Source code for actuator.agent

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.. _actuator-agent:

The Actuator Agent is used to manage write access to devices. Other agents
may request scheduled times, called Tasks, to interact with one or more

Agents may interact with the ActuatorAgent via either PUB/SUB or RPC, 
but it is recommended agents use RPC to interact with the ActuatorAgent.

The PUB/SUB interface remains primarily for VOLTTRON 2.0 agents. 

The Actuator Agent also triggers the heart beat on devices whose 
drivers are configured to do so. 

ActuatorAgent Configuration

        Interval between published schedule announcements
        in seconds. Defaults to 30. See `Schedule State Publishes`_.
        Minimum time given to Tasks which have been preempted to clean up in
         seconds. Defaults to 60.
        File used to save and restore Task states if the ActuatorAgent
         restarts for any reason. File will be
        created if it does not exist when it is needed.
        How often to send a heartbeat signal to all devices in seconds.
        Defaults to 60.

Sample configuration file

.. code-block:: python

        "schedule_publish_interval": 30,
        "schedule_state_file": "actuator_state.pickle"


Agents interact with the Actuator Agent following these basic steps:

- Schedule one or more blocks of time with one or more devices. This is
called a Task.
- If needed wait until a block of time starts.
- Set one or more values on the reserved devices.
- Cancel the schedule when finished.

Scheduling a New Task

:py:meth:`RPC interface <ActuatorAgent.request_new_schedule>` 
:py:meth:`PUB/SUB interface <ActuatorAgent.handle_schedule_request>` 

Creating a Task requires four things:

- The requester of the Task. This is the Agent's ID.
- A name for the Task.
- The Task's priority.
- A list of devices and time ranges for each device.

Task Priority

There are three valid prioirity levels:

        This Task cannot be preempted under any circumstance. 
        This Task may preempt other conflicting preemptable Tasks.
        This Task cannot be preempted **once it has started**. 
        A Task is considered started once the earliest time slot on any 
        device has been reached. This Task may not preempt other Tasks.
        This Task may be preempted at any time. 
        If the Task is preempted once it has begun running any current 
        time slots will be given a grace period (configurable in the 
        ActuatorAgent configuration file, defaults to 60 seconds) before 
        being revoked. This Task may not preempt other Tasks.
Whenever a Task is preempted the Actuator Agent will publish a message to 
``devices/actuators/schedule/result`` indicating that the Task has
been cancelled due to being preempted. See `Preemption Publishes`_

Even when using the RPC interface agents which schedule low priority tasks
may need to subscribe to ``devices/actuators/schedule/result`` to learn when
its Tasks are canceled due to preemption.

Device Schedule

The device schedule is a list of block of time for each device.

Both the RPC and PUB/SUB interface accept schedules in the following

.. code-block:: python

        ["campus/building/device1", #First time slot.
         "2013-12-06 16:00:00",     #Start of time slot.
         "2013-12-06 16:20:00"],    #End of time slot.
        ["campus/building/device1", #Second time slot.
         "2013-12-06 18:00:00",     #Start of time slot.
         "2013-12-06 18:20:00"],    #End of time slot.
        ["campus/building/device2", #Third time slot.
         "2013-12-06 16:00:00",     #Start of time slot.
         "2013-12-06 16:20:00"],    #End of time slot.
.. note:: 

    Points on Task Scheduling
    -  Task id and requester id (agentid) should be a non empty value of
       type string
    -  A Task schedule must have at least one time slot.
    -  The start and end times are parsed with `dateutil's date/time
       parser <
       **The default string representation of a python datetime object will
       parse without issue.**
    -  Two Tasks are considered conflicted if at least one time slot on a
       device from one task overlaps the time slot of the other on the same
    -  The end time of one time slot can be the same as the start time of
       another time slot for the same device. This will not be considered a
       conflict. For example, time\_slot1(device0, time1, **time2**) and
       time\_slot2(device0,\ **time2**, time3) are not considered a conflict
    -  A request must not conflict with itself.
New Task Response

Both the RPC and PUB/SUB interface respond to requests with the result
in the following format:

.. code-block:: python

        'result': <'SUCCESS', 'FAILURE'>,
        'info': <Failure reason string, if any>,
        'data': <Data about the failure or cancellation, if any>
The PUB/SUB interface will respond to requests on the
``devices/actuators/schedule/result`` topic.

The PUB/SUB interface responses will have the following header:

.. code-block:: python

        'type': 'NEW_SCHEDULE'
        'requesterID': <VIP Identity of requesting agent>,
        'taskID': <Task ID from the request>
Failure Reasons

In many cases the ActuatorAgent will try to give good feedback as to why
a request failed. The type of failure will populate "info" item as a 

Some of these errors only apply to the PUB/SUB interface.

General Failures

    Request type was not "NEW_SCHEDULE" or "CANCEL_SCHEDULE".
    Failed to supply a taskID.
    AgentID not supplied.

Task Schedule Failures

    The supplied taskID already belongs to an existing task.
    Failed to supply a priority for a Task schedule request.
    Priority not one of "HIGH", "LOW", or "LOW_PREEMPT".
    Request list is missing or empty.
    Requested time slots on the same device overlap.
    Reported when the request parser raises an unhandled exception. 
    The exception name and info are appended to this info string.
    This schedule conflict with an existing schedules that it cannot 
    preempt. The data item for the results will contain info about 
    the conflicts in this form:

    .. code-block:: python
                     "2013-12-06 16:00:00",     
                     "2013-12-06 16:20:00"],
                     "2013-12-06 18:00:00",     
                     "2013-12-06 18:20:00"]     
            '<agentID2>': {...}

Device Interaction

Getting values

:py:meth:`RPC interface <ActuatorAgent.get_point>` 
:py:meth:`PUB/SUB interface <ActuatorAgent.handle_get>` 

While a device driver for a device will periodically broadcast 
the state of a device you may want an up to the moment value for 
point on a device.

As of VOLTTRON 3.5 it is no longer required to have the device 
scheduled before you can use this interface.

Setting Values

:py:meth:`RPC interface <ActuatorAgent.set_point>` 
:py:meth:`PUB/SUB interface <ActuatorAgent.handle_set>` 

Failure to schedule the device first will result in an error.

Errors Setting Values

If there is an error the RPC interface will raise an exception 
and the PUB/SUB interface will publish to 

    ``devices/actuators/error/<full device path>/<actuation point>``

The headder of the publish will take this form: 

.. code-block:: python

        'requesterID': <VIP Identity of requesting agent>
and a message body in this form:

.. code-block:: python

        'type': <Class name of the exception raised by the request>
        'value': <Specific info about the error>
Common Error Types

        Raised when a request is made when we do not have permission to 
        use a device. (Forgot to schedule, preempted and we did not handle 
        the preemption message correctly, ran out of time in time slot, etc...)
        Message missing (PUB/SUB only) or is the wrong data type. 

Most other error types involve problems with communication between the
VOLTTRON device drivers and the device itself.   

Reverting Values and Devices to a Default State

As of VOLTTRON 3.5 device drivers are now required to support
reverting to a default state. The exact mechanism used to 
accomplish this is driver specific.

Failure to schedule the device first will result in a ``LockError``.

:py:meth:`RPC revert value interface <ActuatorAgent.revert_point>`
:py:meth:`PUB/SUB revert value interface <ActuatorAgent.handle_revert_point>`

:py:meth:`RPC revert device interface <ActuatorAgent.revert_device>`
:py:meth:`PUB/SUB revert device interface <ActuatorAgent.handle_revert_device>`
Canceling a Task

:py:meth:`RPC interface <ActuatorAgent.request_cancel_schedule>` 
:py:meth:`PUB/SUB interface <ActuatorAgent.handle_schedule_request>` 

Cancelling a Task requires two things:

- The original requester of the Task. The agent's VIP identity
  automatically replaces provided parameters.
- The name of the Task.

Cancel Task Response

Both the RPC and PUB/SUB interface respond to requests with the result
in the following format:
.. code-block:: python

        'result': <'SUCCESS', 'FAILURE'>,
        'info': <Failure reason, if any>,
        'data': {}

.. note:: 
    There are some things to be aware of when canceling a schedule:
        - The taskID must match the original value from the
        original request header.
        - After a Tasks time has passed there is no need to cancel it. Doing
        so will result in a "TASK_ID_DOES_NOT_EXIST" error.

If an attempt cancel a schedule fails than the "info" item will have any of the
following values:

        Trying to cancel a Task which does not exist. This error can also
        occur when trying to cancel a finished Task.
        A different agent ID is being used when trying to cancel a Task.

Preemption Publishes

If a Task is preempted it will publish the following to the 
``devices/actuators/schedule/result`` topic:

.. code-block:: python

        'result': 'PREEMPTED',
        'info': None,
        'data': {
                    'agentID': <Agent ID of preempting task>,
                    'taskID': <Task ID of preempting task>
Along with the following header:

.. code-block:: python

        'type': 'CANCEL_SCHEDULE',
        'requesterID': <VIP id associated with the preempted Task>,
        'taskID': <Task ID of the preempted Task>
.. note::

    Remember that if your "LOW_PREEMPT" Task has already started and 
    is preempted you have a grace period to do any clean up before
    losing access to the device.
Schedule State Publishes

Periodically the ActuatorAgent will publish the state of all currently
reserved devices. The first publish for a device will happen exactly
when the reserved block of time for a device starts.

For each device the ActuatorAgent will publish to an associated topic:

    ``devices/actuators/schedule/announce/<full device path>``

With the following header:

.. code-block:: python

        'requesterID': <VIP identity of Agent with access>,
        'taskID': <Task associated with the time slot>
        'window': <Seconds remaining in the time slot>

The frequency of the updates is configurable with the
"schedule_publish_interval" setting in the configuration.

__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'

import collections
import datetime
import logging
import sys

import gevent

from actuator.scheduler import ScheduleManager

from tzlocal import get_localzone
from volttron.platform.agent import utils
from volttron.platform.jsonrpc import RemoteError
from volttron.platform.messaging import topics
from volttron.platform.messaging.utils import normtopic
from import Agent, Core, RPC, Unreachable, compat
from volttron.platform.agent.known_identities import PLATFORM_DRIVER







_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
__version__ = "1.0"

[docs]class LockError(Exception): """Error raised when the user does not have a device scheuled and tries to use methods that require exclusive access.""" pass
[docs]def actuator_agent(config_path, **kwargs): """Parses the Actuator Agent configuration and returns an instance of the agent created using that configuation. :param config_path: Path to a configuation file. :type config_path: str :returns: Actuator Agent :rtype: ActuatorAgent """ try: config = utils.load_config(config_path) except Exception: config = {} if not config:"Using Actuator Agent defaults for starting configuration.") heartbeat_interval = int(config.get('heartbeat_interval', 60)) schedule_publish_interval = int( config.get('schedule_publish_interval', 60)) preempt_grace_time = config.get('preempt_grace_time', 60) driver_vip_identity = config.get('driver_vip_identity', PLATFORM_DRIVER) allow_no_lock_write = bool(config.get('allow_no_lock_write', True)) return ActuatorAgent(heartbeat_interval, schedule_publish_interval, preempt_grace_time, driver_vip_identity, allow_no_lock_write, **kwargs)
[docs]class ActuatorAgent(Agent): """ The Actuator Agent regulates control of devices by other agents. Agents request a schedule and then issue commands to the device through this agent. The Actuator Agent also sends out the signal to drivers to trigger a device heartbeat. :param heartbeat_interval: Interval in seonds to send out a heartbeat to devices. :param schedule_publish_interval: Interval in seonds to publish the currently active schedules. :param schedule_state_file: Name of the file to save the current schedule state to. This file is updated every time a schedule changes. :param preempt_grace_time: Time in seconds after a schedule is preemted before it is actually cancelled. :param driver_vip_identity: VIP identity of the Platform Driver Agent. :type heartbeat_interval: float :type schedule_publish_interval: float :type preempt_grace_time: float :type driver_vip_identity: str """ def __init__(self, heartbeat_interval=60, schedule_publish_interval=60, preempt_grace_time=60, driver_vip_identity=PLATFORM_DRIVER, allow_no_lock_write=True, **kwargs): super(ActuatorAgent, self).__init__(**kwargs) _log.debug("vip_identity: " + self.core.identity) self._update_event = None self._device_states = {} self.schedule_state_file = "_schedule_state" self.heartbeat_greenlet = None self.heartbeat_interval = heartbeat_interval self._schedule_manager = None self.schedule_publish_interval = schedule_publish_interval self.subscriptions_setup = False #Only turn this on once we have confirmation from the config store. self.allow_no_lock_write = False self._update_event_time = None self.default_config = {"heartbeat_interval": heartbeat_interval, "schedule_publish_interval": schedule_publish_interval, "preempt_grace_time": preempt_grace_time, "driver_vip_identity": driver_vip_identity, "allow_no_lock_write": allow_no_lock_write}"config", self.default_config), actions=["NEW", "UPDATE"], pattern="config")
[docs] def configure(self, config_name, action, contents): config = self.default_config.copy() config.update(contents) _log.debug("Configuring Actuator Agent") try: driver_vip_identity = str(config["driver_vip_identity"]) schedule_publish_interval = float(config["schedule_publish_interval"]) heartbeat_interval = float(config["heartbeat_interval"]) preempt_grace_time = float(config["preempt_grace_time"]) allow_no_lock_write = bool(config["allow_no_lock_write"]) except ValueError as e: _log.error("ERROR PROCESSING CONFIGURATION: {}".format(e)) #TODO: set a health status for the agent return self.driver_vip_identity = driver_vip_identity self.schedule_publish_interval = schedule_publish_interval self.allow_no_lock_write = allow_no_lock_write _log.debug("PlatformDriver VIP IDENTITY: {}".format(self.driver_vip_identity)) _log.debug("Schedule publish interval: {}".format(self.schedule_publish_interval)) #Only restart the heartbeat if it changes. if (self.heartbeat_interval != heartbeat_interval or action == "NEW" or self.heartbeat_greenlet is None): if self.heartbeat_greenlet is not None: self.heartbeat_greenlet.kill() self.heartbeat_interval = heartbeat_interval self.heartbeat_greenlet = self.core.periodic(self.heartbeat_interval, self._heart_beat) _log.debug("Heartbeat interval: {}".format(self.heartbeat_interval)) _log.debug("Preemption grace period: {}".format(preempt_grace_time)) if self._schedule_manager is None: try: state_string = except KeyError: state_string = None self._setup_schedule(preempt_grace_time, state_string) else: self._schedule_manager.set_grace_period(preempt_grace_time) if not self.subscriptions_setup and self._schedule_manager is not None: #Do this after the scheduler is setup.'pubsub', prefix=topics.ACTUATOR_GET(), callback=self.handle_get)'pubsub', prefix=topics.ACTUATOR_SET(), callback=self.handle_set)'pubsub', prefix=topics.ACTUATOR_SCHEDULE_REQUEST(), callback=self.handle_schedule_request)'pubsub', prefix=topics.ACTUATOR_REVERT_POINT(), callback=self.handle_revert_point)'pubsub', prefix=topics.ACTUATOR_REVERT_DEVICE(), callback=self.handle_revert_device) self.subscriptions_setup = True
def _heart_beat(self): _log.debug("sending heartbeat") try:, 'heart_beat').get( timeout=20.0) except Unreachable: _log.warning("Platform driver is not running") except (Exception, gevent.Timeout) as e: _log.warning(''.join([e.__class__.__name__, '(', str(e), ')'])) def _schedule_save_callback(self, state_file_contents): _log.debug("Saving schedule state"), state_file_contents, send_update=False) def _setup_schedule(self, preempt_grace_time, initial_state=None): now = utils.get_aware_utc_now() self._schedule_manager = ScheduleManager( preempt_grace_time, now=now, save_state_callback=self._schedule_save_callback, initial_state_string=initial_state) self._update_device_state_and_schedule(now) def _update_device_state_and_schedule(self, now, device_only=None, publish=True): _log.debug("_update_device_state_and_schedule") # Sanity check now. # This is specifically for when this is running in a VM that gets # suspended and then resumed. # If we don't make this check a resumed VM will publish one event # per minute of # time the VM was suspended for. test_now = utils.get_aware_utc_now() if test_now - now > datetime.timedelta(minutes=3): now = test_now _log.debug("In _update_device_state_and_schedule: now is {}".format( now)) self._device_states = self._schedule_manager.get_schedule_state(now) _log.debug("device states is {}".format( self._device_states)) #device_only and publish tells us if we were called by a reservation change. #If we are being called as part of a regularly scheduled publish #we ignore our previous publish schedule time. if device_only is None and publish: self._update_event_time = None schedule_next_event_time = self._schedule_manager.get_next_event_time( now) _log.debug("schedule_next_event_time is {}".format( schedule_next_event_time)) new_update_event_time = self._get_adjusted_next_event_time( now, schedule_next_event_time, self._update_event_time) _log.debug("new_update_event_time is {}".format( new_update_event_time)) if publish: device_states = [] if device_only is not None: if device_only in self._device_states: device_states.append((device_only, self._device_states[device_only])) else: device_states = iter(self._device_states.items()) for device, state in device_states: _log.debug("device, state - {}, {}".format(device, state)) header = self._get_headers(state.agent_id, time=utils.format_timestamp(now), task_id=state.task_id) header['window'] = state.time_remaining topic = topics.ACTUATOR_SCHEDULE_ANNOUNCE_RAW.replace('{device}', device)'pubsub', topic, headers=header) if self._update_event is not None: # This won't hurt anything if we are canceling ourselves. self._update_event.cancel() self._update_event_time = new_update_event_time self._update_event = self.core.schedule(new_update_event_time, self._update_schedule_state, new_update_event_time) def _get_adjusted_next_event_time(self, now, next_event_time, previously_scheduled_time): _log.debug("_get_adjusted_next_event_time") latest_next = now + datetime.timedelta( seconds=self.schedule_publish_interval) # Round to the next second to fix timer goofyness in agent timers. # TODO: Improved scheduler should no longer require this. if latest_next.microsecond: latest_next = latest_next.replace( microsecond=0) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) result = latest_next if next_event_time is not None and result > next_event_time: result = next_event_time if previously_scheduled_time is not None and result > previously_scheduled_time: result = previously_scheduled_time return result def _update_schedule_state(self, now): self._update_device_state_and_schedule(now) def _handle_remote_error(self, ex, point, headers): try: exc_type = ex.exc_info['exc_type'] exc_args = ex.exc_info['exc_args'] except KeyError: exc_type = "RemoteError" exc_args = ex.message error = {'type': exc_type, 'value': str(exc_args)} self._push_result_topic_pair(ERROR_RESPONSE_PREFIX, point, headers, error) _log.debug('Actuator Agent Error: ' + str(error)) def _handle_standard_error(self, ex, point, headers): error = {'type': ex.__class__.__name__, 'value': str(ex)} self._push_result_topic_pair(ERROR_RESPONSE_PREFIX, point, headers, error) _log.debug('Actuator Agent Error: ' + str(error))
[docs] def handle_get(self, peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message): """ Requests up to date value of a point. To request a value publish a message to the following topic: ``devices/actuators/get/<device path>/<actuation point>`` with the fallowing header: .. code-block:: python { 'requesterID': <Ignored, VIP Identity used internally> } The ActuatorAgent will reply on the **value** topic for the actuator: ``devices/actuators/value/<full device path>/<actuation point>`` with the message set to the value the point. """ point = topic.replace(topics.ACTUATOR_GET() + '/', '', 1) requester = sender headers = self._get_headers(requester) try: value = self.get_point(point) self._push_result_topic_pair(VALUE_RESPONSE_PREFIX, point, headers, value) except RemoteError as ex: self._handle_remote_error(ex, point, headers) except Exception as ex: self._handle_standard_error(ex, point, headers)
[docs] def handle_set(self, peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message): """ Set the value of a point. To set a value publish a message to the following topic: ``devices/actuators/set/<device path>/<actuation point>`` with the fallowing header: .. code-block:: python { 'requesterID': <Ignored, VIP Identity used internally> } The ActuatorAgent will reply on the **value** topic for the actuator: ``devices/actuators/value/<full device path>/<actuation point>`` with the message set to the value the point. Errors will be published on ``devices/actuators/error/<full device path>/<actuation point>`` with the same header as the request. """ if sender == 'pubsub.compat': message = compat.unpack_legacy_message(headers, message) point = topic.replace(topics.ACTUATOR_SET() + '/', '', 1) requester = sender headers = self._get_headers(requester) if not message: error = {'type': 'ValueError', 'value': 'missing argument'} _log.debug('ValueError: ' + str(error)) self._push_result_topic_pair(ERROR_RESPONSE_PREFIX, point, headers, error) return try: self._set_point(requester, point, message) except RemoteError as ex: self._handle_remote_error(ex, point, headers) except Exception as ex: self._handle_standard_error(ex, point, headers)
[docs] @RPC.export def get_point(self, topic, point=None, **kwargs): """ RPC method Gets up to date value of a specific point on a device. Does not require the device be scheduled. :param topic: The topic of the point to grab in the format <device topic>/<point name> Only the <device topic> if point is specified. :param point: Point on the device. Uses old behavior if omitted. :param \*\*kwargs: Any driver specific parameters :type topic: str :returns: point value :rtype: any base python type""" topic = topic.strip('/') _log.debug('handle_get: {topic}'.format(topic=topic)) if point is not None: path, point_name = topic, point else: path, point_name = topic.rsplit('/', 1) return, 'get_point', path, point_name, **kwargs).get()
[docs] @RPC.export def set_point(self, requester_id, topic, value, point=None, **kwargs): """RPC method Sets the value of a specific point on a device. Requires the device be scheduled by the calling agent. :param requester_id: Ignored, VIP Identity used internally :param topic: The topic of the point to set in the format <device topic>/<point name> Only the <device topic> if point is specified. :param value: Value to set point to. :param point: Point on the device. Uses old behavior if omitted. :param \*\*kwargs: Any driver specific parameters :type topic: str :type requester_id: str :type value: any basic python type :type point: str :returns: value point was actually set to. Usually invalid values cause an error but some drivers (MODBUS) will return a different value with what the value was actually set to. :rtype: any base python type .. warning:: Calling without previously scheduling a device and not within the time allotted will raise a LockError""" rpc_peer = return self._set_point(rpc_peer, topic, value, point=point, **kwargs)
def _set_point(self, sender, topic, value, point=None, **kwargs): topic = topic.strip('/') _log.debug('handle_set: {topic},{sender}, {value}'. format(topic=topic, sender=sender, value=value)) if point is not None: path, point_name = topic, point else: path, point_name = topic.rsplit('/', 1) if not isinstance(sender, str): raise TypeError("Agent id must be a nonempty string") if self._check_lock(path, sender): result =, 'set_point', path, point_name, value, **kwargs).get() headers = self._get_headers(sender) self._push_result_topic_pair(WRITE_ATTEMPT_PREFIX, topic, headers, value) self._push_result_topic_pair(VALUE_RESPONSE_PREFIX, topic, headers, result) else: raise LockError( "caller ({}) does not have this lock".format(sender)) return result
[docs] @RPC.export def scrape_all(self, topic): """RPC method Get all points from a device. :param topic: Device topic :returns: Dictionary of points to values """ topic = topic.strip('/') return, 'scrape_all', topic).get()
[docs] @RPC.export def get_multiple_points(self, topics, **kwargs): """RPC method Get multiple points on multiple devices. Makes a single RPC call to the platform driver per device. :param topics: List of topics or list of [device, point] pairs. :param \*\*kwargs: Any driver specific parameters :returns: Dictionary of points to values and dictonary of points to errors .. warning:: This method does not require that all points be returned successfully. Check that the error dictionary is empty. """ results = {} errors = {} devices = collections.defaultdict(list) for topic in topics: if isinstance(topic, str): topic = topic.strip('/') device, point_name = topic.rsplit('/', 1) devices[device].append(point_name) elif isinstance(topic, (list, tuple)) and len(topic) > 1: device = topic[0].strip('/') point_name = topic[1] devices[device].append(point_name) else: e = ValueError("Invalid topic: {}".format(topic)) errors[repr(topic)] = repr(e) for device, point_names in devices.items(): r, e =, 'get_multiple_points', device, point_names, **kwargs).get() results.update(r) errors.update(e) return results, errors
[docs] @RPC.export def set_multiple_points(self, requester_id, topics_values, **kwargs): """RPC method Set multiple points on multiple devices. Makes a single RPC call to the platform driver per device. :param requester_id: Ignored, VIP Identity used internally :param topics_values: List of (topic, value) tuples :param \*\*kwargs: Any driver specific parameters :returns: Dictionary of points to exceptions raised. If all points were set successfully an empty dictionary will be returned. .. warning:: calling without previously scheduling *all* devices and not within the time allotted will raise a LockError """ requester_id = devices = collections.defaultdict(list) results = {} for topic, value in topics_values: if isinstance(topic, str): topic = topic.strip('/') device, point_name = topic.rsplit('/', 1) devices[device].append((point_name, value)) elif isinstance(topic, (list, tuple)) and len(topic) > 1: device = topic[0].strip('/') point_name = topic[1] devices[device].append((point_name, value)) else: e = ValueError("Invalid topic: {}".format(topic)) results[str(topic)] = repr(e) for device in devices: if not self._check_lock(device, requester_id): raise LockError("caller ({}) does not lock for device {}".format(requester_id, device)) for device, point_names_values in devices.items(): r =, 'set_multiple_points', device, point_names_values, **kwargs).get() results.update(r) return results
[docs] def handle_revert_point(self, peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message): """ Revert the value of a point. To revert a value publish a message to the following topic: ``actuators/revert/point/<device path>/<actuation point>`` with the fallowing header: .. code-block:: python { 'requesterID': <Ignored, VIP Identity used internally> } The ActuatorAgent will reply on ``devices/actuators/reverted/point/<full device path>/<actuation point>`` This is to indicate that a point was reverted. Errors will be published on ``devices/actuators/error/<full device path>/<actuation point>`` with the same header as the request. """ point = topic.replace(topics.ACTUATOR_REVERT_POINT() + '/', '', 1) requester = sender headers = self._get_headers(requester) try: self._revert_point(requester, point) except RemoteError as ex: self._handle_remote_error(ex, point, headers) except Exception as ex: self._handle_standard_error(ex, point, headers)
[docs] def handle_revert_device(self, peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message): """ Revert all the writable values on a device. To revert a device publish a message to the following topic: ``devices/actuators/revert/device/<device path>`` with the fallowing header: .. code-block:: python { 'requesterID': <Ignored, VIP Identity used internally> } The ActuatorAgent will reply on the **value** topic for the actuator: ``devices/actuators/reverted/device/<full device path>`` to indicate that a point was reverted. Errors will be published on ``devices/actuators/error/<full device path>/<actuation point>`` with the same header as the request. """ point = topic.replace(topics.ACTUATOR_REVERT_DEVICE() + '/', '', 1) requester = sender headers = self._get_headers(requester) try: self._revert_device(requester, point) except RemoteError as ex: self._handle_remote_error(ex, point, headers) except Exception as ex: self._handle_standard_error(ex, point, headers)
[docs] @RPC.export def revert_point(self, requester_id, topic, point=None, **kwargs): """ RPC method Reverts the value of a specific point on a device to a default state. Requires the device be scheduled by the calling agent. :param requester_id: Ignored, VIP Identity used internally :param topic: The topic of the point to revert in the format <device topic>/<point name> :param \*\*kwargs: Any driver specific parameters :type topic: str :type requester_id: str .. warning:: Calling without previously scheduling a device and not within the time allotted will raise a LockError""" rpc_peer = return self._revert_point(rpc_peer, topic, point=point, **kwargs)
def _revert_point(self, sender, topic, point=None, **kwargs): topic = topic.strip('/') _log.debug('handle_revert: {topic},{sender}'. format(topic=topic, sender=sender)) if point is not None: path, point_name = topic, point else: path, point_name = topic.rsplit('/', 1) if self._check_lock(path, sender):, 'revert_point', path, point_name, **kwargs).get() headers = self._get_headers(sender) self._push_result_topic_pair(REVERT_POINT_RESPONSE_PREFIX, topic, headers, None) else: raise LockError("caller does not have this lock")
[docs] @RPC.export def revert_device(self, requester_id, topic, **kwargs): """ RPC method Reverts all points on a device to a default state. Requires the device be scheduled by the calling agent. :param requester_id: Ignored, VIP Identity used internally :param topic: The topic of the device to revert :param \*\*kwargs: Any driver specific parameters :type topic: str :type requester_id: str .. warning:: Calling without previously scheduling a device and not within the time allotted will raise a LockError""" rpc_peer = return self._revert_device(rpc_peer, topic, **kwargs)
def _revert_device(self, sender, topic, **kwargs): topic = topic.strip('/') _log.debug('handle_revert: {topic},{sender}'. format(topic=topic, sender=sender)) path = topic if self._check_lock(path, sender):, 'revert_device', path, **kwargs).get() headers = self._get_headers(sender) self._push_result_topic_pair(REVERT_DEVICE_RESPONSE_PREFIX, topic, headers, None) else: raise LockError("caller does not have this lock") def _check_lock(self, device, requester): _log.debug('_check_lock: {device}, {requester}'.format( device=device, requester=requester)) device = device.strip('/') if device in self._device_states: device_state = self._device_states[device] return device_state.agent_id == requester return self.allow_no_lock_write
[docs] def handle_schedule_request(self, peer, sender, bus, topic, headers, message): """ Schedule request pub/sub handler An agent can request a task schedule by publishing to the ``devices/actuators/schedule/request`` topic with the following header: .. code-block:: python { 'type': 'NEW_SCHEDULE', 'requesterID': <Ignored, VIP Identity used internally>, 'taskID': <unique task ID>, #The desired task ID for this task. It must be unique among all other scheduled tasks. 'priority': <task priority>, #The desired task priority, must be 'HIGH', 'LOW', or 'LOW_PREEMPT' } The message must describe the blocks of time using the format described in `Device Schedule`_. A task may be canceled by publishing to the ``devices/actuators/schedule/request`` topic with the following header: .. code-block:: python { 'type': 'CANCEL_SCHEDULE', 'requesterID': <Ignored, VIP Identity used internally>, 'taskID': <unique task ID>, #The task ID for the canceled Task. } requesterID The name of the requesting agent. Automatically replaced with VIP id. taskID The desired task ID for this task. It must be unique among all other scheduled tasks. priority The desired task priority, must be 'HIGH', 'LOW', or 'LOW_PREEMPT' No message is requires to cancel a schedule. """ if sender == 'pubsub.compat': message = compat.unpack_legacy_message(headers, message) request_type = headers.get('type') _log.debug('handle_schedule_request: {topic}, {headers}, {message}'. format(topic=topic, headers=str(headers), message=str(message))) requester_id = sender task_id = headers.get('taskID') priority = headers.get('priority') if request_type == SCHEDULE_ACTION_NEW: try: if len(message) == 1: requests = message[0] else: requests = message self._request_new_schedule(requester_id, task_id, priority, requests) except Exception as ex: return self._handle_unknown_schedule_error(ex, headers, message) elif request_type == SCHEDULE_ACTION_CANCEL: try: self._request_cancel_schedule(requester_id, task_id) except Exception as ex: return self._handle_unknown_schedule_error(ex, headers, message) else: _log.debug('handle-schedule_request, invalid request type')'pubsub', topics.ACTUATOR_SCHEDULE_RESULT(), headers, {'result': SCHEDULE_RESPONSE_FAILURE, 'data': {}, 'info': 'INVALID_REQUEST_TYPE'})
[docs] @RPC.export def request_new_schedule(self, requester_id, task_id, priority, requests): """ RPC method Requests one or more blocks on time on one or more device. :param requester_id: Ignored, VIP Identity used internally :param task_id: Task name. :param priority: Priority of the task. Must be either "HIGH", "LOW", or "LOW_PREEMPT" :param requests: A list of time slot requests in the format described in `Device Schedule`_. :type requester_id: str :type task_id: str :type priority: str :returns: Request result :rtype: dict :Return Values: The return values are described in `New Task Response`_. """ rpc_peer = return self._request_new_schedule(rpc_peer, task_id, priority, requests, publish_result=False)
def _request_new_schedule(self, sender, task_id, priority, requests, publish_result=True): now = utils.get_aware_utc_now() topic = topics.ACTUATOR_SCHEDULE_RESULT() headers = self._get_headers(sender, task_id=task_id) headers['type'] = SCHEDULE_ACTION_NEW local_tz = get_localzone() try: if requests and isinstance(requests[0], str): requests = [requests] tmp_requests = requests requests = [] for r in tmp_requests: device, start, end = r device = device.strip('/') start = utils.parse_timestamp_string(start) end = utils.parse_timestamp_string(end) if start.tzinfo is None: start = local_tz.localize(start) if end.tzinfo is None: end = local_tz.localize(end) requests.append([device, start, end]) except Exception as ex: return self._handle_unknown_schedule_error(ex, headers, requests) _log.debug("Got new schedule request: {}, {}, {}, {}". format(sender, task_id, priority, requests)) result = self._schedule_manager.request_slots(sender, task_id, requests, priority, now) success = SCHEDULE_RESPONSE_SUCCESS if result.success else \ SCHEDULE_RESPONSE_FAILURE # Dealing with success and other first world problems. if result.success: self._update_device_state_and_schedule(now, device_only=device) for preempted_task in preempt_headers = self._get_headers(preempted_task[0], task_id=preempted_task[1]) preempt_headers['type'] = SCHEDULE_ACTION_CANCEL'pubsub', topic, headers=preempt_headers, message={ 'result': SCHEDULE_CANCEL_PREEMPTED, 'info': '', 'data': {'agentID': sender, 'taskID': task_id}}) # If we are successful we do something else with the real result data data = if not result.success else {} results = {'result': success, 'data': data, 'info': result.info_string} if publish_result:'pubsub', topic, headers=headers, message=results) return results def _handle_unknown_schedule_error(self, ex, headers, message): _log.error( 'bad request: {header}, {request}, {error}'.format(header=headers, request=message, error=str(ex))) results = {'result': "FAILURE", 'data': {}, 'info': 'MALFORMED_REQUEST: ' + ex.__class__.__name__ + ': ' + str( ex)}'pubsub', topics.ACTUATOR_SCHEDULE_RESULT(), headers=headers, message=results) return results
[docs] @RPC.export def request_cancel_schedule(self, requester_id, task_id): """RPC method Requests the cancellation of the specified task id. :param requester_id: Ignored, VIP Identity used internally :param task_id: Task name. :type requester_id: str :type task_id: str :returns: Request result :rtype: dict :Return Values: The return values are described in `Cancel Task Response`_. """ rpc_peer = return self._request_cancel_schedule(rpc_peer, task_id, publish_result=False)
def _request_cancel_schedule(self, sender, task_id, publish_result=True): now = utils.get_aware_utc_now() headers = self._get_headers(sender, task_id=task_id) headers['type'] = SCHEDULE_ACTION_CANCEL result = self._schedule_manager.cancel_task(sender, task_id, now) success = SCHEDULE_RESPONSE_SUCCESS if result.success else \ SCHEDULE_RESPONSE_FAILURE topic = topics.ACTUATOR_SCHEDULE_RESULT() message = {'result': success, 'info': result.info_string, 'data': {}} if publish_result:'pubsub', topic, headers=headers, message=message) if result.success: self._update_device_state_and_schedule(now, publish=False) return message def _get_headers(self, requester, time=None, task_id=None): headers = {} if time is not None: headers['time'] = time else: utcnow = utils.get_aware_utc_now() headers = {'time': utils.format_timestamp(utcnow)} if requester is not None: headers['requesterID'] = requester if task_id is not None: headers['taskID'] = task_id return headers def _push_result_topic_pair(self, prefix, point, headers, value): topic = normtopic('/'.join([prefix, point]))'pubsub', topic, headers, message=value)
[docs]def main(): """Main method called to start the agent.""" utils.vip_main(actuator_agent, identity='platform.actuator', version=__version__)
if __name__ == '__main__': # Entry point for script try: sys.exit(main()) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass