Source code for actuator.scheduler

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import bisect
import logging
from pickle import dumps, loads
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import timedelta

from volttron.platform.agent import utils


# RequestResult - Result of a schedule request returned from the schedule
# manager.
RequestResult = namedtuple('RequestResult', ['success', 'data', 'info_string'])
DeviceState = namedtuple('DeviceState',
                         ['agent_id', 'task_id', 'time_remaining'])
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TimeSlice: def __init__(self, start=None, end=None): if end is None: end = start if start is not None: if end < start: raise ValueError('Invalid start and end values.') self._start = start self._end = end def __repr__(self): return 'TimeSlice({start!r},{end!r})'.format(start=self._start, end=self._end) def __str__(self): return '({start} <-> {end})'.format(start=self._start, end=self._end) @property def end(self): return self._end @property def start(self): return self._start def __cmp__(self, other): if self._start >= other._end: return 1 if self._end <= other._start: return -1 return 0 # def __ne__(self, other): # return self.__cmp__(other) != 0 # # def __gt__(self, other): # return self.__cmp__(other) > 0 def __lt__(self, other): return self.__cmp__(other) < 0 # def __ge__(self, other): # return self.__cmp__(other) >= 0 # # def __le__(self, other): # return self.__cmp__(other) <= 0 def __contains__(self, other): return self._start < other < self._end
[docs] def stretch_to_include(self, time_slice): if self._start is None or time_slice._start < self._start: self._start = time_slice._start if self._end is None or time_slice._end > self._end: self._end = time_slice._end
[docs] def contains_include_start(self, other): """Similar to == or "in" but includes time == self.start""" return other in self or other == self.start
[docs]class Task: STATE_PRE_RUN = 'PRE_RUN' STATE_RUNNING = 'RUNNING' STATE_PREEMPTED = 'PREEMPTED' STATE_FINISHED = 'FINISHED' def __init__(self, agent_id, priority, requests): self.agent_id = agent_id self.priority = priority self.time_slice = TimeSlice() self.devices = defaultdict(Schedule) self.state = Task.STATE_PRE_RUN self.populate_schedule(requests)
[docs] def change_state(self, new_state): if self.state == new_state: return # TODO: We can put code here for managing state changes. self.state = new_state
[docs] def populate_schedule(self, requests): for request in requests: device, start, end = request time_slice = TimeSlice(start, end) if not isinstance(device, str): raise ValueError('Device not string.') self.devices[device].schedule_slot(time_slice) self.time_slice.stretch_to_include(time_slice)
[docs] def make_current(self, now): if self.state == Task.STATE_FINISHED: self.devices.clear() return for device, schedule in list(self.devices.items()): if schedule.finished(now): del self.devices[device] if self.time_slice.contains_include_start(now): if self.state != Task.STATE_PREEMPTED: self.change_state(Task.STATE_RUNNING) elif self.time_slice > TimeSlice(now): self.change_state(Task.STATE_PRE_RUN) elif self.time_slice < TimeSlice(now): self.change_state(Task.STATE_FINISHED)
[docs] def get_current_slots(self, now): result = {} for device, schedule in self.devices.items(): time_slot = schedule.get_current_slot(now) if time_slot is not None: result[device] = time_slot return result
[docs] def get_conflicts(self, other): results = [] for device, schedule in self.devices.items(): if device in other.devices: conflicts = other.devices[device].get_conflicts(schedule) results.extend( [device, str(x.start), str(x.end)] for x in conflicts) return results
[docs] def check_can_preempt_other(self, other): if self.priority != PRIORITY_HIGH: return False if other.priority == PRIORITY_HIGH: return False if other.state == Task.STATE_RUNNING and other.priority != \ PRIORITY_LOW_PREEMPT: return False return True
[docs] def preempt(self, grace_time, now): """Return true if there are time slots that have a grace period left""" self.make_current(now) if self.state == Task.STATE_PREEMPTED: return True if self.state == Task.STATE_FINISHED: return False current_time_slots = [] for schedule in self.devices.values(): current_time_slots.extend( schedule.prune_to_current(grace_time, now)) self.change_state( Task.STATE_FINISHED if not current_time_slots else Task.STATE_PREEMPTED) if self.state == Task.STATE_PREEMPTED: self.time_slice = TimeSlice(now, now + grace_time) return True return False
[docs] def get_next_event_time(self, now): device_schedules = (x.get_next_event_time(now) for x in self.devices.values()) events = [x for x in device_schedules if x is not None] if events: return min(events) return None
[docs]class ScheduleError(Exception): pass
[docs]class Schedule: def __init__(self): self.time_slots = []
[docs] def check_availability(self, time_slot): start_slice = bisect.bisect_left(self.time_slots, time_slot) end_slice = bisect.bisect_right(self.time_slots, time_slot) return set(self.time_slots[start_slice:end_slice])
[docs] def make_current(self, now): """Should be called before working with a schedule. Updates the state to the schedule to eliminate stuff in the past.""" now_slice = bisect.bisect_left(self.time_slots, TimeSlice(now)) _log.debug("now_slice in make_current {}".format(now_slice)) if now_slice > 0: del self.time_slots[:now_slice]
[docs] def schedule_slot(self, time_slot): if self.check_availability(time_slot): raise ScheduleError('DERP! We messed up the scheduling!') bisect.insort(self.time_slots, time_slot)
[docs] def get_next_event_time(self, now): """Run this to know when to the next state change is going to happen with this schedule""" self.make_current(now) if not self.time_slots: return None _log.debug("in schedule get_next_event_time timeslots {} now {}" .format(self.time_slots[0], now)) next_time = self.time_slots[0].end if self.time_slots[ 0].contains_include_start(now) else self.time_slots[0].start # Round to the next second to fix timer goofyness in agent timers. if next_time.microsecond: next_time = next_time.replace(microsecond=0) + timedelta(seconds=1) return next_time
[docs] def get_current_slot(self, now): self.make_current(now) if not self.time_slots: return None if self.time_slots[0].contains_include_start(now): return self.time_slots[0] return None
[docs] def prune_to_current(self, grace_time, now): """Use this to prune a schedule due to preemption.""" current_slot = self.get_current_slot(now) if current_slot is not None: latest_end = now + grace_time if current_slot.end > latest_end: current_slot = TimeSlice(current_slot.start, latest_end) self.time_slots = [current_slot] else: self.time_slots = [] return self.time_slots
[docs] def get_conflicts(self, other): """Returns a list of our time_slices that conflict with the other schedule""" return [x for x in self.time_slots if other.check_availability(x)]
[docs] def finished(self, now): self.make_current(now) return not bool(self.time_slots)
[docs] def get_schedule(self): return deepcopy(self.time_slots)
def __len__(self): return len(self.time_slots) def __repr__(self): pass
[docs]class ScheduleManager: def __init__(self, grace_time, now=None, save_state_callback=None, initial_state_string=None): self.tasks = {} self.running_tasks = set() self.preempted_tasks = set() self.set_grace_period(grace_time) self.save_state_callback = save_state_callback if now is None: now = utils.get_aware_utc_now() self.load_state(now, initial_state_string)
[docs] def set_grace_period(self, seconds): self.grace_time = timedelta(seconds=seconds)
[docs] def load_state(self, now, initial_state_string): if initial_state_string is None: return try: self.tasks = loads(initial_state_string) self._cleanup(now) except Exception: self.tasks = {} _log.error ('Scheduler state file corrupted!')
[docs] def save_state(self, now): if self.save_state_callback is None: return try: self._cleanup(now) self.save_state_callback(dumps(self.tasks)) except Exception: _log.error('Failed to save scheduler state!')
[docs] def request_slots(self, agent_id, id_, requests, priority, now=None): if now is None: now = utils.get_aware_utc_now() self._cleanup(now) if id_ in self.tasks: return RequestResult(False, {}, 'TASK_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS') if id_ is None: return RequestResult(False, {}, 'MISSING_TASK_ID') if priority is None: return RequestResult(False, {}, 'MISSING_PRIORITY') if priority not in ALL_PRIORITIES: return RequestResult(False, {}, 'INVALID_PRIORITY') if agent_id is None: return RequestResult(False, {}, 'MISSING_AGENT_ID') if requests is None or not requests: return RequestResult(False, {}, 'MALFORMED_REQUEST_EMPTY') if not isinstance(agent_id, str) or not agent_id: return RequestResult(False, {}, 'MALFORMED_REQUEST: TypeError: agentid must ' 'be a nonempty string') if not isinstance(id_, str) or not id_: return RequestResult(False, {}, 'MALFORMED_REQUEST: TypeError: taskid must ' 'be a nonempty string') try: new_task = Task(agent_id, priority, requests) except ScheduleError: return RequestResult(False, {}, 'REQUEST_CONFLICTS_WITH_SELF') except Exception as ex: return RequestResult(False, {}, 'MALFORMED_REQUEST: ' + ex.__class__.__name__ + ': ' + str( ex)) conflicts = defaultdict(dict) preempted_tasks = set() for task_id, task in self.tasks.items(): conflict_list = new_task.get_conflicts(task) agent_id = task.agent_id if conflict_list: if not new_task.check_can_preempt_other(task): conflicts[agent_id][task_id] = conflict_list else: preempted_tasks.add((agent_id, task_id)) if conflicts: return RequestResult(False, conflicts, 'CONFLICTS_WITH_EXISTING_SCHEDULES') # By this point we know that any remaining conflicts can be # preempted # and the request will succeed. self.tasks[id_] = new_task for _, task_id in preempted_tasks: task = self.tasks[task_id] task.preempt(self.grace_time, now) self.save_state(now) return RequestResult(True, preempted_tasks, '')
[docs] def cancel_task(self, agent_id, task_id, now): if task_id not in self.tasks: return RequestResult(False, {}, 'TASK_ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST') task = self.tasks[task_id] if task.agent_id != agent_id: return RequestResult(False, {}, 'AGENT_ID_TASK_ID_MISMATCH') del self.tasks[task_id] self.save_state(now) return RequestResult(True, {}, '')
[docs] def get_schedule_state(self, now): self._cleanup(now) running_results = {} preempted_results = {} for task_id in self.running_tasks: task = self.tasks[task_id] agent_id = task.agent_id current_task_slots = task.get_current_slots(now) _log.debug("current_task_slots {}".format(current_task_slots)) for device, time_slot in current_task_slots.items(): assert (device not in running_results) running_results[device] = DeviceState(agent_id, task_id, ( time_slot.end - now).total_seconds()) for task_id in self.preempted_tasks: task = self.tasks[task_id] agent_id = task.agent_id current_task_slots = task.get_current_slots(now) for device, time_slot in current_task_slots.items(): assert (device not in preempted_results) preempted_results[device] = DeviceState(agent_id, task_id, ( time_slot.end - now).total_seconds()) running_results.update(preempted_results) return running_results
[docs] def get_next_event_time(self, now): task_times = (x.get_next_event_time(now) for x in self.tasks.values()) events = [x for x in task_times if x is not None] if events: return min(events) return None
def _cleanup(self, now): """Cleans up self and contained tasks to reflect the current time. Should be called: 1. Before serializing to disk. 2. After reading from disk. 3. Before handling a schedule submission request. 4. After handling a schedule submission request. 5. Before handling a state request.""" # Reset the running tasks. self.running_tasks = set() self.preempted_tasks = set() for task_id in list(self.tasks.keys()): task = self.tasks[task_id] task.make_current(now) if task.state == Task.STATE_FINISHED: del self.tasks[task_id] elif task.state == Task.STATE_RUNNING: self.running_tasks.add(task_id) elif task.state == Task.STATE_PREEMPTED: self.preempted_tasks.add(task_id) def __repr__(self): pass