Source code for weatherdotgov.agent

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- {{{
# vim: set fenc=utf-8 ft=python sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 et:
# Copyright 2020, Battelle Memorial Institute.
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# under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830
# }}}

__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'

import logging
import re
import sys
import grequests
import datetime
import pkg_resources
from volttron.platform.agent.base_weather import BaseWeatherAgent
from volttron.platform.agent import utils
from import doc_inherit
from volttron.platform import jsonapi

# requests should be imported after grequests
# as grequests monkey patches ssl and requests imports ssl
# TODO do we need the requests at all.. TODO test with RMQ
import requests

__version__ = "2.0.0"

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SERVICE_HOURLY_FORECAST = "get_hourly_forecast"

LAT_LONG_REGEX = re.compile(
    r"^-?[0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,4})?,( |t?)-?[0-9]{1,3}(\.[0-9]{1,4})?$")
STATION_REGEX = re.compile("^[Kk][a-zA-Z]{3}$")
WFO_REGEX = re.compile("^[A-Z]{3}$")

[docs]def weather_agent(config_path, **kwargs): """ Used for instantiating the WeatherDotGov agent. :param config_path: string formatted file path to use for configuring the agent. :param kwargs: keyword arguments passed during instantiation. :return: an instance of the WeatherDotGov Agent """ if isinstance(config_path, dict): config_dict = config_path else: config_dict = utils.load_config(config_path) _log.debug("config_dict before init: {}".format(config_dict)) utils.update_kwargs_with_config(kwargs, config_dict) return WeatherDotGovAgent(**kwargs)
[docs]class WeatherDotGovAgent(BaseWeatherAgent): """ Concrete implementation of the base weather agent for querying the NOAA/ weather api. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(WeatherDotGovAgent, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.headers = {"Accept": "application/json", "Accept-Language": "en-US" } self.remove_service("get_hourly_historical")
[docs] def get_update_interval(self, service_name): """ Get the timedelta between api service updates. :param service_name: name of service stored in api_services :return: datetime.timedelta object representing the time between the api's service updates """ if service_name == "get_current_weather": return datetime.timedelta(hours=1) elif service_name == "get_hourly_forecast": return datetime.timedelta(hours=1) else: return None
[docs] def get_point_name_defs_file(self): """ Constructs the point name mapping dict from the mapping csv. :return: dictionary containing a mapping of service point names to standard point names with optional """ # returning resource file instead of stream, as csv.DictReader require file path or file like object opened in # text mode. return pkg_resources.get_resource_filename(__name__, "data/name_mapping.csv")
[docs] def get_location_string(self, location): """ Generic conversion of location dictionary into corresponding string format for request url. :param location: location dictionary formatted as for a specific request. :return: string representation of location dictionary for request url. """ if location.get('lat') and location.get('long'): formatted_location = self.get_lat_long_str(location) return formatted_location if location.get('station'): formatted_location = self.get_station_str(location) return formatted_location elif location.get("wfo") and location.get("x") and location.get("y"): formatted_location = self.get_gridpoints_str(location) return formatted_location else: raise ValueError("Invalid location {}".format(location))
[docs] def get_api_description(self, service_name): """ Provides the api description string for a given api service. Primarily used during concrete agent startup. :param service_name: name of the api service :return: string describing the function of the api endpoint, along with rpc call usage for the weather agent. """ if service_name == "get_current_weather": return "Provides current weather observations by station via RPC " \ "(Requires {'station': <station id>}" elif service_name == "get_hourly_forecast": return "Provides <hours> (optional) hours of forecast " \ "predictions by lat/long or gridpoint location " \ "via RPC (Requires {'wfo': <wfo string>, 'x': <x " \ "coordinate>, 'y': <y coordinate>} or" \ "{'lat': <latitude>, 'long': <longitude>}" else: raise RuntimeError( "Service {} is not implemented by".format( service_name))
[docs] @staticmethod def get_lat_long_str(location_dict): """ Converts a location dictionary using lat/long format into string format to be used in a request url. :param location_dict: location dictionary for the upcoming request. Expects lat/long :return: url formatted location string """ return "{},{}".format(location_dict.get("lat"), location_dict.get("long"))
[docs] @staticmethod def get_station_str(location_dict): """ Converts a location dictionary using station format into string format to be used in a request url. :param location_dict: location dictionary for the upcoming request. Expects station id :return: url formatted location string """ return location_dict.get("station")
[docs] @staticmethod def get_gridpoints_str(location_dict): """ Converts a location dictionary using gridpoints format into string format to be used in a request url. :param location_dict: location dictionary for the upcoming request. Expects gridpoint format :return: url formatted location string """ return "{}/{},{}".format(location_dict.get("wfo"), location_dict.get("x"), location_dict.get("y"))
[docs] def validate_location(self, service_name, location): """ Intermediate method for validating location dicts passed by rpc calls. Validity depends on the service being requested. :param service_name: name of the api service which the location dictionary is intended to be used for. :param location: location dictionary to validate for the api service :return: boolean indicating whether the location/service combination is valid for the weather api. """ if service_name == "get_current_weather": return self.validate_location_formats(("station",), location) else: return self.validate_location_formats(("gridpoints", "lat/long", "station"), location)
[docs] def validate_location_formats(self, accepted_formats, location): """ Regular expression comparision to validate the various location dictionary formats :param accepted_formats: string representations of the acceptable location formats for an api service :param location: location dictionary to validate for the api service :return: boolean representing the validity of the location """ if ("lat/long" in accepted_formats) and ( location.get('lat') and location.get('long')): location_string = self.get_lat_long_str(location) if LAT_LONG_REGEX.match(location_string): return True elif ("station" in accepted_formats) and (location.get('station')): location_string = self.get_station_str(location) if STATION_REGEX.match(location_string): return True else: _log.debug("station did not match regex") return False elif ("gridpoints" in accepted_formats) and ( location.get("wfo") and location.get("x") and location.get( "y")): if WFO_REGEX.match(location.get("wfo")) and ( 1 <= len(str(location.get("x"))) <= 3) and \ (1 <= len(str(location.get("y"))) <= 3): return True else: return False
[docs] @staticmethod def generate_response_error(url, response_code): """ raises a descriptive runtime error based on the response code returned by a service. :param url: actual url used for requesting data from :param response_code: Http response code returned by a service following a request """ code_x100 = int(response_code / 100) if code_x100 == 2: raise RuntimeError( "Remote API returned no data(code:{}, url:{})".format( response_code, url)) elif code_x100 == 3: raise RuntimeError( "Remote API redirected request, " "but redirect failed (code:{}, url:{})".format(response_code, url)) elif code_x100 == 4: raise RuntimeError( "Invalid request ({}) Remote API returned " " Code {}".format(url, response_code)) elif code_x100 == 5: raise RuntimeError( "Remote API returned invalid response " "(code:{}, url:{})".format(response_code, url)) else: raise RuntimeError( "API request failed with unexpected response " "code (code:{}, url:{})".format(response_code, url))
[docs] @doc_inherit def query_current_weather(self, location): """ Returns current hourly weather data provided by the api via an http request. :param location: currently accepts station id (K followed by 3 letters, case insensitive) or lat/long (up to 4 decimals) location dictionary formats :return: time of data observation as a timestamp string, data dictionary containing weather data points """ if location.get('station'): formatted_location = self.get_location_string(location) url = "{}/" \ "observations/latest".format(formatted_location) else: raise ValueError('Invalid location. Expected format is:' '{"station":"station_id_value"}') gresponse = self.make_web_request(url) try: response = jsonapi.loads(gresponse.content) properties = response["properties"] observation_time = properties["timestamp"] return observation_time, properties except ValueError: self.generate_response_error(url, gresponse.status_code)
[docs] @doc_inherit def query_forecast_service(self, service, location, quantity, forecast_start): """ Returns forecast weather from for requested forecast service :param service: forecast service to query, provides only hourly :param location: currently accepts lat/long :param quantity: As offers only a set quantity of data, this is ignored :param forecast_start: forecast results that are prior to this timestamp will be filtered by base weather agent :return: generation time, forecast records """ if service is SERVICE_HOURLY_FORECAST: generation_time, data = self.query_hourly_forecast(location) return generation_time, data else: raise RuntimeError("Weather.Gov supports hourly forecast requests " "only")
[docs] @doc_inherit def query_hourly_forecast(self, location): """ Returns hourly forecast weather data provided by the api via an http request. :param location: currently accepts lat/long location dictionary format only :return: time of forecast prediction as a timestamp string, and a list of """ # TODO: cache mapping between station id - lat/long - wfo,x,y to improve performance if location.get('station'): # Two step process. # 1. get lat,long for station id url = "{}".format( location.get('station').strip())"STATIONS url:{url}") gresponse = self.make_web_request(url) try:"{gresponse.content}") response = jsonapi.loads(gresponse.content) long_lat_list = response["geometry"]["coordinates"] # . get the url to query hourly forecast data -i.e. get wfo,x, y based on lat, long url = self.get_forecast_url({"lat": long_lat_list[1], 'long': long_lat_list[0]}) except ValueError: self.generate_response_error(url, gresponse.status_code) elif location.get('lat') and location.get('long'): # get the url to query hourly forecast data -i.e. get wfo,x, y for give lat, long url = self.get_forecast_url(location) elif location.get("wfo") and location.get("x") and location.get("y"): formatted_location = self.get_gridpoints_str(location) url = "" \ "gridpoints/{}/forecast/hourly".format(formatted_location) else: raise ValueError("Improperly formatted station ID was passed.") _log.debug("Request Url: {}".format(url)) gresponse = self.make_web_request(url) return self.extract_forecast_data(url, gresponse)
[docs] def get_forecast_url(self, location): formatted_location = self.get_location_string(location) url = "{}".format( formatted_location) gresponse = self.make_web_request(url) try:" after get forecast url for lat lon: response is{gresponse.content}") response = jsonapi.loads(gresponse.content) url = response["properties"]["forecastHourly"] except ValueError: self.generate_response_error(url, gresponse.status_code) return url
[docs] def make_web_request(self, url): grequest = [grequests.get(url, verify=requests.certs.where(), headers=self.headers, timeout=3)] gresponse =[0] if gresponse is None: raise RuntimeError("get request did not return any " "response") return gresponse
[docs] def extract_forecast_data(self, url, gresponse): try: response = jsonapi.loads(gresponse.content) data = [] properties = response["properties"] generation_time = properties["generatedAt"] periods = properties["periods"] for period in periods: forecast_time = period["startTime"] record = [forecast_time, period] data.append(record) return generation_time, data except ValueError: self.generate_response_error(url, gresponse.status_code)
[docs] def query_hourly_historical(self, location, start_date, end_date): """ Unimplemented method stub :param location: no format currently determined for history. :param start_date: Starting date for historical weather period. :param end_date: Ending date for historical weather period. :return: NotImplementedError """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]def main(): """" Main entry point for the agent.""" try: utils.vip_main(weather_agent, version=__version__) except Exception as e: print(e) _log.exception('unhandled exception')
if __name__ == '__main__': """Entry point for script""" try: sys.exit(main()) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass