Source code for platform_driver.interfaces.chargepoint.async_service

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This module is used to process asynchronous requests and cache results for later
use.  It was written to handle Web API calls to the Chargepoint service but could
be used for any long-ish running, gevent friendly function calls.

A single queue is managed by the web_service() function.  Requests are placed on
the queue by client code, usually with a call to CPRequest.request().  The web_service()
function records the request in a dictionary using the method signature (name + parameters).
This dictionary maintains a set of AsyncResult objects, one for each request with the same

After recording the request in the dictionary, the web_service() executes the request method
in a short-lived greenlet (web_call()).  The response is placed on the queue.  When the
web_service() encounters a response, it sets the values of all the AsyncResults waiting on
that request, causing the client greenlets to 'wake-up' on an AsyncResult.wait().

The request and response is left in the dictionary until a configurable expiration
time so that subsequent requests with the same signature can use the cached result
if it has not expired.  In this case, the AsyncResult is set immediately.

import gevent
import gevent.event
import gevent.queue
import logging
import suds
from gevent import monkey
from .service import CPAPIException
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Queue for Web API requests and responses.  It is managed by the long running
# web_service() greenlet.
web_service_queue = gevent.queue.Queue()

[docs]class CPRequest: """ Encapsulates a method to be called asynchronously. The result is returned as AsyncResult. The request() classmethod is used to create a request, queue it to the web_service() and return an AsyncResult that the caller can wait() on. """ def __init__(self, method, timeout, *args, **kwargs): """ Stores the method+params and creates a new AsyncResult. @param method: A callable that will run in its own greenlet. @param args: @param kwargs """ self._method = method self._client = method.__self__._client self._timeout = timeout self._args = args self._kwargs = kwargs self._sent = None self._received = None self._response = None self._result = gevent.event.AsyncResult() @property def timeout(self): return self._timeout def __str__(self): return self.key()
[docs] def is_request(self): return True
[docs] def key(self): return self._method.__str__() + self._args.__str__() + self._kwargs.__str__()
[docs] def result(self): return self._result
[docs] @classmethod def request(cls, method, timeout, *args, **kwargs): """Generate a new request and put it on the web service queue. Returns the requests AsyncResult instance which will be filled in after the request has been executed. """ global web_service_queue r = CPRequest(method, timeout, *args, **kwargs) web_service_queue.put(r) return r.result()
[docs]class CPResponse: """A response to to a CPRequest invocation. """ def __init__(self, key, response, client): """ """ self._key = key self._response = response self._client = client def __str__(self): return 'Response to: {}'.format(self._key)
[docs] def key(self): return self._key
[docs] def is_request(self): return False
[docs] def response(self): return self._response
@property def client(self): return self._client
[docs]def web_call(request, client): """Wraps the request to be executed. This is spawned as a greenlet and puts the request result on the queue. """ global web_service_queue try: request._method.__self__.set_client(client) response = request._method(*request._args, **request._kwargs) except CPAPIException as exception: _log.warning(exception) response = exception web_service_queue.put(CPResponse(request.key(), response, client))
[docs]class CacheItem: """A cached request/response. As responses come in, they are matched to the originating request and waiting_results are 'set'. Subsequent requests with the same signature (key) are satisfied immediately, if not expired, by setting the async result on the incoming request. """ def __init__(self, cache_life): self._request = None self._response = None self._waiting_results = set() self._expiration = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(seconds=cache_life) @property def request(self): return self._request @request.setter def request(self, r): self._request = r @property def response(self): return self._response @response.setter def response(self, r): self._response = r @property def waiting_results(self): return self._waiting_results @property def expiration(self): return self._expiration
[docs]def web_service(): """Cache/service request loop. Reads items from the web_service_queue. It is intended to be spawned as a greenlet that runs forever. If the de-queued item is a CPRequest, the cache is checked for an existing response. If not found, the request is added to cache and a greenlet is spawned to complete the request. If the de-queued item is a CPResponse, the item is found in cache and all waiting AsyncResults are set with the response. The response will stay in cache until expiration. """ global web_service_queue web_cache = dict() client_set = set() for item in web_service_queue: if item.is_request(): # Item is a request to make an async call. item_key = item.key() #"START {0}".format(item_key)) # First deal with expiration, popping anything that is too old. if item_key in web_cache and web_cache[item_key].expiration < datetime.utcnow(): web_cache.pop(item_key) cached_request = web_cache.get(item_key, None) if cached_request: # Found item, use it #"FOUND {0}".format(cached_request)) if cached_request.response: item.result().set(cached_request.response) else: # Still waiting for response, add this one web_cache[item_key].waiting_results.add(item.result()) del item else: # New request #"MISSED {0}".format(cached_request)) cache_item = CacheItem(item.timeout) cache_item.request = item cache_item.waiting_results.add(item.result()) web_cache[item_key] = cache_item if not client_set: client_set.add(suds.client.Client(SERVICE_WSDL_URL)) client = client_set.pop() gevent.spawn(web_call, item, client) else: # Handle response cached_request = web_cache.get(item.key()) cached_request.response = item.response() for result in cached_request.waiting_results: result.set(cached_request.response) client_set.add(item.client) cached_request.waiting_results.clear()