elif topic.startswith(topics.ANALYSIS_TOPIC_BASE): capture_func = self._capture_analysis_data elif topic.startswith(topics.RECORD_BASE): capture_func = self._capture_record_data if capture_func: capture_func(peer=None, sender=None, bus=None, topic=topic, headers=headers, message=message) else: _log.error("Unrecognized topic in insert call: {}".format(topic))
[docs] @Core.receiver("onstop") def stopping(self, sender, **kwargs): """ Release subscription to the message bus because we are no longer able to respond to messages now. """ if not self._readonly: try: # stop the process loop thread/greenlet before exiting self.stop_process_thread() # unsubscribes to all topics that we are subscribed to.'pubsub', prefix=None, callback=None) except KeyError: # means that the agent didn't start up properly so the pubsub # subscriptions never got finished. pass
[docs] def parse_table_def(self, tables_def): default_table_def = {"table_prefix": "", "data_table": "data", "topics_table": "topics", "meta_table": "meta"} if not tables_def: tables_def = default_table_def table_names = dict(tables_def) table_prefix = tables_def.get('table_prefix', None) table_prefix = table_prefix + "_" if table_prefix else "" if table_prefix: for key, value in table_names.items(): table_names[key] = table_prefix + table_names[key] table_names["agg_topics_table"] = table_prefix + \ "aggregate_" + tables_def["topics_table"] table_names["agg_meta_table"] = table_prefix + \ "aggregate_" + tables_def["meta_table"] return tables_def, table_names
[docs] def get_renamed_topic(self, input_topic): """ replace topic name based on configured topic replace list, is any :param input_topic: :return: """ output_topic = input_topic input_topic_lower = input_topic.lower() # Only if we have some topics to replace. if self._topic_replace_list: # if we have already cached the topic then return it. if input_topic_lower in self._topic_replace_map.keys(): output_topic = self._topic_replace_map[input_topic_lower] else: self._topic_replace_map[input_topic_lower] = input_topic temptopics = {} for x in self._topic_replace_list: if x['from'].lower() in input_topic_lower: # this allows multiple things to be replaced from # from a given topic. new_topic = temptopics.get(input_topic_lower, input_topic) # temptopics[input_topic] = new_topic.replace( # x['from'], x['to']) temptopics[input_topic_lower] = re.compile( re.escape(x['from']), re.IGNORECASE).sub(x['to'], new_topic) for k, v in temptopics.items(): self._topic_replace_map[k] = v output_topic = self._topic_replace_map[input_topic_lower] _log.debug("Output topic after replacements {}".format(output_topic)) return output_topic
def _capture_record_data(self, peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message): # _log.debug('Capture record data {}'.format(topic)) # Anon the topic if necessary. topic = self.get_renamed_topic(topic) timestamp_string = headers.get(headers_mod.DATE, None) timestamp = get_aware_utc_now() if timestamp_string is not None: timestamp, my_tz = process_timestamp(timestamp_string, topic) if sender == 'pubsub.compat': message = compat.unpack_legacy_message(headers, message) if self.gather_timing_data: add_timing_data_to_header(headers, self.core.agent_uuid or self.core.identity, "collected") self._event_queue.put( {'source': 'record', 'topic': topic, 'readings': [(timestamp, message)], 'meta': {}, 'headers': headers}) def _capture_log_data(self, peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message): """Capture log data and submit it to be published by a historian.""" # Anon the topic if necessary. topic = self.get_renamed_topic(topic) try: # 2.0 agents compatability layer makes sender == pubsub.compat so # we can do the proper thing when it is here if sender == 'pubsub.compat': data = compat.unpack_legacy_message(headers, message) else: data = message except ValueError as e: _log.error("message for {topic} bad message string: " "{message_string}".format(topic=topic, message_string=message[0])) return except IndexError as e: _log.error("message for {topic} missing message string".format( topic=topic)) return if self.gather_timing_data: add_timing_data_to_header(headers, self.core.agent_uuid or self.core.identity, "collected") for point, item in data.iteritems(): if 'Readings' not in item or 'Units' not in item: _log.error("logging request for {topic} missing Readings " "or Units".format(topic=topic)) continue units = item['Units'] dtype = item.get('data_type', 'float') tz = item.get('tz', None) if dtype == 'double': dtype = 'float' meta = {'units': units, 'type': dtype} readings = item['Readings'] if not isinstance(readings, list): readings = [(get_aware_utc_now(), readings)] elif isinstance(readings[0], str): my_ts, my_tz = process_timestamp(readings[0], topic) readings = [(my_ts, readings[1])] if tz: meta['tz'] = tz elif my_tz: meta['tz'] = my_tz self._event_queue.put({'source': 'log', 'topic': topic + '/' + point, 'readings': readings, 'meta': meta, 'headers': headers}) def _capture_device_data(self, peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message): """Capture device data and submit it to be published by a historian. Filter out only the */all topics for publishing to the historian. """ if not ALL_REX.match(topic): return # Anon the topic if necessary. topic = self.get_renamed_topic(topic) # Because of the above if we know that all is in the topic so # we strip it off to get the base device parts = topic.split('/') device = '/'.join(parts[1:-1]) self._capture_data(peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message, device) def _capture_analysis_data(self, peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message): """Capture analaysis data and submit it to be published by a historian. Filter out all but the all topics """ # Anon the topic. topic = self.get_renamed_topic(topic) if topic.endswith('/'): topic = topic[:-1] if not topic.endswith('all'): topic += '/all' parts = topic.split('/') # strip off the first part of the topic. device = '/'.join(parts[1:-1]) self._capture_data(peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message, device) def _capture_data(self, peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message, device): # Anon the topic if necessary. topic = self.get_renamed_topic(topic) timestamp_string = headers.get(headers_mod.DATE, None) timestamp = get_aware_utc_now() if timestamp_string is not None: timestamp, my_tz = process_timestamp(timestamp_string, topic) try: # 2.0 agents compatability layer makes sender == pubsub.compat so # we can do the proper thing when it is here if sender == 'pubsub.compat': message = compat.unpack_legacy_message(headers, message) if isinstance(message, dict): values = message else: values = message[0] except ValueError as e: _log.error("message for {topic} bad message string: " "{message_string}".format(topic=topic, message_string=message[0])) return except IndexError as e: _log.error("message for {topic} missing message string".format( topic=topic)) return except Exception as e: _log.exception(e) return meta = {} if not isinstance(message, dict): if len(message) == 2: meta = message[1] if topic.startswith('analysis'): source = 'analysis' else: source = 'scrape' # _log.debug( # "Queuing {topic} from {source} for publish".format(topic=topic, # source=source)) if self.gather_timing_data: add_timing_data_to_header(headers, self.core.agent_uuid or self.core.identity, "collected") for key, value in values.iteritems(): point_topic = device + '/' + key self._event_queue.put({'source': source, 'topic': point_topic, 'readings': [(timestamp, value)], 'meta': meta.get(key, {}), 'headers': headers}) def _capture_actuator_data(self, topic, headers, message, match): """Capture actuation data and submit it to be published by a historian. """ # Anon the topic if necessary. topic = self.get_renamed_topic(topic) timestamp_string = headers.get('time') if timestamp_string is None: _log.error( "message for {topic} missing timetamp".format(topic=topic)) return try: timestamp = parse(timestamp_string) except (ValueError, TypeError) as e: _log.error("message for {} bad timetamp string: " "{}".format(topic, timestamp_string)) return parts = topic.split('/') topic = '/'.join(parts[ACTUATOR_TOPIC_PREFIX_PARTS:]) try: value = message[0] except ValueError as e: _log.error("message for {topic} bad message string: " "{message_string}".format(topic=topic, message_string=message[0])) return except IndexError as e: _log.error("message for {topic} missing message string".format( topic=topic)) return source = 'actuator' # _log.debug( # "Queuing {topic} from {source} for publish".format(topic=topic, # source=source)) if self.gather_timing_data: add_timing_data_to_header(headers, self.core.agent_uuid or self.core.identity, "collected") self._event_queue.put({'source': source, 'topic': topic, 'readings': [timestamp, value], 'meta': {}, 'headers': headers}) @staticmethod def _get_status_from_context(context): status = STATUS_GOOD if (context.get("backlogged") or context.get("cache_full") or not context.get("publishing")): status = STATUS_BAD return status def _update_status_callback(self, status, context):, context) def _update_status(self, updates): context_copy, new_status = self._update_and_get_context_status(updates) self._async_call.send(None, self._update_status_callback, new_status, context_copy) def _send_alert_callback(self, status, context, key):, context) alert_status = Status() alert_status.update_status(status, context), alert_status) def _update_and_get_context_status(self, updates): self._current_status_context.update(updates) context_copy = self._current_status_context.copy() new_status = self._get_status_from_context(context_copy) return context_copy, new_status def _send_alert(self, updates, key): context_copy, new_status = self._update_and_get_context_status(updates) self._async_call.send(None, self._send_alert_callback, new_status, context_copy, key) def _process_loop(self): """ The process loop is called off of the main thread and will not exit unless the main agent is shutdown or the Agent is reconfigured. """ _log.debug("Starting process loop.") current_published_count = 0 next_report_count = current_published_count + self._message_publish_count # Sets up the concrete historian # call this method even in case of readonly mode in case historian # is setting up connections that are shared for both query and write # operations self.historian_setup() if self._readonly:"Historian setup in readonly mode.") return # Record the names of data, topics, meta tables in a metadata table self.record_table_definitions(self.volttron_table_defs) backupdb = BackupDatabase(self, self._backup_storage_limit_gb, self._backup_storage_report) self._update_status({STATUS_KEY_CACHE_COUNT: backupdb.get_backlog_count()}) # now that everything is setup we need to make sure that the topics # are synchronized between # Based on the state of the back log and whether or not successful # publishing is currently happening (and how long it's taking) # we may or may not want to wait on the event queue for more input # before proceeding with the rest of the loop. wait_for_input = not bool(backupdb.get_outstanding_to_publish(1)) while True: if not wait_for_input: self._update_status({STATUS_KEY_BACKLOGGED: True}) try: # _log.debug("Reading from/waiting for queue.") new_to_publish = [ self._event_queue.get(wait_for_input, self._retry_period)] except Empty: _log.debug("Queue wait timed out. Falling out.") new_to_publish = [] if new_to_publish: # _log.debug("Checking for queue build up.") while True: try: new_to_publish.append(self._event_queue.get_nowait()) except Empty: break # We wake the thread after a configuration change by passing a None to the queue. # Backup anything new before checking for a stop. cache_full = backupdb.backup_new_data((x for x in new_to_publish if x is not None)) backlog_count = backupdb.get_backlog_count() if cache_full: self._send_alert({STATUS_KEY_CACHE_FULL: cache_full, STATUS_KEY_BACKLOGGED: True, STATUS_KEY_CACHE_COUNT: backlog_count}, "historian_cache_full") else: old_backlog_state = self._current_status_context[STATUS_KEY_BACKLOGGED] self._update_status({STATUS_KEY_CACHE_FULL: cache_full, STATUS_KEY_BACKLOGGED: old_backlog_state and backlog_count > 0, STATUS_KEY_CACHE_COUNT: backlog_count}) # Check for a stop for reconfiguration. if self._stop_process_loop: break wait_for_input = True start_time = datetime.utcnow() _log.debug("Beginning publish loop.") while True: to_publish_list = backupdb.get_outstanding_to_publish( self._submit_size_limit) # Check to see if we are caught up. if not to_publish_list: if self._message_publish_count > 0 and next_report_count < current_published_count:"Historian processed {} total records.".format(current_published_count)) next_report_count = current_published_count + self._message_publish_count self._update_status({STATUS_KEY_BACKLOGGED: False, STATUS_KEY_CACHE_COUNT: backupdb.get_backlog_count()}) break # Check for a stop for reconfiguration. if self._stop_process_loop: break history_limit_timestamp = None if self._history_limit_days is not None: last_element = to_publish_list[-1] last_time_stamp = last_element["timestamp"] history_limit_timestamp = last_time_stamp - self._history_limit_days try: self.publish_to_historian(to_publish_list) self.manage_db_size(history_limit_timestamp, self._storage_limit_gb) except (Exception, gevent.Timeout): _log.exception( "An unhandled exception occurred while publishing.") # if the success queue is empty then we need not remove # them from the database and we are probably having connection problems. # Update the status and send alert accordingly. if not self._successful_published: self._send_alert({STATUS_KEY_PUBLISHING: False}, "historian_not_publishing") break backupdb.remove_successfully_published( self._successful_published, self._submit_size_limit) backlog_count = backupdb.get_backlog_count() old_backlog_state = self._current_status_context[STATUS_KEY_BACKLOGGED] self._update_status({STATUS_KEY_PUBLISHING: True, STATUS_KEY_BACKLOGGED: old_backlog_state and backlog_count > 0, STATUS_KEY_CACHE_COUNT: backlog_count}) if None in self._successful_published: current_published_count += len(to_publish_list) else: current_published_count += len(self._successful_published) if self._message_publish_count > 0: if current_published_count >= next_report_count:"Historian processed {} total records.".format(current_published_count)) next_report_count = current_published_count + self._message_publish_count self._successful_published = set() now = datetime.utcnow() if now - start_time > self._max_time_publishing: wait_for_input = False break # Check for a stop for reconfiguration. if self._stop_process_loop: break _log.debug("Exiting publish loop.") # Check for a stop for reconfiguration. if self._stop_process_loop: break backupdb.close() self.historian_teardown() _log.debug("Process loop stopped.") self._stop_process_loop = False
[docs] def report_handled(self, record): """ Call this from :py:meth:`BaseHistorianAgent.publish_to_historian` to report a record or list of records has been successfully published and should be removed from the cache. :param record: Record or list of records to remove from cache. :type record: dict or list """ if isinstance(record, list): for x in record: self._successful_published.add(x['_id']) else: self._successful_published.add(record['_id'])
[docs] def report_all_handled(self): """ Call this from :py:meth:`BaseHistorianAgent.publish_to_historian` to report that all records passed to :py:meth:`BaseHistorianAgent.publish_to_historian` have been successfully published and should be removed from the cache. """ self._successful_published.add(None)
[docs] @abstractmethod def publish_to_historian(self, to_publish_list): """ Main publishing method for historian Agents. :param to_publish_list: List of records :type to_publish_list: list to_publish_list takes the following form: .. code-block:: python [ { 'timestamp': timestamp1.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC), 'source': 'scrape', 'topic': "pnnl/isb1/hvac1/thermostat", 'value': 73.0, 'meta': {"units": "F", "tz": "UTC", "type": "float"} }, { 'timestamp': timestamp2.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC), 'source': 'scrape', 'topic': "pnnl/isb1/hvac1/temperature", 'value': 74.1, 'meta': {"units": "F", "tz": "UTC", "type": "float"} }, ... ] The contents of `meta` is not consistent. The keys in the meta data values can be different and can change along with the values of the meta data. It is safe to assume that the most recent value of the "meta" dictionary are the only values that are relevant. This is the way the cache treats meta data. Once one or more records are published either :py:meth:`BaseHistorianAgent.report_all_handled` or :py:meth:`BaseHistorianAgent.report_handled` must be called to report records as being published. """
[docs] def historian_setup(self): """ Optional setup routine, run in the processing thread before main processing loop starts. Gives the Historian a chance to setup connections in the publishing thread. """
[docs] def historian_teardown(self): """ Optional teardown routine, run in the processing thread if the main processing loop is stopped. This happened whenever a new configuration arrives from the config store. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def record_table_definitions(self, meta_table_name): """ Record the table or collection names in which data, topics and metadata are stored into the metadata table. This is essentially information from information from configuration item 'table_defs'. The metadata table contents will be used by the corresponding aggregate historian(if any) :param meta_table_name: table name into which the table names and table name prefix for data, topics, and meta tables should be inserted """
#TODO: Finish this. # from collections import deque # # class MemoryDatabase: # def __init__(self, owner, backup_storage_limit_gb): # # The topic cache is only meant as a local lookup and should not be # # accessed via the implemented historians. # self._backup_cache = {} # self._meta_data = defaultdict(dict) # self._owner = weakref.ref(owner) # self._backup_storage_limit_gb = backup_storage_limit_gb # self._deque = deque() # # def get_outstanding_to_publish(self, size_limit): # _log.debug("Getting oldest outstanding to publish.") # results = [] # # count = 0 # for row in self._deque: # timestamp = row[0] # source = row[1] # topic = row[2] # value = row[3] # headers = {} if row[4] is None else row[4] # meta = self._meta_data[(source, topic)].copy() # results.append({'timestamp': timestamp.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC), # 'source': source, # 'topic': topic, # 'value': value, # 'headers': headers, # 'meta': meta}) # count += 1 # if count >= size_limit: # break # # return results # # def backup_new_data(self, new_publish_list): # _log.debug("Backing up unpublished values.") # for item in new_publish_list: # source = item['source'] # topic = item['topic'] # readings = item['readings'] # headers = item.get('headers', {}) # # for timestamp, value in readings: # if timestamp is None: # timestamp = get_aware_utc_now() # # self._deque.append((timestamp, source, topic, value, headers)) # # # def remove_successfully_published(self, successful_publishes, # submit_size): # _log.debug("Cleaning up successfully published values.") # if len(self._deque) <= submit_size: # self._deque.clear() # return # my_deque = self._deque # for i in xrange(submit_size): # my_deque.popleft()
[docs]class BackupDatabase: """ A creates and manages backup cache for the :py:class:`BaseHistorianAgent` class. Historian implementors do not need to use this class. It is for internal use only. """ def __init__(self, owner, backup_storage_limit_gb, backup_storage_report, check_same_thread=True): # The topic cache is only meant as a local lookup and should not be # accessed via the implemented historians. self._backup_cache = {} # Count of records in cache. self._record_count = 0 self._meta_data = defaultdict(dict) self._owner = weakref.ref(owner) self._backup_storage_limit_gb = backup_storage_limit_gb self._backup_storage_report = backup_storage_report self._connection = None self._setupdb(check_same_thread)
[docs] def backup_new_data(self, new_publish_list): """ :param new_publish_list: An iterable of records to cache to disk. :type new_publish_list: iterable :returns: True if records the cache has reached a full state. :rtype: bool """ #_log.debug("Backing up unpublished values.") c = self._connection.cursor() for item in new_publish_list: source = item['source'] topic = item['topic'] meta = item.get('meta', {}) readings = item['readings'] headers = item.get('headers', {}) topic_id = self._backup_cache.get(topic) if topic_id is None: c.execute('''INSERT INTO topics values (?,?)''', (None, topic)) c.execute('''SELECT last_insert_rowid()''') row = c.fetchone() topic_id = row[0] self._backup_cache[topic_id] = topic self._backup_cache[topic] = topic_id meta_dict = self._meta_data[(source, topic_id)] for name, value in meta.iteritems(): current_meta_value = meta_dict.get(name) if current_meta_value != value: c.execute('''INSERT OR REPLACE INTO metadata values(?, ?, ?, ?)''', (source, topic_id, name, value)) meta_dict[name] = value for timestamp, value in readings: if timestamp is None: timestamp = get_aware_utc_now() try: c.execute( '''INSERT INTO outstanding values(NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)''', (timestamp, source, topic_id, dumps(value), dumps(headers))) self._record_count += 1 except sqlite3.IntegrityError: # In the case where we are upgrading an existing installed historian the # unique constraint may still exist on the outstanding database. # Ignore this case. pass cache_full = False if self._backup_storage_limit_gb is not None: def page_count(): c.execute("PRAGMA page_count") return c.fetchone()[0] while page_count() > self.max_pages: c.execute( '''DELETE FROM outstanding WHERE ROWID IN (SELECT ROWID FROM outstanding ORDER BY ROWID ASC LIMIT 100)''') self._record_count -= c.rowcount cache_full = True # Catch case where we are not adding fast enough to trigger the above # every time we add more data. if page_count() >= self.max_pages - int(self.max_pages*(1.0-self._backup_storage_report)): cache_full = True self._connection.commit() return cache_full
[docs] def remove_successfully_published(self, successful_publishes, submit_size): """ Removes the reported successful publishes from the backup database. If None is found in `successful_publishes` we assume that everything was published. :param successful_publishes: List of records that was published. :param submit_size: Number of things requested from previous call to :py:meth:`get_outstanding_to_publish` :type successful_publishes: list :type submit_size: int """ #_log.debug("Cleaning up successfully published values.") c = self._connection.cursor() if None in successful_publishes: c.execute('''DELETE FROM outstanding WHERE ROWID IN (SELECT ROWID FROM outstanding ORDER BY ts LIMIT ?)''', (submit_size,)) self._record_count -= c.rowcount else: temp = list(successful_publishes) temp.sort() c.executemany('''DELETE FROM outstanding WHERE id = ?''', ((_id,) for _id in successful_publishes)) self._record_count -= len(temp) self._connection.commit()
[docs] def get_outstanding_to_publish(self, size_limit): """ Retrieve up to `size_limit` records from the cache. :param size_limit: Max number of records to retrieve. :type size_limit: int :returns: List of records for publication. :rtype: list """ # _log.debug("Getting oldest outstanding to publish.") c = self._connection.cursor() c.execute('select * from outstanding order by ts limit ?', (size_limit,)) results = [] for row in c: _id = row[0] timestamp = row[1] source = row[2] topic_id = row[3] value = loads(row[4]) headers = {} if row[5] is None else loads(row[5]) meta = self._meta_data[(source, topic_id)].copy() results.append({'_id': _id, 'timestamp': timestamp.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC), 'source': source, 'topic': self._backup_cache[topic_id], 'value': value, 'headers': headers, 'meta': meta}) c.close() # If we were backlogged at startup and our initial estimate was # off this will correct it. if len(results) < size_limit: self._record_count = len(results) return results
[docs] def get_backlog_count(self): """ Retrieve the current number of records in the cashe. """ return self._record_count
[docs] def close(self): self._connection.close() self._connection = None
def _setupdb(self, check_same_thread): """ Creates a backup database for the historian if doesn't exist.""" _log.debug("Setting up backup DB.") self._connection = sqlite3.connect( 'backup.sqlite', detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES | sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES, check_same_thread=check_same_thread) c = self._connection.cursor() if self._backup_storage_limit_gb is not None: c.execute('''PRAGMA page_size''') page_size = c.fetchone()[0] max_storage_bytes = self._backup_storage_limit_gb * 1024 ** 3 self.max_pages = max_storage_bytes / page_size c.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' " "AND name='outstanding';") if c.fetchone() is None: _log.debug("Configuring backup DB for the first time.") self._connection.execute('''PRAGMA auto_vacuum = FULL''') self._connection.execute('''CREATE TABLE outstanding (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ts timestamp NOT NULL, source TEXT NOT NULL, topic_id INTEGER NOT NULL, value_string TEXT NOT NULL, header_string TEXT)''') self._record_count = 0 else: # Check to see if we have a header_string column. c.execute("pragma table_info(outstanding);") name_index = 0 for description in c.description: if description[0] == "name": break name_index += 1 found_header_column = False for row in c: if row[name_index] == "header_string": found_header_column = True break if not found_header_column:"Updating cache database to support storing header data.") c.execute("ALTER TABLE outstanding ADD COLUMN header_string text;") # Initialize record_count at startup. # This is a (probably correct) estimate of the total records cached. # We do not use count() as it can be very slow if the cache is quite large."Counting existing rows.") self._connection.execute('''select max(id) from outstanding''') max_id = c.fetchone() self._connection.execute('''select min(id) from outstanding''') min_id = c.fetchone() if max_id is not None and min_id is not None: self._record_count = max_id[0] - min_id[0] + 1 else: self._record_count = 0 c.execute('''CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS outstanding_ts_index ON outstanding (ts)''') c.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' " "AND name='metadata';") if c.fetchone() is None: self._connection.execute('''CREATE TABLE metadata (source TEXT NOT NULL, topic_id INTEGER NOT NULL, name TEXT NOT NULL, value TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE(topic_id, source, name))''') else: c.execute("SELECT * FROM metadata") for row in c: self._meta_data[(row[0], row[1])][row[2]] = row[3] c.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' " "AND name='topics';") if c.fetchone() is None: self._connection.execute('''create table topics (topic_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, topic_name TEXT NOT NULL, UNIQUE(topic_name))''') else: c.execute("SELECT * FROM topics") for row in c: self._backup_cache[row[0]] = row[1] self._backup_cache[row[1]] = row[0] c.close() self._connection.commit()
# Code reimplemented from def _using_threadpool(method): @wraps(method, ['__name__', '__doc__']) def apply(*args, **kwargs): return get_hub().threadpool.apply(method, args, kwargs) return apply
[docs]class AsyncBackupDatabase(BackupDatabase): """Wrapper around BackupDatabase to allow it to run in the main Historian gevent loop. Wraps the more expensive methods in threadpool.apply calls.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs["check_same_thread"] = False super(AsyncBackupDatabase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
for method in [BackupDatabase.get_outstanding_to_publish, BackupDatabase.remove_successfully_published, BackupDatabase.backup_new_data, BackupDatabase._setupdb]: setattr(AsyncBackupDatabase, method.__name__, _using_threadpool(method))
[docs]class BaseQueryHistorianAgent(Agent): """This is the base agent for historian Agents that support querying of their data stores. """
[docs] @RPC.export def get_version(self): """RPC call to get the version of the historian :return: version number of the historian used :rtype: string """ return self.version()
[docs] @abstractmethod def version(self): """ Return the current version number of the historian :return: version number """
[docs] @RPC.export def get_topic_list(self): """RPC call to get a list of topics in data store :return: List of topics in the data store. :rtype: list """ return self.query_topic_list()
[docs] @RPC.export def get_topics_by_pattern(self, topic_pattern): """ Find the list of topics and its id for a given topic_pattern :return: returns list of dictionary object {topic_name:id}""" return self.query_topics_by_pattern(topic_pattern)
[docs] @abstractmethod def query_topics_by_pattern(self, topic_pattern): """ Find the list of topics and its id for a given topic_pattern :return: returns list of dictionary object {topic_name:id}""" pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def query_topic_list(self): """ This function is called by :py:meth:`BaseQueryHistorianAgent.get_topic_list` to actually topic list from the data store. :return: List of topics in the data store. :rtype: list """
[docs] @RPC.export def get_aggregate_topics(self): """ RPC call to get the list of aggregate topics :return: List of aggregate topics in the data store. Each list element contains (topic_name, aggregation_type, aggregation_time_period, metadata) :rtype: list """ return self.query_aggregate_topics()
[docs] @abstractmethod def query_aggregate_topics(self): """ This function is called by :py:meth:`BaseQueryHistorianAgent.get_aggregate_topics` to find out the available aggregates in the data store :return: List of tuples containing (topic_name, aggregation_type, aggregation_time_period, metadata) :rtype: list """
[docs] @RPC.export def get_topics_metadata(self, topics): """ RPC call to get one or more topic's metadata :param topics: single topic or list of topics for which metadata is requested :return: List of aggregate topics in the data store. Each list element contains (topic_name, aggregation_type, aggregation_time_period, metadata) :rtype: list """ if isinstance(topics, str) or isinstance(topics, list): return self.query_topics_metadata(topics) else: raise ValueError( "Please provide a valid topic name string or " "a list of topic names. Invalid input {}".format(topics))
[docs] @abstractmethod def query_topics_metadata(self, topics): """ This function is called by :py:meth:`BaseQueryHistorianAgent.get_topics_metadata` to find out the metadata for the given topics :param topics: single topic or list of topics :type topics: str or list :return: dictionary with the format .. code-block:: python {topic_name: {metadata_key:metadata_value, ...}, topic_name: {metadata_key:metadata_value, ...} ...} :rtype: dict """
[docs] @RPC.export def query(self, topic=None, start=None, end=None, agg_type=None, agg_period=None, skip=0, count=None, order="FIRST_TO_LAST"): """RPC call to query an Historian for time series data. :param topic: Topic or topics to query for. :param start: Start time of the query. Defaults to None which is the beginning of time. :param end: End time of the query. Defaults to None which is the end of time. :param skip: Skip this number of results. :param count: Limit results to this value. :param order: How to order the results, either "FIRST_TO_LAST" or "LAST_TO_FIRST" :type topic: str or list :type start: str :type end: str :param agg_type: If this is a query for aggregate data, the type of aggregation ( for example, sum, avg) :param agg_period: If this is a query for aggregate data, the time period of aggregation :type skip: int :type count: int :type order: str :return: Results of the query :rtype: dict Return values will have the following form: .. code-block:: python { "values": [(<timestamp string1>: value1), (<timestamp string2>: value2), ...], "metadata": {"key1": value1, "key2": value2, ...} } The string arguments can be either the output from :py:func:`volttron.platform.agent.utils.format_timestamp` or the special string "now". Times relative to "now" may be specified with a relative time string using the Unix "at"-style specifications. For instance "now -1h" will specify one hour ago. "now -1d -1h -20m" would specify 25 hours and 20 minutes ago. """ if topic is None: raise TypeError('"Topic" required') if agg_type: if not agg_period: raise TypeError("You should provide both aggregation type" "(agg_type) and aggregation time period" "(agg_period) to query aggregate data") else: if agg_period: raise TypeError("You should provide both aggregation type" "(agg_type) and aggregation time period" "(agg_period) to query aggregate data") if agg_period: agg_period = AggregateHistorian.normalize_aggregation_time_period( agg_period) if start is not None: try: start = parse_timestamp_string(start) except (ValueError, TypeError): start = time_parser.parse(start) if start and start.tzinfo is None: start = start.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC) if end is not None: try: end = parse_timestamp_string(end) except (ValueError, TypeError): end = time_parser.parse(end) if end and end.tzinfo is None: end = end.replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC) if start: _log.debug("start={}".format(start)) results = self.query_historian(topic, start, end, agg_type, agg_period, skip, count, order) metadata = results.get("metadata", None) values = results.get("values", None) if values and metadata is None: results['metadata'] = {} return results
[docs] @abstractmethod def query_historian(self, topic, start=None, end=None, agg_type=None, agg_period=None, skip=0, count=None, order=None): """ This function is called by :py:meth:`BaseQueryHistorianAgent.query` to actually query the data store and must return the results of a query in the following format: **Single topic query:** .. code-block:: python { "values": [(timestamp1, value1), (timestamp2:,value2), ...], "metadata": {"key1": value1, "key2": value2, ...} } **Multiple topics query:** .. code-block:: python { "values": {topic_name:[(timestamp1, value1), (timestamp2:,value2), ...], topic_name:[(timestamp1, value1), (timestamp2:,value2), ...], ...} "metadata": {} #empty metadata } Timestamps must be strings formatted by :py:func:`volttron.platform.agent.utils.format_timestamp`. "metadata" is not required. The caller will normalize this to {} for you if it is missing. :param topic: Topic or list of topics to query for. :param start: Start of query timestamp as a datetime. :param end: End of query timestamp as a datetime. :param agg_type: If this is a query for aggregate data, the type of aggregation ( for example, sum, avg) :param agg_period: If this is a query for aggregate data, the time period of aggregation :param skip: Skip this number of results. :param count: Limit results to this value. When the query is for multiple topics, count applies to individual topics. For example, a query on 2 topics with count=5 will return 5 records for each topic :param order: How to order the results, either "FIRST_TO_LAST" or "LAST_TO_FIRST" :type topic: str or list :type start: datetime :type end: datetime :type skip: int :type count: int :type order: str :return: Results of the query :rtype: dict """
[docs]class BaseHistorian(BaseHistorianAgent, BaseQueryHistorianAgent): def __init__(self, **kwargs): _log.debug('Constructor of BaseHistorian thread: {}'.format( threading.currentThread().getName() )) super(BaseHistorian, self).__init__(**kwargs)
# The following code is # Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, Regents of the University of California # and is under the same licence as the remainder of the code in this file. # Modification were made to remove unneeded pieces and to fit with the # intended use. import ply.lex as lex import ply.yacc as yacc from import gettz from tzlocal import get_localzone # use get_localzone from tzlocal instead of as dateutil # tzlocal does not take into account day light savings time local = get_localzone()
[docs]def now(tzstr='UTC'): """Returns an aware datetime object with the current time in tzstr timezone""" if tzstr == 'Local': tz = local else: tz = gettz(tzstr) return
[docs]def strptime_tz(str, format='%x %X', tzstr='Local'): """Returns an aware datetime object. tzstr is a timezone string such as 'US/Pacific' or 'Local' by default which uses the local timezone. """ dt = datetime.strptime(str, format) if tzstr == 'Local': tz = local else: tz = gettz(tzstr) return dt.replace(tzinfo=tz)
tokens = ('NOW', "QSTRING", 'LVALUE', 'NUMBER') reserved = { 'now': 'NOW'} literals = '()[]*^.,<>=+-/' time_units = re.compile('^(d|days?|h|hours?|m|minutes?|s|seconds?)$')
[docs]def get_timeunit(t): if not time_units.match(t): raise ValueError("Invalid timeunit: %s" % t) if t.startswith('d'): return 'days' elif t.startswith('h'): return 'hours' elif t.startswith('m'): return 'minutes' elif t.startswith('s'): return 'seconds'
[docs]def t_QSTRING(t): r"""("[^"\\]*?(\\.[^"\\]*?)*?")|(\'[^\'\\]*?(\\.[^\'\\]*?)*?\')""" if t.value[0] == '"': t.value = t.value[1:-1].replace('\\"', '"') elif t.value[0] == "'": t.value = t.value[1:-1].replace("\\'", "'") return t
[docs]def t_LVALUE(t): r"""[a-zA-Z\~\$\_][a-zA-Z0-9\/\%_\-]*""" t.type = reserved.get(t.value, 'LVALUE') return t
[docs]def t_NUMBER(t): r"""([+-]?([0-9]*\.)?[0-9]+)""" if '.' in t.value: try: t.value = float(t.value) except ValueError: print("Invalid floating point number", t.value) t.value = 0 else: try: t.value = int(t.value) except ValueError: print("Integer value too large %d", t.value) t.value = 0 return t
is_number = lambda x: isinstance(x, int) or isinstance(x, float) t_ignore = " \t"
[docs]def t_newline(t): r"""[\n\r]+""" t.lexer.lineno += t.value.count("\n")
[docs]def t_error(t): raise ValueError("Syntax Error in Query")
# print("Illegal character '%s'" % t.value[0]) # t.lexer.skip(1) smapql_lex = lex.lex() TIMEZONE_PATTERNS = [ "%m/%d/%Y", "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f", ]
[docs]def parse_time(ts): for pat in TIMEZONE_PATTERNS: try: return strptime_tz(ts, pat) except ValueError: continue raise ValueError("Invalid time string:" + ts)
[docs]def p_query_pair(t): """query : '(' timeref ',' timeref ')' """ t[0] = (t[2], t[4])
[docs]def p_query_single(t): """query : timeref """ t[0] = t[1]
# an absolute time reference. can be a unix timestamp, a date string, # or "now"
[docs]def p_timeref(t): """timeref : abstime | abstime reltime""" t[0] = t[1] if len(t) == 2: ref = t[1] else: ref = t[1] + t[2] t[0] = ref
[docs]def p_abstime(t): """abstime : NUMBER | QSTRING | NOW""" if t[1] == 'now': t[0] = now() elif type(t[1]) == type(''): t[0] = parse_time(t[1]) else: t[0] = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(t[1] / 1000)
[docs]def p_reltime(t): """reltime : NUMBER LVALUE | NUMBER LVALUE reltime""" timeunit = get_timeunit(t[2]) delta = timedelta(**{timeunit: t[1]}) if len(t) == 3: t[0] = delta else: t[0] = t[3] + delta
# Error rule for syntax errors
[docs]def p_error(p): raise ValueError("Syntax Error in Query")
# Build the parser time_parser = yacc.yacc(write_tables=0)