Platforms PubSub Endpoints

PubSub endpoints expose functionality associated with publication and subscription to topics on the VOLTTRON message bus.


All endpoints in this tree require authorization using a JWT bearer access token provided by the POST /authenticate or PUT /authenticate endpoints.

GET /platforms/:platform/pubsub

Retrieve routes for message bus topics being monitored by this user of the VUI API.


  • Authorization: BEARER <jwt_access_token>


  • With valid BEARER token on success: 200 OK
    • Body:

  • With valid BEARER token on failure: 400 Bad Request

    • Content Type: application/json

    • Body:

          "error": "<Error Message>"
  • With invalid BEARER token: 401 Unauthorized

GET /platforms/:platform/pubsub/:topic

Return a subscription to the topic.


Unique to the API, this endpoint is used to open a websocket which allows the subscription data to be pushed to the client as it arrives on the message bus. As such, several additional headers are required in the request, and the client will need to appropriately process the response in accordance with the websocket protocol to keep the websocket open and process incoming push data.


  • Authorization: BEARER <jwt_access_token>

  • Connection: Upgrade

  • Upgrade: websocket

  • Sec-WebSocket-Key: <calculated at runtime>

  • Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13

  • Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits


  • With valid BEARER token on success: 101 Switching Protocols

    • Upgrade: websocket

    • Connection: Upgrade

    • Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13

    • Sec-WebSocket-Accept: <calculated at runtime>

  • With valid BEARER token on failure: 400 Bad Request

    • Content Type: application/json

    • Body:

          "error": "<Error Message>"
  • With invalid BEARER token: 401 Unauthorized

PUT /platforms/:platform/pubsub/:topic

Publish to the specified topic on the specified platform and return confirmation details.

The value given in the request body must contain the intended publish body. The request body should be a JSON object where the headers key contains headers for the VOLTTRON message bus and the message key contains the message body. The message body may be a single value, JSON object, or other value as expected by subscribers to the topic.


  • Content Type: application/json

  • Authorization: BEARER <jwt_access_token>

  • Body:

        "headers": {<message_bus_headers>},
        "message": <message body>


  • With valid BEARER token on success: 200 OK

    • Content Type: application/json

    • Body:

          "number_of_subscribers": <number_of_subscribers>
  • With valid BEARER token on failure: 400 Bad Request

    • Content Type: application/json

    • Body:

          "error": "<Error Message>"
  • With invalid BEARER token: 401 Unauthorized

DELETE /platforms/:platform/pubsub/:topic

Unsubscribe to the topic.


If multiple subscriptions are open to the same topic, the server will remove this subscriber but keep the subscription resource open.


  • Authorization: BEARER <jwt_access_token>


  • With valid BEARER token on success: 204 No Content

  • With valid BEARER token on failure: 400 Bad Request
    • Content Type: application/json

    • Body:

          "error": "<Error Message>"
  • With invalid BEARER token: 401 Unauthorized