Source code for sqlhistorian.historian

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import logging
import sys
import threading

from volttron.platform.agent import utils
from volttron.platform.agent.base_historian import BaseHistorian
from volttron.platform.dbutils import sqlutils
from import doc_inherit

__version__ = "4.0.0"

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MaskedString(str): def __repr__(self): return repr('********')
[docs]def historian(config_path, **kwargs): """ This method is called by the :py:func:`sqlhistorian.historian.main` to parse the passed config file or configuration dictionary object, validate the configuration entries, and create an instance of SQLHistorian :param config_path: could be a path to a configuration file or can be a dictionary object :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments if any :return: an instance of :py:class:`sqlhistorian.historian.SQLHistorian` """ if isinstance(config_path, dict): config_dict = config_path else: config_dict = utils.load_config(config_path) connection = config_dict.get('connection', None) assert connection is not None database_type = connection.get('type', None) assert database_type is not None params = connection.get('params', None) assert params is not None # Avoid printing passwords in the debug message for key in ['pass', 'passwd', 'password', 'pw']: try: params[key] = MaskedString(params[key]) except KeyError: pass SQLHistorian.__name__ = 'SQLHistorian' utils.update_kwargs_with_config(kwargs, config_dict) _log.debug("In sql historian before calling class kwargs is {}".format(kwargs)) return SQLHistorian(**kwargs)
[docs]class SQLHistorian(BaseHistorian): """ This is a historian agent that writes data to a SQLite or Mysql database based on the connection parameters in the configuration. .. seealso:: - :py:mod:`volttron.platform.dbutils.basedb` - :py:mod:`volttron.platform.dbutils.mysqlfuncts` - :py:mod:`volttron.platform.dbutils.sqlitefuncts` """ def __init__(self, connection, tables_def=None, **kwargs): """Initialise the historian. The historian makes two connections to the data store. Both of these connections are available across the main and processing thread of the historian. topic_map and topic_meta are used as cache for the meta data and topic maps. :param connection: dictionary that contains necessary information to establish a connection to the sql database. The dictionary should contain two entries - 1. 'type' - describe the type of database (sqlite or mysql) 2. 'params' - parameters for connecting to the database. :param tables_def: optional parameter. dictionary containing the names to be used for historian tables. Should contain the following keys 1. "table_prefix": - if specified tables names are prefixed with this value followed by a underscore 2."data_table": name of the table that stores historian data, 3."topics_table": name of the table that stores the list of topics for which historian contains data data 4. "meta_table": name of the table that stores the metadata data for topics :param kwargs: additional keyword arguments. """ self.connection = connection self.tables_def, self.table_names = self.parse_table_def(tables_def) self.topic_id_map = {} self.topic_name_map = {} self.topic_meta = {} self.agg_topic_id_map = {} database_type = self.connection['type'] self.db_functs_class = sqlutils.get_dbfuncts_class(database_type) # Create two instance so connection is shared within a single thread. # This is because sqlite only supports sharing of connection within # a single thread. # historian_setup and publish_to_historian happens in background thread # everything else happens in the MainThread # One utils class instance( hence one db connection) for main thread self.main_thread_dbutils = self.db_functs_class(self.connection['params'], self.table_names) # One utils class instance( hence one db connection) for background thread # this gets initialized in the bg_thread within historian_setup self.bg_thread_dbutils = None super(SQLHistorian, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def manage_db_size(self, history_limit_timestamp, storage_limit_gb): """ Optional function to manage database size. """ self.bg_thread_dbutils.manage_db_size(history_limit_timestamp, storage_limit_gb)
[docs] @doc_inherit def version(self): return __version__
[docs] @doc_inherit def publish_to_historian(self, to_publish_list): try: published = 0 with self.bg_thread_dbutils.bulk_insert() as insert_data, \ self.bg_thread_dbutils.bulk_insert_meta() as insert_meta: for x in to_publish_list: ts = x['timestamp'] topic = x['topic'] value = x['value'] meta = x['meta'] # look at the topics that are stored in the database already to see if this topic has a value lowercase_name = topic.lower() topic_id = self.topic_id_map.get(lowercase_name, None) db_topic_name = self.topic_name_map.get(lowercase_name, None) old_meta = self.topic_meta.get(topic_id, {}) update_topic_meta = True if topic_id is None: # send metadata data too. If topics table contains metadata column too it will get inserted topic_id = self.bg_thread_dbutils.insert_topic(topic, metadata=meta) # user lower case topic name when storing in map for case insensitive comparison self.topic_name_map[lowercase_name] = topic self.topic_id_map[lowercase_name] = topic_id update_topic_meta = False elif db_topic_name != topic: if old_meta != meta: _log.debug(f"META HAS CHANGED TOO. old:{old_meta} new:{meta}") # pass metadata if metadata is stored in topics table metadata will get updated too # if not will get ignored self.bg_thread_dbutils.update_topic(topic, topic_id, metadata=meta) update_topic_meta = False else: self.bg_thread_dbutils.update_topic(topic, topic_id) self.topic_name_map[lowercase_name] = topic if old_meta != meta: if self.bg_thread_dbutils.topics_table != self.bg_thread_dbutils.meta_table: # there is a separate metadata table. do bulk insert _log.debug("meta in separate table") insert_meta(topic_id, meta) elif update_topic_meta: _log.debug(" meta in same table. no topic change only meta changed") # topic name and metadata are in same table, and metadata has not got into db during insert # or update of topic so update meta alone in topics table self.bg_thread_dbutils.update_meta(metadata=meta, topic_id=topic_id) # either way update cache self.topic_meta[topic_id] = meta if insert_data(ts, topic_id, value): published += 1 if published: if self.bg_thread_dbutils.commit(): _log.debug("Reporting all handled") self.report_all_handled() else: _log.warning('Commit error. Rolling back {} values.'.format(published)) self.bg_thread_dbutils.rollback() else: _log.warning('Unable to publish {}'.format(len(to_publish_list))) except Exception as e: # TODO Unable to send alert from here # if isinstance(e, ConnectionError): # _log.debug("Sending alert. Exception {}".format(e.args)) # err_message = "Unable to connect to database. Exception:{}".format(e.args) # alert_id = DB_CONNECTION_FAILURE # else: # err_message = "Unknown exception when publishing data. Exception: {}".format(e.args) # alert_id = ERROR_PUBLISHING_DATA #, err_message) # status = Status.from_json( #, status) self.bg_thread_dbutils.rollback() # Raise to the platform so it is logged properly. raise
[docs] @doc_inherit def query_topic_list(self): _log.debug("query_topic_list Thread is: {}".format(threading.currentThread().getName())) if len(self.topic_name_map) > 0: return list(self.topic_name_map.values()) else: # No topics present. return []
[docs] @doc_inherit def query_topics_by_pattern(self, topic_pattern): return self.main_thread_dbutils.query_topics_by_pattern(topic_pattern)
[docs] @doc_inherit def query_topics_metadata(self, topics): meta = {} if isinstance(topics, str): topic_id = self.topic_id_map.get(topics.lower()) if topic_id: meta = {topics: self.topic_meta.get(topic_id)} elif isinstance(topics, list): for topic in topics: topic_id = self.topic_id_map.get(topic.lower()) if topic_id: meta[topic] = self.topic_meta.get(topic_id) return meta
[docs] def query_aggregate_topics(self): return self.main_thread_dbutils.get_agg_topics()
[docs] @doc_inherit def query_historian(self, topic, start=None, end=None, agg_type=None, agg_period=None, skip=0, count=None, order="FIRST_TO_LAST"): _log.debug("query_historian Thread is: {}".format(threading.currentThread().getName())) results = dict() topics_list = [] if isinstance(topic, str): topics_list.append(topic) elif isinstance(topic, list): topics_list = topic multi_topic_query = len(topics_list) > 1 topic_ids = [] id_name_map = {} for topic in topics_list: topic_lower = topic.lower() topic_id = self.topic_id_map.get(topic_lower) if agg_type: agg_type = agg_type.lower() topic_id = self.agg_topic_id_map.get((topic_lower, agg_type, agg_period)) if topic_id is None: # load agg topic id again as it might be a newly configured aggregation agg_map = self.main_thread_dbutils.get_agg_topic_map() self.agg_topic_id_map.update(agg_map) _log.debug(" Agg topic map after updating {} ".format(self.agg_topic_id_map)) topic_id = self.agg_topic_id_map.get((topic_lower, agg_type, agg_period)) if topic_id: topic_ids.append(topic_id) id_name_map[topic_id] = topic else: _log.warning('No such topic {}'.format(topic)) if not topic_ids: _log.warning('No topic ids found for topics{}. Returning empty result'.format(topics_list)) return results _log.debug("Querying db reader with topic_ids {} ".format(topic_ids)) values = self.main_thread_dbutils.query(topic_ids, id_name_map, start=start, end=end, agg_type=agg_type, agg_period=agg_period, skip=skip, count=count, order=order) meta_tid = None if len(values) > 0: # If there are results add metadata if it is a query on a single topic if not multi_topic_query: values = list(values.values())[0] if agg_type: # if aggregation is on single topic find the topic id in the topics table that corresponds to # agg_topic_id so that we can grab the correct metadata if topic name does not have entry in # topic_id_map it is a user configured aggregation_topic_name which denotes aggregation across # multiple points _log.debug("Single topic aggregate query. Try to get metadata") meta_tid = self.topic_id_map.get(topic.lower(), None) else: # this is a query on raw data, get metadata for topic from topic_meta map meta_tid = topic_ids[0] if values: metadata = self.topic_meta.get(meta_tid, {}) results = {'values': values, 'metadata': metadata} else: results = dict() return results
[docs] @doc_inherit def historian_setup(self): thread_name = threading.currentThread().getName()"historian_setup on Thread: {}".format(thread_name)) self.bg_thread_dbutils = self.db_functs_class(self.connection['params'], self.table_names) if not self._readonly: self.bg_thread_dbutils.setup_historian_tables() topic_id_map, topic_name_map = self.bg_thread_dbutils.get_topic_map() self.topic_id_map.update(topic_id_map) self.topic_name_map.update(topic_name_map) self.agg_topic_id_map = self.bg_thread_dbutils.get_agg_topic_map() topic_meta_map = self.bg_thread_dbutils.get_topic_meta_map() self.topic_meta.update(topic_meta_map) _log.debug(f"###DEBUG Loaded topics and metadata on start. Len of topics {len(self.topic_id_map)} " f"Len of metadata: {len(self.topic_meta)}")
[docs]def main(argv=sys.argv): """ Main entry point for the agent. """ try: utils.vip_main(historian, version=__version__) except Exception as e: print(e) _log.exception('unhandled exception')
if __name__ == '__main__': # Entry point for script try: sys.exit(main()) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass