Source code for sqlite.tagging

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- {{{
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# Copyright 2020, Battelle Memorial Institute.
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# under Contract DE-AC05-76RL01830
# }}}

import csv
import logging
import sys
from volttron.platform.agent.utils import fix_sqlite3_datetime

import re
from pkg_resources import resource_string, resource_exists
from collections import OrderedDict

from volttron.platform.agent import utils
from volttron.platform.agent.base_tagging import BaseTaggingService
from volttron.platform.dbutils.sqlitefuncts import SqlLiteFuncts
from import doc_inherit

from import (STATUS_BAD,
__version__ = "1.1"

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


# Register a better datetime parser in sqlite3.

[docs]def tagging_service(config_path, **kwargs): """ This method is called by the :py:func:`service.tagging.main` to parse the passed config file or configuration dictionary object, validate the configuration entries, and create an instance of SQLTaggingService :param config_path: could be a path to a configuration file or can be a dictionary object :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments if any :return: an instance of :py:class:`service.tagging.SQLTaggingService` """ _log.debug("kwargs before init: {}".format(kwargs)) if isinstance(config_path, dict): config_dict = config_path else: config_dict = utils.load_config(config_path) _log.debug("config_dict before init: {}".format(config_dict)) if not config_dict.get('connection') or \ not config_dict.get('connection').get('params') or \ not config_dict.get('connection').get('params').get('database'): raise ValueError("Missing database connection parameters. Agent " "configuration should contain database connection " "parameters with the details about type of database" "and name of database. Please refer to sample " "configuration file in Agent's source directory.") utils.update_kwargs_with_config(kwargs,config_dict) return SQLiteTaggingService(**kwargs)
[docs]class SQLiteTaggingService(BaseTaggingService): """This is a tagging service agent that writes data to a SQLite database. """ def __init__(self, connection, table_prefix=None, **kwargs): """Initialise the tagging service. :param connection: dictionary object containing the database connection details :param table_prefix: optional prefix to be used for all tag tables :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments. (optional identity and topic_replace_list used by parent classes) """ super(SQLiteTaggingService, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.connection = connection self.tags_table = "tags" self.tag_refs_table = "tag_refs" #self.units_table = "units" #in version 2 self.categories_table = "categories" self.topic_tags_table = "topic_tags" self.category_tags_table = "category_tags" if table_prefix: self.tags_table = table_prefix + "_" + self.tags_table self.tag_refs_table = table_prefix + "_" + self.tag_refs_table self.categories_table = table_prefix + "_" + self.categories_table self.topic_tags_table = table_prefix + "_" + self.topic_tags_table self.category_tags_table = table_prefix + "_" + \ self.category_tags_table self.sqlite_utils = SqlLiteFuncts(self.connection['params'], None)
[docs] @doc_inherit def setup(self): """ Read resource files and load list of valid tags, categories, tags grouped by categories, list of reference tags and its parent. :return: """ _log.debug("Setup of sqlite tagging agent") err_message = "" table_names = [] try: stmt = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master " \ "WHERE type='table';" name_list =, None, fetch_all=True) table_names = [name[0] for name in name_list] _log.debug(table_names) except Exception as e: err_message = "Unable to query list of existing tables from the " \ "database. Exception: {}. Stopping tagging " \ "service agent".format(e.args) table_name = "" try: table_name = self.tags_table if self.tags_table in table_names:"{} table exists. Assuming initial values have been " "loaded".format(table_name)) else: self._init_tags() table_name = self.tag_refs_table if self.tag_refs_table in table_names:"{} table exists. Assuming initial values have been " "loaded".format(table_name)) else: self._init_tag_refs() table_name = self.topic_tags_table if self.topic_tags_table in table_names:"{} table exists. Assuming initial values " "have been loaded".format(table_name)) else: self._init_topic_tags() table_name = self.categories_table if self.categories_table in table_names:"{} table exists. Assuming initial values " "have been loaded".format(table_name)) else: self._init_categories() table_name = self.category_tags_table if self.category_tags_table in table_names:"{} table exists. Assuming initial values " "have been loaded".format(table_name)) else: self._init_category_tags() except Exception as e: err_message = "Initialization of " + table_name + \ " table failed with exception: {}" \ "Stopping tagging service agent. ".format(str(e)) if err_message: _log.error(err_message), "Initialization of tagging service " "failed") status = Status.from_json(, status) self.core.stop()
[docs] @doc_inherit def load_valid_tags(self): # Now cache list of tags and kind/type for validation during insert cursor = "SELECT name, kind from " + self.tags_table, fetch_all=False) for record in cursor: self.valid_tags[record[0]] = record[1]
[docs] @doc_inherit def load_tag_refs(self): # Now cache ref tags and its parent cursor = "SELECT tag, parent from " + self.tag_refs_table, fetch_all=False) for record in cursor: self.tag_refs[record[0]] = record[1]
def _init_tags(self): file_path = self.resource_sub_dir + '/tags.csv' _log.debug("Loading file :" + file_path) self.sqlite_utils.execute_stmt("CREATE TABLE {}" "(name VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY, " "kind VARCHAR NOT NULL, " "description VARCHAR)".format( self.tags_table)) to_db = [] with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as content_file: dr = csv.DictReader(content_file) for row in dr: to_db.append((row['name'], row['kind'], row['description'])) self.sqlite_utils.execute_many( "INSERT INTO {} (name, kind, description) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?);".format(self.tags_table), to_db) self.sqlite_utils.commit() def _init_tag_refs(self): file_path = self.resource_sub_dir + '/tag_refs.csv' _log.debug("Loading file :" + file_path) self.sqlite_utils.execute_stmt( "CREATE TABLE {} " "(tag VARCHAR NOT NULL, " " parent VARCHAR NOT NULL," "PRIMARY KEY (tag, parent))".format(self.tag_refs_table)) with open(file_path, 'r') as content_file: csv_str = # csv.DictReader uses first line in file for column headings # by default dr = csv.DictReader(csv_str.splitlines()) # comma is default delimiter to_db = [(i['tag'], i['parent_tag']) for i in dr] self.sqlite_utils.execute_many( "INSERT INTO {} (tag, parent) " "VALUES (?, ?);".format(self.tag_refs_table), to_db) self.sqlite_utils.commit() def _init_categories(self): file_path = self.resource_sub_dir + '/categories.csv' _log.debug("Loading file :" + file_path) self.sqlite_utils.execute_stmt( "CREATE TABLE {}" "(name VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL," "description VARCHAR)".format(self.categories_table)) _log.debug("created categories table") with open(file_path, 'r') as content_file: csv_str = dr = csv.DictReader(csv_str.splitlines()) to_db = [(i['name'], i['description']) for i in dr] _log.debug("Categories in: {}".format(to_db)) self.sqlite_utils.execute_many( "INSERT INTO {} (name, description) " "VALUES (?, ?);".format(self.categories_table), to_db) self.sqlite_utils.commit() def _init_category_tags(self): file_path = self.resource_sub_dir + '/category_tags.txt' _log.debug("Loading file :" + file_path) self.sqlite_utils.execute_stmt( "CREATE TABLE {} " "(category VARCHAR NOT NULL," "tag VARCHAR NOT NULL," "PRIMARY KEY (category, tag))".format(self.category_tags_table)) _log.debug("created {} table".format(self.category_tags_table)) # TODO look for decoding issues here with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as content_file: txt_str = to_db = [] if txt_str: current_category = "" tags = set() for line in txt_str.splitlines(): if not line or line.startswith("##"): continue if line.startswith("#") and line.endswith("#"): new_category = line.strip()[1:-1] if len(tags) > 0: to_db.extend([(current_category,x) for x in tags]) current_category = new_category tags = set() else: temp= line.split(":") #ignore description tags.update(re.split(" +", temp[0])) # insert last category after loop if len(tags)>0: to_db.extend([(current_category, x) for x in tags]) self.sqlite_utils.execute_many( "INSERT INTO {} (category, tag) " "VALUES (?, ?);".format(self.category_tags_table), to_db) self.sqlite_utils.commit() else: _log.warning("No category to tags mapping to initialize. No such file " + file_path) def _init_topic_tags(self): self.sqlite_utils.execute_stmt( "CREATE TABLE {} (topic_prefix TEXT NOT NULL, " "tag STRING NOT NULL, " "value STRING, " "PRIMARY KEY (topic_prefix, tag))".format( self.topic_tags_table, self.tags_table)) self.sqlite_utils.execute_stmt( "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_tag ON " + self.topic_tags_table + "(tag ASC);") self.sqlite_utils.commit()
[docs] @doc_inherit def query_categories(self, include_description=False, skip=0, count=None, order="FIRST_TO_LAST"): query = '''SELECT name, description FROM ''' \ + self.categories_table + ''' {order_by} {limit} {offset}''' order_by = ' ORDER BY name ASC' if order == 'LAST_TO_FIRST': order_by = ' ORDER BY name DESC' args = [] # can't have an offset without a limit # -1 = no limit and allows the user to # provide just an offset if count is None: count = -1 limit_statement = 'LIMIT ?' args.append(count) offset_statement = '' if skip > 0: offset_statement = 'OFFSET ?' args.append(skip) real_query = query.format(limit=limit_statement, offset=offset_statement, order_by=order_by) _log.debug("Real Query: " + real_query) _log.debug(args) cursor =, args, fetch_all=False) result = OrderedDict() for row in cursor: _log.debug(row[0]) result[row[0]] = row[1] _log.debug(list(result.keys())) _log.debug(list(result.values())) cursor.close() if include_description: return list(result.items()) else: return list(result.keys())
[docs] @doc_inherit def query_tags_by_category(self, category, include_kind=False, include_description=False, skip=0, count=None, order="FIRST_TO_LAST"): query = 'SELECT name, kind, description FROM {tag} as t, ' \ '{category_tag} as c ' \ 'WHERE ' \ ' = c.tag AND c.category = "{category}" ' \ '{order_by} ' \ '{limit} ' \ '{offset}' order_by = 'ORDER BY name ASC' if order == 'LAST_TO_FIRST': order_by = ' ORDER BY name DESC' args = [] _log.debug("After orderby. skip={}".format(skip)) # can't have an offset without a limit # -1 = no limit and allows the user to # provide just an offset if count is None: count = -1 limit_statement = 'LIMIT ?' args.append(count) offset_statement = '' if skip > 0: offset_statement = 'OFFSET ?' args.append(skip) _log.debug("before real querye") real_query = query.format( tag=self.tags_table, category_tag=self.category_tags_table, category=category, limit=limit_statement, offset=offset_statement, order_by=order_by) _log.debug("Real Query: " + real_query) _log.debug(args) cursor = None try: cursor =, args, fetch_all=False) result = [] for row in cursor: _log.debug(row[0]) record = [row[0]] if include_kind: record.append(row[1]) if include_description: record.append(row[2]) if include_description or include_kind: result.append(record) else: result.append(row[0]) return result finally: if cursor: cursor.close()
[docs] @doc_inherit def query_tags_by_topic(self, topic_prefix, include_kind=False, include_description=False, skip=0, count=None, order="FIRST_TO_LAST"): query = 'SELECT name, value, kind, description FROM {tags} as t1, ' \ '{topic_tags} as t2 ' \ 'WHERE ' \ ' = t2.tag ' \ 'AND t2.topic_prefix = "{topic_prefix}" ' \ '{order_by} ' \ '{limit} ' \ '{offset}' order_by = 'ORDER BY name ASC' if order == 'LAST_TO_FIRST': order_by = ' ORDER BY name DESC' args = [] # can't have an offset without a limit # -1 = no limit and allows the user to # provide just an offset if count is None: count = -1 limit_statement = 'LIMIT ?' args.append(count) offset_statement = '' if skip > 0: offset_statement = 'OFFSET ?' args.append(skip) _log.debug("before real query") real_query = query.format( tags=self.tags_table, topic_tags=self.topic_tags_table, topic_prefix=topic_prefix, limit=limit_statement, offset=offset_statement, order_by=order_by) _log.debug("Real Query: " + real_query) _log.debug(args) cursor = None try: cursor =, args, fetch_all=False) result = [] for row in cursor: _log.debug(row[0]) record = [row[0], row[1]] if include_kind: record.append(row[2]) if include_description: record.append(row[3]) result.append(record) return result finally: if cursor: cursor.close()
[docs] @doc_inherit def insert_topic_tags(self, tags, update_version=False): t = dict() to_db =[] result = dict() result['info'] = dict() result['error'] = dict() _log.debug("IN INSERT tags {}".format(tags)) for topic_pattern, topic_tags in list(tags.items()): for tag_name, tag_value in list(topic_tags.items()): if tag_name not in self.valid_tags: raise ValueError("Invalid tag name:{}".format(tag_name)) if tag_name == 'id': _log.warning("id tags are auto generated by the system " "topic_prefix servers as unique identifier for" "an entity. id value sent({}) will not be " "stored".format(tag_value)) topic_tags.pop('id', None) continue # TODO: Validate and convert values based on tag kind/type # for example, for Marker tags set value as true even if # value passed is None. #tag_value = get_tag_value(tag_value, # self.valid_tags[tag_name]) _log.debug("topic pattern is {}".format(topic_pattern)) prefixes = self.get_matching_topic_prefixes(topic_pattern) if not prefixes: result['error'][topic_pattern] = "No matching topic found" continue result['info'][topic_pattern] = [] for prefix in prefixes: to_db.extend((prefix,t,v) for t,v in topic_tags.items()) # Add id explicitly to_db.append((prefix, 'id', prefix)) result['info'][topic_pattern].append(prefix) if len(result['info'][topic_pattern]) == 1 and \ topic_pattern == result['info'][topic_pattern][0]: # means value sent was actually some pattern so add # info to tell user the list of topic prefix that matched # the pattern sent _log.debug( "topic passed is exact name. Not pattern. " "removing from result info: {}".format(topic_pattern)) result['info'].pop(topic_pattern) if to_db: self.sqlite_utils.execute_many( "REPLACE INTO {} (topic_prefix, tag, value) " "VALUES (?, ?, ?);".format(self.topic_tags_table), to_db) self.sqlite_utils.commit() return result
[docs] @doc_inherit def query_topics_by_tags(self, ast, skip=0, count=None, order=None): query = self.sqlite_utils.get_tagging_query_from_ast( self.topic_tags_table, ast, self.tag_refs) order_by = ' \nORDER BY topic_prefix ASC' if order == 'LAST_TO_FIRST': order_by = ' \nORDER BY topic_prefix DESC' # can't have an offset without a limit # -1 = no limit and allows the user to # provide just an offset if count is None: count = -1 limit_statement = ' \nLIMIT ' + str(count) offset_statement = '' if skip > 0: offset_statement = ' \nOFFSET ' + str(skip) real_query = query + order_by + limit_statement + offset_statement _log.error("#Real Query: \n" + real_query) conn = None cursor = None if "REGEXP" in real_query: cursor, conn = self.sqlite_utils.regex_select(real_query, None, fetch_all=False, cache_size=-4000) else: self.sqlite_utils.set_cache(-4000) cursor =, fetch_all=False) result =[] if cursor: result = [r[0] for r in cursor] cursor.close() if conn: conn.close() _log.debug("#Query result: {}".format(result)) return result
[docs]def main(argv=sys.argv): """ Main entry point for the agent. :param argv: :return: """ try: utils.vip_main(tagging_service, version=__version__) except Exception as e: print(e) _log.exception('unhandled exception')
if __name__ == '__main__': # Entry point for script try: sys.exit(main()) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass