OpenADR VEN Agent: Operation


  • The VEN maintains a persistent record of DR events.
  • Event updates (including creation) trigger publication of event JSON on the VOLTTRON message bus.
  • Another VOLTTRON agent (a “control agent”) can get notified immediately of event updates by subscribing to event publication. It can also call get_events() to retrieve the current status of each active DR event.


  • The VEN reports device status and usage telemetry to the VTN, relying on information received periodically from other VOLTTRON agents.
  • The VEN config defines telemetry values (data points) that can be reported to the VTN.
  • The VEN maintains a persistent record of telemetry values over time.
  • Other VOLTTRON agents are expected to call report_telemetry() to supply the VEN with a regular stream of telemetry values for reporting.
  • The VTN can identify which of the VEN’s supported data points needs to be actively reported at a given time, including their reporting frequency.
  • Another VOLTTRON agent (a “control agent”) can get notified immediately of changes in telemetry reporting requirements by subscribing to publication of “telemetry parameters.” It can also call get_telemetry_parameters() to retrieve the current set of reporting requirements.
  • The VEN persists these reporting requirements so that they survive VOLTTRON restarts.

VOLTTRON Agent Interface

The VEN implements the following VOLTTRON PubSub and RPC calls.

PubSub: Event Update

When an event is created/updated, the event is published with a topic that includes ‘openadr/event/{ven_id}’.

Event JSON structure:

    "event_id"      : String,
    "creation_time" : DateTime - UTC,
    "start_time"    : DateTime - UTC,
    "end_time"      : DateTime - UTC,
    "priority"      : Integer,    # Values: 0, 1, 2, 3. Usually expected to be 1.
    "signals"       : String,     # Values: json string describing one or more signals.
    "status"        : String,     # Values: unresponded, far, near, active, completed, canceled.
    "opt_type"      : String      # Values: optIn, optOut, none.

If an event status is ‘unresponded’, the VEN is awaiting a decision on whether to optIn or optOut. The downstream agent that subscribes to this PubSub message should communicate that choice to the VEN by calling respond_to_event() (see below). The VEN then relays the choice to the VTN.

PubSub: Telemetry Parameters Update

When the VEN telemetry reporting parameters have been updated (by the VTN), they are published with a topic that includes ‘openadr/status/{ven_id}’.

These parameters include state information about the current report.

Telemetry parameters structure:

    'telemetry': '{
        "baseline_power_kw": {
            "r_id"            : "baseline_power",       # ID of the reporting metric
            "report_type"     : "baseline",             # Type of reporting metric, e.g. baseline or reading
            "reading_type"    : "Direct Read",          # (per OpenADR telemetry_usage report requirements)
            "units"           : "powerReal",            # (per OpenADR telemetry_usage reoprt requirements)
            "method_name"     : "get_baseline_power",   # Name of the VEN agent method that gets the metric
            "min_frequency"   : (Integer),              # Data capture frequency in seconds (minimum)
            "max_frequency"   : (Integer)               # Data capture frequency in seconds (maximum)
        "current_power_kw": {
            "r_id"            : "actual_power",         # ID of the reporting metric
            "report_type"     : "reading",              # Type of reporting metric, e.g. baseline or reading
            "reading_type"    : "Direct Read",          # (per OpenADR telemetry_usage report requirements)
            "units"           : "powerReal",            # (per OpenADR telemetry_usage report requirements)
            "method_name"     : "get_current_power",    # Name of the VEN agent method that gets the metric
            "min_frequency"   : (Integer),              # Data capture frequency in seconds (minimum)
            "max_frequency"   : (Integer)               # Data capture frequency in seconds (maximum)
    'report parameters': '{
        "status"              : (String),               # active, inactive, completed, or cancelled
        "report_specifier_id" : "telemetry",            # ID of the report definition
        "report_request_id"   : (String),               # ID of the report request; supplied by the VTN
        "request_id"          : (String),               # Request ID of the most recent VTN report modification
        "interval_secs"       : (Integer),              # How often a report update is sent to the VTN
        "granularity_secs"    : (Integer),              # How often a report update is sent to the VTN
        "start_time"          : (DateTime - UTC),       # When the report started
        "end_time"            : (DateTime - UTC),       # When the report is scheduled to end
        "last_report"         : (DateTime - UTC),       # When a report update was last sent
        "created_on"          : (DateTime - UTC)        # When this set of information was recorded in the VEN db
    'manual_override'         : (Boolean)               # VEN manual override status, as supplied by Control Agent
    'online'                  : (Boolean)               # VEN online status, as supplied by Control Agent

Telemetry value definitions such as baseline_power_kw and current_power_kw come from the VEN agent config.

RPC Calls


def respond_to_event(self, event_id, opt_in=True):
        Respond to an event, opting in or opting out.

        If an event's status=unresponded, it is awaiting this call.
        When this RPC is received, the VEN sends an eventResponse to
        the VTN, indicating whether optIn or optOut has been chosen.
        If an event remains unresponded for a set period of time,
        it times out and automatically opts in to the event.

        Since this call causes a change in the event's status, it triggers
        a PubSub call for the event update, as described above.

    @param event_id: (String) ID of an event.
    @param opt_type: (Boolean) Whether to opt in to the event (default True).


def get_events(self, active_only=True, started_after=None, end_time_before=None):
        Return a list of events.

        By default, return only event requests with status=active or status=unresponded.

        If an event's status=active, a DR event is currently in progress.

    @param active_only: (Boolean) Default True.
    @param started_after: (DateTime) Default None.
    @param end_time_before: (DateTime) Default None.
    @return: (JSON) A list of events -- see 'PubSub: event update'.


def get_telemetry_parameters(self):
        Return the VEN's current set of telemetry parameters.

    @return: (JSON) Current telemetry parameters -- see 'PubSub: telemetry parameters update'.


def set_telemetry_status(self, online, manual_override):
        Update the VEN's reporting status.

    @param online: (Boolean) Whether the VEN's resource is online.
    @param manual_override: (Boolean) Whether resource control has been overridden.


def report_telemetry(self, telemetry_values):
        Update the VEN's report metrics.

        Examples of telemetry_values are:
            'baseline_power_kw': '6.2',
            'current_power_kw': '6.145',
            'start_time': '2017-12-05 16:11:42.977298+00:00',
            'end_time': '2017-12-05 16:12:12.977298+00:00'

    @param telemetry_values: (JSON) Current value of each report metric.