Source code for volttroncentral.platforms

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# under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830
# }}}

import base64
import hashlib
import logging
from collections import defaultdict

import gevent
from copy import deepcopy

from volttron.platform import jsonrpc
from volttron.platform.agent.known_identities import VOLTTRON_CENTRAL_PLATFORM
from volttron.platform.agent.utils import format_timestamp, get_aware_utc_now, \
from volttron.platform.jsonrpc import INVALID_PARAMS, UNAVAILABLE_PLATFORM, \
    INTERNAL_ERROR, RemoteError
from import Status, UNKNOWN_STATUS, \
from import Unreachable
from import build_connection
from volttron.platform import jsonapi

[docs]class Platforms: """ A class to manage the connections and interactions with external instances. """ def __init__(self, vc): """ Construct a Platforms object with the vip member of an agent instance of the object. :param vc: A reference to the VolttronCentral agent """ self._vc = vc self._log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self._platforms = {}
[docs] def add_platform(self, vip_identity): """ Add a platform based upon the vip_identity to the "known list" of platforms. :param vip_identity: :return: """ encoded = base64.b64encode(vip_identity.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') self._platforms[encoded] = PlatformHandler(self._vc, vip_identity) self._debug_platform_list() return self._platforms[encoded]
[docs] def disconnect_platform(self, vip_identity): """ Remove a platform based upon vip_identity from the "known list" of platforms. :param vip_identity: :return: """ encoded = base64.b64encode(vip_identity.encode('utf-8')).decode("utf-8") del self._platforms[encoded] self._debug_platform_list()
[docs] def get_platform_vip_identities(self): """ Get the "known list" of connected vcp platforms. This returns a set of keys that are available. :return: """ return set([x.vip_identity for x in self._platforms.values()])
def _debug_platform_list(self): """ Echo out the platforms that are currently "known" to the volttron.central instance. """ self._log.debug("Currently monitoring platforms") for k, o in self._platforms.items(): self._log.debug("vip: {}, identity: {}".format(o.address, o.vip_identity)) @property def vc(self): return self._vc
[docs] def is_registered(self, platform_uuid): """ Returns true if the platform is currently known. :type platform_vip_identity: basestring :rtype: Boolean :return: Whether the platform is known or not. """ # Make sure that the platform is known. return platform_uuid in self._platforms
[docs] def get_platform_list(self, session_user, params): """ Retrieve the platform list and respond in a manner that can be sent back to the web service. The response will be formatted as follows: [ { "health": { "status": "GOOD", "last_updated": "2017-02-24T19:18:52.723445+00:00", "context": "Platform here!" }, "name": "tcp://", "uuid": "vcp-f6e675fb36989f97c3b0f25227aaf02e" } ] :param session_user: :param params: :return: A list of dictionaries each representing a platform. """ results = [] for x in self._platforms.values(): results.append( dict(uuid=base64.b64encode(x.vip_identity.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8'), name=x.display_name, ) return results
[docs] def get_performance_list(self, session_user, params): """ Retrieve a list of all of the platforms stats available. This function returns a list of platform status such as the following:: [ { "topic": "datalogger/platforms/f6e675fb36989f97c3b0f25227aaf02e/status/cpu", "last_published_utc": "2017-01-12T18:58:47.894296+00:00", "points": [ "times_percent/guest_nice", "times_percent/system", "percent", "times_percent/irq", "times_percent/steal", "times_percent/user", "times_percent/nice", "times_percent/iowait", "times_percent/idle", "times_percent/guest", "times_percent/softirq" ] }, ... ] :param session_user: :param params: :return: dictionary containing lookup topic and last publish time. """ performances = [] for p in self._platforms.values(): performances.append( { "platform.uuid": base64.b64encode(p.vip_identity.encode('utf-8')).decode("utf-8"), "performance": p.get_stats("status/cpu") } ) return performances
[docs] def get_platform_hashes(self): """ Returns a list of all the address hashes that are currently registered with VC. :return: list of str """ return list(self._platforms.keys())
[docs] def get_platform(self, platform_uuid, default=None): """ Get a specific :ref:`PlatformHandler` associated with the passed address_hash. If the hash is not available then the default parameter is returned. :param address_hash: string associated with a specific platform :param default: a default to be returned if not in the collection. :return: a :ref:`PlatformHandler` or default """ self._debug_platform_list() return self._platforms.get(platform_uuid, default)
[docs] def register_platform(self, address, address_type, serverkey=None, display_name=None): """ DEPRECATED VOLTTRON 7.0 Allows an volttron central platform (vcp) to register with vc. Note that if the address has already been used then the same PlatformHandler object reference will be returned to the caller. :param address: An address or resolvable domain name with port. :param address_type: A string consisting of ipc or tcp. :param: serverkey: str: The router publickey for the vcp attempting to register. :param: display_name: str: The name to be shown in volttron central. :returns: platform_hash and platform object as a tuple. """'Attempting registration of vcp at address: ' '{} display_name: {}, serverkey: {}'.format(address, display_name, serverkey)) assert address_type in ('ipc', 'tcp') and \ address[:3] in ('ipc', 'tcp'), \ "Invalid address_type and/or address specified." hashed_address = PlatformHandler.address_hasher(address) if hashed_address not in self._platforms: self._log.debug('Address {} is not in platform list.'.format(address)) platform = PlatformHandler(self, address, address_type, serverkey, display_name) else: self._log.debug( 'Address {} is in platform list returning reference.'.format(address)) platform = self._platforms[hashed_address] self._platforms[platform.address_hash] = platform return platform.address_hash, platform
[docs]class PlatformHandler: """ This class is a wrapper around the communication between VC and a corresponding VCP on either this instance or another instance. """
[docs] @staticmethod def address_hasher(address): """ Hashes the passed address. :param address: :return: """ return hashlib.md5(address).hexdigest()
def __init__(self, vc, vip_identity): # This is the identity of the vcp agent connected to the # volttron.central instance. self._log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self._vip_identity = vip_identity # References the main agent to be used to talk through to the vip # router. self._vc = vc # Add some logging information about the vcp platform self._instance_name ='get_instance_name') self._external_vip_addresses ='get_vip_addresses') message = "Building handler for platform: {} from address: {}".format( self._instance_name, self._external_vip_addresses ) # Start the current devices dictionary. self._current_devices = defaultdict(dict) """ the _current_devices structure should be what the ui uses to display its data. where devices/t/1/1 was the full topic this was published to. "t/1/1": { "points": [ "Occupied" ], "health": { "status": "GOOD", "last_updated": "2017-03-02T00:38:30.347172+00:00", "context": "Last received data on: 2017-03-02T00:38:30.347075+00:00" }, "last_publish_utc": null } """ for k, v in'get_devices').items(): status =, context="Unpublished").as_dict() self._current_devices[k]['health'] = status self._current_devices[k]['points'] = [p for p in v['points']] self._current_devices[k]['last_publish_utc'] = None self._platform_stats = {} platform_prefix = "platforms/{}/".format(self.vip_identity) # Setup callbacks to listen to the local bus from the vcp instance. # # Note: the platform/{}/ is prepended to the vcp_topics below for # communication from the vcp in the field. vcp_topics = ( # ('device_updates', self._on_device_message), # ('devices/update', self._on_device_message), # devices and status. # ('devices/', self._on_device_message), # statistics for showing performance in the ui. ('status', self._on_platform_stats), # iam and configure callbacks ('iam/', self._on_platform_message), # iam and configure callbacks ('configure/', self._on_platform_message) ) for topic, funct in vcp_topics:'pubsub', platform_prefix + topic, funct)'Subscribing to {} with from vcp {}'.format( platform_prefix + topic, topic)) # method will subscribe to devices/ on the collector and publish # the regular device topics with the prefix platform_prefix."subscribe_to_vcp", topic, platform_prefix) @property def vip_identity(self): return self._vip_identity @property def display_name(self): return self._instance_name @property def address(self): return self._external_vip_addresses[0] @property def config_store_name(self): """ Each platform has a specific entry for its data. In order to get that entry the config store needs a config name. This property returns the config store name for this platform. :return: config store name :rtype: str """ return "platforms/{}".format(self.vip_identity) @property def platforms(self): """ Returns a link to the object that created this handler. :return: """ return self._platforms @property def health(self): """ Returns a Status object as a dictionary. This will be populated by the heartbeat from the external instance that this object is monitoring, unless it has been over 10 seconds since the instance has been reached. In that case the health will be BAD. :return: """ now = get_utc_seconds_from_epoch() self._health = GOOD_STATUS, "Platform here!" ) # if now > self._last_time_verified_connection + 10: # self._health = # BAD_STATUS, # "Platform hasn't been reached in over 10 seconds.") return self._health.as_dict()
[docs] def call(self, platform_method, *args, **kwargs): """ Calls a method on a vcp platform. :param platform_method: :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ return, platform_method, *args, **kwargs).get(timeout=60)
[docs] def status_agents(self, session_user, params): return"status_agents")
[docs] def store_agent_config(self, session_user, params): required = ('agent_identity', 'config_name', 'raw_contents') message_id = params.pop('message_id') errors = [] for r in required: if r not in params: errors.append('Missing {}'.format(r)) config_type = params.get('config_type', None) if config_type: if config_type not in ('raw', 'json', 'csv'): errors.append('Invalid config_type parameter') if errors: return jsonrpc.json_error(message_id, INVALID_PARAMS, "\n".join(errors)) try: self._log.debug("Calling store_agent_config on external platform.")"store_agent_config", **params) except Exception as e: self._log.error(repr(e)) return jsonrpc.json_error(message_id, INTERNAL_ERROR, str(e)) config_name = params.get("config_name") agent_identity = params.get("agent_identity") if config_name.startswith("devices"): # Since we start with devices, we assume that we are attempting # to save a platform driver config file. rawdict = jsonapi.loads(params['raw_contents']) # if this is not a bacnet device_type then we cannot do anything # more than save and retrieve it from the store. driver_type = rawdict.get('driver_type', None) if driver_type is None or driver_type not in ('bacnet', 'modbus'): return jsonrpc.json_result(message_id, "SUCCESS") # Registry config starts with config:// registry_config = rawdict['registry_config'][len('config://'):] try: self._log.debug("Retrieving registry_config for new device.") point_config ="get_agent_config", agent_identity, registry_config, raw=False) except Exception as e: self._log.error(str(e)) return jsonrpc.json_error(message_id, INTERNAL_ERROR, "Couldn't retrieve registry_config " "from connection.") else: new_device = dict( device_address=rawdict['driver_config']['device_address'], device_id=rawdict['driver_config']['device_id'], points=[], path=config_name,, context="Unpublished").as_dict() ) points = [p['Volttron Point Name'] for p in point_config] new_device['points'] = points self._vc.send_management_message("NEW_DEVICE", new_device) status =, context="Not published since update") device_config_name = params.get('config_name') device_no_prefix = device_config_name[len('devices/'):] the_device = self._current_devices.get(device_no_prefix, {}) if not the_device: self._current_devices[device_no_prefix] = dict( last_publish_utc=None, health=status.as_dict(), points=points ) else: self._current_devices[device_no_prefix]['points'] = points return jsonrpc.json_result(message_id, "SUCCESS")
[docs] def get_agent_list(self, session_user, params): self._log.debug('Callling list_agents') agents ='list_agents') if agents is None: self._log.warning('No agents found for vcp: {} ({})'.format(self.vip_identity, self.address)) agents = [] for a in agents: if 'admin' not in session_user['groups']: a['permissions'] = { 'can_stop': False, 'can_start': False, 'can_restart': False, 'can_remove': False } else: a['permissions'] = { 'can_stop': True, 'can_start': True, 'can_restart': True, 'can_remove': True } if a['identity'] in ('volttron.central', 'platform.agent'): a['permissions']['can_stop'] = False a['permissions']['can_remove'] = False return agents
[docs] def get_agent_config_list(self, session_user, params): agent_identity = params['agent_identity'] return'list_agent_configs', agent_identity)
[docs] def get_agent_config(self, session_user, params): agent_identity = params['agent_identity'] config_name = params['config_name'] raw = params.get('raw', True) try: return'get_agent_config', agent_identity, config_name, raw) except KeyError: self._log.error('Invalid configuration name: {}'.format( config_name )) return ""
[docs] def delete_agent_config(self, session_user, params): agent_identity = params['agent_identity'] config_name = params['config_name'] try: return'delete_agent_config', agent_identity, config_name) except KeyError: self._log.error('Invalid configuration name: {}'.format( config_name )) return ""
[docs] def get_devices(self, session_user, params): self._log.debug('handling get_devices platform: {} ({})'.format( self.vip_identity, self.address)) return"get_devices")
# return self._current_devices or {}
[docs] def get_stats(self, stat_type): # TODO Change so stat_type is available. if stat_type != 'status/cpu': self._log.warning('The only stats available are cpu stats currently') return {} return self._platform_stats.get(stat_type, {}).copy()
[docs] def add_event_listener(self, callback): self._event_listeners.add(callback)
[docs] def route_to_agent_method(self, id, agent_method, params): try: self._log.debug('route_to_agent_method {} {}'.format(id, agent_method)) resp ='route_to_agent_method', id, agent_method, params) if isinstance(resp, dict): if 'result' not in resp and 'error' not in resp: resp = jsonrpc.json_result(id, resp) else: resp = jsonrpc.json_result(id, resp) return resp except RemoteError as e: return jsonrpc.json_error(id, INTERNAL_ERROR, "Internal Error: {}".format(str(e)))
def _raise_event(self, type, data={}): self._log.debug('RAISING EVENT: {} {}'.format(type, data)) for listener in self._event_listeners: listener(type, data) def _on_heartbeat(self, peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message): self._log.debug("HEARTBEAT MESSAGE: {}".format(message)) # def _on_device_message(self, peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message): # """ # Handle device data coming from the platform represented by this # object. # # this method only cares about the /all messages that are published to # the message bus. # # :param peer: # :param sender: # :param bus: # :param topic: # :param headers: # :param message: # """ # # expected_prefix = "platforms/{}/".format(self.vip_identity) # self._log.debug("TOPIC WAS: {}".format(topic)) # self._log.debug("MESSAGE WAS: {}".format(message)) # self._log.debug("Expected topic: {}".format(expected_prefix)) # self._log.debug("Are Equal: {}".format(topic.startswith(expected_prefix))) # self._log.debug("topic type: {} prefix_type: {}".format(type(topic), type(expected_prefix))) # if topic is None or not topic.startswith(expected_prefix): # self._log.error("INVALID DEVICE DATA FOR {}".format(self.vip_identity)) # return # # if topic is None or not topic.startswith(expected_prefix): # self._log.error('INVALID DEVICE TOPIC/MESSAGE DETECTED ON {}'.format( # self.vip_identity # )) # return # # # Update the devices store for get_devices function call # if not topic.endswith('/all'): # self._log.debug("Skipping publish to {}".format(topic)) # return # # # # topic = topic[len(expected_prefix):] # # self._log.debug("topic: {}, message: {}".format(topic, message)) # # ts = format_timestamp(get_aware_utc_now()) # context = "Last received data on: {}".format(ts) # status =, context=context) # # base_topic = topic[:-len('/all')] # base_topic_no_prefix = base_topic[len('devices/'):] # # if base_topic_no_prefix not in self._current_devices: # self._current_devices[base_topic_no_prefix] = {} # # device_dict = self._current_devices[base_topic_no_prefix] # # points = [k for k, v in message[0].items()] # # device_dict['points'] = points # device_dict['health'] = status.as_dict() # device_dict['last_publish_utc'] = ts # # self._vc.send_management_message( # "DEVICE_STATUS_UPDATED", data=dict(context=context, # topic=base_topic)) def _on_platform_stats(self, peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message): self._log.debug('ON PLATFORM STATUS!') expected_prefix = "platforms/{}/".format(self.vip_identity) if not topic.startswith(expected_prefix): self._log.warning("Unexpected topic published to stats function: {}".format(topic)) return self._log.debug("TOPIC WAS: {}".format(topic)) self._log.debug("MESSAGE WAS: {}".format(message)) self._log.debug("Expected topic: {}".format(expected_prefix)) self._log.debug( "Are Equal: {}".format(topic.startswith(expected_prefix))) self._log.debug("topic type: {} prefix_type: {}".format(type(topic), type( expected_prefix))) # Pull off the "real" topic from the prefix which_stats = topic[len(expected_prefix):] self._log.debug("WHICH STATS: {}".format(which_stats)) prefix = "datalogger/platform" point_list = [] for point, item in message.items(): point_list.append(point) # Note adding the s to the end of the prefix. platforms_topic = "{}/{}/{}".format(prefix+"s", self.vip_identity, which_stats) self._platform_stats[which_stats] = { 'topic': platforms_topic, 'points': point_list, 'last_published_utc': format_timestamp(get_aware_utc_now()) } self._vc.send_management_message( "PLATFORM_STATS_UPDATED", data=dict( context=self._platform_stats[which_stats], topic=which_stats)) self._log.debug('Publishing to {} for ui to grab'.format( platforms_topic ))'pubsub', topic=platforms_topic, message=message, headers=headers) def _on_platform_message(self,peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message): """ Callback function for vcp agent to publish to. Platforms that are being managed should publish to this topic with the agent_list and other interesting things that the volttron central shsould want to know. """ self._log.debug('ON PLATFORM MESSAGE! {}'.format(message)) expected_prefix = "platforms/{}/".format(self.vip_identity) if not topic.startswith(expected_prefix): self._log.warning("Unexpected topic published to stats function: {}".format(topic)) return self._log.debug("TOPIC WAS: {}".format(topic)) self._log.debug("MESSAGE WAS: {}".format(message)) self._log.debug("Expected topic: {}".format(expected_prefix)) self._log.debug( "Are Equal: {}".format(topic.startswith(expected_prefix))) self._log.debug("topic type: {} prefix_type: {}".format(type(topic), type( expected_prefix))) # Pull off the "real" topic from the prefix # topic = topic[len(expected_prefix):] topicsplit = topic.split('/') if len(topicsplit) < 2: self._log.error('Invalid topic length published to volttron central') return # Topic is platforms/<platform_uuid>/otherdata topicsplit = topic.split('/') if len(topicsplit) < 3: self._log.warning("Invalid topic length no operation or datatype.") self._log.warning("Topic was {}".format(topic)) return _, platform_uuid, op_or_datatype, other = topicsplit[0], \ topicsplit[1], \ topicsplit[2], \ topicsplit[3:] if op_or_datatype in ('iam', 'configure'): if not other: self._log.error("Invalid response to iam or configure endpoint") self._log.error( "the sesson token was not included in response from vcp.") return ws_endpoint = "/vc/ws/{}/{}".format(other[0], op_or_datatype) self._log.debug('SENDING MESSAGE TO {}'.format(ws_endpoint)), jsonapi.dumps(message)) else: self._log.debug("OP WAS: {}".format(op_or_datatype))