Source code for volttroncentral.agent

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.. _volttroncentral-agent:

The VolttronCentral(VCA) agent is used to manage remote VOLTTRON instances.
The VCA exposes a JSON-RPC based web api and a web enabled visualization
framework.  The web enabled framework is known as VOLTTRON
Central Management Console (VCMC).

In order for an instance to be able to be managed by VCMC a
:class:`vcplatform.agent.VolttronCentralPlatform` must be executing on the
instance.  If there is a :class:`vcplatform.agent.VolttronCentralPlatform`
running on the same instance as VCA it will be automatically registered as a
managed instance.  Otherwise, there are two different paths to registering an
instance with VCA.

1. Through the web api a call to the JSON-RPC method register_instance.
2. From an external platform through pub/sub.  this secondary method is
   preferred when deploying instances in the field that need to "phone home"
   to VCA after being deployed.


import datetime
import logging
import os
import os.path as p
import sys
from collections import namedtuple

import gevent

from volttron.platform import jsonapi
from volttron.platform import jsonrpc
from volttron.platform.agent import utils
from volttron.platform.agent.known_identities import (
from volttron.platform.agent.utils import (
    get_aware_utc_now, get_messagebus)
from volttron.platform.jsonrpc import (
from import Agent, RPC, Unreachable
from .authenticate import Authenticate
from .platforms import Platforms, PlatformHandler
from .sessions import SessionHandler

# must be after importing of utils which imports grequest.
import requests

__version__ = "5.2"

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Web root is going to be relative to the volttron central agents
# current agent's installed path
DEFAULT_WEB_ROOT = p.abspath(p.join(p.dirname(__file__), 'webroot/'))

Platform = namedtuple('Platform', ['instance_name', 'serverkey', 'vip_address'])
RequiredArgs = namedtuple('RequiredArgs', ['id', 'session_user',

[docs]def init_volttron_central(config_path, **kwargs): # Load the configuration into a dictionary config = utils.load_config(config_path) # Required users users = config.get('users', None) # Expose the webroot property to be customized through the config # file. webroot = config.get('webroot', DEFAULT_WEB_ROOT) if webroot.endswith('/'): webroot = webroot[:-1] topic_replace_list = config.get('topic-replace-list', []) return VolttronCentralAgent(webroot, users, topic_replace_list, **kwargs)
[docs]class VolttronCentralAgent(Agent): """ Agent for managing many volttron instances from a central web ui. During the """ def __init__(self, webroot=DEFAULT_WEB_ROOT, users={}, topic_replace_list=[], **kwargs): """ Creates a `VolttronCentralAgent` object to manage instances. Each instances that is registered must contain a running `VolttronCentralPlatform`. Through this conduit the `VolttronCentralAgent` is able to communicate securly and efficiently. :param config_path: :param kwargs: :return: """"{} constructing...".format(self.__class__.__name__)) super(VolttronCentralAgent, self).__init__(enable_web=True, **kwargs) # Create default configuration to be used in case of problems in the # packaged agent configuration file. self._default_config = dict( webroot=os.path.abspath(webroot), users=users, topic_replace_list=topic_replace_list )"config", self._default_config) # Start using config store., actions=["NEW", "UPDATE"], pattern="config") # # # During the configuration update/new/delete action this will be # # updated to the current configuration. # self.runtime_config = None # # # Start using config store. #"config", config) #, # actions=['NEW', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE'], # pattern="config") # # # Use config store to update the settings of a platform's configuration. #, # actions=['NEW', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE'], # pattern="platforms/*") # # # mapping from the real topic into the replacement. # self.replaced_topic_map = {} # # # mapping from md5 hash of address to the actual connection to the # # remote instance. # self.vcp_connections = {} # # # Current sessions available to the # self.web_sessions = None # # # Platform health based upon device driver publishes # self.device_health = defaultdict(dict) # # # Used to hold scheduled reconnection event for vcp agents. # self._vcp_reconnect_event = None # # # the registered socket endpoints so we can send out management # # events to all the registered session. self._websocket_endpoints = set() self._platforms = Platforms(self) self._platform_scan_event = None # Sessions that have been authentication with the system. self._authenticated_sessions = None def _configure(self, config_name, action, contents): """ The main configuration for volttron central. This is where validation will occur. Note this method is called: 1. When the agent first starts (with the params from packaged agent file) 2. When 'store' is called through the volttron-ctl config command line with 'config' as the name. Required Configuration: The volttron central requires a user mapping. :param config_name: :param action: :param contents: """ config = self._default_config.copy() config.update(contents) users = config.get("users", None) if self._authenticated_sessions: self._authenticated_sessions.clear() if users is None: users = {} _log.warning("No users are available for logging in!") # Unregister all routes for vc and then re-add down below. self._authenticated_sessions = SessionHandler(Authenticate(users))'/vc/jsonrpc', self.jsonrpc)'^/vc/.*', config.get('webroot')) # Start scanning for new platforms connections as well as for # disconnects that happen. gevent.spawn_later(1, self._scan_platform_connect_disconnect) @staticmethod def _get_next_time_seconds(seconds=10): now = get_aware_utc_now() next_time = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds) return next_time def _handle_platform_connection(self, platform_vip_identity):"Handling new platform connection {}".format( platform_vip_identity)) platform = self._platforms.add_platform(platform_vip_identity) def _handle_platform_disconnect(self, platform_vip_identity): _log.warning("Handling disconnection of connection from identity: {}".format( platform_vip_identity )) # TODO send alert that there was a platform disconnect. self._platforms.disconnect_platform(platform_vip_identity) def _scan_platform_connect_disconnect(self): """ Scan the local bus for peers that start with 'vcp-'. Handle the connection and disconnection events here. """ if self._platform_scan_event is not None: # This won't hurt anything if we are canceling ourselves. self._platform_scan_event.cancel() # Identities of all platform agents that are connecting to us should # have an identity of platform.md5hash. connected_platforms = set([x for x in if x.startswith('vcp-') or x.endswith('.platform.agent')]) _log.debug("Connected: {}".format(connected_platforms)) disconnected = self._platforms.get_platform_vip_identities() - connected_platforms for vip_id in disconnected: self._handle_platform_disconnect(vip_id) not_known = connected_platforms - self._platforms.get_platform_vip_identities() for vip_id in not_known: self._handle_platform_connection(vip_id) next_platform_scan = VolttronCentralAgent._get_next_time_seconds() # reschedule the next scan. self._platform_scan_event = self.core.schedule( next_platform_scan, self._scan_platform_connect_disconnect)
[docs] def configure_platforms(self, config_name, action, contents): _log.debug('Platform configuration updated.') _log.debug('ACTION IS {}'.format(action)) _log.debug('CONTENT IS {}'.format(contents))
[docs] def open_authenticate_ws_endpoint(self, fromip, endpoint): """ Callback method from when websockets are opened. The endpoint must be '/' delimited with the second to last section being the session of a logged in user to volttron central itself. :param fromip: :param endpoint: A string representing the endpoint of the websocket. :return: """ _log.debug("OPENED ip: {} endpoint: {}".format(fromip, endpoint)) try: session = endpoint.split('/')[-2] except IndexError: _log.error("Malformed endpoint. Must be delimited by '/'") _log.error( 'Endpoint must have valid session in second to last position') return False if not self._authenticated_sessions.check_session(session, fromip): _log.error("Authentication error for session!") return False _log.debug('Websocket allowed.') self._websocket_endpoints.add(endpoint) return True
def _ws_closed(self, endpoint): _log.debug("CLOSED endpoint: {}".format(endpoint)) try: self._websocket_endpoints.remove(endpoint) except KeyError: pass # This should never happen but protect against it anyways. def _ws_received(self, endpoint, message): _log.debug("RECEIVED endpoint: {} message: {}".format(endpoint, message))
[docs] @RPC.export def is_registered(self, address_hash=None, address=None): if address_hash is None and address is None: return False if address_hash is None: address_hash = PlatformHandler.address_hasher(address) return self._platforms.is_registered(address_hash)
[docs] @RPC.export def get_publickey(self): """ RPC method allowing the caller to retrieve the publickey of this agent. This method is available for allowing :class:`VolttronCentralPlatform` agents to allow this agent to be able to connect to its instance. :return: The publickey of this volttron central agent. :rtype: str """ return self.core.publickey
def _to_jsonrpc_obj(self, jsonrpcstr): """ Convert data string into a JsonRpcData named tuple. :param object data: Either a string or a dictionary representing a json document. """ return jsonrpc.JsonRpcData.parse(jsonrpcstr)
[docs] def jsonrpc(self, env, data): """ The main entry point for ^jsonrpc data This method will only accept rpcdata. The first time this method is called, per session, it must be using get_authorization. That will return a session token that must be included in every subsequent request. The session is tied to the ip address of the caller. :param object env: Environment dictionary for the request. :param object data: The JSON-RPC 2.0 method to call. :return object: An JSON-RPC 2.0 response. """ if env['REQUEST_METHOD'].upper() != 'POST': return jsonrpc.json_error('NA', INVALID_REQUEST, 'Invalid request method, only POST allowed') try: rpcdata = self._to_jsonrpc_obj(data)'rpc method: {}'.format(rpcdata.method)) if rpcdata.method == 'get_authorization': # Authentication url # This does not need to be local, however for now we are going to # make it so assuming only one level of authentication. auth_url = "{url_scheme}://{HTTP_HOST}/authenticate".format( url_scheme=env['wsgi.url_scheme'], HTTP_HOST=env['HTTP_HOST']) user = rpcdata.params['username'] args = {'username': rpcdata.params['username'], 'password': rpcdata.params['password'], 'ip': env['REMOTE_ADDR']} resp =, json=args, verify=False) if resp.ok and resp.text: claims =["access_token"]) # Because the web-user.json has the groups under a key and the # groups is just passed into the session we need to make sure # we pass in the proper thing to the _add_sesion function. assert 'groups' in claims authentication_token = resp.text sess = authentication_token self._authenticated_sessions._add_session(user=user, groups=claims['groups'], token=authentication_token, ip=env['REMOTE_ADDR']) else: sess = self._authenticated_sessions.authenticate(**args) if not sess:'Invalid username/password for {}'.format( rpcdata.params['username'])) return jsonrpc.json_error(, UNAUTHORIZED, "Invalid username/password specified.")'Session created for {}'.format( rpcdata.params['username'])) "/vc/ws/{}/management".format(sess), self.open_authenticate_ws_endpoint, self._ws_closed, self._received_data)'Session created for {}'.format( rpcdata.params['username'])) gevent.sleep(1) return jsonrpc.json_result(, sess) token = rpcdata.authorization ip = env['REMOTE_ADDR'] _log.debug('REMOTE_ADDR: {}'.format(ip)) session_user = self._authenticated_sessions.check_session(token, ip) _log.debug('SESSION_USER IS: {}'.format(session_user)) if not session_user: _log.debug("Session Check Failed for Token: {}".format(token)) return jsonrpc.json_error(, UNAUTHORIZED, "Invalid authentication token") _log.debug('RPC METHOD IS: {}'.format(rpcdata.method)) # Route any other method that isn't result_or_error = self._route_request(session_user,, rpcdata.method, rpcdata.params) except AssertionError: return jsonrpc.json_error( 'NA', INVALID_REQUEST, 'Invalid rpc data {}'.format(data)) except Unreachable: return jsonrpc.json_error(, UNAVAILABLE_PLATFORM, "Couldn't reach platform with method {} params: {}".format( rpcdata.method, rpcdata.params)) except Exception as e: return jsonrpc.json_error( 'NA', UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION, str(e) ) return self._get_jsonrpc_response(, result_or_error)
def _get_jsonrpc_response(self, id, result_or_error): """ Wrap the response in either a json-rpc error or result. :param id: :param result_or_error: :return: """ if isinstance(result_or_error, dict): if 'jsonrpc' in result_or_error: return result_or_error if result_or_error is not None and isinstance(result_or_error, dict): if 'error' in result_or_error: error = result_or_error['error'] _log.debug("RPC RESPONSE ERROR: {}".format(error)) return jsonrpc.json_error(id, error['code'], error['message']) return jsonrpc.json_result(id, result_or_error) def _get_agents(self, instance_uuid, groups): """ Retrieve the list of agents on a specific platform. :param instance_uuid: :param groups: :return: """ _log.debug('_get_agents with groups: {}'.format(groups)) connected_to_pa = self._platform_connections[instance_uuid] agents = 'platform.agent', 'list_agents').get(timeout=30) for a in agents: if 'admin' in groups: if "platformagent" in a['name'] or \ "volttroncentral" in a['name']: a['vc_can_start'] = False a['vc_can_stop'] = False a['vc_can_restart'] = True else: a['vc_can_start'] = True a['vc_can_stop'] = True a['vc_can_restart'] = True else: # Handle the permissions that are not admin. a['vc_can_start'] = False a['vc_can_stop'] = False a['vc_can_restart'] = False _log.debug('Agents returned: {}'.format(agents)) return agents def _setupexternal(self): _log.debug('', "PING ROUTER?").get(timeout=3)) def _configure_agent(self, endpoint, message): _log.debug('Configure agent: {} message: {}'.format(endpoint, message)) def _received_data(self, endpoint, message): print('Received from endpoint {} message: {}'.format(endpoint, message)), message)
[docs] def set_setting(self, session_user, params): """ Sets or removes a setting from the config store. If the value is None then the item will be removed from the store. If there is an error in saving the value then a jsonrpc.json_error object is returned. :param session_user: Unused :param params: Dictionary that must contain 'key' and 'value' keys. :return: A 'SUCCESS' string or a jsonrpc.json_error object. """ if 'key' not in params or not params['key']: return jsonrpc.json_error(params['message_id'], INVALID_PARAMS, 'Invalid parameter key not set') if 'value' not in params: return jsonrpc.json_error(params['message_id'], INVALID_PARAMS, 'Invalid parameter key not set') config_key = "settings/{}".format(params['key']) value = params['value'] if value is None: try: except KeyError: pass else: # We handle empt string here because the config store doesn't allow # empty strings to be set as a config store. I wasn't able to # trap the ValueError that is raised on the server side. if value == "": return jsonrpc.json_error(params['message_id'], INVALID_PARAMS, 'Invalid value set (empty string?)'), value) return 'SUCCESS'
[docs] def get_setting(self, session_user, params): """ Retrieve a value from the passed setting key. The params object must contain a "key" to return from the settings store. :param session_user: Unused :param params: Dictionary that must contain a 'key' key. :return: The value or a jsonrpc error object. """ config_key = "settings/{}".format(params['key']) try: value = except KeyError: return jsonrpc.json_error(params['message_id'], INVALID_PARAMS, 'Invalid key specified') else: return value
[docs] def get_setting_keys(self, session_user, params): """ Returns a list of all of the settings keys so the caller can know what settings to request. :param session_user: Unused :param params: Unused :return: A list of settings available to the caller. """ prefix = "settings/" keys = [x[len(prefix):] for x in if x.startswith(prefix)] return keys or []
def _handle_bacnet_props(self, session_user, params): platform_uuid = params.pop('platform_uuid') id = params.pop('message_id') _log.debug('Handling bacnet_props platform: {}'.format(platform_uuid)) configure_topic = "{}/configure".format(session_user['token']) ws_socket_topic = "/vc/ws/{}".format(configure_topic) if configure_topic not in self._websocket_endpoints:, self.open_authenticate_ws_endpoint, self._ws_closed, self._ws_received) def start_sending_props(): response_topic = "configure/{}".format(session_user['token']) # Two ways we could have handled this is to pop the identity off # of the params and then passed both the identity and the response # topic. Or what I chose to do and to put the argument in a # copy of the params. cp = params.copy() cp['publish_topic'] = response_topic cp['device_id'] = int(cp['device_id']) platform = self._platforms.get_platform(platform_uuid) _log.debug('PARAMS: {}'.format(cp))"publish_bacnet_props", **cp) gevent.spawn_later(2, start_sending_props) def _handle_bacnet_scan(self, session_user, params): platform_uuid = params.pop('platform_uuid') id = params.pop('message_id') _log.debug('Handling bacnet_scan platform: {}'.format(platform_uuid)) if not self._platforms.is_registered(platform_uuid): return jsonrpc.json_error(id, UNAVAILABLE_PLATFORM, "Couldn't connect to platform {}".format( platform_uuid )) scan_length = params.pop('scan_length', 5) try: scan_length = float(scan_length) params['scan_length'] = scan_length platform = self._platforms.get_platform(platform_uuid) iam_topic = "{}/iam".format(session_user['token']) ws_socket_topic = "/vc/ws/{}".format(iam_topic), self.open_authenticate_ws_endpoint, self._ws_closed, self._ws_received) def start_scan(): # We want the datatype (iam) to be second in the response so # we need to reposition the iam and the session id to the topic # that is passed to the rpc function on vcp iam_session_topic = "iam/{}".format(session_user['token'])"start_bacnet_scan", iam_session_topic, **params) def close_socket(): _log.debug('Closing bacnet scan for {}'.format( platform_uuid)) gevent.spawn_later(2,, iam_session_topic) gevent.spawn_later(scan_length, close_socket) # By starting the scan a second later we allow the websocket # client to subscribe to the newly available endpoint. gevent.spawn_later(2, start_scan) except ValueError: return jsonrpc.json_error(id, UNAVAILABLE_PLATFORM, "Couldn't connect to platform {}".format( platform_uuid )) except KeyError: return jsonrpc.json_error(id, UNAUTHORIZED, "Invalid user session token") def _enable_setup_mode(self, session_user, params): id = params.pop('message_id') if 'admin' not in session_user['groups']: _log.debug('Returning json_error enable_setup_mode') return jsonrpc.json_error( id, UNAUTHORIZED, "Admin access is required to enable setup mode") entries =, "auth_file.find_by_credentials", ".*") if len(entries) > 0: return "SUCCESS" entry = {"credentials": "/.*/", "comments": "Un-Authenticated connections allowed here", "user_id": "unknown" }, "auth_file.add", entry) return "SUCCESS" def _disable_setup_mode(self, session_user, params): id = params.pop('message_id') if 'admin' not in session_user['groups']: _log.debug('Returning json_error disable_setup_mode') return jsonrpc.json_error( id, UNAUTHORIZED, "Admin access is required to disable setup mode"), "auth_file.remove_by_credentials", "/.*/") return "SUCCESS" def _handle_management_endpoint(self, session_user, params): ws_topic = "/vc/ws/{}/management".format(session_user.get('token')), self.open_authenticate_ws_endpoint, self._ws_closed, self._ws_received) return ws_topic
[docs] def send_management_message(self, type, data={}): """ Send a message to any socket that has connected to the management socket. The payload sent to the client is like the following:: { "type": "UPDATE_DEVICE_STATUS", "data": "this is data that was passed" } :param type: A string defining a unique type for sending to the websockets. :param data: An object that str can be called on. :type type: str :type data: serializable """ management_sockets = [s for s in self._websocket_endpoints if s.endswith("management")] # Nothing to send if we don't have any management sockets open. if len(management_sockets) <= 0: return if data is None: data = {} payload = dict( type=type, data=str(data) ) payload = jsonapi.dumps(payload) for s in management_sockets:, payload)
def _route_request(self, session_user, id, method, params): """ Handle the methods volttron central can or pass off to platforms. :param session_user: The authenticated user's session info. :param id: JSON-RPC id field. :param method: :param params: :return: """ _log.debug( 'inside _route_request {}, {}, {}'.format(id, method, params)) def err(message, code=METHOD_NOT_FOUND): return {'error': {'code': code, 'message': message}} self.send_management_message(method) method_split = method.split('.') # The last part of the jsonrpc method is the actual method to be called. method_check = method_split[-1] # These functions will be sent to a platform.agent on either this # instance or another. All of these functions have the same interface # and can be collected into a dictionary rather than an if tree. platform_methods = dict( # bacnet related start_bacnet_scan=self._handle_bacnet_scan, publish_bacnet_props=self._handle_bacnet_props, # config store related store_agent_config="store_agent_config", get_agent_config="get_agent_config", delete_agent_config="delete_agent_config", list_agent_configs="get_agent_config_list", # management related list_agents="get_agent_list", get_devices="get_devices", status_agents="status_agents" ) # These methods are specifically to be handled by the platform not any # agents on the platform that is why we have the length requirement. # # The jsonrpc method looks like the following # # platform.uuid.<dynamic entry>.method_on_vcp if method_check in platform_methods: platform_uuid = None if isinstance(params, dict): platform_uuid = params.pop('platform_uuid', None) if platform_uuid is None: if method_split[0] == 'platforms' and method_split[1] == 'uuid': platform_uuid = method_split[2] if not platform_uuid: return err("Invalid platform_uuid specified as parameter" .format(platform_uuid), INVALID_PARAMS) if not self._platforms.is_registered(platform_uuid): return err("Unknown or unavailable platform {} specified as " "parameter".format(platform_uuid), UNAVAILABLE_PLATFORM) try: _log.debug('Calling {} on platform {}'.format( method_check, platform_uuid )) class_method = platform_methods[method_check] platform = self._platforms.get_platform(platform_uuid) # Determine whether the method to call is on the current class # or on the platform object. if isinstance(class_method, str): method_ref = getattr(platform, class_method) else: method_ref = class_method # Put the platform_uuid in the params so it can be used # inside the method params['platform_uuid'] = platform_uuid except AttributeError or KeyError: return jsonrpc.json_error(id, INTERNAL_ERROR, "Attempted calling function " "{} was unavailable".format( class_method )) except ValueError: return jsonrpc.json_error(id, UNAVAILABLE_PLATFORM, "Couldn't connect to platform " "{}".format(platform_uuid)) else: # pass the id through the message_id parameter. if not params: params = dict(message_id=id) else: params['message_id'] = id # Methods will all have the signature # method(session, params) # return method_ref(session_user, params) vc_methods = dict( register_management_endpoint=self._handle_management_endpoint, list_platforms=self._platforms.get_platform_list, list_performance=self._platforms.get_performance_list, # Settings set_setting=self.set_setting, get_setting=self.get_setting, get_setting_keys=self.get_setting_keys, # Setup mode enable_setup_mode=self._enable_setup_mode, disable_setup_mode=self._disable_setup_mode ) if method in vc_methods: if not params: params = dict(message_id=id) else: params['message_id'] = id response = vc_methods[method](session_user, params) _log.debug("Response is {}".format(response)) return response # vc_methods[method](session_user, params) if method == 'register_instance': if isinstance(params, list): return self._register_instance(*params) else: return self._register_instance(**params) elif method == 'unregister_platform': return self.unregister_platform(params['instance_uuid']) elif 'historian' in method: has_platform_historian = PLATFORM_HISTORIAN in \ if not has_platform_historian: return err( 'The VOLTTRON Central platform historian is unavailable.', UNAVAILABLE_AGENT) _log.debug('Trapping platform.historian to vc.') _log.debug('has_platform_historian: {}'.format( has_platform_historian)) if 'historian.query' in method: return PLATFORM_HISTORIAN, 'query', **params).get(timeout=30) elif 'historian.get_topic_list' in method: return PLATFORM_HISTORIAN, 'get_topic_list').get(timeout=30) # This isn't known as a proper method on vc or a platform. if len(method_split) < 3: return err('Unknown method {}'.format(method)) if method_split[0] != 'platforms' or method_split[1] != 'uuid': return err('Invalid format for instance must start with ' 'platforms.uuid') instance_uuid = method_split[2] _log.debug('Instance uuid is: {}'.format(instance_uuid)) if not self._platforms.is_registered(instance_uuid): return err('Unknown platform {}'.format(instance_uuid)) platform_method = '.'.join(method_split[3:]) _log.debug("Platform method is: {}".format(platform_method)) platform = self._platforms.get_platform(instance_uuid) if not platform: return jsonrpc.json_error(id, UNAVAILABLE_PLATFORM, "cannot connect to platform." ) if platform_method.startswith('install'): if 'admin' not in session_user['groups']: return jsonrpc.json_error( id, UNAUTHORIZED, "Admin access is required to install agents") return platform.route_to_agent_method(id, platform_method, params) def _validate_config_params(self, config): """ Validate the configuration parameters of the default/updated parameters. This method will return a list of "problems" with the configuration. If there are no problems then an empty list is returned. :param config: Configuration parameters for the volttron central agent. :type config: dict :return: The problems if any, [] if no problems :rtype: list """ problems = [] webroot = config.get('webroot') if not webroot: problems.append('Invalid webroot in configuration.') elif not os.path.exists(webroot): problems.append( 'Webroot {} does not exist on machine'.format(webroot)) users = config.get('users') if not users: problems.append('A users node must be specified!') else: has_admin = False try: for user, item in users.items(): if 'password' not in item.keys(): problems.append('user {} must have a password!'.format( user)) elif not item['password']: problems.append('password for {} is blank!'.format( user )) if 'groups' not in item: problems.append('missing groups key for user {}'.format( user )) elif not isinstance(item['groups'], list): problems.append('groups must be a list of strings.') elif not item['groups']: problems.append( 'user {} must belong to at least one group.'.format( user)) # See if there is an adminstator present. if not has_admin and isinstance(item['groups'], list): has_admin = 'admin' in item['groups'] except AttributeError: problems.append('invalid user node.') if not has_admin: problems.append("One user must be in the admin group.") return problems
[docs]def main(argv=sys.argv): """ Main method called by the eggsecutable. :param argv: :return: """ utils.vip_main(init_volttron_central, identity=VOLTTRON_CENTRAL, version=__version__)
if __name__ == '__main__': # Entry point for script try: sys.exit(main()) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass