Protecting Pub/Sub Topics

VIP authorization enables VOLTTRON platform owners to protect pub/sub topics. More specifically, a platform owner can limit who can publish to a given topic. This protects subscribers on that platform from receiving messages (on the protected topic) from unauthorized agents.


To protect a topic, add the topic name to $VOLTTRON_HOME/protected_topics.json. For example, the following protected-topics file declares that the topic foo is protected:

   "write-protect": [
      {"topic": "foo", "capabilities": ["can_publish_to_foo"]}

Note: The capability name can_publish_to_foo is not special. It can be any string, but it is easier to manage capabilities with meaningful names.

Now only agents with the capability can_publish_to_foo can publish to the topic foo. To add this capability to authenticated agents, run volttron-ctl auth update (or volttron-ctl auth add for new authentication entries), and enter can_publish_to_foo in the capabilities field:

capabilities (delimit multiple entries with comma) []: can_publish_to_foo

Agents that have the can_publish_to_foo capabilites can publish to topic foo. That is, such agents can call:'pubsub', 'foo', message='Here is a message')

If unauthorized agents try to publish to topic foo they will get an exception:

to publish to topic "foo" requires capabilities ['can_publish_to_foo'], but capability list [] was provided

Regular Expressions

Topic names in $VOLTTRON_HOME/protected_topics.json can be specified as regular expressions. In order to use a regular expression, the topic name must begin and end with a “/”. For example:

   "write-protect": [
      {"topic": "/foo/*.*/", "capabilities": ["can_publish_to_foo"]}

This protects topics such as foo/bar and foo/anything.