Source code for volttron.platform.agent.base_aggregate_historian

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from __future__ import absolute_import

import copy
import logging
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

import pytz
from abc import abstractmethod

from volttron.platform.agent import utils
from volttron.platform.agent.known_identities import (PLATFORM_HISTORIAN)
from import Agent
from import RPC

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__version__ = '1.0'

[docs]class AggregateHistorian(Agent): """ Base agent to aggregate data in historian based on a specific time period. Different subclasses of this agent is needed to interact with different type of historians. Subclasses should implement the following methods - :py:meth:`get_topic_map() <AggregateHistorian.get_topic_map>` - :py:meth:`get_agg_topic_map() <AggregateHistorian.get_agg_topic_map>` - :py:meth:`initialize_aggregate_store() <AggregateHistorian.initialize_aggregate_store>` - :py:meth:`update_aggregate_metadata() <AggregateHistorian.update_aggregate_metadata>` - :py:meth:`collect_aggregate() <AggregateHistorian.collect_aggregate>` - :py:meth:`insert_aggregate() <AggregateHistorian.insert_aggregate>` - :py:meth:`get_aggregation_list() <AggregateHistorian.get_aggregation_list>` """ def __init__(self, config_path, **kwargs): """ Call super init class. Loads config file :param config_path: configuration file path :param kwargs: """ super(AggregateHistorian, self).__init__(**kwargs) _log.debug("In init of aggregate historian") # Instantiate variables config = utils.load_config(config_path) self.topic_id_map = None self.aggregate_topic_id_map = None self.volttron_table_defs = 'volttron_table_definitions'"config", config), actions=["NEW", "UPDATE"], pattern="config") _log.debug("Done init of aggregate historian")
[docs] def configure(self, config_name, action, config): """ Converts aggregation time period into seconds, validates configuration values and calls the collect aggregate method for the first time :param config_name: name of the config entry in store. We only use one config store entry with the default name config :param action: "NEW or "UPDATE" code treats both the same way :param config: configuration as json object """ _log.debug("In configure of aggregate historian. current time" "{} config is {}".format(datetime.utcnow(), config)) if not config or not isinstance(config, dict): raise ValueError("Configuration should be a valid json") # 1. Check connection to db instantiate db functions class connection = config.get('connection', None) assert connection is not None database_type = connection.get('type', None) assert database_type is not None params = connection.get('params', None) assert params is not None self.topic_id_map, name_map = self.get_topic_map() self.agg_topic_id_map = self.get_agg_topic_map() _log.debug("In start of aggregate historian. " "After loading topic and aggregate topic maps") for agg_group in config['aggregations']: # 1. Validate and normalize aggregation period and # initialize use_calendar_periods flag agg_time_period = \ AggregateHistorian.normalize_aggregation_time_period( agg_group['aggregation_period']) use_calendar_periods = agg_group.get('use_calendar_time_periods', False) # 2. Validate aggregation details in under points and update # aggregate_topics and aggregate_meta tables self._init_agg_group(agg_group, agg_time_period) # 3. Call parent method to set up periodic aggregation # collection calls if agg_group.get('utc_collection_start_time'): utc_collection_start_time = datetime.strptime( agg_group.get('utc_collection_start_time'), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f').replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) else: utc_collection_start_time = datetime.utcnow().replace( tzinfo=pytz.utc) self.collect_aggregate_data( utc_collection_start_time, agg_time_period, use_calendar_periods, agg_group['points']) _log.debug("End of onstart method - current time{}".format( datetime.utcnow()))
def _init_agg_group(self, agg_group, agg_time_period): if 'points' not in agg_group: raise ValueError('Invalid configuration must have points') for data in agg_group['points']: topic_names = data.get('topic_names') topic_pattern = data.get('topic_name_pattern') if topic_names is None and topic_pattern is None: raise ValueError( "Please provide a valid topic_name or " "topic_name_pattern for aggregation_period {}".format( agg_group['aggregation_period'])) # Validate aggregation_type agg_type = data.get('aggregation_type', None) if not self.is_supported_aggregation(agg_type): raise ValueError("Invalid aggregation type {}" .format(data['aggregation_type'])) agg_type = agg_type.lower() # Validate min count if data.get('min_count', 0) < 0: raise ValueError("Invalid min_count ({}). min_count " "should be " "an integer grater than 0". format(data['min_count'])) # Validated topic name or pattern and populate topic_ids _log.debug("topic names {}".format(topic_names)) topic_ids = [] if topic_names is not None: for name in topic_names: if not self.topic_id_map.get(name.lower(), None): raise ValueError("Invalid topic_name {}".format( name)) else: topic_ids.append(self.topic_id_map[name.lower()]) _log.debug("topic_ids is {}".format(topic_ids)) data['topic_ids'] = list(set(topic_ids)) else: # Find if the topic_name patterns result in any topics # at all. If it does log them as info topic_map = PLATFORM_HISTORIAN, "get_topics_by_pattern", topic_pattern=topic_pattern).get() if topic_map is None or len(topic_map) == 0: raise ValueError( "Please provide a valid topic_name or " "topic_name_pattern for aggregation_period {}. " "The given topic_name_pattern({}) does not " "match any existing topic names".format( agg_group['aggregation_period'], topic_pattern))"topic_names matching the given pattern {} " ":\n {}".format(topic_pattern, topic_map.keys())) data['topic_ids'] = topic_map.values() # Aggregating across multiple points. Check if unique topic # name was given for this. _log.debug("topic pattern is {} and topic_ids is {}".format( topic_pattern, data['topic_ids'])) topic_meta = topic_pattern if topic_pattern is None: topic_meta = tuple(topic_names) if topic_pattern or len(data['topic_ids']) > 1: if not data.get('aggregation_topic_name'): raise ValueError( "Please provide a valid aggregation_topic_name " "when aggregating across multiple points. Update " "aggregation_topic_name for aggregation_period:{} " "and topics:{}".format( agg_group['aggregation_period'], topic_meta)) else: if not data.get('aggregation_topic_name'): data['aggregation_topic_name'] = topic_names[0] # Create data structure for storing aggregate data # table/collection. Pass additional parameters so that # topics and metadata table can be updated topic_meta = {'configured_topics': topic_meta} _log.debug("agg_map key is ({}, {},{})".format( data['aggregation_topic_name'].lower(), agg_type, agg_time_period)) agg_id = self.agg_topic_id_map.get( (data['aggregation_topic_name'].lower(), agg_type, agg_time_period), None) if agg_id: _log.debug( "Found aggregate updating existing rows for id {} " " name {} meta {}".format(agg_id, data['aggregation_topic_name'], topic_meta)) self.update_aggregate_metadata(agg_id, data['aggregation_topic_name'], topic_meta) else: _log.debug( "Inserting new record into aggregate_topics name {} " "meta {}".format(data['aggregation_topic_name'], topic_meta)) agg_id = self.initialize_aggregate_store( data['aggregation_topic_name'], data['aggregation_type'], agg_time_period, topic_meta) _log.debug("After insert aggregate_id is {}".format(agg_id)) self.agg_topic_id_map[(data['aggregation_topic_name'].lower(), agg_type, agg_time_period)] = agg_id _log.debug("End of loop in init_agg_group. ids {}".format( data['topic_ids']))
[docs] def collect_aggregate_data(self, collection_time, agg_time_period, use_calendar_periods, points): """ Method that does the collection and computation of aggregate data based on raw date in historian's data table. This method is called for the first time when a agent is configured with a new configuration or when the config in config store is updated. After the collection of aggregate data, this methods schedules itself to be called after a specific period of time. The time interval is calculated by :py:meth:`compute_next_collection_time() <AggregateHistorian.compute_next_collection_time>` This method in turn calls the platform historian's - :py:method:`get_topics_by_pattern()` <BaseHistorian.get_topics_by_pattern> and the following methods implemented by child classes: - :py:meth:`collect_aggregate() <AggregateHistorian.collect_aggregate>` - :py:meth:`insert_aggregate() <AggregateHistorian.insert_aggregate>` :param collection_time: time of aggregation collection :param param agg_time_period: time agg_time_period for which data needs to be collected and aggregated :param param use_calendar_periods: flag that indicates if time agg_time_period should be aligned to calendar times :param param points: list of points for which aggregate data needs to be collected. Each element in the list is a dictionary containing topic_names/topic_name_pattern, aggregation_type(ex. sum, avg etc.), and min_count(minimum number of raw data to be present within the given time agg_time_period for the aggregate to be computed. If count is less than minimum no aggregate is computed for that agg_time_period) """ _log.debug( "In collect_aggregate_data: Time agg_time_period passed as arg " "{} use_calendar={}".format(agg_time_period, use_calendar_periods)) _log.debug("points passed as arg {} ".format(points)) start_time, end_time = \ AggregateHistorian.compute_aggregation_time_slice( collection_time, agg_time_period, use_calendar_periods) try: _log.debug( "After compute agg_time_period = {} start_time {} end_time " "{} ".format(agg_time_period, start_time, end_time)) for data in points: _log.debug("data in loop {}".format(data)) topic_ids = data.get('topic_ids', None) _log.debug("topic ids configured {} ".format(topic_ids)) topic_pattern = data.get('topic_name_pattern', None) if topic_pattern: # Find topic ids that match the pattern at runtime topic_map = PLATFORM_HISTORIAN, "get_topics_by_pattern", topic_pattern=topic_pattern).get() _log.debug("Found topics for pattern {}".format(topic_map)) if topic_map: topic_ids = topic_map.values() _log.debug("topic ids loaded {} ".format(topic_ids)) else: _log.warn( "Skipping recording of aggregate data for {topic} " "between {start_time} and {end_time} as ".format( topic=topic_pattern, start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time)) return agg_value, count = self.collect_aggregate( topic_ids, data['aggregation_type'], start_time, end_time) if count == 0: _log.warn( "No records found for topic {topic} between " "{start_time} and {end_time}".format( topic=topic_pattern if topic_pattern else data['topic_names'], start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time)) elif count < data.get('min_count', 0): _log.warn( "Skipping recording of aggregate data for {topic} " "between {start_time} and {end_time} as number of " "records is less than minimum allowed(" "{count})".format( topic=topic_pattern if topic_pattern else data['topic_names'], start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, count=data.get('min_count', 0))) else: aggregate_topic_id = \ self.agg_topic_id_map[ data['aggregation_topic_name'].lower(), data['aggregation_type'].lower(), agg_time_period] _log.debug( "agg_topic_id {} and topic ids sent to insert {} " "".format(aggregate_topic_id, topic_ids)) self.insert_aggregate(aggregate_topic_id, data['aggregation_type'], agg_time_period, end_time, agg_value, topic_ids) finally: collection_time = AggregateHistorian.compute_next_collection_time( collection_time, agg_time_period, use_calendar_periods) _log.debug( "Scheduling next collection at {}".format(collection_time)) event = self.core.schedule(collection_time, self.collect_aggregate_data, collection_time, agg_time_period, use_calendar_periods, points) _log.debug("After Scheduling next collection.{}".format(event))
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_topic_map(self): """ Query the topics table and create a map of topic name to topic id. This should be done as part of init :return: Returns a list of topic_map containing {topic_name.lower():id} """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_agg_topic_map(self): """ Query the aggregate_topics table and create a map of (topic name, aggregation type, aggregation time period) to topic id. This should be done as part of init :return: Returns a list of topic_map containing :: {(agg_topic_name.lower(), agg_type, agg_time_period) :id} """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def initialize_aggregate_store(self, aggregation_topic_name, agg_type, agg_time_period, topics_meta): """ Create the data structure (table or collection) that is going to store the aggregate data for the give aggregation type and aggregation time period :param aggregation_topic_name: Unique topic name for this aggregation. If aggregation is done over multiple points it is a unique name given by user, else it is same as topic_name for which aggregation is done :param agg_type: The type of aggregation. For example, avg, sum etc. :param agg_time_period: The time period of aggregation :param topics_meta: String that represents the list of topics across which this aggregation is computed. It could be topic name pattern or list of topics. This information should go into metadata table :return: Return a aggregation_topic_id after inserting aggregation_topic_name into topics table """
[docs] @abstractmethod def update_aggregate_metadata(self, agg_id, aggregation_topic_name, topic_meta): """ Update aggregation_topic_name and topic_meta data for the given agg_id. :param agg_id: Aggregation topic id for which update should be done :param aggregation_topic_name: New aggregation_topic_name :param topic_meta: new topic metadata """
[docs] @abstractmethod def collect_aggregate(self, topic_ids, agg_type, start_time, end_time): """ Collect the aggregate data by querying the historian's data store :param topic_ids: list of topic ids for which aggregation should be performed. :param agg_type: type of aggregation :param start_time: start time for query (inclusive) :param end_time: end time for query (exclusive) :return: a tuple of (aggregated value, count of record over which this aggregation was computed) """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def insert_aggregate(self, agg_topic_id, agg_type, agg_time_period, end_time, value, topic_ids): """ Insert aggregate data collected for a specific time period into database. Data is inserted into <agg_type>_<period> table :param agg_topic_id: If len(topic_ids) is 1. This would be the same as the topic_ids[0]. Else this id corresponds to the unique topic name given by user for this aggregation across multiple points. :param agg_type: type of aggregation :param agg_time_period: The time period of aggregation :param end_time: end time used for query records that got aggregated :param topic_ids: topic ids for which aggregation was computed :param value: aggregation result """ pass
[docs] def is_supported_aggregation(self, agg_type): """ Checks if the given aggregation is supported by the historian's data store :param agg_type: The type of aggregation to be computed :return: True is supported False otherwise """ if agg_type: return agg_type.upper() in [x.upper() for x in self.get_aggregation_list()] else: return False
[docs] @RPC.export def get_supported_aggregations(self): return self.get_aggregation_list()
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_aggregation_list(self): """ Returns a list of supported aggregations :return: list of supported aggregations """ pass
# Utility methods
[docs] @staticmethod def normalize_aggregation_time_period(time_period): """ Validates and normalizes aggregation time period. For example, if aggregation time period is given as 48h it will get converted into 2d :param time_period: time period string to be validated and normalized :return: normalized time period """ try: time_period = time_period.strip() period = int(time_period[:-1]) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "Aggregation period {} provided is invalid. Please " "specify an integer followed by m/h/d/w/M " "(minutes, hours, days, weeks".format(time_period)) unit = time_period[-1:] if unit not in ['m', 'h', 'd', 'w', 'M']: raise ValueError( "Invalid unit {} provided for aggregation time " "period {}. Valid time periods are m,h,d,w," "or M (minutes, hours, days, weeks, months".format( unit, time_period)) if unit == 'm': if period >= 60 and period % 60 == 0: period /= 60 unit = 'h' if unit == 'h': if period >= 24 and period % 24 == 0: period /= 24 unit = 'd' if unit == 'd': if period >= 7 and period % 7 == 0: period /= 7 unit = 'w' return str(period) + unit
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_next_collection_time(collection_time, agg_period, use_calendar_periods): """ compute the next collection time based on current time in utc and aggregation time period. :param collection_time: time of aggregate collection :param agg_period: period string from AggregateHistorian config :param use_calendar_periods: boolean to say if aggregate period should be based on calendar periods. For example: Week = Sunday to Saturday, Hourly average would be 1AM= 2AM, 2AM-3AM etc. :return: next collection time in utc """ period_int = int(agg_period[:-1]) unit = agg_period[-1:] if unit == 'm': return collection_time + timedelta(minutes=period_int) elif unit == 'h': return collection_time + timedelta(hours=period_int) elif unit == 'd': return collection_time + timedelta(days=period_int) elif unit == 'w': return collection_time + timedelta(weeks=period_int) elif unit == 'M': if use_calendar_periods: # collect more frequently than 30 days so that # we don't miss collecting January's data in case we # start collecting on say Jan 31 period_int *= 15 return collection_time + timedelta(days=period_int) else: period_int *= 30 return collection_time + timedelta(days=period_int)
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_aggregation_time_slice(collection_time, agg_period, use_calender_time_periods): """ Computes the start and end time for querying the historians data table for computing aggregates. Start and end time depend on whether the time periods should align to calendar time periods. For example a daily average could be computed for data collected between 12am to 11.59am of a specific date or data between (collection_time - 24 hours) and current_time. Setting use_calendar_time_periods to true results in former. :param collection_time: Time of aggregation collection :param agg_period: time period of the aggregation :param use_calender_time_periods: boolean to indicate if the time period should align to the calendar time periods :return: start and end time of aggregation. start time is inclusive and end time is not. """ end_time = collection_time period_int = int(agg_period[:-1]) unit = agg_period[-1:] if unit == 'm': start_time = end_time - timedelta(minutes=period_int) elif unit == 'h': start_time = end_time - timedelta(hours=period_int) elif unit == 'd': start_time = end_time - timedelta(days=period_int) elif unit == 'w': start_time = end_time - timedelta(weeks=period_int) elif unit == 'M': start_time = end_time - timedelta(days=30 * period_int) else: raise ValueError( "Invalid unit {} provided for aggregation_period. " "Unit should be m/h/d/w/M".format(unit)) if use_calender_time_periods: if unit == 'm': start_time = start_time.replace(second=0, microsecond=0) end_time = end_time.replace(second=0, microsecond=0) if unit == 'h': start_time = start_time.replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) end_time = end_time.replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) elif unit == 'd': start_time = start_time.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) end_time = end_time.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) elif unit == 'w': day_idx = end_time.weekday() # weekday index starts on Monday, so Mon=0, Tue=1 etc. if day_idx != 6: # If it is not a sunday move to last sunday end_time = end_time - timedelta(days=day_idx + 1) end_time = end_time.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) start_time = end_time - timedelta(weeks=period_int) elif unit == 'M': end_time = end_time.replace(day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) # get last day of previous month end_time = end_time - timedelta(days=1) # move to first day of previous month start_time = copy.copy(end_time).replace(day=1, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) return start_time, end_time