Tagging Service


Tagging service provides VOLTTRON users the ability to add semantic tags to different topics so that topic can be queried by tags instead of specific topic name or topic name pattern.


VOLLTTRON will use tags from Project Haystack. Tags defined in haystack will be imported into VOLTTRON and grouped by categories to tag topics and topic name prefix.


Once data in VOLTTRON has been tagged, users will be able to query topics based on tags and use the resultant topics to query the historian


  1. User should be able to tag individual components of a topic such as campus, building, device, point etc.

  2. Using the tagging service users should only be able to add tags already defined in the volttron tagging schema. New tags should be explicitly added to the tagging schema before it can be used to tag topics or topic prefix

  3. Users should be able batch process and tag multiple topic names or topic prefix using a template. At the end of this, users should be notified about the list of topics that did not confirm to the template. This will help users to individually add or edit tags for those specific topics

  4. When users query for topics based on a tag, the results would correspond to the current metadata values. It is up to the calling agent/application to periodically query for latest updates if needed.

  5. Users should be able query based on tags on a specific topic or its topic prefix/parents

  6. Allow for count and skip parameters in queries to restrict count and allow pagination


1. Get the list of tag categories available

rpc call to tagging service method ‘get_categories’ with optional parameters:

  1. include_description - set to True to return available description for each category. Default = False

  2. skip - number of categories to skip. this parameter along with count can be used for paginating results

  3. count - limit the total number of tag categories returned to given count

  4. order - ASCENDING or DESCENDING. By default, it will be sorted in ascending order

2. Get the list of tags for a specific category

rpc call to tagging service method ‘get_tags_by_category’ with parameter:

  1. category - <category name>

and optional parameters:

  1. include_kind - indicate if result should include the

    kind/data type for tags returned. Defaults to False

  2. include_description - indicate if result should include

    available description for tags returned. Defaults to False

  3. skip - number of tags to skip. this parameter along with count can be used for paginating results

  4. count - limit the total number of tags returned to given count

  5. order - ASCENDING or DESCENDING. By default, it will be sorted in ascending order

3. Get the list of tags for a topic_name or topic_name_prefix

rpc call to tagging service method get_tags_by_topic

with parameter
  1. topic_prefix - topic name or topic name prefix

and optional parameters:

  1. include_kind - indicate if result should include the

    kind/data type for tags returned. Defaults to False

  2. include_description - indicate if result should include

    available description for tags returned. Defaults to False

  3. skip - number of tags to skip. this parameter along with count can be used for paginating results

  4. count - limit the total number of tags returned to given count

  5. order - ASCENDING or DESCENDING. By default, it will be sorted in ascending order

4. Find topic names by tags

rpc call to tagging service method ‘get_topics_by_tags’ with the one or more of the following parameters

  1. and_condition - dictionary of tag and its corresponding values that should be matched using equality operator or a list of tags that should exists/be true. Tag conditions are combined with AND condition. Only topics that match all the tags in the list would be returned

  2. or_condition - dictionary of tag and its corresponding values that should be matched using equality operator or a list tags that should exist/be true. Tag conditions are combined with OR condition. Topics that match any of the tags in the list would be returned. If both and_condition and or_condition are provided then they are combined using AND operator.

  3. condition - conditional statement to be used for matching tags. If this parameter is provided the above two parameters are ignored. The value for this parameter should be an expression that contains one or more query conditions combined together with an “AND” or “OR”. Query conditions can be grouped together using parenthesis. Each condition in the expression should conform to one of the following format:

    1. <tag name/ parent.tag_name> <binary_operator> <value>

    2. <tag name/ parent.tag_name>

    3. <tag name/ parent.tag_name> LIKE <regular expression within single quotes

    4. the word NOT can be prefixed before any of the above three to negate the condition.

    5. expressions can be grouped with parenthesis.

    For example

    condition="tag1 = 1 and not (tag2 < '' and tag2 > '') and tag3 and NOT tag4 LIKE '^a.*b$'"
    condition="NOT (tag5='US' OR tag5='UK') AND NOT tag3 AND NOT (tag4 LIKE 'a.*')"
    condition="campusRef.geoPostalCode='20500' and equip and boiler"
  1. skip - number of topics to skip. this parameter along with count can be used for paginating results

  2. count - limit the total number of tag topics returned to given count

  3. order - ASCENDING or DESCENDING. By default, it will be sorted in ascending order

5. Query data based on tags

Use above api to get topics by tags and then use the result to query historian’s query api.

6. Add tags to specific topic name or topic name prefix

rpc call to to tagging service method ‘add_topic_tags’ with parameters:

  1. topic_prefix - topic name or topic name prefix

  2. tags - {<valid tag>:value, <valid_tag>: value,… }

  3. update_version - True/False. Default to False. If set to True and if any of the tags update an existing tag value the older value would be preserved as part of tag version history. NOTE: This is a placeholder. Current version does not support versioning.

7. Add tags to multiple topics

rpc call to to tagging service method ‘add_tags’ with parameters:

  1. tags - dictionary object containing the topic and the tag details. format:

    <topic_name or prefix or topic_name pattern>: {<valid tag>:<value>, ... }, ... }
  2. update_version - True/False. Default to False. If set to True and if any of the tags update an existing tag value the older value would be preserved as part of tag version history

Use case examples

1. Loading news tags for an existing VOLTTRON instance

Current topic names:


Step 1:

Create a python dictionary object contains topic name pattern and its corresponding tag/value pair. Use topic pattern names to fill out tags that can be applied to more than one topic or topic prefix. Use specific topic name and topic prefix for tags that apply only to a single entity. For example:

# tags specific to building1
    'site': true,
    'dis': ": 'some building description',
    'yearBuilt': 2015,
    'area': '24000sqft'
# tags that apply to all device of a specific type
    'dis': "building1 chilled water system - CHW",
    'equip': true,
    'siteRef': 'campus1/building1',
    'chilled': true,
    'water' : true,
    'secondaryLoop': true
# tags that apply to point1 of all device of a specific type
    'dis': "building1 chilled water system - point1",
    'point': true,
    'kind': 'Bool',
    'siteRef': 'campus1/building1'
# tags that apply to point2 of all device of a specific type
    'dis': "building1 chilled water system - point2",
    'point': true,
    'kind': 'Number',
    'siteRef': 'campus1/building1'
# tags that apply to point3 of all device of a specific type
    'dis': "building1 chilled water system - point3",
    'point': true,
    'kind': 'Number',
    'siteRef': 'campus1/building1'
# tags that apply to all device of a specific type
    'dis': "building1 device of type B",
    'equip': true,
    'chilled': true,
    'water' : true,
    'secondaryLoop': true,
    'siteRef': 'campus1/building1'
# tags that apply to point1 of all device of a specific type
    'dis': "building1 device B - point1",
    'point': true,
    'kind': 'Bool',
    'siteRef': 'campus1/building1',
# tags that apply to point1 of all device of a specific type
    'dis': "building1 device B - point2",
    'point': true,
    'kind': 'Number',
    'siteRef': 'campus1/building1'

Step 2: Create tags using template above

Make an RPC call to the add_tags method and pass the python dictionary object

Step 3: Create tags specific to a point or device

Any tags that were not included in step one and needs to be added later can be added using the rpc call to tagging service either the method ‘add_topic_tags’ ‘add_tags’

For example:


2. Querying based on a topic’s tag and it parent’s tags

Query - Find all points that has the tag ‘command’ and belong to a device/unit that has a tag ‘chilled’

        condition='temperature and equip.chilled)

In the above code block ‘command’ and ‘chilled’ are the tag names that would be searched, but since the tag ‘chilled’ is prefixed with ‘equip.’ the tag in a parent topic

The above query would match the topic ‘/campus1/building1/deviceB1/point1’ if tags in the system are as follows

‘/campus1/building1/deviceB1/point1’ tags:

'dis': "building1 device B - point1",
'point': true,
'kind': 'Bool',
'siteRef': 'campus1/building1',
'equipRef': 'campus1/building1/deviceB1',

‘/campus1/building1/deviceB1’ tags

'dis': "building1 device of type B",
'equip': true,
'chilled': true,
'water' : true,
'secondaryLoop': true,
'siteRef': 'campus1/building1'

Possible future improvements

  1. Versioning - When a value of a tag is changed, users should be prompted to verify if this change denotes a new version or a value correction. If this value denotes a new version, then older value of the tag should preserved in a history/audit store

  2. Validation of tag values based on data type

  3. Support for units validation and conversions

  4. Processing and saving geologic coordinates that can enable users to do geo-spatial queries in databases that support it.