Source code for emailer.agent

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from collections import defaultdict

# Import the email modules we'll need
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
import logging
import socket

# Import smtplib for the actual sending function
import smtplib
import sys

import gevent
from volttron.platform.agent.utils import get_utc_seconds_from_epoch
from import Agent, Core, PubSub, compat
from volttron.platform.agent import utils
from volttron.platform.messaging import topics
from import ALERT_KEY, STATUS_BAD, Status, \
from import Agent

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__version__ = '1.4.2'

The `pyclass:EmailAgent` is responsible for sending emails for an instance.  It
has been written so that any agent on the instance can send emails through it
via the `pymethod:send_email` method or through the pubsub message bus (see

A default configuration for this agent is as follows.

.. code-block:: json
        "smtp_address": "",
        "from_address": "",
        "to_addresses=to_address": ["", ""],
        "allow_frequency_minutes": 10

By default any alerts will be sent through this agent.  In addition all emails
will be published to the record/sent_email topic for a historian to be able
to capture that data.

[docs]class EmailerAgent(Agent): def __init__(self, config_path, **kwargs): super(EmailerAgent, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.config = utils.load_config(config_path) self.smtp_address = self.config.get("smtp-address", None) self.from_address = self.config.get("from-address", None) self.to_address = self.config.get("to-addresses", None) self.smtp_port = self.config.get("smtp-port", None) self.smtp_username = self.config.get("smtp-username", None) self.smtp_password = self.config.get("smtp-password", None) self.smtp_tls = self.config.get("smtp-tls",None) self.allow_frequency_minutes = self.config.get("allow-frequency-minutes", 60) self._allow_frequency_seconds = self.allow_frequency_minutes * 60 self.smtp_tls = self.config.get("smtp-tls",None) self.default_config = dict(smtp_address=self.smtp_address, from_address=self.from_address, to_addresses=self.to_address, smtp_port=self.smtp_port, smtp_username=self.smtp_username, smtp_password=self.smtp_password, smtp_tls = self.smtp_tls, allow_frequency_minutes=self.allow_frequency_minutes, alert_from_address=self.from_address, alert_to_addresses=self.to_address, send_alerts_enabled=True, record_sent_emails=True) self.current_config = None"config", self.default_config), actions=["NEW", "UPDATE"], pattern="*") # Keep track of keys that have been added to send with. self.tosend = {} # Keep track of how often we send an email out based on key so we don't overload admins. self.sent_alert_emails = {} def _test_smtp_address(self, smtp_address,smtp_port,smtp_username,smtp_password): try: server = smtplib.SMTP(self.current_config.get('smtp_address', None),self.current_config.get('smtp_port', None)) #stmplib docs recommend calling ehlo() before & after starttls() server.ehlo() if self.current_config.get('smtp_username') is not None: server.starttls() server.ehlo() server.login(self.current_config.get('smtp_username', None), self.current_config.get('smtp_password', None)) server.close() except Exception as e: _log.error(e.args)
[docs] def configure_main(self, config_name, action, contents): """ The main configuration callback. :param config_name: :param action: :param contents: """'pubsub', topics.PLATFORM_SEND_EMAIL, self.on_email_message)'pubsub', topics.ALERTS_BASE,self.on_alert_message)'pubsub',prefix=topics.ALERTS.format(agent_class='',agent_identity=''),callback=self.on_alert_message) self.current_config = self.default_config.copy() self.current_config.update(contents) self.current_config['allow_frequency_seconds'] = self.current_config.get( 'allow_frequency_minutes', 60) * 60 smtp_address = self.current_config.get('smtp_address', None) smtp_port = self.current_config.get('smtp_port', None) smtp_username = self.current_config.get('smtp_username', None) smtp_password = self.current_config.get('smtp_password', None) if action == "UPDATE": try: with gevent.with_timeout(3, self._test_smtp_address, smtp_address,smtp_port,smtp_username,smtp_password): pass except Exception as e:, "Invalid SMTP Address")
[docs] def on_email_message(self, peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message): """ Callback used for sending email messages through the pubsub bus. Either the from_address and to_addresses can be ommitted if they are specified in the configuration store/file. If they are to be used the following block shows the format for usage. .. code-block:: json { "from-address": '', "to-addresses": ['', ''] } ** In the above code to-addresses can be a singe email address as well** The message must be a dictionary containing a subject and a message. In addition, an optional to-addresses entry can be added for sending to a specific group of users. .. code-block:: json { "subject": "I am a happy camper", "message": "This is a big long string message that I am sending" -- OPTIONAL -- "to-addresses": [''] } :param peer: :param sender: :param bus: :param topic: :param headers: :param message: """ from_address = self.from_address to_addresses = self.to_address to_addresses = message.get("to-addresses", to_addresses) subject = message.get('subject', 'No Subject') msg = message.get('message', None) if msg is None: _log.error('Email messsage body was null, not sending email') return if to_addresses is None: _log.error('Email address not sent, to_addresses was None') return self.send_email(from_address, to_addresses, subject, msg)
def _send_email(self, from_address, to_addresses, mime_message): """ The method that actually sends the data to the smtp server to be sent out. This method will also publish to the record/sent_email topic so that the email action will be recorded. The full message content will bw written to the message bus. The following format is used .. code-block:: json { "from_address": from_address, "recipients": to_addresses, "subject": mime_message['Subject'], "message_content": mime_message.as_string() } :param from_address: The sender of the message :param to_addresses: A list of recipient email addresses. :param mime_message: A `email.mime.text.MimeText` message to be sent. """ send_successful = False sent_email_record = None try:"Sending email {}".format(mime_message['Subject'])) sent_email_record = {"from_address": from_address, "recipients": to_addresses, "subject": mime_message['Subject'], "message_content": mime_message.as_string()} cfg = self.current_config smtp_address = cfg['smtp_address'] smtp_port = cfg['smtp_port'] smtp_username = cfg['smtp_username'] smtp_password = cfg['smtp_password'] smtp_tls = cfg['smtp_tls'] server = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_address, smtp_port) server.ehlo() if smtp_username is not None: server.starttls() server.ehlo() server.login(smtp_username, smtp_password) server.sendmail(from_address, to_addresses, mime_message.as_string()) server.close(), "Successfully sent email.") send_successful = True except Exception as e: _log.error( 'Unable to send email message: %s' % mime_message.as_string()) _log.error(e.args), "Unable to send email to recipients") finally: if sent_email_record is not None: sent_email_record['successful'] = send_successful"pubsub", "record/sent_email", message=sent_email_record)
[docs] def send_email(self, from_address, to_addresses, subject, message): """ RPC Method allowing a platform to send an email address. One can also send an email through the pubsub mechanism. :param from_address: :param to_addresses: :param subject: :param message: """'Sending email {}'.format(subject)) _log.debug('Mail from: {}, to: {}'.format(from_address, to_addresses)) recipients = to_addresses if isinstance(recipients, str): recipients = [recipients] # Use unicode to protect against encod error # msg = MIMEText(str(message)) msg['To'] = ', '.join(recipients) msg['FROM'] = from_address msg['Subject'] = subject gevent.spawn(self._send_email, from_address, recipients, msg) gevent.sleep(0.1)
[docs] def on_alert_message(self, peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message): """ Callback for alert messages that come into the platform. :param peer: :param sender: :param bus: :param topic: :param headers: :param message: """ if not self.current_config.get('send_alerts_enabled'): _log.warning('Alert message found but not sent enable alerts enable by setting send_alerts_enabled to True') return mailkey = headers.get(ALERT_KEY, None) if not mailkey: _log.error("alert_key not found in header " + "for message topic: {} message: {}" .format(topic, message)) return last_sent_key = tuple([mailkey, topic]) if last_sent_key in self.tosend: return self.tosend[last_sent_key] = 1 last_sent_time = self.sent_alert_emails.get(last_sent_key) should_send = False # python sets this to 0 if it hasn't ever been sent. if not last_sent_time: should_send = True else: current_time = get_utc_seconds_from_epoch() allow_frequency_seconds = self.current_config['allow_frequency_seconds'] if last_sent_time + allow_frequency_seconds < current_time: should_send=True if not should_send: _log.debug('Waiting for time to pass for email.') if last_sent_key in self.tosend: del self.tosend[last_sent_key] return # we assume the email will go through. self.sent_alert_emails[last_sent_key] = get_utc_seconds_from_epoch() from_address = self.current_config['alert_from_address'] recipients = self.current_config['alert_to_addresses'] if isinstance(recipients, str): recipients = [recipients] # After here we are going to attempt to send the email out subject = "Alert for {} {}".format(topic, mailkey) # Use unicode to protect against encod error # msg = MIMEText(str(message)) msg['To'] = ', '.join(recipients) msg['FROM'] = from_address msg['Subject'] = subject self.send_email(from_address, recipients, subject, msg) if last_sent_key in self.tosend: del self.tosend[last_sent_key]
[docs]def main(argv=sys.argv): """Main method called by the aip.""" try: utils.vip_main(EmailerAgent, identity="platform.emailer", version = __version__) except Exception as e: _log.exception('unhandled exception')
if __name__ == '__main__': # Entry point for script try: sys.exit(main()) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass