
This is a historian agent that writes data to a SQLite, Mysql, Postgres, TimeScale, or Redshift database based on the connection parameters in the configuration. The sql historian has been programmed to allow for inconsistent network connectivity (automatic re-connection to tcp based databases). All additions to the historian are batched and wrapped within a transaction with commit and rollback functions properly implemented. This allows the maximum throughput of data with the most protection

Common Configurations

All SQLHistorians support two parameters

  1. connection - This is a mandatory parameter with type indicating the type of sql historian (ex. mysql, sqlite, etc.) and params containing the connection parameters specific to the connecting database type.

  2. tables_def - Optional parameter to provide custom table names for topics, data, and metadata. This is useful when you want to use more than one instance of sqlhistorian with the same database


JSON format :

    "connection": {
        # type should be sqlite
        "type": "sqlite",
        "params": {
            "database": "data/historian.sqlite",
    "tables_def":  {
        # prefix for data, topics, and (in version < 4.0.0 metadata tables)
        # default is ""
        "table_prefix": "",
        # table name for time series data. default "data"
        "data_table": "data",
        # table name for list of topics. default "topics"
        "topics_table": "topics",
        # table name mapping topic to metadata. default "meta"
        # In sqlhistorian version >= 4.0.0 metadata is stored in topics table
        "meta_table": "meta"


Installation notes

  1. In order to support timestamp with microseconds you need at least MySql 5.6.4. Please see this MySql documentation for more details

  2. The mysql user must have SELECT INSERT, and DELETE privileges to the historian database tables.

  3. SQLHistorianAgent can create the database tables the first time it runs if the database user has CREATE privileges. But we recommend this only for development/test environments. For all other use cases, use the mysql-create*.sql script to create the tables and then start agent. This way database user used by VOLTTRON historian can work with minimum required privileges


In order to use mysql one must install the mysql-python connector

From an activated shell execute

pip install mysql-connector-python-rf

On Ubuntu 16.04

pip install does not work. Please download the connector from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/xenial/+package/python-mysql.connector and follow instructions on README


The following is a minimal configuration file for using a MySQL based historian. Other options are available and are documented http://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-python/en/connector-python-connectargs.html. Not all mysql connection parameters have been tested, use at your own risk. The configurations can be provided in JSON format or yml format

JSON format :

    "connection": {
        # type should be "mysql"
        "type": "mysql",
        # additional mysql connection parameters could be added but
        # have not been tested
        "params": {
            "host": "localhost",
            "port": 3306,
            "database": "volttron",
            "user": "user",
            "passwd": "pass"

YML format :

    type: mysql
        host: localhost
        port: 3306
        database: test_historian
        user: historian
        passwd: historian


An Sqlite historian provides a convenient solution for under powered systems. The database parameter is a location on the file system. By default it is relative to the agents installation directory, however it will respect a rooted or relative path to the database.


    "connection": {
        # type should be sqlite
        "type": "sqlite",
        "params": {
            "database": "data/historian.sqlite",

PostgreSQL and Redshift

Installation notes

  1. The PostgreSQL database driver supports recent PostgreSQL versions. It was tested on 10.x, but should work with 9.x and 11.x.

  2. The user must have SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE privileges on historian tables.

  3. The tables in the database are created as part of the execution of the SQLHistorianAgent, but this will fail if the database user does not have CREATE privileges.

  4. Care must be exercised when using multiple historians with the same database. This configuration may be used only if there is no overlap in the topics handled by each instance. Otherwise, duplicate topic IDs may be created, producing strange results.

  5. Redshift databases do not support unique constraints. Therefore, it is possible that tables may contain some duplicate data. The Redshift driver handles this by using distinct queries. It does not remove duplicates from the tables.


The PostgreSQL and Redshift database drivers require the psycopg2 Python package.

From an activated shell execute:

pip install psycopg2-binary


The following are minimal configuration files for using a psycopg2-based historian. Other options are available and are documented http://initd.org/psycopg/docs/module.html Not all parameters have been tested, use at your own risk.

Local PostgreSQL Database

The following snippet demonstrates how to configure the SQLHistorianAgent to use a PostgreSQL database on the local system that is configured to use Unix domain sockets. The user executing volttron must have appropriate privileges.

        "connection": {
            "type": "postgresql",
            "params": { "dbname": "volttron" }

#### Remote PostgreSQL Database

The following snippet demonstrates how to configure the
SQLHistorianAgent to use a remote PostgreSQL database.
    "connection": {
        "type": "postgresql",
        "params": {
            "dbname": "volttron",
            "host": "historian.example.com",
            "port": 5432,
            "user": "volttron",
            "password": "secret" }

TimescaleDB Support

Both of the above PostgreSQL connection types can make use of TimescaleDB's high performance Hypertable backend for the primary timeseries table. The agent assumes you have completed the TimescaleDB installation and setup the database by following the instructions here: https://docs.timescale.com/latest/getting-started/setup To use, simply add 'timescale_dialect: true' to the connection params in the Agent Config as below

    "connection": {
        "type": "postgresql",
        "params": {
            "dbname": "volttron",
            "host": "historian.example.com",
            "port": 5432,
            "user": "volttron",
            "password": "secret" ,
            "timescale_dialect": true }


Redshift Database

The following snippet demonstrates how to configure the SQLHistorianAgent to use a Redshift database.

    "connection": {
        "type": "redshift",
        "params": {
            "dbname": "volttron",
            "host": "historian.example.com",
            "port": 5432,
            "user": "volttron",
            "password": "secret" }


Do not use the "identity" setting in configuration file. Instead use the new method provided by the platform to set an agent's identity. See scripts/core/make-sqlite-historian.sh for an example of how this is done. Setting a historian's VIP IDENTITY from its configuration file will not be supported after VOLTTRON 4.0. Using the identity configuration setting will override the value provided by the platform. This new value will not be reported correctly by 'volttron-ctl status'